Chapter 14.
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Okay they left... Now this place has guards walking around meaning if I made too many noise or be seen I would be in a very bad position but I know something that can ease the punishment.

I put on a cloak that can turn me invisible as long as I am supplying it with my mana. Now I just need to search around.

I walked around on this underground base. Thankfully no one found me... For some reason... They can't sense my mana and I used that to my very big advantage.

... Fluctuation in the air... Movements of swift fire and cold air... 3 attributes... Maybe my target is in that room.

I entered it quietly and seen a woman so... Familiar... Shera... So... Is she really the demon lord? This will be confusing.

"Who is there?"

Shera said as she is throwing a fire ball at my direction. I jumped to avoid it.

"You already know me."

I said as I took of the cloak before ducking to dodge an air arrow.

"... Oh its just you. I thought that someone stronger than you came in."

She said as she aimed more arrows at me... This is... I really am at a big disadvantage.

I thrown a mana dagger at her, it grazed her face yet no blood appear on her face... Another doll? How many dolls of a single person are there? This doll is stronger than me too... How to deal with this...

I dodged a wind arrow before sidestepping to dodge a fire arrow and I jumped after that to dodge an ice arrow. This is a very big problem indeed.

I summoned a wind arrow behind her while firing a fire arrow in front of her. She noticed the arrow on the back and decided to sidestepped but I thrown two mana daggers to where she is. She duck under the dagger to dodge that and started to dashed straight at me. I slashed my sword to push her away and thrown another mana dagger, she dodged it causing it to go behind her but, I thrown a dagger at my dagger, causing it to ricochet and hit her. She didn't took much damage at that.

"... You're much more talented than you look."

Change my second persona to neutral before changing it to neutral control.

_evolved second persona. No gained status._

Show me the information for now.

Neutral control: the neutral way to control the mind. Increase in 60% of every status and decrease luck by 60%. It just means that everything except luck increases in 60%.

Good enough. I thrown another mana dagger before dodging an air arrow. After dodging that I arrow, I deflected another air arrow and I immediately duck to dodge another one arrow from my back. After doing all of that, I dashed towards the doll and it summoned more arrows at me, of course I dodged them all by jumping and put her in the crown once I was touching her. I immediately took out the core she uses... The same as last time, fire, wind, and ice.

"This is... This is... This is going to be a problem."

The core she has is a higher variant of a S rank monster... An S+ rank... And if I decided to eat it now... I am sure I couldn't control the mana in my body and I may die immediately.

"How could there be monsters stronger than S rank... They should be extremely rare but why do I feel so... Curse... It..."

I moved away from the core that is in my hand as it emitting some dark like mana.

"So that why it felt so bad... Curse it... Curse... Now I have to deal with this..."

Cur- leave my mind alone.

"There we go. Even if I have full control over my mind... It just means I am harder to be fooled and be used an illusion magic."

I destroyed the core by stepping in it. If I may die to eating it, then I don't need it at all.

I looked around on the room. For some reason nobody found it weird to come here... I take that to my advantage.

I entered a room inside this room, it has an teleporter that is the same one that I used to enter here. I didn't activate it and just destroyed it, if there is a trap there... Then it will be a highly dangerous one and if I know I can't deal with it... I will never touch it.

Focus yourself. Problems will come after this. Even I know from the immediate change of the air and mana. You just need to escape... Too late.

I was immediately found by another Shera. Seriously... How many of you are there?

I made an ice wall to block a fire ball and that was immediately destroyed at the cost of protecting me... Stronger than before... Yet... It feels so real? Is she a real person?

"I thrown a mana dagger at her left arm... And another one..."

I said as I thrown two mana daggers at her right and left arm. She protected her left arm yet her right arm is hit and is bleeding.

"... You tricked me..."

She said as she looked at me with eyes of anger. I didn't trick you... I thrown a dagger at her left arm and also on her right arm. I never said the next part but I did say the first part which is throwing my dagger at her right arm and throwing another... It is tricking... Maybe I... Too late.

She summoned a barrage of a fire arrows and grabbing a bow in the air, decided to shoot me with them.

I drawn my sword from it's sheathe and blocked an arrow... Why is my wooden sword not burning? I don't need to know right now... Focus...

I thrown my sword at her and jumped to dodged an arrow before throwing a mana dagger at her as she dodged that, she shoot an arrow at straight at me... I made an ice wall to stop that. Falling through the ground, I made an air dagger and throw it just a little to the left before throwing a mana dagger at my air dagger. Even though she is suprised, she dodged that.

"Your plan will never work twice."

She shot an arrow straight at me and as I couldn't do anything fast enough, I took the hit... Painful... Just a single hit will almost kill me... I guess my life is residing on a draw with the dice.

I thrown a die and it appeared to show four.

"What is with that?"

She asked as she shot another arrow. I dodged that arrow before jumping to dodge another one.

"... It means how many times I can dodge your arrows, miss... Which mean I would die in 2 more arrows... Is what it said."

I summoned an arrow to shoot at her and she dodged that before shooting me with her bow. I redirected the arrow with a mana sword to just graze me before... Not being able to dodge another arrow... Thankfully I made an ice shield... Though it pierced it and still damaged me...

"... Like I will die that easily."

I said as I am really close to death... I touch the crown with my hand full in blood. It didn't do anything... But I did it so that I could feel like this battle is a battle with my life on line. Every battle has something on the line and this one will be my life.

"... Why is there a crown on your head?... Why does it matter? You will die anyway."

She said as she fired arrows faster than before... Does it mean she is holding back earlier? I blocked them by making a wind dome. I dashed straight at her while grabbing my wooden sword that is on the ground and slashed, she dodged that but I made an air spear just behind her. She also dodged that by jumping and immediately shot some fire arrows at me which I blocked by making a mana barrier... What to do... Even If I can move normally... It is because I am forcing myself to do that... I will be exhausted after 5 minutes at this rate.

She shoots a lot of fire arrows at me and I made a mana barrier before destroying oxygen for a moment yet it didn't stop the arrows... This... Is... Right... She can also control air... It is not surprising how she can do that. I made a barrier again just as the barrier earlier broke as she barrages me with more fire arrows... She is... Destroying me completely... Even I could tell that... Even if I have a status gain at this point... It be over anyway. How do I defeat this...

The barrier is getting destroyed... It will take 5 seconds for it to be destroyed... I need to survive, but how? I couldn't just kill her as even I know she is just anxious while doing this... She seen me two times earlier as dolls and she knows what happened to them... This is why she decided to kill me here and know... I can't convince her and I can't kill her... She is stronger than me... Than... Me...

"Like... I... Will... Let..."

I unconsciously said while continuing it... She looked at me, no different from before while still attacking me with her arrows.

"Someone... Be... Weaker than me... Weaker than... I am..."

I continued as I made another barrier... Huh? What is happening? Why do I feel... So heavy?