Chapter 7: The beginning of the lockdown
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" We must capture all the 100 girls, and keep them here," a woman said.

The Queen and the High Council were sitting once again at the round table. They were discussing what they would do to have to do to catch the baby Shadow Empress.

" But, my Queen, do we have to include the 99 innocent girls; we only need one, right?" Baron Alberto said.

"It's needed.. the Shadow Dragon is playing a game with us and I don't plan on failing," Queen Elizabeth said.

" What will we do? We can't kill them based on the Celestial Dragon's Laws of Light Act. 2: Celestial Fairies are forbidden to kill innocents, including Humans, animals, and Shadow Fairies." Duchess Martha said.

" Well, we must provide them with poisons that will make them lose their magic. We will wait till they turn 18. I believe that the true Shadow Dragon will not lose their powers." The Queen said.

" Isn't this too cruel?" Baron Alberto asked.

" Desperate measures are needed to protect the Light Empire." Queen Elizabeth said

" What about the General Public? What if they found out the Shadow Empress is still alive out there?" Marquess Milleador asked.

" They won't. We would hide girls; under the prisons on this castle." The Queen said.

" What about transportation?" Baroness Amanda asked.

" They would be transported with the flying carriage. No one would be suspicious since the flying carriage is only used for royals," Queen Elizabeth said.

" How do we get all the 100 girls?" Duchess Martha asked.

" Finally, someone who asked this question, we would have a silent attack on Shadow Town," Elizabeth said.

" What does her highness mean by silent?" Baroness Amanda asked,

" We will plan an attack on Shadow Town, which the Celestial Nymphs wouldn't know," Elizabeth said.

The High Council then became silent and nodded to each other.

"Any more Questions?" Queen Elizabeth asked, looking around the table. She then noticed that Baron Alberto was silent the whole meeting.

" Baron Alberto? Is something wrong?" Queen Elizabeth asked.

" No, my Queen, I'm just tired, if I may, I would take my leave now." Baron Alberto said, standing up, and he left the room.

" Amanda, is something wrong with him.?" Queen Elizabeth asked.

" Not sure, madame." Baroness Amanda said,

" Come to think of it..he was absent during the attack of the baby Shadow Empress..?" Marquess Milleador said.

" Huh, but I saw him with us coming to Shadow Town?" Queen Elizabeth asked.

" Yes... but he vanished." Marquess Milleador said,

" What are you hiding, Alberto.." The Queen said


Nanny! Can we buy some bread again!" Isolde asked, holding Nanny Irma's hand.

It was another day on Earth and Nanny Irma, and Isolde was walking around the town.

" But didn't we bought bread 10 minutes ago?" Nanny Irma asked.

" Yes, but I ate it already!" Isolde said.

" All of it???" Nanny Irma asked, who was looking through stalls to find something.

" Yes!" Isolde said.

" Didn't I tell you to leave some for your father?" Irma said, now looking at Isolde.

" Ooopss... I forgot, sorry," Isolde said, smiling sheepishly.

" Fine, we will get bread again, but don't eat it this time." Nanny Irma said.

Irma and Isolde were walking on towards the bakery when noises and murmuring were happening. The townsfolk were separated into groups, seeming to gossip about something. Irma was slightly concerned about this but she also noticed that they already have arrived at the bakery.

"Irma! you're back." the baker said.

" Yes, little Isolde here accidentally ate all the bread." She said.

" Here." the baker said, handing the loaves of bread Isolde ate a while ago.

" Baker, what is happening? The town seems to be busy." Irma asked

" Haven't you heard that the Queen of the Celestial Nymphs lied about the death of the Shadow Empress!"

" Really-" Nanny Irma said.
Really "
" Yes, and I heard that Celestial Nymphs who once adored her now despise her." the Baker said.

" Oh, that's a shame-" Irma said.

" I think I'm forgetting one important detail-..... Ah Yes! the High Council is planning to capture all 100 girls born in the blood moon." Baker said.

" WHAT?" Nanny Irma said, who was shocked. She then looked at Isolde, who was still holding her hands.

" We have to go-" Irma said, holding Isolde's hands and walking away from the bakery.

" Thank you, Mr. Baker," Isolde said to the baker before exiting the bakery.

" What's wrong, Nanny?" Isolde said while Nanny was oddly walking fast.

" We must go back home before they catch you-" Irma said worriedly.