CHAPTER 4 “Hard decisions and thoughts of the past”
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After the talk, I had with Hanae-san I had a little memory of Saya.

Hanae-san's words strangely seemed unforgettable to me.

I'll never forget Saya, but ... I think maybe I'm ready to start a new relationship.

(Saya, if you can see me from somewhere, this is the correct answer, no?...)

With those small thoughts I came to my apartment, by now it was already 17:34 so Reiko should be home.

I took the keys out of my briefcase and I opened the door.

I could see Reiko's slippers so I sensed she was in her room. I went to my room to change clothes and then make food.

- "Reiko, come out to eat”

After I had prepared the food I went to knock on my daughter's door, she almost always wears headphones at a slightly loud sound so sometimes she can't hear me.

- ”I'm coming~"

I heard Reiko's voice and headed to the kitchen to serve the food.

When Reiko arrived at the dining room she was already changed with clothes to walk at home, she always wears light wear, but since I am her father these things don't usually matter to me.

- "How was your day today Kazuya?”

- "It was pretty relaxed-”

〖 I don't want to sound rude, but I think it might be time to have a partner again, your daughter is already in high school and in a few years she will graduate and go to university...〗

Before I finished my prayer I remembered Hanae-san's words once again, I know it is up to me to decide if it is time for a new relationship but I think it is also important to know my daughter's opinion.

- "What's up, Kazuya?”

Reiko seemed to realize she was thinking of something, so she asked me again.

- "Reiko, can I ask you a question?”


Take a deep breath and look straight at my daughter.

- "What would you think if I had a girlfriend or something...?”


Time seems to stop and the smile on Reiko's face is fading.

- "Why do you ask that...?”

That's all I've heard of Reiko.

- "I was talking to a co-worker and it made me think that maybe it could be the moment-”

- "NO!”

Reiko banged and jumped out of her chair as she screamed.

- "What's up, Reiko?”

I questioned Reiko while keeping a calm attitude.

This is a more difficult issue than I thought…

- "I ... I'm not hungry.”


Reiko said nothing more and went to her room. I knew from the first moment that this would be more complicated for Reiko.

She remembers almost nothing about her mother and all she knows is what I told her.

When she was in elementary school only once she wondered where her mom was, at that time I didn't know what to say so I could only tell her that her mom was in heaven and she could see us from there. When she grew older and entered high school she asked me again about her mother, as she was older I decided to tell her about the accident and she accepted it.

She just asked me one more thing.

- ("Do you still love her?”)

It was obvious that she wanted to know my honest opinion so I answer with the truth

(-“Yes I do”)

I thought I'd be relieved but I could only see her a little sadder, from that moment on we didn't talk much about Saya, even on Saya's birthdays when we visited her grave, Reiko just held my hand without saying one more word.

Right now I really need some advice from Saya. She could probably fix everything with her attitude and her beautiful smile.

Who can I trust right now?

* Bzzp* * Bzzp*

At that moment a notification reached my cell phone.

[Nakano-san: I thought about what I told you today in the cafeteria and I'm really sorry, I think it was a very complicated issue to talk about so lightly, please excuse me Kazuya-kun.] 18:45

It was a message from Hanae-san, she seemed to apologize about what we talked about in the cafeteria, to be honest, I think it helped me a lot to open my perspective a little more but since I kept quiet for a while Hanae-san could have misinterpreted it.

[Me: Don't worry about anything Hanae-san, I thought of many things thanks to what you said, I repeat it again, don't worry about anything, and thank you.] 18:46

I thought for a few minutes and sent another message.

[Me: I actually talked about this with my daughter and she didn't seem to take it well. Maybe you as a woman could give me another way of looking at things, I'd appreciate it if you could help me.] 18:48

Hanae-san is a quiet and serious woman but I have also seen her be kind to her other companions and to her kouhais, she probably knows better than me how to talk about this kind of difficult topic.

[Nakano-san: Would you like to talk about it now or maybe tomorrow?.] 18:51

I think the best thing would be…

[Me: Do you have time tomorrow after work?.] 18:52

The timer started.

Next chapter Reiko POV!