CHAPTER 3 “Your loss hurts, but my love is the cause of it”
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After confirming Saya's and my feelings for each other, we became a couple.

It didn't take long for Saya's group of friends to find out the news and start doing an inspection on me.

According to them, I was to become Saya's, perfect man.

Even though her friends could be very intrusive I had fun, and later those people would become my friends too.

I spent my college days with Saya and it was the best time of my life. We saw each other every day, we ate, we read, we walked together.

Everything seemed to be part of a great conspiracy of the universe to finally be able to find a decent course with more aspirations in my life.

Maybe that conspiracy was not as good as he thought ...

After we graduated from college, Saya and I got married, Saya's parents knew me and vice versa just the same.

Many friends thought it would be rushed but Saya and I knew that we wanted to be together not only in feelings but also in law.

I got a job at a company affiliated with my university and Saya decided to be a preschool teacher since she adored children.

In fact, a year later, she brought up the topic of wanting to have children. I also wanted to have one so there was no problem, and after a few tries, Saya got pregnant at the age of 24.

There were some problems with childbirth but everything turned out fine.

When our baby Reiko turned one year old Saya decided that we should visit the beach, on the way back a heavy rain fell in our area.

The road was slippery and the vision was terrible, but not in my most horrible nightmares did I imagine what would happen.

A truck lost its brakes and crashed into us, much of the car was hit.

The most affected part was the passenger seat.

I don't remember much after that, while the car was overturned you could hear a lot of sounds, but...

I could only hear the sound of that baby crying ...



I woke up in a hospital room, a doctor came in and explained what happened.


(- "And my wife!? Where is my wife Saya and my daughter Reiko !?")


(- "Sir ... I'm sorry her daughter is stable, but her wife ...")


I couldn't hear the words that the doctor was saying to me at that moment, the only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart that unfortunately couldn't stop beating ...


(- "Sir, you have to be strong ... her daughter needs it, please think about her")


(-"My daughter?…")


At that moment I got out of bed even while the doctor kept denying me.

I could only run until I found an underage room.

Behind a showcase, I could see my little daughter ...

She looked so… fragile like a little wind could break her.

But no.

As long as I'm alive I won't let anything happen to him.

It was that vow I swore after seeing my daughter.

After that, my in-laws and my relatives arrived.

There were many mixed feelings, people could not stop crying, and my sight was only on the little baby I was carrying.

Seeing my wife again was difficult, my wife's body was unrecognizable, her beautiful face could not be distinguished.

At that time I also asked the truck driver that he was the culprit of this suffering, the doctor informed me that he also died.

I was angry that I felt happy even for a minute ...



Many people came to the wake, they had all been influenced by Saya in some way, they all had part of Saya's joy in their life.

At the funeral I couldn't stop crying, every time I saw that coffin memories came to my mind.

It didn't stop hurting.

Was it a mistake to have met you?

Is this my punishment for wanting to have a happy life?

Why after all this pain that I'm feeling, I can't stop thinking that even if we went back in time, I would still speak to you at that moment ...?


〖"It is that in history he was left alone after her death and died of old age thinking about her until his last day, isn't it sad to make the person you love most suffer because of your death? I ... I think that I just couldn't bear to cause so much harm to the person I love the most."〗


You were right Saya, it's very painful ...


〖"If he could die keeping in his mind the memory of the person he loves the most, I think he was happy" 〗


It's so painful that after all this my heart can't stop beating for you ...


Don't forget to highlight the errors that you may find in the text (I will appreciate it very much!).

Here we have 2 chapters to know the past of Kazuya and his wife!. In the following chapters, I have planned that we can see a little of Reiko's reaction and how Kazuya will face things.

(I still apologize if the yandere characters are not fully out yet ...)

Oh and follow me on Twitter where I usually tell a little about my day and boring things :p (You can find the link in my profile)