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The capital was in chaos as the royal knights fought to suppress the kingdom knights who were backed up with mercenaries and lovers.

The commoner’s district was being pillaged and burnt by the kingdom knights who had already suppressed the royal knights in the district. The adventures who were confined to their guild looked on in horror and anger, however, they couldn’t do anything as a bunch of mercenaries stood guard in front of their guild.

“This is bullshit.” A female adventure shouted

She was part of the party that escorted Rosalie to the Lancaster domain. It was the same party that watched as the noble knights began their ROKUKEN.

“Calm down Julia.” Her comrades uttered 


“There nothing we can do against an entire army, not to mention those mercenaries are probably A-rank or higher.”

Hearing her friend say that made her pale. She could hear the screams of the people outside. The kingdom knights who had sworn to protect the people were now raping and pillaging like barbarians.

She couldn’t understand why.

The truth was that they were being manipulated by the mercenaries under Hex’s orders.

'If you want commoners to accept the rule of a foreign royal or noble. You first have to introduce a hatred for the current one.'

These were the thoughts of Hex as he gave the order to his men.

“Oh my god!” one adventure shouted.

Upon hearing that Julia felt a sharp pain in her heart. She didn’t want to imagine what the adventure saw.

“He just took out the mercenaries in a blink of an eye.” The adventure continued.

“Eh?” Julia uttered as she and her female companion both looked outside. “Wait… Isn’t he!?”


“What the hell is going on?” One noble knight shouted as they returned to their dorm. 

The teachers were not saying anything at all.

“Colin,” Charley called out. “Let me and some of my friends sneak out. We are pretty good at gathering information.”

The situation was so unusual that it had been deemed an emergency by the noble knights.

When such a thing occurred, the winner of ROKUKEN became the leader of the noble knights at the academy.

“Hmm… I have a better idea.” He uttered as he turned to his two friends.

“Looks like we are doing that again,” Aaron said

Aaron had the skill <Superior Awareness> which made his senses super sensitive. No sneak attacks would work on him while his skill was active.

<Superior Awareness> also allowed him to know with great detail what was happening around him, up to 5 times the distance a normal noble knight could cover. Not even Colin could match his skill in terms of range and accuracy.

That being said, there was an even better version of the skill. One that manifested when his friend Archie chanted enhancement magic on him.

It was like his soul separated from his body. He was everywhere and could see and hear everything. It was the perfect form of surveillance.

“I seek the knowledge far and wide, from the sky above to the sea below. Enhance my target with the strength of old. < Enhance Target >

“Activate, < World Vision >” Aaron uttered. 

In an instant, he was gathering information from as far as the port town up north.

“What is happening?” Colin asked

“It is a coup.”

His words shocked everyone. 

"The commoner’s district is being pillaged by the kingdom knights, while some mercenaries are targeting the noble district and castle."

“Isn’t this like luck?” a noble knight uttered

“Yeah. If the kingdom falls, then we won’t have to put up with those batches anymore.” Another agreed.

“Don’t be so sure.” Charley firmly said. “One should always be wary of the unknown. We don’t know who organized this coup. For all we know they might introduce an even worse situation for us.”

“Charley is right,” Colin spoke. He was the only one who knew of the princess's support for the noble knights, however, saying that now might be counterproductive. 

Rumors were already spreading of his closeness to the princess. As he was currently in charge, he needed to act like a tactical leader rather than someone who was running on emotions.

“Colin. It seems like the lovers have joined the coup. The royal knights are losing ground. The castle will be taken soon at this rate.”

“What?” Colin shouted.

“They are also holding some noblewomen as hostages in the noble district. Wait… Our parents are there.”

When Aaron said that, Colin remembered Nina instructing his father to come to the capital. 

“Aaron, can you contact your father?”

“Yeah. He seems to have already felt my presence.”

“What are you planning Colin?” Charley asked

“I know I haven’t been the leader for long and that most of you are probably hoping for the kingdom to fall, but I will ask you all to trust me here and now. If you want the future to change then follow me into battle and help the royal knights fight the coup.”

Many of the noble knights hesitated after hearing that.

“I see,” Charley spoke. “I know you are close with the princess. Are you planning to use her and any contribution we make in this battle to have the marriage decree overturned?” he asked

Colin... realizing what Charley was doing nodded.

Even If the kingdom fell there was still an unforeseen future awaiting the noble knights, but if they could score a major achievement by helping defend the royal family from a coup, then their petition to have the marriage decree overturned could no longer be ignored.

Furthermore, their leader Colin had an unusual relationship with the next Queen. 

Their chances of success were high. Very high. In fact, they were so high that no noble knight could even consider it failing at this time.

“Ho no,” Aaron uttered.

“What is it?” Colin asked with worry.

“The girl’s dorm has been invaded. It the lovers and some mercenaries. They are talking about selling the girls as slaves.”

Everyone gave a puzzled look.

They were going t help save the kingdom but did it have to include those bitches?

There was only one noble knight who was worried.

“George. The lovers are chasing after Rose.”

George didn’t need to hear anything else. He charged out the door and headed straight towards the girls' dorm.

The noble knights all knew Rose. She would often greet them and even call out on their partners for treating them badly.

There was no way they wouldn't come to her aid.

“Aaron. Please give your father a message from me. As for the rest of us. Move Out!”

On this day, the world would hear the story of how an army was crushed by students and their parents.

This was the rise of the Legendary Noble knights.