The Fourth Day of Camp
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After the dream, Leslie managed to fall back into a more peaceful sleep until he was awoken by the girls getting ready for the day. Annie and Nora had gotten an early start and left for breakfast right after he woke up, while Kendra stayed behind. As he got dressed, Leslie glanced at his toes and tapped Kendra on the shoulder.

"I can't really play softball in sandals, so..." he started.

"Oh right!" Kendra giggled and went over to her suitcase, pulling out a plastic bag containing all of "Leslie's" socks, or at least the ones from the other Leslie’s suitcase, and a pair of pink trainers.

"What about my other shoes?" Leslie asked.

"What other shoes?" Kendra replied.

"The ones I showed up with, and the socks they came with," he said.

"Oh... those were dirty and I didn't want them in my bag so..." Kendra glanced around the room, before rushing out of the cabin, walking back in both sheepishly and empty-handed about a second later.

"Where are they?" he demanded.

"Well… You see, I left them at the bottom of the laundry hamper..." Kendra admitted. "And it's laundry day today. They won't just toss them into the wash, but you probably won't get them back for a few days. I'm really sorry."

Leslie wanted to explode at her, stealing his last vestiges of masculinity, and then losing them, but... he knew she didn't mean it maliciously. It's not like anyone here was deliberately trying to trap him in a feminine web... it just sort of worked out that way because there were only girls here.

"It's okay," he said. "Just don't do it again or I'll have to go hiking barefoot."

Kendra smiled and Leslie quickly put on the pink trainers, before following Kendra to the mess hall. After another uneventful breakfast, he followed Kendra out to the softball field.

"Okay," Carla said as she checked her clipboard. "Today's team Captains are... Kendra and Lauren."

Leslie got a sudden sinking feeling that he knew why Kendra had been so insistent that he join her today. The teams were chosen, and Kendra picked Leslie immediately. He was a bit nervous, he was never the most athletic boy, and could barely play baseball, but he was more worried about the prospect of being a cheerleader. Not to mention, he’d never been picked first for a sport ever, since even if his friends were playing, they were more concerned about winning and picked based on skill, rather than friendship.

"Well, looks like we've got a few more girls than we've had in the past few days on both sides. Too many to field at the same time, so you can all go up to bat, but when you're fielding, a few of you will have to sit out." Carla said. "Or cheer on the sidelines. I think we've got some pom poms in the storage shed, I'll go check."

"Okay, as Captain, I get to pick who fields." Kendra said as she addressed the team. "Leslie..."

Kendra pointed at Leslie and opened her mouth. Honestly, either outcome made him nervous.

"You're gonna play outfield." Kendra assigned, eliciting some cheers from some of the other girls, likely the ones who got stuck playing outfield the previous days.

One of the other girls passed Leslie a beat-up glove, which he slipped onto his hand. It was rather fortunate today, given that he had found a pair of capris in Leslie's bag, so he didn't have to worry about a skirt or short shorts. Leslie quickly pulled a hair tie from his pocket and pulled his hair back into a low ponytail, as Kendra assigned the other positions and Leslie jogged to the outfield.

The one good thing about non-competitive sports, is that no one is really trying that hard, and so most of Leslie's responsibilities involved standing around, watching the in-field, or running after a grounder that got lobbed his way very rarely, nothing major. Sure, everyone wanted to win, but the goal was more to have fun than win, he noticed. That is, until the other team's captain, Lauren, got to bat in the fourth inning. As Leslie would find out later, she played competitively at home, and took the game seriously, so when Kendra pitched a fastball, Lauren popped it into the outfield, and straight towards Leslie.

"Catch it, Leslie!" Kendra shouted as Lauren headed for first base.

Leslie rushed underneath it, and tried to track its movements as it descended, but instead of landing in his glove like it was supposed to, it bounced out and smashed into his face, knocking him to the ground, and causing both teams to immediately rush the outfield.

"Oh my god!" someone shouted.

"Is she okay?" another girl screamed.

“I think she’s dead!” a third girl exclaimed.

“She’s not dead, you dummy!” a fourth girl chided.

Leslie was fine, mostly, but his face was throbbing with pain. He held his hand over his eye and pulled it off, thankful that at least there wasn't any blood. Carla immediately broke up the circle of girls that had formed around Leslie.

"Give her some room!" Carla shouted, before she grabbed his other hand and pulled him up. "You okay, Leslie?"

"Yeah, it just hurts." Leslie said.

"It sure looks like it does." Carla said. "You're very accident prone these last few days."

"Bad luck, I guess." he said, before muttering under your breath. "In more ways than one."

"Kendra, take her to get some ice, please." Carla said.

"Got it. Steph, take my spot." Kendra grabbed Leslie and started walking him back towards the nurse's office.

"Second time in the same week! I don't usually see campers this much in the first week." the nurse joked as she checked Leslie's eye. "But nothing life threatening. You'll have a nasty shiner for a little while though. Keep icing it and you’ll be fine."

"Got it."  Leslie securely held the ice pack to his eye as he exited the nurse’s office and Kendra walked him back to Cabin 8.

Leslie sighed as he stared into the bathroom mirror, with the help of that calamine lotion from Kendra, the poison ivy wasn't bothering him anymore, and the dye washed off, but this... this was worse.

"This is gonna suck, staring at this for a week." Leslie sighed.

"Maybe you don't have to." Kendra started digging through the other Leslie's suitcase, before finding something. "Ah ha!"

Kendra pulled out a makeup bag and smiled at him.

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary." Leslie said.

"Come on, take a seat." Kendra insisted. “I promise, it’ll make you feel better.”

Leslie knew it was futile to argue with her, so he sat down opposite Kendra on his bunk as she started to brush some makeup onto his face. He didn't really understand what she was doing, but she seemed to have it down to a science.

"And I'll have to use this on the rest of your face to even it out..." Kendra worked as if she was a classical artist working on her masterpiece. "And then your eye will need a little... And your lips..."

Leslie wasn't sure what he was going to end up looking like, imagining a clown, until Kendra pulled out a mirror and turned it towards him.

There was still a bit of swelling from the softball, but the bruising was all but gone. Kendra really was a miracle worker. Though he noticed that she made a few embellishments that weren't strictly necessary.

"Kendra? Did I really need eyeliner and lip gloss?" Leslie asked as he scrutinized his face.

"For the black eye? No, but I think it makes you look cute." Kendra giggled.

Leslie felt a little embarrassed, boys weren't supposed to wear makeup, but then again, boys weren't supposed to have polished nails or go to a girl's summer camp either! And he can't say that it didn't feel really nice when Annie and Nora got back from their activities and complimented his new look, promising to give him makeup tips.

The rest of the day was uneventful, which he was glad for, after the previous day's excitement and the excitement of the morning. Leslie never realized he was such a klutz! Or maybe being forced to do this masquerade was throwing him off balance and he was inviting these instances of misfortune. Whatever the reason, he was hoping the softball to the face was the last misfortune he'd face. Maybe when he got home he could tell people that he won a fight! That would certainly help him regain all the masculinity that's been seeping out of him since he got here.