Ch. 37 Earn Your Stripes
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Chapter 37

Earn Your Stripes


Zo Ro) 'Lets look in on that wolf.'

The three tigresses didn't care about it, they wanted to stay behind with Uncle "and get to know him better." But he insisted on coming with us too, as he was curious about what would happen next. .

As we arrived we saw the tortured wolf's last labored breath.

Z) 'Who is responsible for this?'

pet) "Hao Ren, acting under my instruction."

Hunter) "That's right."

Z) 'You should know, not to let even an animal suffer needlessly. Unless you're acting on Karma's behalf.'

H) "So now what?"

Z) 'I've decided not to keep you as one of my slaves. But we can't simply let you go. And I don't know of any great crimes which deserve a fate worse than death. So, a simple execution. Girls, do you want to do the honors?'

T2) 'Yes.'

T1) 'Of course.'

Z) 'Just make sure it's quick.'

One of the tigresses grabs the end of the rope with her mouth. And pulls hunter away in his bundle of knots.

Z) 'Now it's your turn, pet. I've decided not to take your face as punishment for what you've done to me. But you'll like this new alternative a lot less. Lie down on the ground and hold still as best you can. Nani, open up the wolf and bring me his heart and Beast Core. Try to keep from damaging them.'

I carve 2 spells into him, the first on the soft tissue under his jaw, second on the forehead.



At this time, Nani has brought what I asked her for. I tell him to swallow them both. Whole, without chewing. He grimaces, but complies. His neck bulging like someome's pet snake eating a rat.

While it is travelling down his throat, I have Nani tear off his clothes. Then carve the third and fourth spells into his chest.



Four carved spells with a target 1 Tier higher than myself is about my limit. So I head back to bed. On our way, I notice the "good guy" Hao Ren was being turned into good food by all three of the new tigers.

. . .

Now it's late evening of the day after our battle, when I wake next. There are more spells to cast soon, but I can't just do them and crash once again. There are other things to take care of first. First of course is eating.

Since we ran out of nutrition paste as well as blood clotting paste, I make a batch of each. Then 2 more of the nutrition paste. This oughta last us the week.

Then I discuss our long-term plans with Uncle. I argue we were found here by those who not only want me captured, they will gladly kill the rest including him, to make that happen. This convinces him that we need to leave, to find another place. We'll ask the rest for ideas before forming a plan though. This is an out-of-the-way place abundant with Qi. Anyplace else even close to it in quality would certainly be claimed.

Then I get back to the seer. She's useful to us as well as needing punishment. I also don't want her to be recognized later. But I don't have any fresh hearts lying around to do like i did with pet. First though, I ask her if she has any useful skills I should know about as her new master. With the usual "answer me and don't lie" bit.

Seer) "Divination, wood Qi techniques including restraints, healing-"

Z) 'Oh? If you know a healing technique, does that mean you have fixed your arms and legs?'

S) Nodding at me, she says "I have almost finished."

Z) 'Is there anything else?'

S) "Yes. . (I nod at her) I have a wood-type Unique Physique."

Z) 'And the tigers here each have one of the others. (IDEA!) I'll be right back.'

. .



'Absolutely not.'

. . oh well, Not like it even could be anytime soon. I'd have had to expend a tail for each for the tigresses, since we're a Tier apart. If any change their mind after I reach Tier 3, then that'll make it a lot easier. Unless I figure out another way.

Z) 'Okay, seer. The first step in how to handle you is to change you into a tigress, like I started to turn the kid into a wolf.'

S) "Heh, that's impossible."

Z) 'You see those beastkin sisters? They all used to be human men a few months ago. So the first thing, is that you'll need to drink from a tiger the "milk of new life". Then I'll carve a spell on your body.'

S) "But none of the tigresses are pregnant."

Z) 'It seems you misunderstand. Calling regular milk the "milk of new life" would be redundant. I'm talking about the other one. The male tiger. (her face alternately flushes with fear and disgust) It seems you understand now, so get to it.'

That reminds me

Z) 'Hey, Puta sisters. Whenever you girls are staying around me, don't wear any clothes or armor unless it's actually necessary for what you're doing.'

all) ""Of course, Master.""1So this is what the 4 all look like, including how 'fluffy' in 'places'. (like the tail) But it's tagged mature, so you can't view it without a qualifying deviantart account.

. .

As soon as she finishes with Uncle, I take off her robes. First, because I need a flat piece of flesh to carve on. Second, she won't be needing them anymore. It's not that I still find human-shaped females sexy. Certainly not that. And stop asking. Besides, as a 1400+ year old fourth Tier, she has a body like a ~70 year old commoner.2with every rise in Tier, your lifespan will increase by a bit over double. at the cube root of 10, about 2.15. So for every 3 Tiers, your lifespan will increase by a factor of 10. Starting from ~90 years for Tier 0, 200 for Tier 1. That's the maximum, but not guaranteed, especially in a more dangerous environment. And at higher Tiers, your apparent age will regress (but not past 18-ish) based on your current fraction, relative to commoners. So a teenager or younger-looking cultivator is really talented, as they are actually so young. Anyway, where was I?


. . .

The following evening, we pack up all our stuffs and high-tails it out of there, in case of reinforcements. I'm not sure yet if this is a thing in this world, but from cultivation novels I've read, a decent sect or powerful clan can have a variety of soul sensing devices. They can take a range of forms, but their basic function is to link with a disciple's soul and inform their master/teacher/family of death, or in some cases life threatening injuries.

Since we're not planning to return, we store away the anvils this time. No sense in wasting them, and it's about time to work on them for Uncle's sake. All the herbs which were temporarily planted are gathered up in the herb ring I got from Kara. Nothing else worth taking, nothing else left behind.

Z) 'Both you new slaves: empty out your storage rings, destroy anything that can be used to track you and tell me about any valuables you have.'

She immediately breaks a jade token, then the 2 make a decent pile of chaotic goods.

Z + p) "This is my sect token as the patriarch's legacy disciple" 'Leave it in the cave top and center.' "And an Omni Sage Region Token." 'Gimme.' (that makes 2 now, useful every 15 years, next time in 3) "My Tier 3 Ice Saber." 'Keep it for now, it's more useful to me in your hands. Later when you don't have hands anymore lend it to one of the Puta sisters.' "23 Grade 2 Qi Stones." 'Hand them to Kara, to exchange for Grade 1 Stones, the next time they go to the city.' "My Tier 2 armor." 'Too distinctive to trade away, and it won't fit you for long anyway. Give it to Uncle for snacking on later.' "And a bottle of Tier 2 Qi Gathering pills, Grade 3, Purity 4." I wave my paw in dismissal. 'Do whatever you want with that trash.'

Z + S) 'Here's your flying sword back.' "I have a Tier 4 Rose Thorn Whip." 'Teach one of the others how to use it, choosing based off of who has the best Wood affinity, then lend it to them while you don't have hands anymore.' "My Tier 2 Rose Wood Armor." 'Even more too distinctive. But no other use for it right now, so just keep it hidden.' "35 Grade 2 Qi Stones." 'Hand them to Kara as well.' "My divination manual and tools." 'Keep it.' "My Grade 3 Wood Cultivation manual." '. . What grade is this one?' "!! GRADE FIVE!" 'Oh, nice. Take it, and figure out if you can switch.' "WHAT?"

Z) 'Starting from a few days ago, you are mine, for the rest of your life. Therefore vicariously, everything you own is also mine. Even after I give you a better manual, it will still remain mine. The difference is that you will cultivate better, in order to better serve me. If there's nothing else worth mentioning, then gather up the rest of your stuff so we can go.'