Boom Boom Baby
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    Clickity-click. Dave pumped his Mossberg automatically, his eyes trained on the dim figure as it struggled against the inevitable. It staggered backward as it's arms hung at it's sides, grip on it's own weapon loose. It lurched forward, it's gun arm twitched instead of going up like it was probably supposed to and caused the body to twist as it fell forward to land on it's side with a solid thud. Dave breathed out slowly at the site - a green humanoid lay before him in a pool of bright purple blood dressed in roughly similar attire as his - shirt, pants and a jacket.

  He squatted where he stood, the head of the body was right in front of him and he was curious about the strap he saw on it's head. He rested the warm barrel against the skull of the alien as he pulled at the strap and freed a set of goggles, then awkwardly adjusted them in his hand so he could see through them. They were dark, so he held them closer. He startled when they lit up, showing digital readouts of what they were 'looking' at, which was the dead alien. Dave's grin was grim as he nodded to himself and dropped the strap over his head and let the goggles rest against his chest, then moved the barrel of his shotgun from the alien's skull and moved it to push the alien onto it's back.

  Other than the alien weapon, goggles and it's clothes, there didn't appear to be anything worth while, though Dave did go through the pockets he could find to see what was there - nothing but lint and dust, of which Dave quickly wiped on a clean spot of the alien's shirt before he stood and approached the door to peer outside. The coast was clear but likely not for long, he was surprised someone else hadn't come running in to investigate yet. He hunkered low and left the room and attempted the rest of the doors in the hall, each one opened into an empty room which he didn't check further before moving on as quickly as he could. He needed to find somewhere to sit tight, and he needed to find it soon.

  He left the hall behind for another one, this one bare of any doors, instead a large hole loomed to the right, which Dave approached cautiously. As he neared the gaping wound in the wall, he realized it the damage was more than just a hole in the wall, bit of the floor and ceiling were also damaged, and the hole itself opened up into a massive chamber, within which dozens of bodies were scattered about. He could not tell if it was some free for all or if factions were involved. They did form sometimes, though not for very long. Dave mentally shook his thoughts from his head - he didn't have time to let his thoughts wonder as, if there was a fight of some kind, there had to be a survivor, or survivors.

  "...urse I knows the way. I told you dint I?" Dave flung himself into the chamber- a cavern really, with the bodies, debris and large rocks. There were at least half a dozen humans among the dead and there must have been at least five other alien species scattered about the room. He hoped whoever had lived had either left or succumbed to any wounds they might have sustained since there was now a group between him and the exit unless he could find another hole in the wall to crawl through.

  He went as far as he could, moving so rocks would obscure him from whomever came from where he had originally been going. Dave pushed his back into a rock once he got as far as he could without leaving the dim lighting of the hall and tried to control his breathing. He was glad his training included physical endurance even if it didn't focus on it or anything to make him a crack infantry-man. He was just find with the mechanized troops thank you very much.

  "I know I eard sumthin and she saw someone. Git in there and find 'im." Egh. His translator somehow managed to pick up the accent of whoever had spoken. Dave peered around the edge of the rock and saw several Krell slowly walking into the cavern. They were green skinned humanoids, like the first alien he had killed, and they were filthy. Dave looked around himself, trying to think of something. He needed an out or he was going to be in serious trouble - out numbered and likely out gunned, he didn't give himself much change of defeating these aliens as he was currently geared or modded.

A body just a bit further into the cavern caught his eye. It was decently armored, though that didn't mean much apparently as a massive gaping void was where it's chest should have been. In one hand was a shotgun, and near the other, a grenade. Dave almost cheered for joy as he hunkered down as low as he could and crouch walked to the body and hoped no one got near enough to see him around the rock. He reached the body. So far, unseen. He grabbed the grenade, checked how to prime it and turned back for his rock and gaped.

Something silently rose up from the rock he had been hiding behind and disappeared in the darkness above. Something with too many limbs to be humanoid. "Isa wal-ka. Light it up!" The one in charge of the aliens screeched and Dave had to clamp his hands to his ears as several shotguns began to speak into the darkness. Dave abandoned stealth for the moment and ran for the now dubious safety of the rock and peered around it to see the aliens scrambling to get back to the hole.

  Not waiting to see if they hit whatever they were shooting at, or if it was coming for him, Dave primed the grenade and threw it over the rock. A second later he heard a scream before the grenade detonated and the cavern lit up. Dave blinked in confusion and turned to look around the rock but stopped as his eyes traveled up to the ceiling where, among other things, Dave saw bodies impaled on stalagmites, and a face peering at him from just a few feet above him.

  Dave screamed a scream. A manly scream. Definitely not a high shriek of a scream, and he finished his turn around the rock and bolted from his cover as fast as he could as the light from the grenade began to fade. In front of him was a scene of horror - Alien bits were strewn about the cavern floor, several of which screamed in agony as Dave ran past them and back into the hallway. He nearly continued his run, though he didn't stop by choice as he ran head first into a massive wall of flesh, heard a "wa-oof!" and then he was tumbling on the floor with someone. He didn't care and he jumped up as quickly as he could and raised his shotgun - only to have it plucked from his hands and a fist coming into view.

  At first, Dave was confused as to why it was getting larger, and then it hit him and his world spun for several seconds before he hit the wall. He immediately tried to straighten up, his abject terror at seeing pearly white eyes in a nearly pitch black face with mandibles around the mouth still affected his mentality. This was both a good thing and a bad. Good because the butt of his shotgun just missed turning his head into a smashed melon, and bad because he was still entirely too stunned by a massive fist to the face and all he managed was a wobbly turn and walking face first into the previous wall of flesh.

  "Stop jumping into my tits you twit!" The monstrous woman he keep running into exclaimed.

  "Quit putting them in my way, I'm not staying in here for that damn thing to get me," Dave practically yelled, shocking the woman into grabbing him by the shirt literally lifting him from his feet and throwing him through the door at the end of the hall he had originally been trying to get through. Dave was both appalled and a little aroused and all too surprised to do anything but let his body act on it's own, which involved ducking and rolling when he hit the floor and some how coming up on his feet and slam into the wall, his roll only slowing his momentum so much.

  Dave blinked, then groaned as he peeled himself from the wall and stumbled, nearly falling onto his back, but that same huge woman was there to grab onto the back of his shirt and hold him up, her other hand shoved his shotgun into his chest, where his arms came up to grab it before he was literally dragged to the side and down another hallway, through several doors, then finally tossed, relatively lightly, into a room large enough to fit a bed, a locker and not much else.

  Feeling his finally had his wits back, Dave turned to get a better look at this woman. She was huge. Not fat huge. Tall and muscular huge, and yet, clearly feminine, if not for her massive tits, then for the shape of her body and her clearly feminine face. Monstrous was definitely something of a misnomer in this case, though applicable if only for the size and strength this woman clearly had.

  "What?" She barked the question at him.

  "You're as big as my mech," Dave commented, clearly still out of his wits as he realized how she could take his comment when her fist slammed into the side of his face, the force of which knocked him into the wall above the bed where he comically fell into. Now if only he had been awake to appreciate his own unconscious antics.