Chapter 188 – Prelude to War 4
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Don't worry folks.

I have received a message asking whether I will abandon Naomi or not for the new novels.

The answer is no. There is no way I will abandon my baby, right?

Naomi is my main project, at least until it ended.



This is spoiler,. but I plan to continue Naomi to book 2! So you can look forward to a long run xD

The Yuri also secretly been added... not too secretly though.


That's why, you can still follow Naomi's adventure, at least I still have around 200-300 chapters in mind xD

After Naomi entered her room, she took off her clothes and opened the closet, trying to find something that she snuck out from Avos School at the time of the riot.

Avos had declared war against her, and she found out that her Telekinesis was useless against him.

‘I should make preparations for it. This is what I wanted since I was 14 years old, but… for some reason, I felt worried about the safety of my subordinates.’

Naomi had always longed for Esper's fight, and now her wish was granted in the form of war.

She had always dreamed of it; that was why she created her organization in the first place. To make a fake enemy and have fun while she was acting as the boss.

‘I shouldn’t involve these girls. I am confident that I can defeat almost all people in the Esper Association alone.’

She finally found the clothes that she was looking for. It was the combat suits that she used back in the Avos School.

While it was not as good as the one made by Akasa Inc., it was enough for the operation that she planned tonight.

‘Six executives. Melaine had told me all of their power; it should be easy.’

Naomi wore the combat suit, the skin-tight one, and a bulletproof vest on top of it. She strapped a pistol on the holster and tied it on her hips.

Completing her clothes with combat shoes, she was ready to go alone.

“I can’t let my subordinates disturb my fun, right?”

She smiled wide and then took the last tool that she had prepared long before. It was a mask made from metal that hid her lower face.

The mask had a function to filter the air and detoxify a poison. She put it on her face and shook her head a little to make sure that the mask had been put on correctly.

“I’m ready.” She muttered and looked at the window that led outside the room. She opened the window before jumping off and flew away from the base.

To not make anyone suspicious of her room, she used her Telekinesis to lock the window again, and now she was free.


In Germany’s Base

Chi had called a meeting with Rekka and Hyun-Woo as well as Mizuki and Ingrid.

Six people, including Melaine, were sitting in Mizuki’s office.

Tetsuma was not there because he was needed to supervise the research on the nukes.

As the one who handles communication in Moon of Akasha, Chi briefly explained the situation to Ingrid.

Surprisingly, although Ingrid was busy, she changed her schedule after hearing that the meeting at this time was important and urgent.

She arrived in the Akasa Inc.’s building in just ten minutes by helicopter. A girl around Mischa’s age accompanied Ingrid when she stepped out of the helicopter. The girl was waiting outside the office because the meeting was a secret from the others.

Melaine and Chi were sitting on a couch across from Hyun-Woo and Rekka while Ingrid was sitting on a sofa across from Mizuki.

“First of all, I thank you for answering my call for a meeting immediately.” Chi started the meeting with gratitude.

The others nodded their heads, and Chi continued.

“I, or rather, Melaine, called this meeting to inform something important.”

The expressions of the others in the room turned serious. Chi then looked at Melaine and nodded her head a little.

“Alright, because we need to resolve this matter quickly, I will just be frank and inform you of something.” Melaine said seriously, and the atmosphere tensed, “Avos has declared War on us.”

“Huh?” Ingrid was surprised, “That guy is still chasing after you, aunt?” Asked Ingrid.

“Unfortunately, that’s the case. Please don’t bring that up again. Sigh- I should’ve killed him at that time.” Melaine muttered the last sentences in a low voice.

The others were confused with their exchange.

“Is that something that we shouldn’t have known?” Asked Hyun-Woo while scratching his cheek.

Ingrid’s face changed a little, then she asked Melaine, “You haven’t told them yet, aunt?”

“Not yet.” Said Melaine. “Let’s just ignore what we said earlier and move on.”

“Well, yeah.” Answered Hyun-Woo. “However, is Avos real? I thought he died a few decades ago.”

“He’s real, and he won’t die in a few more decades. And, I think this war where he will actively attack us will be a little difficult.” Said Melaine.

“Explain it to us, Melaine. We have 2 SSS-Ranked Esper and Princess in this organization now. If you said the fight would be a little difficult, how difficult would it be? Is it enough to make Princess in trouble?” Asked Rekka with a serious face.

Amongst all the people in the room, he knew Naomi’s strength the best. Melaine had also understood Naomi’s strength. So when Melaine said the battle would be difficult, there should be a reason for that.

Melaine nodded her head a little, “First of all, it’s about Avos himself. He’s not affected by my ability, and he could block my punch covered with Lady Naomi’s Telekinesis with his bare hand.”

With those words, everyone except Ingrid was surprised.

“Are you serious?” Asked Chi in disbelief. “That’s some serious stuff.”

They knew about Naomi’s Telekinesis armor because they had seen Naomi’s fight a few times. It could block bullets and even missiles.

In terms of defense, it was the best. But, it was still Telekinesis. So if someone made contact with the armor, their hand would bend in a strange direction with just the slightest touch.

So blocking a punch covered in Naomi’s Telekinesis Armor was like asking for death.

“So, the other reasons?” Rekka asked. The information was indeed important, but Melaine didn’t seem to be surprised with that even a little.

So, Melaine must’ve known Avos’s ability in advance. That could be explained later; for now, the important thing was to find out why the war would be difficult even with Naomi’s power.

“Right, I will explain about that later. The second reason would be the six Executives. They had gone through some experiments in the Esper Association, and… in short, they are monsters. Maybe only Rekka has the hope to defeat them.”

“So, they are that strong, huh?” Asked Chi.

Melaine nodded her head to Chi, and she continued, “So, I have a plan-“ But before she finished her sentences, a holo phone rang.

Ting ting ting.

It came from Rekka’s direction. The attention suddenly focused on Rekka, and Chi sighed tiredly, “Rekka, why don’t you turn your phone off in the meeting?”

The others were expecting Rekka to apologize, but he didn’t. Instead, he pulled out his holo phone and accepted the call to everyone’s surprise.

“Rekka!” Chi shouted, but Rekka put his index finger in front of his mouth, telling Chi to shut her mouth for a second.

A few seconds later, Rekka frowned and said, “Yes, thank you for the information.”

He then put the holo phone on the table. He let out a tired sigh and leaned his back to the chair, ignoring the people around him.

It was strange conduct from Rekka. As his friend, Hyun-Woo felt really strange and suspicious about the call. He finally asked Rekka.

“What was that earlier?”

Rekka slowly turned to Hyun-Woo and shook his head before turning to Chi and the others before telling them shocking information.

“It seems that Princess has disappeared.”

Author Here~

More than 60 Advanced chapters (For ALL my series)  Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

Most of the money from my Patreon will go to help me write better and Order an Illustration for both of my works. Lastly thank you to all the patrons!!