Chapter 28: A Tranquil Day
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As soon as Harim returned that night, Toshan lay down to sleep. He picked one of the large floor cushions and positioned it in front of the larger window, then curled up on it like a cat and fell asleep in moments. Harim kept near the door, keeping watch until it was time for the night posts to change. Then he moved to wake the other guards and Ka gently shook the prince awake. The redhead blinked at him groggily until Ka reminded, “Your guard has to leave now.”

Re groaned slightly, but he sat up. “Right, I remember.” He rubbed his head slightly and held one hand out. Still seated, Ka offered his own hand to let Re brace against it to stand. Without breaking contact, the prince then shifted his grip and helped Ka to stand as well. Ka was a bit shocked, but he accepted. Re didn’t mention it, turning away and moving to the table. “Good, you got everything,” he said idly before he focused on his guards.

“My legs still hurt,” Elia muttered to nobody. She looked rumpled and tired, yawning widely as she redressed in her full armor.

Tamul barely looked any better as he dressed, scrubbing at his face to try and wake up fully. “I know, mine too.” His groggy voice suddenly hardened and he glared at both of the others. “It is important not to show it though. Keep a strong demeanor, just make it through whatever fucking ‘training’ he’s thought up.”

“It’s likely just drills and exercises,” Prince Re said with a shrug and another yawn of his own. Then he began passing out the supplies. “Eat,” he said, handing over the meat to all three. “Drink well,” he added with a gesture to his water carafe and then gave them the elixers. “These will give you energy and the leaves can be chewed for more. Save the dried meat for when you grow hungry again. With any luck you’ll be given a meal, but do not count on it,” he warned and then stepped back. “I believe that is all I can do for you.”

Harim and Elia shared a dubious look, clearly uncertain. Tamul however looked truly grateful and smiled at his friend. “It’s more than anyone else would do for us. We can make it through this.” With some reluctance the others mumbled agreement.

Re reached out and put a hand on Tamul’s shoulder. “I know you will be all right. All of you.” He smiled and gave a very stately bow of his head, then saw them to the door. He shut it and turned, yawning widely again. He glanced over at Toshan as he made his way back to the bed, then turned his gaze on Ka once again. The scribe was still on his feet, standing now by his pillow bed. “Sleep with me,” the prince blurted out suddenly.

Unable to see that far in the dark, Ka looked towards the voice in shock. “What?”

Re gestured to the mattress. “I mean the bed. You’re welcome to share my bed.”

Ka let out a little sigh of relief. As his pulse slowed again, he gave the same answer Harim had gotten. “I prefer a space of my my own.” He settled down on the cushions before pausing to look over again. “Thank you though,” he said into the darkness. He listened for a response but didn’t hear one. All he heard were deep, regular breaths as the prince joined Toshan in sleep. Ka finally lay down for the night and quickly dropped off himself.


When morning arrived properly, the usual bright silver bell didn’t give its enthusiastic call. Instead the silvery chime sounded slowly, more like a serene temple chime. Ka awakened more slowly, stretching and yawning as he sat up among the pillows. He could hear Re doing the same and then the prince asked happily, “Where are the normal servers?”

Ka rubbed at his face, standing at Toshan replied. “I sent them away. No servants in your room, your majesty, that is my job now.” He helped the prince to the table before turning to Ka and giving him the same treatment, pulling out his chair before offering him a small cup of warm tea.

Prince Re looked very pleased, starting his breakfast with a smile. “I like this tea,” he mentioned, setting aside his emptied cup. Toshan was quick to fill it again before stepping away once more. Re didn’t glance at him, focused on Ka. The scribe looked back at the redhead, but then back to the meal instead. It didn’t help his embarrassment any, the scribe couldn’t help but notice he was eating all the same foods as the prince. As if reading his thoughts, Re passed him a piece of meat covered in a spiced sauce. “I do not believe the kitchen made this,” Re said and glanced towards Toshan before looking back.

Somewhat confused, Ka put the bite of meat into his mouth. He savored the sauce, but after a moment he blinked with surprise. This was the mostly plain meat the kitchens had been making for him, but accented with herbs and spices combined with some skill. Ke realized the tea wasn’t usual either and he too looked toward the new servant with surprise. He couldn’t see the man’s expression though and soon focused on Re again instead. “This is a delicious meal.”

“I knew I was right to retrieve him,” Re said with pride.

Ka’s pleasant mood faded and he shook his head a bit, tempering the righteous attitude. “You had no way of knowing Toshan could cook.”

“I didn’t make it,” the other man was quick to say. “I just asked for the ingredients and combined it.”

Re laughed brightly and looked over to inform the man, “That means that you made it.”

Ka frowned slightly at the way the prince spoke down to the man. “You should thank him, not belittle him.” The prince waved his hand as if batting away the conversation. Ka’s frown deepened slightly. “I think you made a brash decision and you are very lucky that Toshan is skilled.”

“His skills are irrelevant, they are bonuses to be enjoyed. It was still wise to bring someone here that can be trusted,” Re said with a rather short tone. His expression relaxed some when Ka nodded agreement. The prince sighed slightly and as he finished the meal he was again focused on Ka. “I will be leaving you here today.”

Ka nodded morosely, but they could do nothing else. The king had practically ordered it. “I will be fine.”

“You have much to occupy you now.” Re said to highlight the positive. Then he stood and moved to the end of his bed. He gathered the chain attached there, ignored for a few days at this point, and brought it over. Ka refused to look at him, but he didn’t try to move away either. The prince reached out to brush back the scribe’s hair. “You have convinced me I can trust you.” His finger hooked under Ka’s chin to raise his eyes. “If you must hate me, please do not hate me for chaining you. It is for your protection.”

Ka sighed and kept his eyes turned away. He nodded slightly though and muttered, “I know this is not your choice.” He was beginning to understand the prince and his motivations. That did not mean he had to be happy about it.

Re released him and stepped back with a caring caress to the scribe’s arm. Then with a most put-out groan, he went to get dressed for his day. He chose simple garments and few jewels, dressed in blues and yellows with a mind towards comfort. In only a short time he was ready to leave, bright hair pulled back from his face to expose his now-annoyed expression. He paused once more at Ka’s side to lay a hand on his shoulder. “I hope your day is a good one.” Then he was leaving, swiftly walking out the door and to his own day of boredom.

Ka sighed and wrapped his hand around the distasteful chain. He let out a more annoyed sigh and finished taking his fill of food. As he stood, Toshan moved forward to gather everything onto the tray again. He smiled at Ka when they were close to each other. “I can get you anything you need,” he said as if to reassure the scribe.

“That isn’t what annoys me,” Ka griped. He shook his head a bit and met the other’s eyes. “Thank you though.” He forced a small smile of gratitude, then went to relax for a while and read.

The day passed languidly, the heat bringing a somewhat sleepy mood. Ka finished the travel journal and chose a book of legends and histories for his next read. Something with more tales he could parrot the next time Re wanted a story. Toshan spent the morning going about the prince’s chambers. He examined the clothing and the jewels just as Ka had done, but he was taking time to learn the way things were folded and stored. He handled getting food, delegating to others in the hall to take the breakfast tray and bring what he needed for a midday meal. Ka was actually rather impressed, this new servant seemed to be truly dedicated to his position.

It was only natural that they eventually fell into conversation. Ka lay out his crimes, though not much about his dear Mei. Toshan sympathized, telling of how he turned to stealing to help and feed his family. That was the reason he knew how to keep a house as well, he explained. He had been helping raise his siblings for many years now; with Elia’s tips learned on their journey he was quite prepared for this position. He was honored to serve his prince and he hoped – likely in vain – he may be able to send something back to those he cared about.

Ka was generally less positive, pointing out that the prince barely seemed to notice him now that a new day had dawned. Toshan just laughed at the thought and Ka frowned at him, wondering just how far this loyal servant would go for his prince. “This can be a good place to spend your time,” Ka finally relented, relaxing once more in his nest of pillows.

“More for you than me of course,” the other said. He smiled as if sharing a big secret. “I think the prince is fond of you.”

“I know he is fond of me,” Ka groaned unhappily. “But his temperament can be fickle and he does have his father’s temper.”

“The temper of the gods can be terrible,” Toshan agreed solemnly.

Ka hesitated, but decided it was not worth the time to argue semantics. “I do not dislike Re,” he admitted. There was much he still admired and revered about his rulers. “I do not like how he conducts himself. Or how ignorant he is to the world he watches over.”

Toshan smiled a sneaky little smile. “I think you are fond of him as well.”

Ka immediately frowned and turned away, not even wasting breath to answer. His heart was not open for that, he did not have feelings for the redhead. The scribe lifted his chosen book, ignoring Toshan as he stood and walked off with a chuckle. Ka stared at the page without absorbing any of the words. His mind drifted instead to Re. He thought back to when the prince stood close by his side, to the almost tender parting earlier, to watching him step down into the baths.

Ka gave his head a little shake and tried to focus again on the book of stories. He forcibly remembered the callous orders and total disregard for any opinion other than the prince’s own. Toshan’s words were getting to him, but that was just because it had been . . . a while. Longer now than when he’d been woken by the prince’s indulgence days earlier. Ka felt his cheeks flush and he set the book aside with a small groan. Perhaps a nap could quiet his mind.

Ka adjusted his nest, keeping the hated chain off to one side out of the way. He lay out but his mind kept drifting back to Re. His cheeks were still flushed and he rolled to his side with another groan. Toshan was flitting around again, humming slightly as he became familiar with the room. For the first time, Ka wished he had been left here alone. He shifted again and pulled one of the pillows over his head to try and drift to sleep. He called this his own space and he enjoyed it, but now he could only wish desperately for privacy.


After spending an entire day bored half to death listening to the general, Re was extremely eager to retire for the evening. The endless lectures were even worse than sitting for sentencing of temple rights, if for no other reason than the general demanded the occasional response. It was just as pointless, commanding troop movements that had already happened. At least with the criminals he could attempt to do some form of good.

He’d been kept long enough that the sun had set. Re had even been denied the excuse of dinner when the meal was brought to him, but now he was finally free. He reached his chambers and stepped into the quiet room. Toshan was right there to greet him, but then kept out of the way. Re’s gaze landed on Ka almost at once and he crossed the room with a smile. “He’s been asleep for a little while,” Toshan informed him as Re knelt by the scribes side.

“Ka,” he called gently and reached to brush back the brunette’s bangs. Slowly the scribe blinked his eyes open. After a pause they widened as he focused on the prince’s face so close to his own. A rosy flush spread across his cheeks and Re simply smiled wider. “It pleases me that you are happy to see me when you wake.”

Ka said nothing, but the flush darkened a few shades. Re didn’t comment on it, sitting back onto his feet. “It is already dark, sleep if you’d like. I wanted to see you before I lay down myself.” He reached out again and caught Ka’s chin in his grip. “Did anyone bother you today?” he asked seriously.

Ka shook his head though. “No one. Toshan saw to our meals, I saw no one else all day.”

Re mirrored the relief in Ka’s tone. “That is good. He will aid us tomorrow as well, but we will also be together. I look forward to that.”

Ka frowned, somewhat suspicious. “What are we doing tomorrow?”

“I have a chance to show off and enjoy myself,” Re said, regaining some of his energy. “A friend is throwing a banquet. I think you will enjoy yourself as well.”

Ka’s cheeks were now slightly pale and he asked, “You’re taking me from the palace again?”

“You will enjoy yourself,” Re said again. He shifted his hand to caress the man’s cheek. “I am bringing you as my guest.”

“As your pet?” Ka asked challengingly.

The prince frowned slightly in return. “In the eyes of the king and others, yes. But not in my eyes, and I hope not in your own.” This calmed the brunet and after a few moments he nodded. Re smiled again and stood, looking down on him fondly. “I am thoroughly exhausted, I must sleep. Toshan can continue to see to your food.”

“What about Tamul and the others?” Ka asked, suddenly thinking of the guards that were still absent.

“Back in their chambers, sleeping well,” Re assured. “They will join us tomorrow for a well-deserved celebration.”Ka nodded, assured by the explanation. Re turned, finding Toshan before he readied himself for bed. He pulled his servant close and whispered to be sure Ka couldn’t hear. “Find the others and make sure I am correct.”

“I will check before I sleep,” the man assured and bowed to his prince. Re simply groaned, shuffling to his bed. He sat heavily and stripped off his jewels, barely having the energy for that before lying down for a deep sleep.
