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I was in shock to say the least, I was more than excited at the moment.  I wondered how I compared to the elites down below me.  I could remember 90% of the things that were about to happen and decided to screw it up as fast as possible.  


Luffy was running through the Marines heading toward Ace.  I had to hurry at this point.  I flew down from the cloud.  I saw Whitebeard bleeding with a hole in his chest.  Once I was about 20 meters away I enveloped Whitebeard in my healing magic.  He started glowing like the sun.  Nearly everything stopped at this moment.  Luffy had just used his emperor’s Haki.  After the glow passed away the entire field went quiet as Whitebeard appeared and looked like he was 20 years younger.  Everyone noticed Whitebeard looking fresh and alive.  


“Sorry I can’t stay and chat for a bit I have Marines to fuck over.”  I vanished from that spot and started appearing over the battlefield healing a lot of the pirates.  Ores looked like a small sun, I figured it would be more taxing on my mana with his size but I didn’t even notice it.  Now to grab Luffy.


I saw him running and teleported to him.


“Hey Luffy, let's go get Ace.”  Grabbing his shoulder we teleported next to Ace.  Sengoku’s eyes bulged when we arrived next to Ace.  “Sorry to interrupt your Party Admiral but I need to get Luffy’s brother out of here.”  I grabbed Ace and teleported next to Whitebeard with the two of them.  Ace had yet to say anything from shock.  I stood him up and spun him around.  I grabbed the seastone cuffs on his wrist and broke them off.  “If you don’t mind, can I keep these?”  


Whitebeard started laughing, “We have completed our objective! We no longer have any business here!  Let's leave and reunite in the New World!!


“Where do you think you are going?  No Pirates will be leaving here alive today!!”  Admiral Sakazuki yelled at the top of his lungs.


I just shook my head, I never did like this ass hole.  I teleported behind, “Sorry about that Saka but they will be leaving.  Don’t worry, after they leave I will heal most of the marines as well.  It’s the least I could do for your sacrifice.”


I lifted one hand and locked down the space around him.  The other brought the sea stone cuffs whipping around taking his head off.  I had to be safe as I have seen that all of them are extremely fast and didn’t want him dodging constantly.  His head flew up in the air.  


I had one more person to kill and after I scanned the battlefield I finally found him.


I teleported to infront of him as well locking space down.  “Goodbye Teach.”


I locked him down and took his head the same way.  I had locked down his crew as well.  I wanted to make sure he died so before his body even hit the ground I had already started burning it.  Only after ash was left did I feel okay.   I teleported back to Whitebeard.


“Mind telling everyone to get on their ships as fast as possible?”  


I teleported to Garp, “Sorry to kill the asshole but I just didn’t like him.  Anyways can you have the Marines let the pirates leave.  You have already lost and the entire world knows it.  I also plan on healing everyone that hasn’t died yet.”


Garp turned and looked at Sengoku.  Sengoku turned and shouted “Marines!! Tend to the wounded and start the recovery!!”


I teleported back toward the pirate ships.  I concentrated and started casting my healing spell over the entire island.  Pirates and Marines alike watched their wounds heal in front of their eyes.  The dead obviously did nothing.


Seeing the pirates all on their ships I started cutting the ice with my firebeams.  Seeing all the ships sailing away I teleported to Moby Dick.  


Seeing all the pirates looking at me was a surreal feeling.  I was barely holding going fanboy back.  I approached Whitebeard, Marcus, Ace and Luffy who were already drinking and eating.  Watching Luffy eat was comical to say the least.  


“Hello everyone, my name is Chase.  Nice to meet yall.”

They all looked puzzled and Luffy with a mouth full of food “thanks for helping us save Ace”


“No problem, it's the least I could do to help yall out.  Besides, I'm a big fan of everyone here.”


Whitebeard was just staring at me, “Thanks for helping us save my son but who are you really and you said you're a fan of ours.?”


“Well, to be blunt I’m a huge fan of the future Pirate King over there.” Nodding at Luffy whose stomach is already expanding.  “I’m not from here, I know alot about everything going on such as Teach working with Sakazuki to get the hot headed Ace.  Sakazuki just wanted to kill you Whitebeard and as many pirates as possible today.  Teach, was going to use his devil fruit ability to take your abilities after you died.  Ace was just the bait to get everyone here.  Anyways, you no longer have to worry about those two.  I made sure both of them are no longer with us.”


Ace seemed pissed, “Why did you kill that traitor, I was going to kill him.”  I just smiled at him.  Not trying to piss him off or anything but arguing or talking with someone you thought is amazing is just fun.  “Sorry Ace, but he would have killed you and you honestly know you didn’t stand a chance.  You are too hot headed and don’t think shit through causing you to be put on display to be chopped down like your old man.  How many paid for your mistake today?  Don’t let them down and become better than you are now, you owe it to them.”  I looked at Luffy and figured I might as well try and get the story back.  “Now for you Luffy, you want to sail out here as weak as you are?  You need to tell your crew to stay where they are and train their asses off.  You need to do that as well.  Go speak with Rayleigh, he will train you properly and then yall can sell off.”


Whitebeard was about to say something before I cut him off.  “I know alot about this world, not everything, but enough.  I know where he is and who he is.  I am not from this world as you might have guessed.  I don’t have any devil fruits, just magic.”  I held up my hands and with one hand I had lightning dancing between my fingers and the other hand I had flames.  I shot an enormous lightning bolt into the sky followed by a laser beam shot in the other direction.  “If you try and compress your fire more and more, you can achieve that as well Ace.  I'm sure you could even make your own fireballs like this.”


I summoned a basic thunderball the size of a meter and started compressing it down to the size of a golf ball.  “The more you put into this compressed ball will make for a bigger explosion.”  I cancelled the magic out as I didn’t want to capsize any ships following us.


“Now that it is all over do you mind if I drink and eat some with yall?”  


Whitebeard started laughing and passed me a barrel of sake.  “Um thanks” I lifted the barrel up and started drinking.  HOLY SHIT was this strong.  I could only drink for a few seconds before I felt as if I was going to die.  I slammed it down and fell backwards on my ass.


The entire ship started laughing.  “How the fuck do yall drink that stuff.”  Coughing my lungs out.  It burned my entire body on the inside.  You couldn’t hear my coughing from the roaring laughter on the boat.


I spent the next few hours eating and drinking with everyone.  Luffy invited me to join his crew, which I naturally yelled hell yeah too causing everyone to laugh even more.  We ended up partying till the morning.


I healed myself to prevent a horrible hangover.  Whitebeard drank barrels of sake and didn’t look like it bothered him one bit.  Luffy had awakened a little bit ago and started eating already. Ace was nowhere to be found.  “Hey Luffy I need to head back to my place.  Do you mind if I touch your hat for a second.  I want to leave a mark on it so when I come back I can find you.”


Luffy swallowed his mouth full of food.  “Sure, how long are you going to be gone?”  “I will come back in a few years.  You should let your crew know they need to train their asses off for when I come back I will be testing them.”  I reached over and touched his hat leaving a marker for me to find him when I come back.


“Aww crap, I forgot to give you guys something.  It didn’t even dawn on me till now.  Can we clear half the deck for a minute?”  

Everyone was dragging people around to clear the deck.  Most were still passed out.  I started pulling drakes and other powerful dead beasts out of Tardis.


“These are some creatures from my world I wanted to gift yall before I completely forgot.  They are all a step below me but next time we meet up I will be bringing a dragon to eat hopefully.  I need to get going.  I will see everyone later.  Take care”  Luffy’s mouth was wide open at the site.  Seeing this made me smile from ear to ear.


I created a portal in front of everyone and they could all see the cavern I originally left through.


“Yeah it's not fancy, but it's my hideout as I’m far from the strongest person out there.”


Waving my hand I left through the portal and closed it down behind me.  I had left markers on Ace, Luffy, Luffy’s hat and the Moby Dick.


Entering the Tardis, “How long have I been gone Maison?”  “You were gone for about 18 hours, there was no time dilation.  Maybe if you use my doors instead I can affect the time flow, but with your own, it won’t change until we find a time crystal.  I let everyone know where you were while you were gone.  Just a heads up, the food you left them will alter all of their bodies.  You left  highly mana saturated beasts for them to eat.  Besides strengthening them tremendously, some might even develop crystals depending on what happens.  You did leave the crystals in those beasts as well.”


“Oh well, All of the people on that ship are good in my book.  Hopefully it helps them out.”


Time to head back to town.  School should be starting soon.