The Queen of Blades
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I desperately followed my new queen throughout the extremely complicated tunnel systems. She was marching through the corridors with a clear goal in her mind while I was trying to keep up the pace. At the end of the tunnel we walked into a moderately sized room. There were many things in that room. Most looked like items carved out of living meat and flesh. I looked at them with wonder. Those things were still alive. I could see them breathe as the blood moved in their veins.

I watched as my queen sat down on one of those strange creations. It was created in the resemblance of a chair, but it's frame was wider, providing more place to sit on, with two armrest, one on each side. 

My gaze refocused on my queen's face, as a sense of discomfort took control over me. She was smiling lightly and her eyes were focused on my lower legs... My eyes widened from fear and I dropped to my knees in haste, as the possible implications came to my mind. I also bowed my head to avoid eye contact. 

She chuckled as she watched my reaction with satisfied glee.

While looking at the floor, I saw her lift up one of her legs. She straighted it toward my face and gently, but firmly pushed my chin upwards, forcing my face to face hers. I looked into those eyes. Her face was finely made. Looking at it calmed the mind, but I knew at that time already, that it was just a disguise, a detailed trap to lower the guards of the unprepared. Just like a colorful flesh-eating flower, its enamoring scents and the powerful pheromons always lingered around her. Her face was representing the colorful petals of a beautiful flower. 

Only if you look at the rest of her body, and her personality will you know the true nature of this creature. Which was a... 

Her expression suddenly turned sour, and my thoughts froze. 

-You are thinking something rude, again... I really can't decide that you are simply this stupid or that you want to insult me time and time again. I am starting to think that it's the latter. 

She added the last sentence in a threatening tone, that resembled an animalistic hiss, one that almost froze my blood in their veins.

Why do I always forget that she can read my thoughts... but how does she do that...  She didn't read my mind while we walked the corridors. Or was she just acting like that? I don't understand.

In my fear and confusion I looked to the side as my eyes wandered the room to find something, anything that could even partially distract me from my current situation. 

I heard her threatening voice again. 

-Look into my eyes. Always look into my eyes while I talk to you. 

Her voice was an order, that my body wanted to follow instinctively. My gaze snapped back towards her's. To those radiating yellow eyes. My eyes opened wide in realization, she can only read my mind when she looks directly into my eyes. 

Her smirk grew wider. No doubt she read those exact thoughts now. 

-Ah, you realized it at last. I must have given too much help with that order just now. 

She at last drew back her leg from under my chin and crossed it over her other leg with ingrained grace and natural dexterity. She was clearly enjoying our interaction. Her smile was genuine and playful, and that fact made me want to crawl away from her as fast as I could, but to where?

-You are really one of a kind. It is amusing to read your chaotic thoughts, truly. Yet I must warn you, before you think any further in that direction. 

She sat up straight as she looked down at me. 

-You belong to me now. That means you can't escape. You can never escape from me. I will find you anywhere you go, and I will hunt you down and bring you back to me. 

She chuckled, as her possessive eyes looked over my shaken body like I was her newly gained and most treasured prize. 

-Oh, but I know that you won't listen to me just like that. So I will allow you now to run away. Look, the way is wide open. You can go freely. You are not shackled in any way after all. 

That statement surprised me. I almost stood up and started to run, but I remembered suddenly. I was in a totally unknown place, where billions if not trillions of zergs were surrounding me in every direction. Zergs that are mostly controlled by her, or those strange caterpillar like creatures... 

My heart fell as the sense of hopelessness burrowed itself into my soul. She was baiting me, baiting me to try and run away, then she could have hunted me down for sport, while also humiliating me while enjoying the game. I felt a wave of hatred and defiance rise inside me as I looked into her eyes. 

She met my gaze, ready as her smile grew even wider. 

-I see, you have understood your position, without that. How sad, I was looking forward to seeing you squirm in despair as you realize your own hopelessness. 

She smirked, then asked me with her ever so sweet yet cruel voice. 

-I heard that you were a queen like me, until now. 

My hate-filled gaze turned into a confused one, as the sudden change of topic took me off guard. 

She continued her speech. 

-Tell me, how does it feel to be helplessly imprisoned even in the very heart of the swarm? In the only place where you should never feel dread, you are just as lost as in any other place. 

As I heard her question, I felt a knot growing in my throat, and my tummy clenched in on itself. 

She continued her questions, drinking in the pain that was obviously visible through my hurt expression. 

-Is it humiliating? Are you feeling completely useless now? A waste of space? Do you perhaps want to die? 

I felt tears appearing on the edges of my eyes, as a few drops of salty water began to crawl down my cheeks. I looked down to the floor in shame... 

-I said, look into my eyes!

Came the order, and my body instinctively followed the command. 

The queen was looking into my teary eyes with a confused interest. 

- Are you crying? A zerg ex-hive queen is crying? Do you really want to die just from this? 

I couldn't answer that question... the only thing I knew was that I wanted to get out of here, away from her as far as possible. 

-Aww, that is too bad. 

She said playfully. 

-Because you can't. 

She leaned her head innocently to one side. As she watched my broken expression. 

-You know, I like you even more now. You are so expressive in your misery, I almost pity you. Except I don't.

She leaned forward in her seat, closer to me as she grasped her right hand around my face forcefully. 

-It is time to carve the thought into your flesh and soul. The knowledge that you are mine, you are just an extension of my body, a limb, no, a finger. One that can be replaced, one that can be regrown easily. You will do as I say, you will follow any order to your last breath. As your life belongs to me, but remember, unlike a real arm or finger, here you are the one who depend on me, not otherwise. Do you understand. 

At this point I was terrified, but from my still lingering pride I managed to give her a defiant gaze, even if just a weak one.

-Oh, you still resist.

I watched as she smiled happily seeing my reaction. That honestly confused me... Especially with what she said after.

-Please continue to do so. 

I managed to gather all my courage, and asked in a meek voice, at least I didn't stutter this time.


She was surprised that I spoke up, and let go of my face. She sat back on her throne, in a completely relaxed body posture. 

-Because, Lily. It is quite boring to rule over creatures that without a doubt would lay their lives in front of you. It has its good sides for sure, but it can quickly become boring.

She fiddled with her elongated fingernails while relaxingly answering my question. She suddenly looked down at me, into my eyes, and said. 

-You, on the other hand, are different. You are a zerg but still more of a terran on the inside, and that makes you interesting. You will serve me and no one else, not even that troublesome Overmind. If you do as I say, Lily, then I can promise you.

As I listened to her speech, I felt an ever growing dread in my stomach. My throat felt dry as I swallowed reflexively, trying to hear her ominous promise. 

Her smile momentarily widened, showing some of her white teeth. As she finished her short monologue, in a sweet disarming voice. 

-That I will enjoy you to the fullest. 

It was my time to be confused. I continued to look into her eyes as I asked in a fearful way. 

-Are you... are you going to eat me? I am very skinny... and probably poisonous because of the neuro poison stored inside me. 

Her expression was the one that turned confused this time, and not the amusingly confused one for once. She sniffed the air and raised her right hand in front of her eyes, as if she tried to hide her troubled expression. 

She seemed extremely annoyed and I didn't like it... Did I say something foolish again? 

She released a long sigh. Then, she questioned me in an ominously silent almost whispering voice. 

-Do you suggest, that the highest ranked queen in the entire swarm needs to depend on cannibalism? This time you have gone a bit too far with your impudentness. Hmmm, but I am in a good mood, so I will allow you to choose your own punishment. How does this sound? Ah, and you should punish yourself according to your misbehaviour. Otherwise I will punish you even more. 

What? I don't even know what I did wrong. How am I supposed to know the depth of my misbehaviour? She smirked, as she was watching me squirm in my own doubts and fears. Wait, no, this must be another mental game of hers. She wants me to think that I did something unforgivable and stupidly punish myself harshly while in reality I made only a small mistake. Yes, that must be it... But what if I am wrong... I should play safe and choose a moderate punishment instead of a small one just in case... I will make this small sacrifice, even if it is unnecessary. 

I took in a deep breath, as I opened my mouth. The queen was watching me with glimmering eyes as I said the words. 

-I... I will punish myself with not eating anything else today.

The queen blinked as her expression forze. Then she blinked again and said in a shocked voice. 

-You.. you just ate so much creep about an hour ago, that you could go on for three days without even thinking of being hungry!

She hit the armrest of the flesh chair with his right arm, and the whole thing squirmed under her for a few seconds in agony. But after the chair calmed down, she also followed suit. 

She chuckled loudly. Seeing that, I raised up my hands covering the top of my head defensively. 

-I see now that I underestimated you. You act as innocent as a newborn sheep, while you calculatingly try to humiliate me in front of my own swarm. You are indeed poisonous. But so am I, taming you will be the best entertainment in a while.

She smiled at me threateningly. She suddenly stood up with momentum and grabbed onto my hair like psionic receptors from behind as she pulled me up to my legs. I gasp from the pain as they were still very sensitive, even if the last session in the Chrysalis somehow made them more durable and resistant. It was still very painful, especially so suddenly. 

The queen shook my head a bit, still grabbing my hair as another wave of pain pulsed through me. 

-I... I am sorry.. Please let me go... 

-Now that is a better way to speak to your queen, but unfortunately its a bit late. Now be a good girl, and listen carefully. Do you hear me? 


-Do you see that pool over there, that is a spawning pool, but you must already know that.


I stated in a small voice. 

-Good, it is used to make evolutional changes, but it can also be used, to scan already finished evolutions. I want to know everything about you, all of your secret abilities, everything. You will submerge into the green liquid and it will scan your entire body. Now go. 

She violently tossed me towards the small scale spawning pool in the corner. It was not far, and she tossed me with so much power that I basically dropped directly into it. I fell into the pool with a small scale splash. The liquid was very heavy and stiff. I was surprised as the small spawning pull, at least in width, was a few meters deep.

I instinctively tried to swim to the surface, but something grabbed onto my leg. What was going on?  I looked down and saw through to green liquid that a tentacle like appendage was closed around my ancle. I tried to kick it with my other leg, but it didn't budge, and soon my other ankle was also captured in the grasp of another tentacle. Soon my arms followed, as I began to panic since in my wild struggle, I ran out of air. I already knew, that this enzyme was not one that you could breathe through. 

When I had no more air, and my lungs were burning up, I saw a fifth tentacle close to my face. It suddenly sprung towards my face and pushed itself into my mouth and wriggled down directly into my throat. 

I tried to spit it out, bit into it, fight and scream, but it was all futile. The tentacle was covered in thick skin and there was no chance for me to bite it off with my terran teeth. Soon I felt a painful feeling in my throat, as the tentacle expanded and attached itself to the walls of my windpipe from the inside. With that, suddenly I felt fresh air enter my body. 

I didn't understand at first how I was able to breath... but as the minutes went by and my panic, subsided, I realized that it must be through the tentacle in my throat. The sensation was still incredibly frustrating, I think I have even vomited once or twice, but the tentacle sucked up that too... As a matter of fact, I was feeling like vomiting every second, but there was nothing left to vomit out inside me... 

It was that moment when I heard a voice speak directly into my mind. It was, of course, her voice... 

-I see that you are finally ready. Cozy little place, isn't it? I will start the scan, oh. This will be painful, by the way. Abathur thinks that it is a waste of effort to spend time on creating analgetics. I would say, that you get used to it, but it would be a waste of effort to lie. Heh... Well, try not to faint too quickly. It is supposed to be a punishment after all.

I struggled in vain, while forced to listen to her words. I couldn't get away from her annoying pestering, even in this damnable pool!

-Have fun, Lily. I will be watching you closely. Next time we meet, I will know you much-much better. If we are lucky, we might even meet with your dear friend, what was her name? Ean, Eandollath one of the measly protoss names. 

I struggled as I tried to understand her implication while I sensed the spawning pool coming alive around me. The liquid began to feel hotter and hotter as air bubbles started to lift to the surface around me. This was too hot! I am burning! NO! HELP!

The last thing I heard was the queen's dry chuckle as she said. 

-Oh, I forgot to mention this before, we are going to Aiur, thanks to you. Eh? Are you already out? Such a weakling...