Chapter 032: Misunderstanding [Part 2]
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Do You Really Trust Me?

“Elizabeth!” following her, I end up reaching the rooftop of the building.

As soon as I take another step, a silver dagger rushes towards my body. With much dexterity, I grab it.

Ohhh... looks like a certain someone doesn't want to hear me out.

That someone is glaring at me at the opposite side. She's armed and ready to slice and dice with her silver dagger.

The afternoon sun reflects from the surface of the blade revealing its aesthetic design and sharp edge.

“Looks like you don't want to talk this out, fufufu,” I giggle. “Very well.”

Elizabeth and I move at the same time, aiming our weapons towards each other.


Our blades clash creating a crisp noise around the air.

Sparks flies everywhere as our weapons collide with each other, the intensity of our confrontation echoing the tension between us.

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed, rage etched on her face as she lunges forward with precision.

I match her movement, every muscle in my body tense up, ready to parry her attack.

This shabby rooftop becomes our battleground, the backdrop to a dance of blades and wills.

With each exchange, the sound of metal on metal reverberates, punctuating the stillness of the afternoon air.


Despite the gravity of our situation, nobody is willing to cut their opponents flesh. Although our fight seems intense, our attacks are aimed at each other's weapons.

I can't help but grin, “You're much better than the last time we fought, Elizabeth!”


“But your blade doesn't seem as aggressive as before!” I launch a kick to her side.


Elizabeth blocks it with her forearm as she simultaneously stabs her dagger into my chest.

As if I'll let it happen.


Elizabeth and I exchange blows. We stab, we slash, we kick, and we punch each other relentlessly.

Elizabeth blocks my vertical slash. I say, “Calm your nerves down. You misunderstood!”



Elizabeth unexpectedly tries to slash me with murderous intent. However, I dodge her attack skillfully.

“Mae calls me out because she wants to talk about something,” I say as I stab her side.

She deflects it away, “As if! I can see you... I saw it. YOU'RE FLIRTING WITH HER!!”


Oh hell... She's getting more aggressive. We'll get hurt at this point.

“Fine...” I take a step back. “I admit. I'm getting a bit ecstatic while I was talking with her. But—”

“I KNEW IT! SHE'S GOING TO STEAL YOU FROM ME!” Elizabeth closes in.

Bloody hell.. She's getting scary.


Elizabeth attacks me relentlessly.

“She won't...” I try to reason with her.

“DON'T LIE! I SAW IT MYSELF! SHE WAS ALREADY ABOUT TO TAKE YOU FROM ME!” Elizabeth drops an axe kick down to my head.

I block it with both my arms but it still hurts a lot. She's abnormally powerful for a girl.  While bombarding me with relentless attacks, she screams, “STOP LYING TO ME! I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE HER! I KNOW I CAN'T BEAT HER! SHE'S YOUR FIRST LOVE!!

“You already won.. Aren't you already my girlfriend? You're just the one who's breaking apart with me,” I argue. “Haven't I been trying to get you back? But you keep avoiding me. You keep acting as if you hate me but I know that's not what you truly feel.”

“SHUT UP!!” she swings a lethal slash at me but I fortunately avoid it. Elizabeth pauses her attacks and begins to shed tears. “So what...? So what if I love you...? So what if that woman won't try to steal you.. It doesn't... It doesn't matter... It doesn't matter when you... When you yourself don't want me anymore!!”


Elizabeth sends me flying with a kick into my chest. I drop the dagger and I fall onto the dusty ground.


“That's why... Stop it please. Stop it.. Don't give me hope anymore... Let me leave...”

“Fu—” I chuckle. “Fuhaha...”

“What?” she seems confused.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laugh while lying on the ground.

“What are you laughing at?!”

“Hey...” I pat the dust off my uniform. I stretch my body and then I stand up. I say, “You don't really trust me do you?”

“Don't say that!”

“Well, isn't that the truth?”

“It's not!” Elizabeth becomes defensive.

“Hmmm..? Haha.” I continue, “Trust me my ass... Do you think I'll believe that?”


“Shut up Falcon-13!

“!!” she flinches then she freezes. Stiff like a rock.

“Back when this all began... If you really trust me... You would have told me about what you were feeling— That jealousy and insecurity you felt when you saw me with Mae.”


“Then you would have listened to me when I said mom won't get in our way. Hm-mm hahaha.. Right..? About Crystal. You don't even want to share it with me do you? Why? Because you don't trust me. You don't believe in me!”

“.............” Elizabeth can't speak so she just gazes at me with her heart-broken eyes. She bites her lips to cope and the blood keeps rolling down her neck.

“You don't trust me. You rather listen to that fearful voice in your head that tells you that I'm going to abandon you. You won't listen to me because you are choosing to listen to that voice. YOU CAN'T TRUST ME.” I continue, “To me... It seems like you don't truly love me. At the very least, you don't love me as much as you want to believe in, Elizabeth.”

“.............sniff...” Elizabeth wants to speaks. Elizabeth wants to scream. It must be so painful to listen to me right now. She wants to weep and wail but can't.

Do it Elizabeth? Scream. Tell me what you feel. Fight for me. Even if you have to go against my will, follow your heart.

I won't hate you if you do. You have to trust that. You have to believe that. Have faith in our relationship.

So come.. Embrace me. Stop me. Have faith in me.

“.............” Elizabeth remains silent. She is shivering so much that it seems like she will fall in any second.

But she didn't say anything. She simply cries silently.

It looks like this is not enough of a push.

I turn my back, walking away— hoping that she will stop me.

In her mind, she must be assuming that this is the end.

Yet she's not following my steps...


I skip my remaining classes. I'm not in the mood to study.

I take a deep breath. The chilly breeze from a high elevation is very refreshing. My face and body feels cold. It numbs me down.

『Zzzzzt... zzzzT... ZZZZZzt』

My phone vibrates. Someone is calling.

I take it out. Deep inside, I hope it's Elizabeth, but it's not. It's Al.

I answer expressing my disinterest, “What?”


I pull the phone away from my ears. This bastard is really loud.

“Can't you lower down your voice?”

