ch. 16
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 If ya forgot and since I forgot here


Cullen-cold manga protag

Misamu-our mc, (the orig misamu was a a shy hikikimori)

Adameina-boobs- I mean clumsy type, fluffy hair (nickname:mei)

Naerimika-green hair mysterious and cool senpai

Jenn-mc mom


Rant by your author uwu you can skip the spoiler if you want


Uwaaaa *crying continues* I did not notice that it has been 2 years but now here we are buhuhuhu sorry for only visiting here again, thankfully I’m still not dead but these are one of the times where I have free time….. kidding don’t have free tym  iusjdbjhsvah university is shoo harddd damn it I’m also studying for my exams but I wanted some relief by reading novels but couldn’t find any to my taste, so why not make one? Joke. I visited here again because I remembered an interesting sci-fi I made so yah I’ll try continuing it.


I did make drafts on the story but :> they’ve all been wiped out :> not because of the virus, u see I couldn’t afford getting distracted if you wanna be one of the top, you gotta crush most of those below you hehe even deleted my games for this school shit anyway hope all the remaining readers or just curious fellas are doing well in school. It’s lonely being alone away from people, but you could easily reel one in to you if you hab d maney, dats y skool impowtant, u skool, u work, ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶, you mit pepol, hab sedx, ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶, viola nating


To prove that this body has a high tolerance, I have now taken eight shots and am still standing. I was thinking perhaps the drink had no alcohol, but seeing as the people around me were knocked down and sleeping, it was the real thing.

The only people left standing were a few students blinking but about to fall asleep, giggling seniors, a certain sleepy, swaying, fluffy-haired classmate, and the sober protagonist.

It was quiet, and this made me think again of my past life. I didn’t feel as alone as I thought, but I couldn’t tell my troubles to anyone. There’s Jenn, but I feel like she’s just a stranger, and everything around me is like a dream.

Suddenly, tears started streaming down my face without my noticing. I didn’t have anything to wipe my tears with, so I used my jacket, blocking my view.

I felt a tap on my shoulder; it was the protagonist. Having another person beside me at this time made me feel a little sense of comfort.

I thought the protagonist didn’t like being affectionate, but I guess anyone would do the same when they see someone crying.

Hugging me in his broad arms, he made me aware that I was in a girl’s body. And something like this? Is this normal? I’m already getting confused.

Slowly pushing the other, I mumbled, "I’m feeling better, thanks Cullen."

After being taken away from that warm embrace, everything went back to being dead silent, with the exception of the flickering bonfire.

After a few days, the "vacation" was over, and the only interaction I had with the protagonist was at the bonfire.

That day, the teachers woke up feeling heavy, but they did not discover what had happened the night before.

Being back at the academy, every other day was the same: going to class, eating, and vice versa. I would call Jenn from time to time because I missed talking to someone. Although it was only for a limited amount of time, Jenn still took my calls whenever she could.

I had trouble remembering the contents of the manga, but I was sure that they still did a lot of traveling in space, nurturing relationships, fighting, and completing the harem.

But slowly, I was starting to change the way Misamu was being portrayed in the manga; she would often stay in her room after class and would be buried in books.

Only reading books was starting to bore me, so I went outside the academy at night and went to watch the mecha cockpit fight again. The friendly, burly man was still in the same sitting spot and grinning at me while lifting both his eyebrows.

I didn’t want to get beaten up again, so I decided to go where they store their fighting mecha.

Perhaps I was being nosy, but the thin old man taking care of the mechas called out to me with a raspy voice, "Hey kid! What the hell are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here!

I didn’t want to be thrown out of this cool place, so I tried appeasing the old grandpa.

"The mechas look well maintained. I just wanted to see who’s taking care of them after getting beaten up so bad after each fight."

The old man may not have been expecting a compliment, but he was obviously flustered. "OK, enough with the chitchat, what do you want?"

Straight to the point, haha! This old man sure is cute. "I was hoping I could gain experience here; I’m doing fine just observing, but it would also be nice if I could pick up some parts here and there, and ah! If you're unsure about my presence here, I'm a Kliriams student; perhaps you could use me as an asset in the future."

Thinking it through, the old man finally spoke: "I wasn’t expecting any students from Kliriams to visit here, and not even a little girl like you too. You should have the facilities at your school, so why go to this place?"

"Although every facility is free at school, I’m afraid if I make changes to their equipment and accidentally destroy it, I may be asked for compensation."

"What makes you say I’m accepting you being here and the way it sounds make you destroy my equipment here for free?"

Grinning at this funny old man, I convinced him that "This place must be earning so much after all those bets, and seeing as you’re the only one here with no one to help, things must be lonely, so I can be a fun company, not to mention an early asset."

The old man must’ve been amused and mumbled under his breath just loud enough for me to hear, "This must be how it feels to have a fussy grandchild."

Just in time, a mecha came in that had lost its leg.

The old man went to it and talked, saying, "You could learn a thing or two from this; better watch closely."

Seeing his approval, I made a heartfelt smile and said, "Yes, thank you!"

Once I again hope you’re sick of me and do not come back(you’re only gonna get hurt waiting for someone you used to know *inhales* SAMBADYYY!)  thanks anyway for reading up until you finally reached the bottom of this chapter that I made while contemplating life and thinking if I should study or procrastinate in the end, we can crush balls and now u ask why I’m talking nonsense believe me