Part 2
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Hi all, I liked writing this story so much I got permission from the original commissioner to make a second part, I hope you enjoy

"Ease up a bit! You're going too fast. This is a lot for me to take in." I pleaded with Colleen as she practically dragged me through the mall and into a store named Saddle Up. 

Looking around I saw walls lined with large hats, western-style boots, all kinds of chaps, and even lassos.

"I think this place is for a different kind of cowgirl." 

Colleen sighed in defeat, "Ugh fine, sorry. I'm just so excited to dress you up! It's been forever since I've gotten to go clothes shopping with a cute girl." 

My cheeks glowed brighter than the fluorescent lighting. “, ok, I think the store is down this way.”

I was still getting used to being called a girl. But being called a cute girl still turned me into an absolute mess. Granted it had only been a day. All this was still so new; and Colleen dragging me out to the mall after my first time…being milked, was a bit nerve-wracking.

I checked the name of the store Amy had recommended, and we made our way through the mall until we reached our destination. Moo York & Cowmpany, the one-stop-shop for all your latest cowperson styles. I was extremely nervous considering I had never done any actual shopping for girl's clothes, aside from ordering a couple of things online in secret. We made our way in and got some help from one of the store clerks who helped me get my sizing figured out. Colleen was in her element, rummaging through racks and shelves finding all kinds of stuff for me to try on. I was too nervous to even move. You’d think my years of experience searching through antique shops would’ve prepared me for this. But I might as well have been a 2004 show about a plane crash that people talked about nonstop for years, because I was Lost.

“This place has some decent stuff. It’s no Purrever 21 but it’s not bad.” Colleen walked over to me with an armful of clothes. “Hey, are you alright?” She put her hand on my shoulder.

“I-I’m nervous.” Was all I could muster.

She grabbed my hand and led me to the fitting room. “Here, sit down and take a deep breath.”

I did as I was told and took deep breaths, fiddling with the bell around my neck. There was something about it that was just so soothing. Colleen hung up the clothes she had picked out and sat down next to me, placing her hand on my back. 

“Hey, I'm sorry. I know this must be a lot for you. I got a bit too excited and didn't think things through.”

I leaned against her, “It’s ok, I wanted to come out and do this. It’s just been a long day. Plus, I know how you are when you get the social zoomies. There’s not much that will slow you down.”

Colleen perked up, “I...SOCIAL ZOOMIES?! You have a name for it?!” 

Uh-oh, my heart sank as the realization that I never actually told her what I called her little quirks set in.

She started laughing, “I feel like I should be angry about the awful name, but coming from Ms. Belle.” She flicked my bell with her tail, “I guess I shouldn't be surprised.”

“You know what…” I started to protest, but in reality, I knew I had no defense. “You’re right.” I joined her in laughing. 

It was nice just being able to be me, no secrets, no hiding my motives or thinking I had to act differently. 

“Okay!” Colleen jumped up, “Time to strip off that hoodie and jeans and get you into something more comfortable.”

I froze for a moment at being told to strip, and felt a wave of sensations rush through me as I remembered what Amy did earlier. Also, I could've sworn Colleen added a slight growl after she said that, but it was probably just her purring. Right? Definitely just a small purr.

She stared at me for a moment, “Okay fine, I’ll wait outside. But I expect to see every outfit, and if you need help with anything just let me know.” Colleen stepped outside the fitting room and I started putting on everything she picked out. 

I must have tried on half of what was in the store. Colleen kept bringing me new things and taking back what didn't work. We went through all kinds of styles and options, I could barely believe what I saw in the mirror. I was so damn pretty! I couldn't stop giggling. Every skirt, top, and even pair of pants I tried on, just looked so good. Plus it felt so much nicer on my skin and fur than the hoodie and jeans I had on before. Not to mention the dresses. I started to tear up as I stepped out in a blue sundress that accentuated my curves nicely, to show Colleen. 

“, Belle. You…” She turned away for a moment. “You look really good.”

Why was she acting so weird all of a sudden? Her tail was flicking back and forth wildly, so I know she was excited, but she seemed nervous.

“Is everything ok? Do you not like it?” I asked, not sure what was going on.

She turned back around and smiled, “I love it! It’s really nice to see you so happy.”

I released all the tension I didn't realize I was holding and went back in to get changed again. It had been over an hour but I got a bunch of outfits, underwear, and accessories. Even bras, which were definitely going to be a new adjustment. Though the clerk said they would help with the sensitivity in my nipples and even stretch a bit for when I was storing up milk. I was a mix of excited and exhausted. I think Colleen was too, considering she hadn't once flirted with any of the cute girls working there. She usually at least made some kind of bad pickup line, but tonight she seemed to be more focused on me. It was nice, but definitely more attention than I was used to. I guess this is what having girlfriends was like.

We checked out and left the store, even with both our hands full I had to keep Colleen from running into Albatross and Finch and causing a scene on our way out of the mall. Sometimes she really had no off button. 

I dropped Colleen off at her apartment before heading home, she didn't live too far from me so she usually walked over, but it was late and dark out. I finally made it back home and collapsed on my bed. What a day it had been. I had been transformed into a cowgirl, realized I was a girl, was milked and fucked like never before, and went shopping with my best friend. I still couldn’t believe this was my life now.

The next few days went by in a bit of a blur. I was still getting used to being a cowgirl and just needed some time alone to adjust. Colleen had been texting me every day and checking in on how I was doing. She was really sweet, we had been friends for years but she had never messaged me so much before. I guess it’s because I was a girl now? Maybe she felt more comfortable around me. I know I sure felt more comfortable. But she kept texting me things like, “You seem so much happier now!” and “You know, I’d like to take you out on a date sometime. If you want?” and “Hey, when can I get up close and purrsonal with those milkers, girl?” I didn’t really know what that meant though. Maybe she was just being nice. I was more concerned with the fact that I still hadn't gotten my own milking machine, and my breasts were starting to swell up again. 

I tried massaging myself, but I couldn't quite figure out how to relieve the pressure like Amy had. I pulled out my phone and messaged her, asking for tips on how to do it properly. I was never good at initiating conversation, especially when I had questions for people. 

I once again waited for her reply. This time not falling into a spiral of anxiety thinking she wouldn’t wanna talk to me. After all, I was part of her stable. A few minutes went by and she responded with a couple of links for beginners. She also said she was hosting a group night tomorrow and that the other girls would be happy to show me a few things.

My entire body shook. My mind raced at the thought of being milked alongside other girls while Amy did whatever she wanted with us. I responded almost too eagerly and was glad I was alone so no one could hear the noises I made. She gave me the time and told me to wear something nice. I felt a wave rush through me as I began thinking about how the event might unfold. I slowly reached down and started to rub myself. My member was pushed to the side, pinned against me as I began to stroke it through my panties. I let out a soft moan as I gently teased my nipple with my other hand, milk leaking from the tip. I was about to moo when my phone chirped with another message. It was Amy, saying I wasn't allowed to cum until group night. I whimpered from frustration as I stopped rubbing myself. I wanted to cum, but I knew if disobeyed, Amy would get the truth out of me and punish me. I fiddled with the tag on my ear. It was going to be an interesting night. 

The next day came slower than a release date for the sequel to an RPG that came out ten years ago. I was so anxious and excited to go to Amy’s. I’d say I was dripping with anticipation, but that would be a bit too literal, considering I had in fact been dripping constantly from being denied permission to orgasm. I decided to occupy my mind and time by picking out the right outfit. After two hours of deliberation and trying different things on, I decided to go with a black long sleeve top, a flared burgundy skirt, and a cute sun hat that even had a spot for my horns to poke through. After a bunch of giggling at myself in the mirror, and taking several selfies I was ready.

Making my way over to Amy’s, I noticed how even though my breasts were a bit sore from not being properly milked, the bra made things so much easier. The clothes I had gotten with Coleen felt so much nicer than my old stuff. Not just because of my transformation, but because I felt better in them. I had missed out on so many things, and I was definitely going to enjoy shopping a whole lot more now. I made a mental note to text her later about going shopping for some new stuff to decorate my apartment with.

I arrived at Amy’s. Once again I was incredibly nervous, but this time I knew exactly why. I knocked on the door and was surprised to be greeted by, not Amy. Standing in the doorway was a really pretty cowgirl. She had dark brown hair and her horns were slightly larger than mine, her fur was white with brown spots instead of black like mine, and she was wearing a yellow crop top and cut-off denim short shorts.

“Oh hi, you must be Belle. I’m Brie.”

“Um, yeah, hi. Nice to meet you.” Oh no, she was so hot. I still had no idea how to handle myself around girls like this.

“Amy said you were cute, but I had no idea you’d be so gorgeous!” She winked at me causing my cheeks to grow warm, then she grabbed my hand pulling me inside. “C’mon, everyone's excited to meet you!”

If my body had settings it’d be set to paint mixer I was so nervous. Brie led me into the living room where everyone was hanging out talking, while some music played softly in the background. 

“Hey everyone, look who I found.” Brie gave me an enthusiastic introduction causing everyone to look right at me.

Oh no, attention. I still wasn't used to it and now everyone was staring at me. Amy was on the couch with one girl next to her and another in a chair to the side of them.

“Hi.” I waved awkwardly. “I’m Belle.” 

Amy whistled while looking me up and down. “You certainly look like you’re adjusting well.”

She motioned for me to join her on the couch while Brie went into the kitchen. I blushed while taking a seat next to her. 

Amy put her arm around my shoulder, “Belle this is Abby and Lyla. ” 

I waved again, I was terrible at small talk. But luckily I didn't have to be, since everyone seemed to be eager to learn more about me. Brie came back with drinks and we all sat and talked for a while. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. We all talked about how we met Amy and underwent transformations. Apparently, magic items were more common than I thought. Turns out Abby and Lyla transformed right around the same time and Brie did so about a year later. We all laughed about how we came up with our names and luckily I didn't get too much teasing about mine, considering Brie was literally a type of cheese and apparently would never live that one down. But I wasn’t prepared for how gorgeous they all were. I had never been surrounded by so many pretty girls before. Especially not such cute cowgirls. Brie sat super close to me and kept rubbing my leg, and touching my arm. Between that and Amy constantly running her hands over my neck and playing with my hair I was practically squirming in my seat.  

It was nice to be around girls like me and find out the things I had experienced had happened to other people. It felt comforting to know that I wasn't alone and that other girls had to adjust to such massive changes too. Though my biggest issue at that moment was my member trying to burst out of my panties. I hadn’t properly relieved myself by masturbation or milking since the last time I was at Amy’s, and things were definitely building up.

“So,” Amy looked around the room, “are you ladies ready to have some fun?” 

My body tensed up, I had been anticipating this for what seemed like weeks. 

Brie hopped up and grabbed my hand, “Hey Belle, can you help me in the kitchen for a sec while they get everything ready out here?”

I looked at Amy who just grinned and nodded as Brie yanked me up and pulled into the kitchen. 

“What do you need help with?” I asked just before I was promptly shoved against the fridge, Brie pinning me to the cold exterior.

“I just need some help getting warmed up is all.” She licked her lips and stared me down with a fierce gaze. “If you’re up for it.”

“I...asdfghj.” Words, why fail? 

 I nodded, biting my lip, feeling a rush through my core as she slid her hand under my skirt, running her palm along my inner thigh. 

“Eep!” I let out as she traced her fingers over my swollen, leaking bulge in my panties. 

“Aww, I bet you’re just aching from all this build up aren't you? A pretty girl like you should get to release everything you have.” 

Brie lifted my shirt, pulling it over my head and discarding it somewhere on the floor, then began to run her tongue up my stomach. She unhooked the front clasp on my bra, exposing my breasts. Grinning, she grabbed hold of my chest and pushed back against the fridge. My nipples were leaking over her fingers, and my mind melted as I began to whimper.


She looked at me, gave a devilish grin, and simply uddered, “Got milk?” 

I started to groan but Brie very quickly covered my mouth with her hand as she wrapped her lips around my nipple and started to milk me with her mouth. My groans turned into muffled moaning as I was pinned, being milked by another beautiful cowgirl. If my mind had been working at that moment I wouldn't have been able to believe it. Brie smiled while sucking on my nipple, causing it to leak down my chest and stomach. I had been so pent up over the last couple of days any relief was welcome, but this kind of relief was different. I had never felt anything like it before. I had never felt anything quite like being milked before.

“Mmh gfnna cffmph.” Was the best I could try and convey. 

She pulled her hand away from my mouth, “What was that sweetie? I can’t understand muffled bottom noises.”

“P-please, please may I cum?” I let out in an exasperated breath. I didn’t want to cum without permission, but I was dangerously close. 

Everything was rushing up inside of me, my body was quivering and I was about to erupt when Brie came to a complete stop. She pulled her head away from my chest and grinned, removing her hand from underneath my skirt. Fuck, why, I was so close. I started to whimper and whine struggling against her, still pinned to the fridge. 

“Oh, you’re adorable when you’re frustrated. Poor thing, all worked up and denied. You’re so fun to tease. I think I’m going to have lots of fun with you Belle.” 

“And what’s going on in here?” Amy’s voice cut me like a razor. 

Brie’s eyes grew wide as she and I both turned to see Amy standing in the doorway to the kitchen, her arms crossed and licking her lips while giving the most sadistic grin I had ever seen. Brie audibly gulped.

“Both of you, in the living room. Now!” Amy commanded. 

Brie bit her lip and released me from the fridge. She then led me back into the living room, which was now set up with a larger version of the mat that Amy milked me on last time, and the furniture moved to the edges of the room. Abby and Lyla were both completely naked and on their knees kissing and running their hands over one another. Amy made her way next to them and turned to me and Brie, motioning for us to come over. I was feeling so many things at once. Aroused, frustrated, nervous, scared, but in the best of ways. 

“You’re new here Belle, so you don’t know, but we can’t let Brie go around thinking she’s a top.” She cupped Brie’s chin in her hand, “Now can I? Silly girl.” 

Amy clasped her hand around Brie’s neck causing her to slowly lower down on her knees, leaving her shaking and whimpering. Amy seemed to have a way to disarm anyone in an instant. I was powerless to do anything but stand there, waiting in anticipation. Amy turned to me, running her fingers up my chest, very intentionally not making direct contact with my nipples, and slowly slid my bra down my shoulders letting it fall to the floor. I couldn't help but let out a soft whine. My body was on fire and every touch felt like an explosion against my skin. 

She lifted up my skirt, “Oh my, you are completely soaked. All this teasing has been so hard on you. My sweet girl, I bet this is just torture isn't it?” 

She traced her hand over the curve of my ass. I let out a yelp as I felt my panties abruptly yanked down from my waist to my ankles. Amy just laughed as she stood up and grabbed my horns, leading me down to the mat on my hands and knees, then throwing my panties to the side. 

“Stay right here pretty girl, I have wonderful plans for you.” 

I didn’t dare move. Every part of me was in dire need of attention, my leaking breasts, my dripping shaft, my hips were trembling with a want to be taken hold of and thrust into. I wanted to be used in every way possible. Amy quickly separated Abby and Lyla and had them strip Brie and put her on her knees in front of me. Lyla then took her spot behind me and Abby positioned herself behind Brie. Brie did everything she was told without question, her entire domme behavior from before was completely gone. Amy walked over to the coffee table that was moved to the side of the room and opened up the top. She reached inside and pulled out several sets of pumps. She handed them out to each of us, brushing our cheeks as we aligned them to our breasts.

“Alright my lovelies, I hope you’re ready.” Amy all but cackled maniacally, as one by one she flipped the switches, eliciting moans from Abby, Brie, and Lyla. 

I waited for mine to start. Amy seemed to revel in my torment. Knowing full well how worked up I was between waiting for this moment and what Brie just did to me in the kitchen. I was starting to fear the suspense would literally kill me when Amy finally flipped the last one. I felt the suction on my nipples and chest as I was finally, after days of build up being milked. The familiar pressure was back and after a few seconds, it turned into the sweet sensation I had been craving. 

“Moooo!” I let out as I fell forward on my hands, feeling Lyla behind me lifting my skirt exposing my bare ass. 

Amy walked over and knelt down next to me. She motioned to Abby who pushed Brie closer to me. Brie was upright, on her knees, being restrained by Abby’s grasp. While I was face-to-waist with her, and her fully erect, leaking girl dick. No one needed to give me any instruction, I knew what I was supposed to do. I licked my lips and slowly ran my tongue from the base of her shaft up to the tip and took the entirety of her in my mouth. 

“Oh what an eager slut we have.” I could barely hear Amy over the sounds of Brie whining and my own muffled noises.

She was delicious. Her juices were leaking on my tongue as I did my best to wrap it around her throbbing tip. I moved my head and tongue in every way that I could, to figure out what made her moan. Amy set her hand on the top of my head and stroked my hair as I felt Lyla’s now lubed up member teasing my ass as she slowly eased inside of me. She pushed further in, causing me to moo and gag on Brie. As I pulled my mouth away, there were strings of pre-cum and saliva hanging from my mouth and her cock. I had only a short reprieve before Abby decided to insert herself in Brie which pushed her directly back into my mouth. 

There was so much going on I couldn't even focus. I was being milked, fucked, and having my mouth used by gorgeous girls. My mind was trying its best to keep up but I was lost to the sensations. Amy took a step back and just watched, stroking herself as the four of us used each other. Abby would thrust into Brie, causing her to thrust into my mouth and then pushing me back into Lyla. I could get very used to being a part of Amy’s stable. 

I tightened my thighs, causing my muscles to contract and finally producing a “Fuck!” from Lyla. I grinned at the thought of taking some control, but it only caused her to grab my hips tight and thrust into me as hard as she could. I didn't even have time to catch my breath. Lyla began pumping into me faster and faster until my entire body seemed to become nothing more than a lightning wave of nerves firing and pure ecstasy until I couldn't hold it in any longer. I practically yelled with my mouthful of Brie’s cock as I came all over the mat below me. My body was trembling and my breasts were producing even more milk. Lyla slowed her pace and pulled my hair bringing me up off of Brie. I stayed there, on my hands and knees gasping and drooling from the overload of stimulation. 

“Oh my, careful there Lyla, you don’t want to break her. Or, maybe that’s what she wants.”

I grinned, I was loving every second of this, being teased, used in every way. There was something about just being able to let loose and let go and just feel everything. It was nothing I had ever experienced before. 

Lyla whispered in my ear, “I’ve still got some good thrusts in me, how about you, pretty girl?” Her voice sent shivers down my spine. 

I nodded and was released from her grasp.

“Good, because you've still got a job to finish slut.” 

I looked up at Brie who was in her own world of sensations and pleasure. She was mooing, then yelped as I wrapped my mouth around her once again. I relished the feeling and taste of her as I went back to work in earnest, eliciting every moan and noise I could from her. Brie had teased me so mercilessly earlier and I wanted to have some fun with her as well. I wrapped my tongue around the head of her cock once more and focused my attention there, she seemed to be struggling a bit and started stammering.

“Ahh, please, p-please may I cum? I’m so close, fuck, fuck!” She was trying her best to even form words. 

Amy giggled, “Hmm, I’m not sure if you’ve earned that right silly girl. You were quite the tease to Belle earlier. I think we should let her decide if you get to cum.”

I pulled my mouth off of her. Catching my breath and looking up at her. She was squirming and writhing still held by Abby who had also stopped thrusting into her. 

“B-Belle, please. Don’t stop, please let me cum. Fuck I’m sorry I teased you. I’ll do anything, p-please, I, fuck, wh…” It was nice, hearing her beg, me holding the power for a change. 

But of course, I was going to give in, I wanted to taste all of her. I took her in my mouth once more and began to find the right spots again. Abby and Lyla both resumed their thrusts and Amy continued stroking herself and grinning. My jaw was starting to get sore, but I didn't care. I was too focused, in my own sea of pleasure to stop. I kept going until Brie moaned and tensed up, shaking like a soda can until she burst in my mouth. 

I savored every bit of the moment as I could, tasting her explosion and swallowing every drop that didn’t spill out of the sides of my mouth. All I could hear was an exasperated “Thank you.” coming from Brie just before Abby let loose a moan and finished inside of her. I released Brie’s cock from my mouth and started to collapse, but Lyla wrapped her arms around me and pulled me upright against her.

She held me close and cooed in my ear. “You’re such a good fucking cowslut.” 

She then proceeded to thrust into me. Forcing more whines and whimpers from me until she gripped tightly and came inside of me. I was laid down gently onto the mat, trembling. Amy had finished at some point during the ordeal and began to shut off the pumps and collect them. I just laid there, my mind a whirlwind trying to catch up with my body. Brie laid next to me and held me while Lyla and Abby joined in the pile. Amy brought a large blanket and threw it over us. Telling us what good girls we were and how well we did. Our cuddle puddle laid there for some time, winding down and recovering. We were all thoroughly exhausted. 

After a while, we all got dressed and I quickly realized I needed to wash my skirt after wearing it during the...let's be honest, it was an orgy. Amy let me use her washer and dryer as well as her shower. I was covered in a combination of everyone's cum and milk. Once I was out and dried off Amy told me Lyla and Abby left, and that my phone was going off non-stop in my purse. 

I went to check and it was Colleen, she had sent me more messages and memes. I told Amy and Brie about everything that had been going on, and even showed them some of the texts.

“Oh my god, Belle. She totally has a massive crush on you.” Amy handed my phone back to me.

“Wait, really? Is she not just being like, extra nice cause I’m a girl now?” 

“Oh honey, oh you sweet summer child.” Brie buried her face in her hands out of frustration. 

Amy turned to me, “Okay, Belle. She literally said she would date you and that she likes you.”

“But, but, she just means that in a friend way right?” There’s no way Colleen would actually be interested in me. Was there?

“Little kitty wants to pounce on you, sweetie. If you’re interested, you should go for it. Or at least say something so she stops texting you non-stop.”

“Oh...well then. I-I don't know what to do. I mean, I like her, she’s my best friend. But I also really enjoy coming over here and, you know...” I gestured vaguely around the room. “With you.”

Amy and Brie both gave each other a look and giggled, “Listen, Belle,” Amy put her hand on mine, “you can still come over and have fun with me and the rest of the girls. Just as long as you communicate with her and us about what's going on. Today was certainly a fun time and I’d love to have you over for group night again. Besides, we still have to work out your punishment.”

Wait, fuck, what? “Wait, fuck, what? P-punishment?” 

“Well yes, pretty girl.” Amy cupped my chin. “You came without permission. There are consequences.” She smiled her sadistic grin and patted my cheek. 

“Asdfghjklj…I, um, I...fuck. I should probably respond and have a talk with Colleen about all this. Thank you for such a fun time.” My body shivered as I recounted what happened in my head.

I got up, grabbed my clothes from the dryer, got dressed, and started to leave before I keyboard smashed in meatspace again. Just as I was out the door Brie ran out behind me.

“Hey Belle, wait up.” 

She caught up to me and looked like she was going to say something, but she had a nervous look on her face. 

“What’s going on Brie?” I was genuinely confused because she almost seemed flustered. 

She looked down and put her hands behind her hips. “I-um, I just wanted to say...I had a really fun time with you. You were amazing, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something sometime, just me and you, and maybe I could...return the favor.” She looked back up at me and bit her lip. 

I may be dense, but even I could tell she was trying to ask me out. How did my life get to this point? A week ago I was just some lonely...person, trying to find some joy in restoring antiques. But now I was literally being asked out by multiple girls and going to milking parties. 

I blushed, I still needed to figure out what was going to happen with Colleen but Brie was really sweet and so pretty. How could I say no? 

“I’d like that a lot Brie, you were amazing too.” I smiled and we exchanged numbers.

She giggled and went back inside and I made my way home. Once again, exhausted from a long day of being milked and fucked. As I collapsed on the couch I pulled my phone out and texted Colleen. I told her I wanted to talk to her about some stuff and asked if she wanted to meet up for breakfast. 

She responded with a bunch of emojis and smiley faces followed by a message that said, “I’ll bring the cereal if you bring the milk.”

Being a cowgirl made life so much more interesting.

I really hope y'all enjoyed my first group scene. I'm happy to announce I have a patreon started - and would appreciate any support. Thank you so much for reading and I hope to bring a lot more soon. Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter -