SS #1: Chapter 2 – Part 6 – Yutsuki, Part 7 Angelica
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Part 6 - Yutsuki

“Onii-sama, let’s go check out the view over there!” Yutsuki cheerily said as she pulled Martel, who was walking behind her.

“Okay, okay. Take your time. The view is not going anywhere.” Martel said with a smile as they wrapped up their date, sightseeing in Tokyo. They had always talked about going at some point, but it never ended up happening. Martel was making up for that.

“Onii-sama, isn’t the view lovely?” Yutsuki asked as she gently fixed her hair.

“Absolutely lovely,” Martel replied, evident to both of them that he wasn’t looking at the view.

Yutsuki blushed from before she turned to look at him as she held her hands behind her back. “Thank you for a wonderful day, Onii-sama.”

“Of course, but it isn’t over yet.”

“Isn’t it?” Yutsuki asked, a little surprised.

“No. I talked to your father, and he invited your friends in my stead for a casual dinner.”

Yutsuki’s complexion changed for a moment. “O-Onii-sama, that really is necessary?”

Martel tilted his head. “Why not? You know I never met them and we talked about that before. I was curious about your friends.”

“I… I guess.” Yutsuki finally assented.

Martel was a little confused as he wasn’t expecting this reaction. He was also curious about who the two friends she had were, as he had not researched them.

Once Martel took Yutsuki to a secluded spot, he teleported them near the restaurant, a simple burger joint. Although it was simple, it was a relatively popular part of the city, making it a large establishment.

“I’ll see if I can find them,” Yutsuki said, a little flustered, as she took off.

Martel shrugged as he watched her leave. However, only a couple seconds after she did, Martel suddenly found his arm being firmly grasped. He flinched and surprised as he did not sense anyone behind him. He turned to look at his assailant and was quite surprised when he discovered he knew this girl who was suddenly attached to his arm.

“Hey, Nii-san, want to come to play with me?” The girl who Martel recalled was one he had saved when Angelica’s ship first appeared, and she sneakily kissed him.

Martel bitterly shook his head as he wondered how his perception could be so bad around some girls. “You shouldn’t say something like that. What if a bad guy took your invitation the wrong way.” He said as he knew that the girl was still a virgin.

The girl bit her lower lip. “But Aki wants Nii-san to punish me like the bad girl I am.”

Martel’s eyebrow twitched, and he was about to respond. However, he paused once he noticed someone else coming up to his other arm, who similarly hugged it. He turned to look at this new girl and realized he also recognized her even though she wore a partial disguise. “Wouldn’t it be bad if someone discovered that you were so intimate with a man in public?” Martel asked quietly.

The other girl, who had the stereotypical’ younger sister” appearance, tilted her head in surprise. “Onii-san, do you know Momo? Are you Momo’s fan? Momo is so happy.”

“What are you two doing?” A surprised Yutsuki interjected. “Don’t cling so close to Onii-sama.” She continued in a fluster as she tried to separate them.

Momo claimed even more closely to Martel. “No, Momo wants him to be Momo’s Onii-san.”

“No! He’s my Onii-sama!”

Aki made a sly smile as she clung even closer to him. “Well, since he’s your Onii-sama, then he can be my boyfriend.”

“He’s my boyfriend!” Yutsuki said before she broke into a blush.

“Say, you two wouldn’t happen to be her friends, would you?” Martel asked in some trepidation.

“Yep, we get along so well, don’t we?” Momo said.

Martel wanted to facepalm. No wonder Yutsuki didn’t want him to meet her friends as they were quite a bit eccentric. “Well, why don’t we eat?”

The girls all nodded, and they went to sit down, which was also an ordeal as Yutsuki’s friends both wanted to flank him. Naturally, he could only refuse and had Yutsuki at his side.

Aki provocatively unbuttoned her clothes. “Yutsuki, I’m okay if I’m only a lover so you can keep being his girlfriend.”

Momo nodded. “Then, Momo will be the imouto.”

“Absolutely not!” Yutsuki denied vehemently. “Aki, why are you acting so weirdly towards my Onii-sama?”

Aki pouted. “Really? That’s too bad. He seems like he’d be such a good kisser.” She said as she licked her lips.

Martel suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Given that Aki was acting differently, and she mentioned kissing, he couldn’t help but feel like she knew who he was.

“D-d-don’t even think about kissing my Onii-sama!” Yutsuki said, fully blushing.

Aki gave Yutsuki a small smile. “Don’t tell me, haven’t even kissed him yet?”

Yutsuki turned beet red.

“Oh, really?” Aki said with a bit of embarrassment.

It was at this point Martel began to suspect that Aki knew who he was. However, he had no idea how she could know, so he decided to play ignorant until she revealed it. Of course, there was always a chance this was mere coincidence, which was why he did not ask her directly.

Apparently, after this revelation, Aki became more reserved, and Momo followed suit. After finishing dinner, Yutsuki and Martel parted ways with Aki and Momo.

“Onii-sama, sorry.”

Martel shook his head. “Don’t be. They may be a little weird, but I can tell they like and care about you.”

Yutsuki nodded before she sweetly turned back to Martel. “Onii-sama, where are we going next?”

Martel shook his head bitterly. “You rushed through everything so fast that we already went everywhere I planned.”

“I see. Then, does that leave only one thing left for the night?” She said shyly.

Martel slightly flinched before he gave a bitter sigh. It seems someone had spilled the beans. However, he might as well go through with it. Just as he was preparing to propose, his body suddenly broke out into a cold sweat, his face became white, and he couldn’t stop shaking.

“Onii-sama, what’s wrong?” Yutsuki asked as she noticed the abnormality.

Martel didn’t respond, and the sick feeling in his stomach made him unwilling to move.

“Onii-sama, is something wrong? Can you tell me?” Yutsuki asked again as she took his head in her hands and looked at him.

It was then that Martel realized what was wrong. “Yutsuki, do I… Do I even have the right to love you?”

Yutsuki’s expression turned into one of shock before shy embarrassment. “Of course you do.” She said softly.

“But I… But I…”

“Onii-sama, if something is bothering you, please tell me.” She replied. Even though she was a simple kindhearted girl, she wasn’t stupid. She could tell that Martel was mentally bothered by something.

“Yutsuki, you know that I fused with Shiba, my future self? Well, I did something I shouldn’t have. When I was depressed, you comforted me and I…” He began before he froze up, his body shook even more violently.

“Onii-sama, let it out. It’s okay.”

Martel took a deep breath. “I… I certainly did not ask for your consent, nor did I even care. I just…” He said. His voice trembled, but you could easily hear the anger and frustration he felt, along with his guilt. He hated himself for it, just like he hated anyone else would treat a woman in such a manner. “I… I…” He continued as tears formed.

However, before he could continue, Yutsuki grabbed his face and forced him to look at her angry expression. “Onii-sama, don’t you ever say that again.”

“But I…”

“No butts! You did nothing to me.”

“I know, but I… Even though I locked away all those memories, I refused to lock the knowledge that I did so.”

Hearing this, Yutsuki relaxed slightly. “That explains why this is bothering you so much since you can’t remember. Onii-sama, no matter what, it would be impossible for you to harm me.” She said as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. “If my future self loves you half as much as I love you now, there’s no way I would have refused you.” She said as her face grew consistently redder.

Martel’s emotional state finally started to stabilize. He looked at Yutsuki’s face, and finally, he felt some peace. Perhaps, it all only been self-blame. Maybe, Yutsuki honestly did not blame him. That did not excuse what he did, but he gave him enough peace of mind to treat her right and make up for past regrets. Finally, he slowly got down on one knee. “Yutsuki, will you marry me?”

Yutsuki fought off the tears forming in her eyes before she nodded. “Un, Onii-sama.”

Martel gently slipped the ring engraved with “My Love, My Sure-Shot, My Cupid’ onto her finger. There was a pregnant pause for a moment before they eventually kissed. It was a little awkward, especially since Yutsuki froze up for a moment, but she was a quick learner.

After the kiss, Martel gently held her in his arms and gently looked at her.

Yutsuki, looked around for a moment before she blushed as she worked up the courage to speak. “Onii-sama, there isn’t a bed around here.” She said in a whisper.

Martel looked a little embarrassed. “Yutsuki, I wasn’t planning on that, yet.”

Yutsuki flashed through but a disappointment, but her eyes soon flashed with resolve. She bit her lip and tried to imitate Aki as closely as she could. “Onii-sama, Yutsuki has been bad and needs to be punished.”

Martel rolled his eyes. “As if my Yutsuki knows how to be bad.” He teased.

Yutsuki became a little crestfallen. “Onii-sama, I want to be yours completely, like the others.”

It was then Martel realized he had messed up. He held back because she was different from the others. She was from Earth, like him. She came from a society where polygamy was not normal, so he wanted to make sure she was accepting. Additionally, she was still underage, which made him think she wouldn’t want to rush. However, he made a mistake she should’ve recalled due to filling out the paperwork. She was underage where he was from, but not where she was from. As such, she was fully expecting it after he had hinted so much.

Martel grabbed her even closer and kissed her again. Distracted by the sudden kiss, Yutsuki didn’t notice that he teleported them into her room.

After they finished their kiss, he whispered gently to her ear. “There’s a bed behind you.”

Yutsuki flinched for a moment before she realized where she was. Then, she broke out into a shy smile. “Onii-sama, I love you.” She said softly. 

“I love you too.” He said as he kissed her before he fully accepted her as his wife.

End of Day 53

Reminiscence – Yutsuki

I remember when I, Yutsuki, talked with my father about allowing a foreign exchange student to stay with us. Initially, I was quite an introverted person. Even at school, I only had two friends who went out of their way to be friends. However, once I heard his story, I immediately accepted it. He had just lost his entire family, and he needed someone to be there for him. He shouldn't be alone.

Eventually, I met Marty. He was very polite, but his smile was always hollow. Time went by, and I did my best to get to know him better, but there is still some distance between us. The combination of my shyness and his desire to be alone did not help. I also think he remembered his little sister whenever he saw me. Unsure of what to do, I could only give up for a time. 

Then, one day, a bunch of kidnappers broke into our house. I was so afraid, but Marty came to my rescue. I didn't think we were close enough for him to risk himself for me. He hid me, but, in my adrenaline rush, I decided to come out. Then, I saw one of the kidnappers, the one who had the gun, turn to me. I was terrified, but soon, Marty blocked my vision. My brain went blank when I heard the gunshot's sound. In my shock, I only barely registered that Marty took the blow and also incapacitated the assailant.

Later on, in the hospital, we finally became closer. He called me by my name directly, and I called him Onii-sama. Time went by, and we became even more intimate. I enjoyed spinning my time with my Onii-sama. I thought we had a similar relation to siblings, but my friends said we act more like lovers. It was then that I became aware of him, aware of my feelings. I even began to imagine what life would be like if we got married. However, I never could work up the courage to confess before he left.

Years went by, and we barely talked anymore. However, I thought about him often, and I wondered if he did the same about me. Occasionally, we would send messages to one another, but I was actively holding myself back. One day, I heard from my father that he had become an Abducted, and I worried about him quite a bit. Luckily, he came back. My father looked like he wanted to add something when he told me but inevitably didn't.

On the day I won an international archery contest, I got a 'congratulations' text from Onii-sama, which made me so happy. Soon after, the magic circle appeared in my bedroom, and I was teleported to another world. I almost had a panic attack in shock and surprise, but a pair of warm hands draped a jacket over my back. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my Onii-sama there with me. I felt so secure with him there. My feelings, which lay dormant, began to spring to life as it began to think being here with him wouldn't be so bad.

Then, we went to the Oracle of Regnum. That scantily clad woman must have been trying to seduce my Onii-sama, I'm sure of it. However, she gave us our future telling. She said some confusing things and some embarrassing things. From then on, I could tell Onii-sama didn't quite look at me the same way.

Then, I found out about his relationship with Lucibelle. She was trying to seduce my Onii-sama, I'm sure of it. When I saw her kiss him, I got so worried that she might succeed that I did the same. I couldn't believe my boldness and had to leave in my embarrassment, but I was delighted. Eventually, Lucibelle and I became friends. She was really nice, and she even encouraged me to be with Onii-sama. I also felt a little bad for her. After all, when we went back, I could see him whenever I wanted, but she couldn't. However, Onii-sama said he didn't want to stay here, so we could only go back. When I was in the middle of being teleported back to earth, I worked on my courage and told Onii-sama I'd come to visit him. He had a brief flash of worry on his face, though I didn't know why until later.

I knew my Otou-Sama wouldn't want me to leave, so I asked some favors and managed to get to Onii-sama's house without my Otou-Sama knowing. I was so shocked when Lucibelle came bolting out the door and hugged me. How had she come to earth? I had a foreboding feeling. Then, I met the other girls of the house. I couldn't believe it. Had my good Onii-sama become a lecher? 

Lucibelle, who seemed to know what I was thinking, brought me into the living room with everyone, and we sat down and got to know one another. They all seemed nice, but I was still bothered they were living with my Onii-sama. Then, they all told me how they met him and what happened. I couldn't stop my tears. My Onii-sama had been through so much, and he lost the woman he loved, his family, again. While I wasn't happy about all these girls being with him, at least he had people around him who really cared. 

When he came home, I immediately hugged him as it was all I could do to lessen his pain; the pain kept hidden from me. No matter what happens, no matter our relationship, I would stay with him and never leave him.

Then, he disappeared for a short time again and returned with two more girls… I could tell the way he looked at me was a little different. It was almost as if there was more affection in his eyes, but also guilt.

When Freya was back in the picture, I was happy for my Onii-sama, even though I realized our relationship would probably not change. However, my heart dropped when we found out that, to bring her back, he would have to sacrifice his own life. No matter what, I couldn't let that happen. Luckily, we were able to save him.

Shortly after that, Freyja told me something I could not believe. If he had not been summoned to Camelot, he was planning on pursuing me. I was filled with such happiness that my Onii-sama loved me too. However, I also knew that all the other girls loved him too. Would I be able to share him? I thought about that for a long time. However, my decision became easier when he asked me. Could I share my Onii-sama with others? If it was them, who were like me and willing to die for him, then yes. After all, I love my Onii-sama.

Time went by, and he started taking the other girls on dates with… naughty ends. I got worried when he didn't take me. After all, I was here first! But, finally, he took me on the date. It had its twists and turns, but he eventually proposed, and my secret little dream became a reality.


Part 7 - Angelica

“Your Highness, welcome.” A Sylvering guardswoman said with a bow to Martel.

Currently, Martel was standing outside the cloaked ship on his property. It served as the barracks for Angelica’s guards, a ship for an emergency, and a laboratory.

Martel smiled at her. “At ease. Where is Angelica?”

“Princess was so excited about her date that she decided to do some research to calm her mind. However, she made a breakthrough and became so engrossed she seems to have forgotten.”

Martel smiled. “Well, I know how absorbed she can get in her work. I’ll go get her.”

“Thank you, your highness.” The guardswoman said with a hint of relief. Angelica could get snappy if someone interrupted her research.

Martel quietly made his way to the ship until he reached the laboratory where Angelica was. There, he quietly substituted the place of the assistant.

Angelica, who was absorbed in her work, didn’t notice, continued to ask for different instruments. It was nearly an hour later until Angelica finished her work. “Whew,” she said as she looked towards the clock. It was then her eyes shot open. “No, I’m late for the date! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’ve been enjoying the date, though,” Martel replied.

Out of surprise, Angelica turned around. “Don’t tell me. You were the one I was ordering around?” She asked, looking a little guilty.

“Don’t worry about it. You look cute when you’re focused.” Martel teased.

Angelica’s cheeks turned a slightly darker shade of silver.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, wait, just a minute.” She said as he quickly ran out.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Martel asked as they exited the technology museum.

“Yes, though primitive, it gave me some insights.” Angelica sincerely nodded.

Martel smiled. Even though she seemed a bit dismissive of Earth’s technology, she used her Soul Armament Drone to scan everything. She was so engrossed that she practically ignored him. Martel, of course, didn’t mind. He saw nothing wrong with her dedication.

“Say, Martel, can we talk?” She asked, a little reluctantly.

“Of course,” Martel replied as he walked the two of them to a nearby park where they sat down on a bench. “What’s wrong?”

“… Why was I last?”

Martel flinched before he sighed. “Someone had to be last. I hope you don’t see it is me demeaning or belittling you. It’s not like I think less of you.”

“I understand,” Angelica replied, still disheartened.

Martel smiled as he gently took her chin with his finger. “Angelica, I love you.”

Angelica flinched before she looked away embarrassed. “Do you?”

Martel nodded. “Of course.”

“You barely know me.”

“You are worth loving. You didn’t abandon me when the result should have been your death.”

“I was just scared.”

“Don’t lie to yourself. I may have been in bad shape, but you resolved yourself to stay.”

“I… I almost left you.”

“But you didn’t. I would’ve thought the same in your position, and I don’t blame you in the slightest.”

“Why? Why do you love me?”

Martel paused as he looked up. “I don’t know. Angelica, do you love me?”

“I… Yes,” Angelica said softly.

“Do you know why?”

“... Probably.”

“Oh, and why is that?”

“... Do you remember the files you retrieved? It turns out the one controlling the SRIN was from the precursor race who had been in stasis until Legon found him. Their race was only a little different from humans in appearance, though their technology far exceeded Earth’s standards. Eventually, they created a way to increase their race’s intelligence, but it came at a cost.

“In the short term, there was only the small defect of a larger cranium. However, the real problem was the long term effects that only appeared years after their race fully accepted it. The males began to lose their sense of morals and became far more aggressive. The females were less affected mentally but became deformed. The males, who were vainer, did not wish to be with females they deemed ugly. In response, thanks to their high intelligence, they created a subservient female-only race, the Silverings. Part of our genetic code is wired to find the human appearance attractive,” Angelica explained, dishearteningly.

Martel gave her a gentle smile when he saw that this information bothered her. “I asked you why you loved me, not why you find me attractive.”


“Angelica, if I suddenly became disfigured, would you no longer love me?”


“Why not?”

“After everything you’ve done for me…” she began before she trailed off.

“We love each other, and that exceeds the flesh, so don’t confuse physical attraction for love.”

“... That doesn’t sound very convincing coming from you.”

Martel’s face was covered in black lines, but he shook them off. “Regardless, I decided to love you and take care of you for the rest of my life.”

“Really?” She asked, starting to tear up.

“Really, so I’ll make it official,” Martel replied as he got down on one knee. “Angelica, will you marry me?”

“I… No!”

Martel flinched for a moment and opened his mouth as he didn’t know how to reply.

It was then that Angelica burst out laughing. “I can tell you weren’t expecting that. Now you can remember as the wife that initially turned you down.”

Martel, who realized she was teasing him, suddenly decided to become a little shameless. “Well, to be my wife, you have to accept my next proposal, but I don’t think I want to.”

Now, it was Angelica’s turn to panic. “Wait, just asked me again, please?”




“I’m sorry, okay!” Angelica said, almost crying.

“If you say no again, I’ll spank you in public.” 

Angelica flinched, then Martel got down on one knee again.

“Angelica, will you marry me?”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes.” She replied with a vigorous nod, almost me afraid that he would change his mind.

However, to reassure her, Martel kissed her. He stealthily slipped a ring on her hand engraved with ‘My Love, My Alien, My Fallen Angel’ on her finger before teleporting them back to her room and taking her as his wife.

Reminiscence – Angelica

I remember when I, Angelica, started to dislike males. Most would approach me either because of my position, my intellect, or my appearance. I knew this because I had a unique ability. I could hear the intent behind what someone said. If they flattered my appearance, it would be because they were trying to seduce me. If they praised my intellect, it was because they wanted my knowledge. The list goes on. I couldn’t recall a single male who did not have these types of thoughts.

I also never knew my father. My mother would never talk of him, but I knew he abandoned us. Eventually, I decided that males were unnecessary and no good. Because of this, my mother and I got into a fight when I insulted my father.

Our relationship remained strained for quite some time, but this was normal for me. My relations with everyone were often strained. That was because of my ability. It was hard to have relationships when I could always hear the intent behind it. The fact that I was different from other Sylvan’s, with wings on my back, also didn’t help. Then, the unthinkable happened.

Upon responding to an emergency call, my mother and I were attacked in our respective ships. Unbelievably, it was the SRIN, that my mother had helped snuff out before, with the seal of Hydra. The fact that they had access to SRIN was extremely worrying.

In the ambush, my mother’s ship was shot down, and mine was damaged. My mother ordered my crew to jump to the nearest base for reinforcements. However, we never arrived as the damaged engines had an energy spike, though I only found out later bent spacetime.

When we arrived within the atmosphere of an unknown planet, I internally panicked. However, I had to keep a brave face to keep up morale so I could quickly rescue my mother. It was then that I met Martel for the first time. However, he was a male, so I had a bit of a prejudice against him. Luckily, I managed to keep my calm as he was able to take us back.

I was quite surprised when I heard his inner thoughts. He was a bit abrupt and abrasive, but he did not have any bad intentions and was straightforward. 

When he sent us back, I stealthily got into another ship. It was stupid, but they would be able to get reinforcements without me, so I wanted to help my mom. Perhaps, with my knowledge, I could make a difference. To my astonishment, Martel also appeared on the ship. I wasn’t exactly sure why he wanted to help me, but it seemed like he wanted me to be successful and rescue my mother. I needed help, so I couldn’t refuse.

The SRIN intercepted us, and he did a fantastic job piloting. If it was indeed his first time, as he claimed, he was beyond a natural. Unfortunately, we still got shot down, and Martel was severely injured rescuing me. Luckily, he was able to preprogram magic to slow our dissent for us to safely land. Unluckily, we ended up in the cave of a carnivorous beast.

I could have left him and run away on my own, but I couldn’t. He was injured, possibly dying, because of me, and all he wanted to do was help me with the purest of intentions. I couldn’t leave him, even if it meant we would die together. However, that didn’t happen. At the right moment, Martel awoke from unconsciousness and confronted the beast. My ability, my curse, could hear the intention behind his every grunt and moan he made out in pain. Tears began to flow as I heard his desire to protect me. Just to protect me, nothing else, not even himself.

When I asked him why, he told me something I felt was only nonsense, that ‘good girls’ should be treasured. I waited for a few seconds to hear the whispers telling me he was lying; that there was some hidden motive why he decided to help me, but I heard nothing. I couldn’t understand it. Then, he collapsed again.

Out of concern from the severity of his wounds, I checked his condition only to find that he would die without treatment. In a panic, I rushed to the ship to obtain medicine to save him, even though it heavily wounded me in retrieving it. To administer the medicine, I had to do it orally, much to my embarrassment. Thankfully, he was unconscious.

Once he awoke, he acted a bit distant from me, and, thanks to my ability, I found out why. Having gone through life-and-death together, we had very positive feelings towards one another, feelings that could quickly turn into love, and he didn’t want that. I was also very embarrassed as I found his appearance attractive to me in a way that stood out from the rest of the human race as they were all appealing. However, we put that aside as we focus on taking out the SRIN and saving my mother.

Thanks to Martel’s ability to control the SRIN, we were successful. He brought me to my mother before he left; he left without saying a word. I felt my heart break as if something had been torn from my chest. My mother consoled me and encouraged me to go and find him. After dealing with some inner turmoil, I finally managed to re-create the energy spike to the engines in a controlled setting, and I once appeared on Earth.

At least Martel had a conscience and obediently told me where he was. I took the sniper rifle he had given me, with the one remaining bullet, and took a shot in spite. Naturally, I made sure that there was no one in the range, but I was genuinely angry, and I made sure he knew it by pounding into his chest, right before I passed out.

A short amount of time went by as I got to know more about him and his wives, though they were more like fiancés. I was especially surprised that they were accepting of me, with only a small amount of jealousy.

Then, my mother had a meeting with representatives of Earth. I was completely shocked when my mother made my marriage to Martel, one of the requirements for negotiation. Both Martel and I had some emotional turmoil, but we eventually both agreed.

I watched as he took the other girls on dates, and was a little envious. After all, I know him the least amount of time. We hadn’t even truly spent a day together, yet we were engaged. Our marriage would only be political, and I felt that that would lessen his feelings for me. However, after our date, I no longer feel that way. Though our feelings may be fledgling, they would continue to grow. I had decided to become his strength, the strength of my new family and friends who accepted me for everything I am, just like my wonderful husband.