Chapter 3 – Wake up Call
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A warm sensation emanated from the room, comforting, alleviating. Mmm, I must be in my inn bedroom laying on the bed, but wait, something isn’t right? The cold metal of cuffs could be felt against my legs and arms! Worse yet, I wasn’t laying at all, instead being held upright against a wall. Panic set in, causing me to burst my eyes open in the hopes I’d had a terrible dream. Against my best wishes, what appeared to me was my body, bare of any armour clothed but in normal attire. I was in the centre of what one could only assume is a dungeon, except it would be hard to distinguish from any other nobles quarters.  

Suprisingly enough, being in a well decorated dungeon wasn’t the root cause of my unease. Sitting directly in front of me was a dark elvish women, yielding piecing red eyes, snow white hair, and a devilish smile.  

She put down a rather large book she was reading, going on to say, “Ah, so you’ve finally decided to awake, sleeping beauty?”

My heart did flips, nobody would call me beautiful, more less a women of her caliber. 

“Forgive my rudeness, I’ve yet to introduce myself,” she began, then standing at her full height proceeding to say, “ my name is Cordelia, I am the Countess of this Palace that you sought to rob.” 

“Ehh?” I could only squeak out in reply. Why would the Countess be interrogating me directly in this situation? More importantly, why was she so tall even more so than me measuring at six foot! 

She let out a sweet low chuckle in note on my shock. 

“Normally prisoners wouldn’t get this luxury, but I must say this circumstance keened my interest. You see, rumours of your faithful leader, Jack was it, planning a robbery had been noticed from the start. The moment you walked in my dear, you were doomed to fail.” 

I averted my gaze in contempt of her smug attitude. 

Scoffing aloud I spoke, “ Oh really? Well then how come I’m the only one who was caught?” Sure I hated Jack’s guts, more so now than ever, but I had a personal vendetta against the wealthy. Maybe that would wipe that smile off her face. 

My hopes were granted all too early when she approached grabbing my face with a unexpected sternness, facing me to her eyes. 

“Yes, that was an unexpected outcome indeed. Who would’ve predicted the supposed hero would abandon others at a moments notice?” She spat out bitterly. 

“Luckily I won’t be making that mistake again, and I too got you in exchange, my dear.” 

I had no clue what it was about this women but her touch, her confidence, it made me woozy in the legs. 

“W-what is it that you w-want from me?” I stumbled out blushed and flustered. 

Her composure and smugness seemed to return as she let go of my face. 

“I have a simple proposal, one far better than you living your life out in the Asgore mines. You will become my personal battle maid, completing objectives as I see fit.”

A-a battle maid? What was she on about? Sure every person has imagined themselves dressing up in a maid outfit, b-but in this situation! This was outright ridiculous! 

“A-are you insane? If you want me to fight why not make me an honorary knight of yours?” 

“Tut tut, I don’t think you understand the importance of a battle maid. Her duties serve beyond that of a knight providing  to a Countess as does a maid would additionally. Your battle prowess is indeed impressive taking down so many warriors, but I know there’s more to you.” See spoke throwing me a knowing look. 

Did she know about my medicine, about my desire to, live as a girl? There’s no way, that’s impossible, this is impossible. 

Her smile only deepened as the cogs in my brain ran on overdrive.

“I am educated on many things in the realm of magik. And, I must say those supplements smell rather strong to a sorceress such as myself. If you decide to serve me, I can assist with your supplements, and much more.” 

That had been the killing blow, she knew, I could tell that much from her cocky tone. Even though the idea of serving her pissed me off, the benefits outweighed any of my frustration. 

“Fine.” I concieded reluctantly.

“Lovely, now I’m dying to know, what is your name?” 

“My name, it’s… It’s..” The name I heard so many times, that drought me of any life, that made me miserable. I would be forced to speak it once more. 

“No no no dear, your true name!” She interrupted, reading my thoughts almost telepathically. 

“It’s, well um. It’s Leanne.” 

“Leanne now is it? How beautiful, perfect for a beautiful girl such as yourself. Now let me get you down, you have much to learn.”