Side story 2: Mid-term test
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Finally! The suffering is no more! I’m done with the test!

Well, the final-term test is in three weeks' time, though… But let’s celebrate while I still can.


Mai opened the door and went into the room.

No one paid her any attention. Everyone was either reciting lessons in their minds or praying to the gods.

The girl looked for the table she was assigned to, sat down there, and did nothing more.

With more students coming in after a few minutes, a teacher went in and closed the door, then got to her table. “Alright, get ready for the test. We will hand out the draft paper, answer sheet, and question sheet, don’t look at the questions yet.”

Six examiners walked around the room, giving out said items.

The students filled their information in the answer sheet and waited for the time.

Then came the unmistakable sound of a giant drum blasted across the building.

“Test starts now. You have 120 minutes. Don’t cheat, don’t talk, don’t do funny things.”

The examinees flipped their question sheets and began writing.

Mai did the same thing, except she wrote with insane speed and finished all questions in under thirty minutes.

Without much more to do, the girl stared out of the window.

The scenery of Hanoi was not that special, but then suddenly, her eyes were fixed to a train station, precisely a convoy of cars that were coming near it.

Exiting them was around two hundred men wearing regular clothing but carrying suspiciously large backpacks.

Fuck. Chinese, this is not good… The girl was getting nervous.

Deciding that she must be fast, the girl turned her test papers in despite only a quarter of the given time had passed.

As no students could leave before the time ran out, Mai got back to her table and started planning.

Some of them are getting on the train… Are they planning to… Shit, today is the national college entrance exam day. I bet they are going to kill a lot of students! That’s why they seem to be waiting for something…



Right when the drum’s sound echoed throughout the school, the girl stood up and rushed out of the room. As soon as she got out, Minh also appeared running in the hall.

“Mai! You saw that too?” He called out.

“Yes! We have to be quick! A lot of students are leaving!”

They ran alongside each other to the nearest station. Mai pulled out a katana from a bush next to the school gate while Minh got another one from a car he intentionally parked nearby.

“You remembered to bring your weapon this time?” The girl asked jokingly.

“Of course, I’ve learned my lesson after that ambush.” The boy responded.

A familiar number called Mai’s phone, she took it out and accepted the call midst running.

“Agent Mai and Minh too if he is there with you. Police spotted abnormal activities across the city. Briefly, terrorist attacks will happen and if nothing is done, we will witness around two thousand C4 explosives blowing up in our city, and you’ve heard it, C4. Which means that this is no typical suicide bombers, but the People’s Liberation Army itself. With the gathered intelligence, we found out they’ve deployed five divisions into Vietnam. Those Chinese fuckers got us this time. Anyway, I know very well that you two alone can’t stop the whole thing from happening. However, one less explosion is one hundred less innocent lives. We’ve deployed every near Hanoi unit possible to assist, so good luck.” The other side hung up after a not so long speech.



The couple was getting near the station, but before they could come in, the shooting already started. They quickly got inside and spotted a group of people with assault rifles firing upstairs.

“Mai!” One of them shouted as he recognized two comrades.

The group of people was the same as the couple. They were special agents working for the government of Vietnam doing various tasks.

“What’s happening?” Minh asked.

“I don’t know. We arrived like ten seconds ago and saw the Chinese going down the stairs with machine guns, so we naturally opened fire.” The agent replied.

“Cool, I can only think of one thing they will do with those machine guns. We must exterminate them fast, and I’ve got a way to surprise them. Please hold your line and keep firing.” Mai said, then whispered to Minh.

The couple got outside and climbed the balcony of a house, then both of them jumped into the second floor of the train station through the window.

The Chinese men heard glass shattered, but they got cut down by two katanas before they could do much.

With the horde standing near the stairs being dealt with, the couple moved on deeper inside.

Mai was then discovered by a bunch that was setting up a bomb. Five of them turned back to shoot at her, only for the bullets to be deflected back by her sword, claiming their lives.

Minh then approached from the side, killing the rest of the formation, wiping out the last of the significant threat.

“Okay, that’s all of our parts. The bomb hasn’t even been activated yet. We leave the rest of the guy here to our comrades and the bombs in the city to the military.” Mai sheathed her katana and sat down on a bench.

On that day, out of 2000 explosives, the Vietnamese army only managed to defuse 500 of them. Since an official military force carried out the attack instead of a terrorist group, they’ve been pretty successful.

Explosions and gunshots were heard throughout the city that afternoon, claiming the lives of around 44000 people and seriously damaging the city’s infrastructure.


You were thinking of a chapter to celebrate? To bad! Peace was never an option!
