Chapter 20: Scary Bakugo
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“All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!” (All Might)

Hearing All Might’s voice we all watched the monitor.

All Might speaking to the microphone “Pay attention, kids. Think about what you would do.”

5 minutes passed after, team A enters the building, we all watched as Deku and Uraraka sneakily went into the villain’s hideout. But before getting too far they are attacked by Bakugo.  

His sneak attack only manages to damage half of Deku's mask, Deku was able to evade while saving Uraraka. Watching in the other side of the monitor my classmates voiced their complaints.

“He almost got the jump on them.” (Mineta)

“Sneak attack, Bakugo? What kinda man pulls cheap crap like that?” (Kirishima)

“It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part. Acting like a true villain would.” (All Might)

“It didn't work. Midoriya dodged him!” (Mina)

“Look, there he goes!” (Kaminari)

Bakugo attacks again, but Deku catches his swing. Then Deku shoulder tosses the surprised Bakugo into the ground. Everyone in the projection room was surprised and praised Deku.

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Deku’s pov:

“Kacchan and I grew up in the same neighborhood, so we've known each other since we were little kids.”

remembering the time when we were kids “Uh...” (young Izuku)

“Come on! Let's fight bad guys!” (young Katsuki)


“Oh! Yeah!” (young Izuku)

“All the other neighborhood kids followed him around. It seemed like he could do anything.
And no matter what he decided to do, he was always so confident. I thought he was the coolest person I'd ever met.”

young Izuku protecting a boy behind him “However...After his Quirk manifested, he started to change.”

Looking at Kacchan’s face filled with rage now inside the building

“You're shaking in your boots, you're so scared. But you wanna fight me anyway.” Shouting “That's why I hate you!” (Kacchan)

‘Here's the sad truth. All men are not created equal. When I was four years old, I learned that some kids have more power than others.’ (Midoriya’s thoughts)

 Deku pov end


 ☆════ ⋆★⋆ ════☆

“Hey, who's Bakugo talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?” (Kirishima)

“He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started. Along with a map of the building.” Showing us a white tape “Also, this. A roll of capture tape! Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them, and they're out for the rest of the game.” (All Might)

“So, there's a 15‐minute time limit, and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?” (Mina)


“Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one!” (Mina)

“Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!” (All Might)

--[JIRO gasps]
‐‐[KIRISHIMA laughs]

“All together!” (All Might)

Raising all our fists “Let's hear a Plus Ultra!”

“Monsieur. He's on the move.” (Aoyama)

looking back at the monitor “Hm?” (All Might)

Back on the offensive, Bakugo goes for a flying kick to Deku's head but was caught by the capture tape that All Might told us earlier. By using the capture tape he was able to dodge both the kick and the punch.

“The little guy's really good!” (big lips)

“He's holding his own and he hasn't even used his Quirk yet!” (Sero)

Bakugo talking at the no sound monitor with an enraged face made Kaminari comment “That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary...”

Walking around the building looking for Deku, Bakugo made a scary face again. Saying my thoughts out loud “uwaa, his face looks like the killer in horror movies”

“yeah, I’d really run for my life if I’m the one being chased” (Kaminari)

Having the same line of thoughts, Kaminari and I chuckled in the corner with idiotic faces.

introducing ourselves "yo! Name's Kaminari"


Back to the monitor Uraraka goes off to track down the hidden weapon while Deku runs and hides from Bakugo to gain some distance.


After a few seconds Uraraka finally reaches the hidden weapon with Iida guarding it closely. In the monitor Uraraka could be seen hiding on one of the pillars, but she may have done something to reveal herself that Iida became aware of her presence in the room.


Prepared for Uraraka's Quirk, Iida has removed all the items in the room.


Communicating for a while that we cannot here inside the room. Bakugo finally found Deku, raising his right hand with a big dynamite accessory, he started talking to Deku again. Aiming his hands towards Deku, what the hell Is he doing?


Shouting “Young Bakugo! Don't do it! You'll kill him!” (All Might)


Even though All Might warned Bakugo not to use the attack, he still did it anyway creating a huge blast inside the building.


Feeling the aftershock of the explosion even if were not in the building everyone gasps

“Whoa, whoa! This's nuts!” (Kirishima)


‘oh my, is that even allowed?’ (Sayaka’s thoughts)