🙡 Chapter 7.1 – Bonds 🙣
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🙡 Chapter 7.1 🙣



Everyone wants to be a hero at one point in their life or another. Even I did! That does not mean I wanted to experience the scariest part of greek mythology, like being paralysed by medusas gase! I should be glad I’m not a piece of stone, but damn, my body still feels weak. At least I can still think clearly. 


And I must say, using this still not-calcified brain of mines intellect and deduction skills, it’s starting to seem seem that one of my earlier assumptions might have been wrong. 


> Here Sir Yarnball! Were you a good boy? <

> Oh, believe me he was THE BEST boy. Simply amazing. And so great with ladies! I can see why you call him Sir Yarnball<

> I knew it! He also saved me in the forest, you know! He fell down from the sky in my time of need! And has shown me the way out! <

> Yes, yes you told me this story before. Also Sir Yarnball? How do you even know it’s a boy? <

> Body state magic. “When in doubt, check their state” < She answered, still looking at me but exaggeratedly mimicking someone else.

> Haha <  


I must say, based on their body language and attitude towards me, the likelihood of me being eaten is that I’m actually going to be eaten. Yeah, washing your food before eating is the norm, and many types of seafood were, barbarically, cooked alive… but this type of hugging and petting does seem excessive, if the goal was to tenderize the meat. Not to mention… is she tying a blue ribbon on me?! Stop this! Stop it this instant! I tried screaming, while trying to swash her hand away with my wobbly tentacles.


“Awooo woowoo woo! Wooo!”

> Hahaha! Look at him, being so angry! But fine, I won’t put it on you. Even if I think you looked very handsome! I will play with you instead then!<

Yes, good! Go back to petting and scratching! I must say, with our size difference, it feels quite a bit similar to a massage!


(A few moments of being pet, and certain adult medusa being clothed later)

Looking at me, a relaxed blob lying on knees of a girl, tips of tentacles still soaking in hot water, you might think I’m an useless octopus, but you would be wrong. This sleazy exterior hides inside one of the greatest minds in this world. I think. Probably. Possibly.


Either way, this brilliant mind has a goal—learning the local language. I need to do it, preferably without them noticing.

Based on the frequencies of the words being used, the younger girls name seems to either be >Shepti< or >dummy<. The second one appears more often, and the tone of voice used by the older girl sounds more intimate when saying > dummy <, but since > Shepti < is used when she gets angry, I suspect it’s more likely to be the name. As we all know, family members tends to use proper names mostly when someone fu**ks up. I suspect > dummy < is some kind of honorary, or relationship title…


And yeah, I’ve said family. The two girls (or a woman and a girl) are obviously related… I can’t clearly judge their age, they are either mother and daughter, or two sisters. I mean just look at them! Even if their colors are polar opposites. Not to mention that the older ones body language is full of motherly affection towards the younger one… unfortunately, ascertaining the truth will have to wait until I learn more of their language.


I shall call her “Dummy Shepti” for now. She was talking to the > Sister < , this one was easier to guess since it seemed to be the only name that the “Dummy Shepti” used towards her, adding credence to the idea that they might be mother and daughter, and the word > Sister < means “Mother” or “Mom”.... but she really seems too young to be a mother! I really hope this is not indicative of local customs… Still I tried my best to catch any other words I might understand.


> So, how the hell did you get to visit me? I thought our dear parents were going to put under house arrest after your recent adventure. And just so you know, this time they are right, so don’t expect to hide from them here. <


The strength of hug carrying me intensified, and the >dummy< brought me closer to her face, as if to hide from the > sister <


> … Yeah. They let me come with Jal as he went shopping when I told them I wanted to apologise. <

> Oh? So you used me as an excuse to meet with your new pet? Well, well, well I’m glad to be of use to you, milady. If you excuse me, I have some burned books to repair! < 

...  Is it me or did it get suddenly colder in here? A draft of some kind? Waaah!

I yipped, as I was energetically lowered from around the girls face to her stomach.

> No! I... I also wanted to apologise… <  “Dummy Shepti” shouted, only for her voice to become nearly a whisper again.

> Oh? <

> I’m sorry for sneaking away and taking your tools <

> Shepti. You realise there is a reason why I don’t want you going to the forest alone. If you asked I could have found someone to come with you. <

> I.. I just wanted to earn some money by myself < 

> Dummy… you are still a kid! There is nothing wrong about being supported by your family? <

> But you were already earning money by the time you were my age! <

> And I would give you money to save you from having to live the same way! <

> But I wanted to be like you! <

> You idiot! <

Wait wait wait, I'm here! Don’t do this, I can’t move, no… NO!


And so our MC died, squashed between the stomach and thighs of two medusas hugging.

The end.

Not yet! Bwaaagh! Air! Finally! Even in my current condition I managed to at least wiggle my mouth out of their embrace. And now they are all blushing and the little one is crying! Damn this! 


… well, maybe it was for the best that I could not understand what they were saying. It seems like the type of conversation one shouldn’t eavesdrop on without a good reason. Very dramatic. Ah, to be young again! Wait, I am!


A divination spell targetting you was blocked thanks to your Covenant. Do you want to continue blocking divination spells searching for you?

Yes / No


… wait what? Firstly, yes!


Secondly... I looked around searching for the soothsayer that has used their skill against me. First suspects, the two medusas, were still too busy being main characters of their own life… their snakes can use spells but.. Yeah, not happening, they are also hugging each other, and other snakes… where the hell did that snake find a tissue? And why is it using it on the other snake, instead of its owner (are medusas owners of their snakes?)? It then nudged “main body”, of the “sister, who quickly reacted by getting a handkerchief from the table. 

> Here, here, stop crying <

> Sniffle sniffle <

The older medusa gave the little one a handkerchief, while thanking the snake with her eyes.

> Come on Shepti, or your face is going to stay this way forever! <

> Splooort <

> And look! Your new friend is about to suffocate <

> What! Sir Yarnball! I’m so sorry! <

FINALLY! Freedom at least! Thank the gods! Begone child! Take that face away from me! Damn I still have no strength in my arms and can’t move her away (yes, it’s totally because of that medusa stone gaze, not because my new body is pathetically weak. Sniff.)


> Wait, you put his cage here? He can’t be staying in your lab! It’s always dark here! And it stinks of your ingredients all the time! <

> Back to normal already, huh? Milady already making demands? <

> But this is no place for anyone to live! Just look at you! You are all covered in snoot and some kind of… soup? <

> … you know what, it might be a good idea to move him somewhere away from expensive ingredients… but that will have to wait until after we get him under control. For now he has to stay somewhere I can keep an eye on. <


🙚  🙘


A few hours away from the gate of the demonited forest, a group of magicians, rangers and demonslayers was working hard searching for clues about the recent awakening of multiple treants. The captain of the squad, was right now resting, officially watching the embers of undying hellfire being buried, as name suggests, still alive, in a very, very deep hole. Much cheaper than finding a saint to deal with them, and money was tight recently. Just look at the food they have been serving in the mess recently!


This time there were no casualties, though according to the report, only barely. 

Pity the report itself wasn’t complete, as they couldn’t complete full interrogation of the witness due to certain interferences… but the Captain doubted it would have given them much reliable information. Yeah, scared kids are not known to be the best sources of information.


Honestly, he didn’t believe they would find anything when he heard the only witness was a child, but he was proven wrong. The purified path was damaged, the forest was far, far too energetic for this time of the month, and finally according to the report he has just heard… They found a fresh scab in the center of the forest. There was a fresh wound on this world….


“... We have to inform the governor. “


Not sure if I should continue using translations of language in >< when making MC analyse language. But then, it’s not going to be a prominent part of this series, it might appear in maybe one or two more chapters. 


Was adding humorous interjections a mistake? In general I’m not sure if the pacing of this chapter is not a bit too fast, but then I also don’t want to make a minor plot point take a week…