Happy Holidays!
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Heya, everyone! How are you all doing at this beautiful time of the year? I am doing moderately well all things considered.

The purpose of this announcement, besides wishing some happy holidays and a happy new year to all the people who have been reading my stuff and supporting me as an author, is to inform you that I am currently unable to write the next chapter. Fortunately, the chapter in question is halfway done, buuut.... I've been having some issues with my laptop (where I write), the fact that I still have to work during the holidays, and the fact that my bio father came to visit from my home country and is currently staying with me, so I've been taking him around my city to sightsee in whatever little time I can spare since the last time we saw each other was five years ago when I left my country with my mother. So, the novel will enter a temporary hiatus until January 7th/January 8th so I can shift my attention toward my family (and hopefully fix my laptop while I am at it...). I know the situation kinda sucks since we are currently in an important arc and all, but that's how life is sometimes.

Until then, I once again wish you all some happy holidays with your loved ones and a happy new year 2023. I really hope that y'all have a wonderful year and that you keep accompanying me and Julius through this journey in the upcoming year! Cheers!