Part 1
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“ milk?" My best friend confidently asked, while staring into the eyes of the store clerk.

"Colleen! You can't just ask someone that."

I was absolutely mortified. I just wanted to have a nice day, browsing around a cool antique store. But my friend Colleen insisted on tagging along, and now I had to deal with her shamelessly flirting with the cute cowgirl behind the front counter. 

“It’s fine darlin. Trust me, ain't the first time I’ve heard that old line. Plus, sorry little kitty, you’re not my type.” The clerk winked as I dragged Colleen into the store and got us back on track.

“You shouldn’t say something like that to a cow person. How would you like it if someone walked up and asked you if you were feline fine?” I whispered to her.

Colleen's ears perked up and her tail was playfully smacking into shelf corners as we walked down the aisle, “It depends I guess, I’d say that would be a decent pickup line. It’s no, ‘Hey I'd like to pet your pussy’, but it’s a good ice breaker. If a pretty girl said that to me I’d definitely be interested.”

My heart sank a bit. Every time Colleen would talk about pretty girls I just...felt left out I guess? Which is weird cause I’m a guy, I should love talking about cute girls, but like...I didn't really know how to explain it. Even the cute cowgirl at the front made me feel...things. But I had more important stuff to focus on. Like finding some cool knick knack to restore. I know it might be lame to some people, but I love searching through antique stores and finding something aged and rusted, then making it shine like new. 

“You find anything super old and weird yet? I’m starting to get bored.”

“It’s literally been five minutes. I’m looking for something that really pops out. Besides you were the one who insisted on coming with me.” Colleen was my best friend, but being a catgirl meant she had a tendency to get social zoomies.

"Yeah, but I thought there’d be more stuff here to mess around with, it’s mostly farm junk. Why did we even come to this one anyway? Doesn’t the place down the street have better old crap?”

Of course she was right, the Antique Boutique had a wider array of relics from the lost nostalgic age of the 80’s and 90’s. But I was looking for something specific. Something that I could totally just play off as a random find that might not be so random. But no one had to know that.

“I like old farm stuff though…” I flinched as I heard a bell ring behind me. 

My chest was pounding as I turned around expecting to see someone, but there were just more shelves and walkways.

“Are you okay?” 

“Y-yeah, startled is all.”

“Startled at what?” Colleen looked genuinely confused, usually her ears were so sensitive she could hear me clear from another room.

“That ringing? You didn't hear it?” 

“What ringing? Is all this dust getting to you? I swear you spend too much time in these places” She put her hand on my head.

The only thing that was running hot were my cheeks. I brushed her hand off my forehead.

“I’m fine, I just thought I heard a noise.” I know I heard something.

I made my way through the shop, trying to get the embarrassing event from earlier out of my head. I eventually found myself in a small corner with old pictures and tools. Then I saw it, a slender rectangular cow bell with rounded curves. It had definitely seen better days, but it was beautiful. There were some engraved patterns and ridges I could barely make out, but they were there. It had a little bit of rust, but it was exactly what I was looking for, not too big, not too small. The light ringing in my ears stopped as soon as I touched it. It was odd, but I was too enamored to pay much attention to it. My heart did a backflip inside my chest when Colleen poked her head in front of me.

"What's that?" 

Totally, definitely not almost exactly what I came here to find. "It's an old cowbell. It looks like it has a design underneath the wear and tear. I think this'll be perfect." 

"I guess. I still think the other place would've been better though."

I brushed her comment aside and made my way to the front of the store. I may have been a bit too excited, because the girl at the front counter was giving me an unusual grin. 

"Find everything you were looking for?" 

Wait, find what I was looking for? Did she know I came in here for something like this? I had only talked about it online in a forum. No, wait. She was just doing her job, it was totally normal customer service talk. Yeah, totally.

“Oh, um, yeah. I just like restoring old stuff. Making it seem like new again you know?" Yes, totally believable. The best lies were always rooted in the truth.

"Well this is a nice piece. I think it'd look great on you." Her grin only widened as she rang up my total.

Error 404, brain not found. Could you die of embarrassment? Because I was coming dangerously close to it. I fumbled for my wallet as it slipped out of hands and I played hot potato trying to catch it. I finally caught it only to be met by the giggling of the cowgirl in front of me. 

"Oh my god you're adorable." 

", I just want to restore it. I'm not going to wear it!"

Wow, I can't believe I actually keyboard smashed in an irl conversation. In my defense I had never been called adorable by such a cute girl before.

"Too bad, I think you'd make a fine addition to my stable." She flicked the square blue tag on her ear and shot me a look that penetrated my very soul. 

"Um...I...what? S-st-stable?"

Colleen came to my rescue before I could make an even bigger mess of myself.

"Hey, are you done yet? I wanna hit up the milk bar next door before we go." 

I nodded and quickly paid. We were about to leave when the clerk stopped me.

"Hey, so if you change your mind, give me a call. I think you'd have a good time." She wrote her number on a card with her name, Amy. 

I took the card and walked out of the store silent; my mind couldn't comprehend what just happened. My entire body was shaking. A girl flirting? With me? And saying I should wear the bell? There's no way any of this could be real right? I looked down at the card in my hand.

"Wow! She was totally hitting on you. What did you say to her? I need to know what pickup line worked." Colleen caught up to me and was walking around me in circles. 

“I didn’t say anything! I swear!” I finally snapped myself out of the daze.

“Geez, okay Mr. defensive.”

“I’m not being defensive! I just need to go. It’s been a long day. I’ll talk to you later.” I felt bad for bailing on Colleen like that. But I needed to go home and calm down, and get that Mr. comment out of my head.

Several hours later I was home and finishing up polishing off the bell. It looked so amazing. There really was nothing like finding something that was in disrepair, and taking your time to give it the proper love and care it needed. Stripping away the shell that had built up around it, hiding the beauty inside. Maybe there was more to it than that, but I wasn't willing to think about it at the moment. I was taking pride in how cute the bell was. It was silver, with intricate engravings and markings on it. I finished wiping it down and gave it a ring. I giggled, my plan was coming together better than I imagined. I went to my room and grabbed a leather collar from my dresser. Carefully angling it properly, I secured the bell onto the ring hanging from the collar. It was perfect! My chest started to flutter as I fastened the collar around my neck. 

I stepped in front of the mirror to see how it looked. It was so cute! I mean, I wasn't cute at all, but the bell was, and the collar was. I felt weird, I really liked this but I probably shouldn't. Colleen would endlessly tease me if she knew I was jealous of cowgirls. I mean cowfolk, yeah, totally, cowfolk. I stared in the mirror a bit more, shaking my head and jingling the bell. I couldn't resist, I had to do it. 


I started giggling, it was just so fun. I had looked up the store online and it turns out a lot of cowfolk go there and find all kinds of stuff. It made sense considering Amy worked there. I flopped down on my bed, Amy was really cute. Way cuter than anyone interested in me should be. I kind of wanted to text her, maybe I could show her the bell and how nice it looked. But then I’d have to take it off the collar, and that was a pain. But leaving it on would mean she’d know for sure I was wearing it cheeks flushed a bright red and I rolled around on the bed, embarrassed again. What was I even thinking? I needed to just get some rest, maybe I’d think clearly in the morning. 

Sleep was restless, I had wildly vivid dreams. I dreamt I was someone else, living a similar life, but...different. I heard ringing throughout the night, but I never woke up. Just living my life as a...cowperson. But, more specifically, a cowgirl. My body felt warm, like I was cocooned in a heated blanket. It felt nice, I felt safe and just enjoyed my dream. I’d had similar ones to it before, but nothing this intense. 

I woke up the next morning like a lich rising from the dead. My head was swimming and my body felt stiff. I laid in bed for a moment, trying to gain my bearings, my skin felt different rubbing against my sheets, and my chest was heavier than normal. I went to rub my head but almost poked myself with my horns. horns?! I jolted upright, now fully awake, running my hands very carefully over my head. I felt long hair, but also short hair? And two small horns protruding from my head. I went to lower my hand but bumped into something on my chest. I looked down and realized I now had breasts. My entire body froze for a moment. I flung the covers off of myself with gusto and stared at my body. My new, feminine, cowlike body. I jumped out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I...I was beautiful! My hips were curvy, my skin felt so much softer, I had long black hair reaching past my shoulders, short white and black fur covering my less sensitive areas, as well as cute floppy ears which were now more toward the top of my head, and small horns. I looked myself up and down. My face was definitely different but I was still me. The biggest differences were my now massive breasts which jiggled with every movement. Though I still had my...hmm what do I call this now? I never had many issues with it before, but it was slightly smaller and softer; more importantly it was fully erect. I didn't realize I was having such a reaction to myself. I mean, I guess I was a really cute cowgirl now. 

I had so many questions. But, the biggest was why was I a girl? I mean sure, I was always jealous of girls, and secretly liked girl stuff, and always felt weird when people called me a guy, but that was normal right? Didn't every guy secretly want to be a girl? And like, who wouldn't wanna be a cowgirl? Being so cute and getting m-milked. I looked down at the newly formed tissue on my chest, a shiver shot through my body as I lightly touched one of my nipples. 

"M-m-mm-m.." Fuck, some moisture appeared around the tip and I realized I might be lactating. 

That I'm gonna have to figure out how to deal with this. My entire life was going to be way more interesting now. How would I even explain this to Colleen? I was in a daze, it's not like I could just Google "I went to sleep as a guy and woke up as a cowgirl". I could, but I'd get nothing I haven't already read before. 

Amy! That's right, Amy had given me her number. Maybe she could help me. Without thinking I grabbed my phone and texted her, explaining who I was and that some weird things happened last night, and that I might possibly, definitely, be a cow person now but also other stuff changed. 

I waited for her reply, and waited, and waited. The seasons changed, regimes rose and fell, world leaders started posting on Twitter and were eventually banned, the sun was dangerously close to imploding and destroying the galaxy as we know it. I knew I shouldn't have messaged her. I probably scared her off and was now doomed to roam the earth alone and unwanted, until adopted by a band of marauders who needed a milk source. 

My phone buzzed, she replied. Okay, in reality it had only been two minutes but it felt like so much longer. She said things like this had happened before, and that the cowbell I bought might have been the cause of it. I guess in the business of antiquities you were bound to come across magical items at times. She said I could come over and talk with her about it, plus there was a lot I needed to learn about being a cowgirl now. 

I started to get dressed as best I could, none of my clothes seemed to fit right anymore. I ended up finding a pair of baggy jeans and a loose hoodie, none of my t-shirts felt comfortable enough over my chest. I had also realized I was wearing the bell around my neck, which was strange because I had taken it off before going to sleep. I pushed the thought aside, a magical bell didn't seem all that weird at this point. 

I made my way over to Amy's place, my body was shaking like an overpriced dumbbell, I was so anxious. My breasts were starting to get a little sore, maybe she could help me figure out why. 

Finally at my destination I stood in front of her door. I didn't know why I was so nervous, maybe it was because I had only met her the night before. It definitely wasn't because she was absolutely beautiful and called me adorable, definitely not. I knocked and she answered, my heart skipped a beat as she stood there looking me up and down.

"Oh my, you said there were changes, but this is certainly a welcome surprise."

My cheeks started burning up as I looked away.

"Please come in, I can't have you turning into a blushing mess here on my doorstep now can I?" She giggled and waved me inside.

I for one, had never been so called out in my entire life, I had also never been so blatantly teased by a cute girl before, and was now existing in an awkward state of embarrassment and arousal. But I did as I was told and followed her inside. 

We made our way into her living room and sat on the couch as I explained everything that happened. 

"So you cleaned up the bell, went to sleep, and woke up as a cowgirl?"

"Yeah, I set it on my dresser last night and woke up wearing it." 

Her smile widened, "Magic items will do that I suppose, but I am curious. Where did the collar come from?" 

"I-asdfghj...I can explain!" I could not for the life of me figure out how to explain. 

Amy just giggled again, she really seemed to enjoy making me into a puddle of bottom noises. "Don't worry pretty girl, there's no need to explain." 

If I came with subtitles it would read Internal Screaming. She just called me a girl! A pretty girl! Was I really pretty? I mean, sure, I got turned on by the sight of myself earlier, but that's because it was so new, right? 

"It's okay to be a girl you know. You're not the first trans person to come across a magical item that gives you your ideal body." She flicked the blue tag on her ear. 

Wait, hold on. Was it that simple? Could I just be a girl if I wanted to?

"Can I really just be a girl? A cowgirl?" My mind was overloaded and the gorgeous girl sitting next to me was trying not to laugh.

"Of course you can! Gosh you're a dense one huh? You can be a girl if you want to. From where I'm sitting you have been all along, you just didn't realize it. Plus you're super cute, so that's just a bonus." 

I put my hands on my cheeks to cover the ever brightening redness. I was never going to not blush at being called cute.

"I...want to be a girl. I think I've always kind of known. I was just...scared I guess."

Amy leaned forward, "Congratulations, you're a girl. Anything specific you want me to call you? It's okay if you don't have a name picked out yet." 

I fiddled with the bell around my neck, it was oddly soothing. That's when it hit me.

"Call me Belle!" 

Amy stared at me, the kind of stare that screamed dumbfounded, bewildered, and overtly hilarious. 

"You're such a dork I swear." She started to laugh again.

I was going to wave my hands in protest but brushed against my nipples by accident. "Aaah!" I moaned involuntarily.

"Oh my, are you alright?" Amy leaned forward even more.

"I-I'm okay, just, sensitive." I tried my best to conceal how nice it felt.

"Aw you poor thing. You haven't milked yourself yet have you?" 

Fuck, was that actually a thing? I had read plenty of stories about it, fantasized about it, and watched some videos occasionally. But I thought it was more for show.

"Is that actually a thing? I mean, I've seen some videos online but…" 

Amy smirked, "It's definitely a thing sweetheart, and from the stains on your hoodie I'd say you're overdue." 

I looked down and realized I was leaking through my sweatshirt. Then let out a squeak as Amy moved over and climbed on top of my lap. She placed her hand on my face, cupping my cheek. 

"Girls like us need to be milked to alleviate the pressure in our breasts." She leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "I can help you that, if you want."

I squirmed, whimpering underneath her. Oh, oh no, I felt my...member starting to swell up again. 

"Oh, I see you like that idea. But I'll need a verbal yes before we go further. Do you want me to milk you Belle?" 

Fuck, why couldn't I words? Words hard, so were other things. She called me Belle! If I could actually melt I'd have been nothing but a puddle right then and there. 

"Y-yes, p-please, milk me." 

She smiled wickedly as she unzipped my hoodie, sliding it down my arms, exposing my chest. Her hands traced my body, sending shockwaves of new sensations throughout my entire being. I couldn't control myself and erupted into moans as she ran her tongue over my nipples. 


She wrapped her lips around my leaking breast and slowly started to suck, milking me with her mouth. I whined harder as she pulled away, licking her lips and moving to my other nipple. She massaged my chest, causing me to leak milk down my stomach. 

I let out a slew of noises, squeaks and moans as she continued to suck and massage my breasts. She started grinding against my lap, everything was building up inside me. I started to shake and moan louder, I didn't realize what was happening until it was too late.

"I'm going to…" was all I could manage before I exploded into my jeans, feeling the warm sticky sensation coat my thigh. 

Amy pulled back, and looked down. She wiped her chin and glared at me. 

"I don't remember giving you permission to cum." 

Oh fuck, her voice, she could cut me with a tone that sharp. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I…" 

She placed her finger over my lips. "Shh, a girl who tastes as sweet as you should never cum without permission. Understand?"

I nodded nervously. She could immobilize me with her eyes alone. 

"I'll let it slide this once, since you're new to this. But I think it's time for you to get the full experience. If you're ready?"

My body shivered at the thought, there was more? I could barely stand her just sucking on my nipples. But, her tone, her glare, all of this felt so udderly euphoric I didn't want it to end. I nodded and she grinned, pulling me up, stripping me down until I was wearing nothing but my collar and bell.

“Good girl.” Her voice was so soft and sweet. “If it becomes too much at any point, let me know okay?” 

“Yes, Amy.”

She grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. “Yes, what?" Her deadly tone was back.

“Y-yes mistress.”

She smiled, “Good, now follow me.”

I was shaking with a new mixture of fear and arousal as she led me to her bedroom. I assumed she would be leading me to her bed; I assumed wrong. She led me to something similar to a yoga mat on the floor next to a trunk.

“On your knees. Now.” 

I complied almost too eagerly. I was on my knees, staring up at her before I could even think. 

“Such a good girl. You learn quickly.” She reached down and opened the trunk, inside there was a machine and tubes. 

She lifted up two round cups with silicone edges and tubing attached, then placed them in front of me. I was trembling with anticipation. She adjusted a few things inside the trunk then turned to me and held both of the cups up to my breasts. 

“Hold these here, pretty girl.”

I reached up and held the cups snuggly against my chest. Amy took my face in her hand again. She leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. Her touch was so gentle and her kiss was sweeter than anything I had ever tasted. Without warning she flipped a switch, and the machine began pumping away. I moaned into the kiss, unable to hold myself upright at the sudden suction that started to drain me. Amy pulled back and I fell forward, now on my hands and knees. The sensation was beyond anything I had ever felt before. The pressure from the pumps was oddly comforting. I felt the soreness begin to alleviate in my breasts and was able to enjoy the feeling of being properly milked. 

“M-m-mm-mo..” I couldn't formulate words, the feeling was so relaxing yet so intense.

“Awww, it’s okay to let it out Belle. Trust me, you’ll feel so much better.”

I couldn't hold it in anymore. “M-mm-mooooo!” 

I let out a mixture of moans and moos. Losing myself in the sensations. My entire body felt like it was on fire. I didn't notice how erect I had become until I felt Amy’s hand firmly around my shaft. I let out a yelp, surprised by the feeling of her body pressed against mine from behind. 

“I think it’s time I had a bit of fun too, don't you?”

“Ahh, y-yes, m-m-mistress.” Whatever she had in store for me I was willing to take. Being milked like this was a literal dream come true and I was relishing every second of it.

I felt her other hand grab my hair as she lifted my head back, eliciting another whimper from me. She leaned in close, “I’m gonna fucking milk you for all you’re worth, like the cowslut you are.” 

The noises I made couldn’t be quantified by words. I felt a warm, tingling sensation building in my core, washing over my entire body. I felt Amy begin to run her fingers over my ass, then my hole as she began to stroke my shaft. She stopped for a moment, causing me to whine, I wanted her to keep going.

Amy gave a sadistic giggle, “Mhmm, you like this don’t you?”

I nodded my head furiously, “I do, I do mistress.”

“Well if you want more, you’re going to have to beg for it.”

I audibly gulped, “P-please, I want more. Please fuck me, I want to be a good cowslut for you.”

“Good girl, begging for my cock.” Her voice was low and dripping with pleasure.

I flinched as she ran her now lubed up finger around my hole, then adjusted my hips. I felt her cock press into me, easing in ever so slightly.  I released a moan as she inserted herself slowly. She took her time, trying not to overwhelm me. I let out another moo as her entire cock was now filling my ass. 

She began easing in and out, slowly thrusting as I was being milked. I closed my eyes, I never thought anything like this would ever happen. The feeling of being used, milked and dominated like this. I could hardly think anymore. I started to buck my hips against Amy's, taking her full length with every thrust. The feeling of her inside me, hearing her moans mixed with mine, a grin appeared on my face. I was her good cowslut.

I yelped as I felt her hand on my shaft once more, then began to stroke me. I never really enjoyed playing it before, but this, everything felt different. She really was milking every part of me. I began to leak which made her hand slick as she started stroking me faster. I began to whine and whimper, I was getting close to cumming again. Everything at once was so much, so intense, I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. 

"U-um, mistress? I-I'm getting close." I didn't want to know what a punishment would entail. At least, not today.

"Are you now? Good girl, you know what you need to do right?" Her breathing was heavy, but she could still cut right through me with that tone.

"Please, may I cum?" 

"Hmm, I think I need more. Beg."

Fuck, I was so close, this was only getting me closer, "Please, please let me cum, I'm your good cowslut. I want to cum while being fucked and milked by you."

"Good slut, cum for me." Her voice was softer this time.

I frantically shoved my hips back and forth into hers, everything inside me was welling up. I couldn't hold any of it any longer. I…

"Moooooo!" I erupted as my body tensed and convulsed releasing everything I had. I came with a force greater than I had ever felt before, covering the mat with my juices. 

Amy moaned and thrust into me once more causing me to yelp again as she shook and released herself inside of me. She knelt there for a moment, trembling and composing herself before slowly pulling out of me and moving over to turn off the machine.

The suction stopped and Amy carefully uncupped the pumps from my breasts. I collapsed onto the mat, quivering and shaking, every part of me was dripping. I could've passed out then and there, basking in the euphoria and afterglow. But Amy helped me up and over to the bed. We laid there for quite a while, I needed the rest after being milked, orgasming twice and receiving a fresh coating of my insides.  She placed her hand on my cheek and called me a good girl. She told me how well I did and how beautiful I was. I blushed non-stop as she held me in her arms. 

After some time we started talking about other things, she gave me some recommendations for clothing stores and where to get a good deal on my own milking machine. It was going to be an adjustment but I wasn't complaining. This had turned out to be the best antique store find ever. 

Before I left she offered me my own ear tag. 

"If you wear this, it means you're part of my stable, I know a few other girls like you. I like to have group nights every now and then, if you're up for it. Plus you'll get a discount at the milk bar near the store." My god her smile, she could melt a frozen wasteland with that devilish grin. 

I pondered the thought, "I think it would be fun." Internally I was squealing at the thought of being milked alongside other girls. 

"Good girl." She reached over and clipped the tag on my ear. 

I flinched, but it didn't hurt. It was just a bit of pinching and pressure. After a few minutes I barely noticed it. But it felt really cute to have a collar and tag I could just wear all the time. This was going to be a lot of fun. 

I made my way home and realized I had a lot of missed messages from Colleen. I gave her a call and brought her up to speed on everything that happened, as well as sent her a picture to prove it. Well, leaving out a few details like the fact that I had just lived out one of my biggest fantasies.

"How could you do this?!" She shouted through the phone.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Oh no, was she mad I was a girl now? I thought she would be okay with this.

"You woke up with those fat fucking mommy milkers and waited this long to tell me?" 

"I...that's your takeaway from all this? Not that I'm a girl, or even a cowgirl?" She really did have a tendency to laser pointer focus on the little things.

"Of course! I mean it all makes sense when you really stop to think about it. Anyways, Belle, I'm coming over. We need to get you some clothes that make those puppies pop." She hung up.

This is not how I saw any of this day going. I got home and took a much needed shower. As I was drying off I heard a knock on my door. Wrapped in my towel I answered only to be greeted by Colleen leaning against the doorframe giving me a smirk not unlike Amy's. 

" milk?" This was going to be a long night.


Hi, this was my first commission. I was given permission to share with everyone. I hope you enjoyed it.