chapter 35
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First comes the confession, then the dating and if things last longer and you fall deeply in love with one another, you meet the parents.

That was what was written in one teen magazine I read recently.

That article keeps popping in my mind with every step I take towards café toki-toki.

My family had a concerned look on their face when I said my goodbyes… Apparently, I have never looked so pale in my life. Luckily they didn’t fuss much after I told them that I would be right back after meeting my friends.

Madoka might have suspected something but she didn’t say anything.

'There it is… café toki-toki.’

I take deep breaths before crossing the street. café toki-toki is a popular place, that caters to couples and alike… this being Christmas eve they should have been very busy but the closed sign says otherwise.

I look through the café glass doors and see Sensei Hirokumi sitting opposite a woman. Even from here, I can tell that she is a beauty.

I nervously open the door and walk-in.

Except for the two, I saw men in black suits nearby. They were probably some sort of security… I didn’t see the usual waiting staff.

‘She probably booked the whole café’

I nervously made my way to the table and bowed my head.

“Ah… You have finally made it.” She uttered before putting the teacup she was drinking down.

She looked not only beautiful but elegant as well. Takashi told me his mom was some kind of reporter, but by the way she carried herself, you can tell that she is so much more.

“When you have to interview people in high society as often as I do, knowing the basics in necessity.” She uttered.

‘If I didn’t know better, I would say that she read my mind.’

“You are not the first person to get puzzled by my appearance and etiquette. Don’t overthink it.”

“Ah… Yes… Umm… Sorry…”

“No problem… But more importantly… I know it may feel uncomfortable but do take a seat next to Sensei Hirokumi over there.” She instructed

I reluctantly did as she asked. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t go anywhere near Sensei Hirokumi.

“Now then… Take a look at this.” She said before sliding a phone in my direction. As I looked at the video that was playing on the screen I felt my blood run cold.

It appeared to be a secret recording of Sensei Hirokumi while we were having sex in the karaoke booth.

“Where did you get this?” I stammered

“Do you really have to ask? You should know who is responsible for that video… “ she said before glancing at Sensei Hirokumi.

“You bastard!” I yelled.

I wanted to hit him… No… I wanted to kill…

This man… This fool… This bastard! If only I never met him… If only I wasn’t so stupid to fall for his words.

“I understand your anger Hinata-chan but getting angry will not solve anything nor will it help with the current situation.”

Takashi’s mother uttered. In front of her strong gaze and intimidating presence, I had no choice but to hold back my anger.

“Now then, Sensei Hirokumi…”


“You are a very fortunate person… Did you know that?”


“Minako-chan was desperately looking for this video you know… and considering her personality, it would have already made its way to the press by now. ‘Teacher scum seduces innocent student… Or my… I mean students…” she uttered.

‘Minako was looking for that video? Students? My mind is having a hard time keeping up with what is being said here.’


“Please don’t talk… The very sight of you is revolting… I don’t need my ears to be polluted as well.” She coldly spoke.
I didn’t need to look at that bastard to know that he was scared, but any delight I might felt was short-lived because I was scared too.

Takashi’s mother was someone you didn’t want for any enemy… that much was obvious.

“You have one of two options… have one of your videos leaked and become this country’s number one villain or retire to a Buddhist monastery out in the country… of course, my companions there will make sure that you arrive and stay there until your dying days.”

“Eh… Umm…”

“What? You thought I would send you off to some paradise island to leave the rest of your life in happiness? Don’t be a fool." she uttered with a deadly glare. “The fact that you will still be alive should be a blessing. If I were you, I would take my offer of the countryside… you don’t want to experience the living hell that I will unleash on you if you don’t.”

You don't need to be clever to know that she was serious.

“I… I accept.”

“There is a good boy. I knew you would see it my way eventually.” She uttered before snapping her fingers.

Three men in black suits approached our table after she did that.

“Please take sensei… I mean, monk Hirokumi to the Buddhist monastery… and tell the monks to take extra care of him.”

“Yes ma’am” they uttered in unison.

I heard the sound of a sliding chair as he got up…

“This will probably be the last time you two ever see each other… Don’t you have anything to say to one another?” she asked before picking up the teacup she had placed on the table.

“I have nothing to say…” I softly spoke.

There was a brief silence… I could feel sensei’s gaze on me and after a while, I heard him utter, “I am sorry Hinata… I never meant to hurt you. I… I have no excuse for my actions... If you want to hate me then…”

“Even now you are full shit…” I interrupted. “If I want to hate you?” I uttered before glaring at him. “You still must be full of yourself to try and utter that bullshit at me. Of course, I hate you and I don’t need your motherfucking permission to do so… I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I hate the day I meet you, spoke to you… I hate every memory I have of you! I hope you die all alone… ” I spoke.

He didn’t respond to my outburst and I had no intention of hearing any such response. “Just go away…” I uttered after I turned my gaze back to the table.

It wasn't like it was all his fault. He never forced me to do anything, if anything I was the foolish one who feel for his words.

I heard footsteps before hearing the cafe door open and close. This was the last time I ever saw Sensei--- That man.

“Now then… How about we talk about your relationship with my son... Hinata-chan.” I heard a voice utter.

I looked up and saw Takashi's mother looking directly at me.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for her words... knowing full well the large impact they will have on my relationship with Takashi.