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"Commence Level Two!" Vegeta shouted.

Rhuda heard a buzzing sound coming from the cylinder in the middle of the room. She held her breath with anxiety, wondering what the next level would be like. With a glance to her full bars of Health and Stamina she knew that being careful would play an even more vital role this time.

Vegeta glanced over at his pupil and bent down, saying, "Get ready."

She nodded.

The red tinged room became an even darker hue as a sudden force yanked Rhuda down onto her chin. WHAM, she hit the metal flooring with a harsh thud. "Ow..."




Lasers once again, firing off quickly and suddenly. One red beam aimed straight for Rhuda's head; she grunted and rolled over onto her back only to be greeted with another angry beam. "Oh no," she heaved herself over once more.

Vegeta jumped over to Rhuda and pulled her up by the arm, "Quit messing around! This is the same gravity of Planet Vegeta."

'Planet Vegeta?'

Wherever that place was, Rhuda should be used to the gravity. Yet it was intense and foreign.

He scoffed. "I told you I wouldn't hold back. Don't expect me to baby you like my father did. While you're here, you're going to train as I have. Now move!" Vegeta pushed her away and she teetered like a stumbling infant across the metal floor, shuffling her boots until standing halfway decent. Rhuda began a horribly awkward dance of lifting her legs and swinging her arms side to side, sometimes jumping to avoid the beams.

Her stamina had already depleted a bar.

'I know now where my points need to go.' It would be the first thing she added to, assuming she didn't die first.

With a reaffirmed mind of one not wanting to perish by any means possible, Rhuda ducked herself down and eyed the room. Waiting. Her efforts paid off when a laser behind her fired off a round; she side stepped it, spying another to her left, and side stepped once more.

Faster. Quicker. More assured. Rhuda slowly managed to dodge them better without moving much, and as such her Stamina was able to refill itself while she monitored her surroundings.

'I'm finally getting it!'

A tingle of pleasure ran down her spine and through her tail, wagging it backward and forward. It had been altogether too long since she was able to try something new, and adrenaline coursing through her saiyan veins. She allowed herself the freedom of happiness--and grinned like a fool while flitting through the room.

It was still difficult to move but at least she could, and that had to be enough for now.

Rhuda's green gaze flicked to Vegeta, who was standing still only for him to disappear, appearing beside her instantly. "As I thought. This is too easy for you now," he said with a smirk of pride. "I think it's time to get serious."

"Get serious?"

He looked up at the ceiling, "End Session! Load Simulator!"

From the fire to the lava, Rhuda had a bad feeling. She said hesitantly, "Uhm--ano, would it be possible to...to just fight you instead? I mean...."

With a frown her Instructor spoke clearly: "Fight me? At your current level? Are you insane? I'd annihilate you, woman."

'Of course. How silly of me.'

Her tail drooped with displeasure. It would seem she'd have to fight whomever was conjured here, then. She hoped it wouldn't be those annoying cabbage creatures this time.

To her luck, a fighter wearing an orange Gi appeared. With an X shaped scar on his cheek and wild, unruly black hair he leaned down into the turtle hermit style of defense and smirked. "Heh! A girl huh? Normally I don't hit babes, but here we are. Don't take it personal alright?"


She couldn't help but grimace to Vegeta, who snickered a tiny bit and said tauntingly, "If you can't beat him there's no hope for you. Don't disappoint me!"

[Battle --- Start!]

"Haaa...." Yamcha took off from his forward foot with momentum, fingers poised in front of him for offense. It was a Wing Chun pose, and Rhuda didn't know the first thing about blocking it. She gulped and back peddled several steps, seeing Vegeta give her a fierce glare. It would appear he wouldn't take her defeat gently.

Rhuda Locked On to Yamcha and sent several Ki Blasts his direction, making him pause as they pummeled him. "Dah dah dah dah!" She yelled, circling him. The Health Bar above her showed that she had a while to go before making a dent in him. He had much more health than the saibamen she'd fought previously. As she blasted him her Stamina was draining, so she stopped to see what he'd do.

Yamcha shook of her attacks, dust clearing from him. "Wait til you get a load of my Wolf Fang Fist!" Yamcha yelled. He flew over to her, one hand above, other hand lowered and splayed at the tips. His mouth snarled back and she spotted the totem animal of a wolf behind him. Rhuda crossed her arms into an X and waited for his offense but it didn't happen; merely Ki attacked her person and sent her smacking into the metal sheeting behind her. "Urk...!"

Two health bars down.

"How'd you like that?" Yamcha asked, rubbing his upper lip cockily, "My signature attack!"

"...It's okay, I guess," she stated, dusting off her shoulders and ignoring the throbs to her spine, "but I think perhaps it's not enough, Yamcha sir."

Yamcha deflated a little. "Aw man, you're right! I'm gonna have to take this up a notch...!"

"Actually I do believe it's my turn, Yamcha," Rhuda said with a smile.

She ran towards him and hoped her psychical attack would do something at least, since she hadn't any special moves to use. "Hyah!" Her fist connected to his chin and sent him sailing into the beeping monitor reading 15x. Yamcha's health bar depleted to Half.

'Alright. Just a bit more to go--'



He smacked her neck from behind and she froze while falling, wondering how he'd been able to move so fast. Rhuda fell to one knee, saw Vegeta's frown of annoyance, and shot a blast to Yamcha's exposed ribs.

He yowled and held them, "Ow ow ow!"

"Finish him!" Vegeta shouted.

With a nod Rhuda stood and tried to think on what to do. Her Ki Burst would work if he was more than one enemy, but didn't seem effective if he could avoid it quickly as she feared. So, with a dare, Rhuda went for his ankles and grabbed them out from under him, swirling him around like a rope before throwing him to the middle of the gravity room. Yamcha crashed loudly into the counter as her vision displayed


[Battle end]

He vanished into a poof of air, and her mission points appeared:

Level up!

5 Stat Points Earned

1200 points experience

+1 Senzu bean Essence

"Hn. About time," Vegeta said.

He walked to the chamber counter and turned it off. The lights grew bright once more as Rhuda caught her breath. There was a tickle of happiness from inside and she couldn't help but grin like a fool, delighted to win the fight. Her tail wagged to and fro.

"Don't get too excited, it was just Yamcha," Vegeta said with a smirk.

"I really...won! I've never....had this happen before," she realized, looking down at her hands in awe. It was wonderful to have beaten someone at something.

"The hell are you talking about? You've won plenty," he replied, "Well...we were children then. Is your memory going in your old age?"

She didn't know how to respond. Of course the topic was restricted to begin with so Rhuda couldn't tell him the truth, but tried anyway, "I...seem to not remember anything from our childhood."

His dark eyes widened. "What?!"

"Er, ano...I'm sorry--! I don't know why, but uhm, w-when I woke up this morning...er,...." she trailed off lamely.

Vegeta thudded over and grabbed her shoulders tightly. "You're telling me that you don't remember anything? Training with Father? Bastard Freeza? Don't tell me you forgot...her, too?!"


"Your mother!" He squeezed tighter, a bead of sweat going down his jaw. "Impossible! Absurd! What the hell happened, Rhuda?!"

The girl closed her eyes a little and remembered the cruel twist of fate. Sliding off to her doom down below, screaming, and the awful sound of impact. She shivered and replied, "I...fell, really....really hard...and hit my head. I'm sorry, Vegeta."

He must have sensed something deeper, for her Instructor growled and pulled Rhuda to him, clasping his gloved white hands onto her shoulder blades. "Idiot! I could have really killed you today, and you---! Dammit, Rhuda, why didn't you say something earlier?!"

"I didn't want to disappoint you, teacher." There was also the fact that she couldn't explain it. But her explanation was apparently accepted by the game at least.

"Disappoint?" He repeated. His breath tickled ear and she moved slightly away, only to be pulled back to him, "...I wouldn't be disappointed, stupid..."

"Then you're not mad at me?" She asked fearfully.

It was shocking that someone wasn't going to punish her for the offense, as she was used to such things and more. Her eyes itched and she bit her lip, tucking to his shoulder hesitantly.

"I'm not mad. I'm infuriated," he answered. "...But not at you. At myself for not noticing sooner." He held on to her, breasts squished to the heavens and beyond. Rhuda's cheeks bloomed red and she wondered at the foreign sensation flowing through her body, finding it comforting.

"I'm glad." She whispered.

"Glad that I didn't notice sooner?"

"No! Just happy you're not mad at me," she said hurriedly.


Rhuda smiled and giggled a little, wrapping her arms around Vegeta's trim waist. He went, "Guh," and wiggled a bit before settling against her. Maybe it wasn't so bad being stuck in a video game, she thought.

 "Vegeta...i-is warm...." she confessed.

"O-Of course I'm warm!"

"I-It feels nice, to--to hug you."

He released her and clamored back, gloved hand over his mouth. "D-Don't say such idiotic things! You're embarrassing me! We're saiyans, Rhuda!"

The excitement died from her green eyes. "Right. Saiyans. I'll try to remember that."

"Tch...! D-Don't give me that look!


Vegeta drug his hands down his face and sighed, "..It's fine. Do what you want; I don't care. If you want to hug me then fine. J-Just not in front of Kakarot!"

Rhuda's insides quivered a little. Had she won this battle, too? A tiny smile tilted her tiny lips. "...I'd like that."

"C-Cut it out already! Let's go, I'm going to need to rethink all of my training now."
