Chapter 3: keeping this crowd mental
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I am not good at story intros, that is a fact. Expect that my intro will stretch out a few chapters in the novel. Don't worry, I put time into making my intro's to be reasonable. Last chapter was an exception because none of the characters there really mattered in the long run.

Daxiel was not liking how he was going to revive a girl he had just reincarnated on their first month of reincarnation. Daxiel floated over the body of the girl named Luna, and He was not happy about what he was going to have to do to her to get her to come back to life. He floated down to first check the girl for any wounds on her body to make sure that she wouldn't die of bleeding right after he revived her, and He turned the girl over to see that there were cuts around her shoulders. 1he does this to make sure none of the tendons in her arms have been cut, Thus disabling her arms. He went around her to see an arrow in her shoulder that had been lodged in a bad position to pull out, so He did the one thing that he never had done before.  He would be required to go into a teophany 2god in a human form to appear mortal. This can of course be in any gender they desire to be. Greek history is awesome because I would never be able to give plot points like this. as to help her without her knowing. He searched her mind to find the form she would be unable to recognize.

With all of this information, You should understand why a little girl wearing an ancient robe was poking another little girl on the ground with her staff like what she poked was a dead fish. 3 After confirming that Luna was, in fact, completely dead. She grabbed the end of the arrow in Luna's back and pulled it out of her as quickly as possible. Afterwards, Daxiel stood there for a moment, throwing the arrow to the side before looking down at her in consideration.

“Hmm” said Daxiel, “oh, now I remember what I forgot!”

Daxiel started to do a really long chant that in all honestly was a bunch of gibberish as he prepared his godly power to end the day early. He made sure to make a massive, illegible spell circle in the sky, so anyone who saw it would not understand it nor gain the ability to make the planet size spell circle. All wizards would be grieving for centuries after this day, as they had to reset every clock in the world. He didn't want to make an entire group of tribal clans commit suicide because of the thought that some greater power was angry at them. After that, he sat there for a moment as he waited for the moon to come back around to get into the center of the sky. The water turned a glowing blue color 4AdobeStock_367243900-scaled.jpeg he then carried his water skin over to the water to collect some water to carry it over to Luna. He promptly dropped the entire contents on the “dead” Luna's face. Though he did realize that giving her unpunished revival would be annoying because she might think that she could do anything without consequence, so he put a curse on her with it adding a curse after every subsequent death.

Not very punishing curses, just annoying curses. Afterwards, he walked off away from her, she didn't need to know she had a god watching over her just yet, and her little passenger would need the punishment

Meanwhile, inside the mind of Luna

Luna's thinks “Well, whenever you die, you go to a black plane? I thought last time I had gone to a White plane when I died? Am I going to the place for sinners? What is this place!”

“Muhahahahaha” laughed evilly behind her, “we're in your head stupid! OW!”

Luna turned around to see what seemed to be a small child at the same age as her, save for a few things, including a few demonic features like a spaded tail, small horns, and a pair of small wings. None of them added to the child's intimidation factors, instead they seemed to make her look like she was wearing a Halloween costume. Luna determined that the child was not wearing a costume because there wasn't anything visible that was attached to the costume. Luna was not afraid of her because she wasn't equipped with any visible weapons. She also bit her tongue after saying her last word, and she did not seem very intimidating with her tongue sticking out.

“Sop thimking sho lou, sum!” Yelled the girl.5just know I tried, ok. I'm not fluent in “bit tongue”. She tried to say 'stop thinking so loud, scum'.

Luna could only comprehend some of what the girl just said. She probably would have understood it better if the girl had stopped and waited for her tongue to stop being in pain. The girl, like she had heard Luna, waited for a second before repeating herself. 

“Stop thinking so loud!” The girl yelled.


“Think quieter!” The girl yelled again.

“Repeating yourself does not explain what you mean!” Luna yelled back.

“Stop having interior monologue in here!” she yelled back.

They both stopped and stared at each other.

“Can you hear my thoughts?” Luna asked.

“Yes, that's why I asked you to stop. You can stop projecting your thoughts by thinking with colors.” the girl said.

“What is this place?” Luna asked, “and who are you?”

The demon girl took a dramatic pose6

“I am Fermi, and I am a demon lord who hitchhiked on your reincarnation!”

“What are you planning on doing now that you have hitchhiked all the way here?”

The demon stood there stock still for a moment, like she had just hadn't thought of that.

“I didn't think that far ahead!” She cried.

Fermi dropped onto her knees, and grabbed Luna's leg.

“Please let me out somewhere, so I can go back!” She said while holding on.

“I don't know how to bring you back! I also don't have any knowledge on how to let you out!”

They both stopped yelling at each other as a loud voice boomed over them.

Oh, goodie! You and every other soul in your body have been resurrected! The price for this revival is the curse, 'death ridden reflection'. You will now be revived after every death, but with a curse! Please refrain from dying again to make sure that you do not get any of the effects it creates!”

Both Luna and Fermi sat and stared at each other before they both screamed.

“WHY ME!?”

As they said this, Luna and Fermi started to float up. Fermi started to attempt to swim down, so to stop herself from being pulled in.

“What is this, and why are you trying to swim away!?” Luna asked the frantic Fermi.

“Our souls are about to be locked back into your body, but this time we're both going to be sharing control! With you in the driver seat, and me in the viewing chamber as a back seat driver!” Fermi said.

“Well, where else are you going to go?” Luna asked.

Fermi obviously didn't think about that as after being asked she kept swimming and then relaxed into the force as both Luna and her were pulled by the force. Needless to say, they would have very interesting adventures together.

Meanwhile also in Luna's head There is another person, but this one did not intend to hitchhike for Luna's journey

“Where was that door again?” said a female angel while walking in the black void that is Luna's head. The girl walking around had pink hair, brown eyes, and a pink set of wings that she had colored. She obviously was the rebellious teenager of all angels. All of her clothes were more dark black oriented, and form fitting. Nothing an average angel wore on their jobs, but She didn't seem to be a sad or measly character, instead looking like a bubbly child who loved everyone, even if she did come off a little standoffish.7you can tell that I want an artist can't you?

The black realm then lit up into a hallway as Luna came back to life, surprising the angel. The angel turned to see the Entrance getting closed off as Luna's soul woke up. The angel was about to be trapped in the mind of this girl!

“How did she revive herself! She isn't in a world with resurrection abilities!” the girl yelled as she looked around in panic.

The angel, realizing her predicament, ran towards the entrance of Luna's mind, but the angel was sadly not fast enough to get through the door. The angel smacked her hands against the now sealed door before she too was pulled up into Luna's consciousness Before she screamed her last goodbye.

"This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to get a second chance in life!" she screamed.

After she disappeared one new memory appeared, one of a wise looking young girl poking her with a stick. It was added to Luna's subconscious memory, and Who knows when Luna will see it.

you know how in Christianity, god judges you for your sins. The last part of the chapter was an angel searching Luna's soul to see her sins, so she could judge her. That is why she is there, so Her bad luck is infectious! The reason that she wasn't introduced with her name is because she wasn't introduced to Luna. To this reasoning she would have to hear the story from the angel girl to learn her name. Like the story was being told from the perspective of Luna.

we have a poll at the bottom about our new 'pink menace angel'




how should I get art for the "angel" and our protagonist
  • ask an artist that you know to do it as a favor, This will takes months btw. Votes: 6 31.6%
  • let you the author draw it, not our problem. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ask us to draw it! lol we obviously are experienced artists. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no art, words are enough Votes: 1 5.3%
  • torture the author by letting him decide Votes: 7 36.8%
  • this indecisions killing me Votes: 0 0.0%
  • chibi art! Votes: 5 26.3%
Total voters: 19