116 | An Enigma Behind the Scenes [VII]
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At that moment, I was already forging past the limits of my body. Despite all of my training, all of the struggles that I’d endured up to that point, I could feel a wall coming. But perhaps it would be wrong to say that all my preparations were coming up short. After all, I was ready to climb over that wall and keep running for victory.

Ancient pillars of antiquity to a long forgotten age upheld the platforms which were meant to serve for an onlooking audience. Yet there wasn’t a single witness to be found. Up above, all of the sun and its evening skies had become a twisting, writhing mass of darkness and flaring flame.

I’d held my stance firm against the coarse dust beneath them and kept my sharpened gaze on the revolting opponent that now prepared me. Yet as I stood there, I was reminded so clearly of my victory which had declared that I was the Celestial Knight. The setting, the fatigue wracking my body and the sweat that fell.

I’ve been here before”, I’d thought to myself. So exhausted and pushed to the edge, but just like then, I wouldn’t lose. Again as it had always been for me, I couldn’t afford to fail. All of the world was riding on that confrontation.

We’re so close… How is this possible?”

Standing beside me, at the ready to continue as my partner in war was Saturnus. The fact that she too was beginning to feel our long day of constant battle setting in was clear to see. Panting, pained, she defied her own senses as I did and stood as tall as she could.

With one last deep breath, she locked herself into her own fighter’s stance. Together we’d watched as the Sinner before us smiled wickedly from the darkness that was its form. The crescent moon of its teeth peered out as if from the darkest night. It held its two swords at the ready for us, its grip strong and unyielding. The rage and wrath that issued forth from its very presence spoke of its excitement to tear us to shreds.

Yet I’d prove for myself that such wasn’t our fate, but its own.

Leave that thing to me. Prepare the Tarot and we’ll get it out of our way.” As I’d reflected on our fortune, I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. “I’m glad that creep found a way to call Wrath all the way here. This’ll kill two birds with one stone. After we’ve cut it down, he’ll be next. We’re going to take him in and stop all of this lunacy once and for all.”

Following my lead, Saturnus pulls a card out from her jacket’s pocket. A black and white card bearing a name and a number: XX Judgment.

Our arena that was soon to burst into violence was once the most ornate and beautiful building in the city of Skyline. A prize of fine architecture, a spectacle known all over Celestia. But with Wrath’s beckoning, it had all become the ruinous coliseum that it now was. The very same I’d fought through seeking to find and kill that creature.

It hasn’t been long since Wrath had been slain. Celestia had returned to peace as our last war with the cult, the very people who had dispensed the drug, Retro, into the streets, had concluded. With the last of their members taken in, the source of madness had been plucked out from its very roots.

Soon my final trial as the Celestial Knight would be coming and Celestia’s future would be secured. I find myself reflecting on those moments facing Wrath as I continue out of my room and into the rest of the manor. Though most would say it’s counting chickens before they hatch, I’d afforded myself the time to be at ease and finally begin to feel the fruits of my labor coming into blossom.

But as I remember what I have coming in the day, I begin to feel a little bit of nervous tension returning to me.

A date with Juna.

All the time we’d ever spent together couldn’t dull the feeling of butterflies that would come with the very thought of being with her.

There would be a few items on the list before I’d visit Neptanie and be off with Juna. First off, a few greetings to those who are with me in this manor. The first of which soon comes into view.

Leaving her study behind, Plutia shuts the door firmly behind her. Already in her work uniform as ever, she has that prized black and violet jacket resting on her shoulders in that fashion we’ve all long known her for.

Even now I can fondly remember the first time we’d met before my televised inauguration ceremony. How she was a master of the 3 C’s as she’d sat at her desk and spoke with myself and Juna about the event to come. It was an amazing first impression that had made its mark on me.

Oh, look who it is.” She greets me pleasantly as our eyes meet. “Those clothes look nice on you. More sharp a dress than usual, but you already look so sharp everyday.”

Good to see you, Plutia. It’ll be a special night, after all. I’d thought it’d be good to brighten up my appearance a bit. Are you off to the castle at this hour?”

Yes. An urgent matter sprouted up with miracle grow so I have a few people that I need to talk and work with. But don’t you worry; I should be back by nighttime.”

It was nice seeing you while I could. Seems that it’s been busy for you lately.”

Well, after that incident in Skyline, my services are well needed for the royal family. It’s all such a mess that it nearly gives me a migraine just thinking about it.” Touching her head, she heaves a hefty sigh. “All of the legal issues, all of the organization we have to rally up. Quite a large hole has been left behind after the debacle.”

I never could have guessed how it’d turn out. However that cult had managed to summon Wrath, all of the Sin to Skyline is beyond me. Just take good care and rest when you can. You always have my thanks for all that you do. I hope that the people of Celestia know well your efforts in time to come.”

You’re always the sweetest. If you’re left all alone tonight, I’d might just have to take you to myself to relieve some stress.” Winking and smiling a sultry smile, she prepares to be on her way. “Well, I should be going, the-”

Though as soon as she takes a step, she freezes still.

What’s the matter? Forgot something?”

“…It would seem so. I’d nearly left a few important files behind. But I won’t be forgetting what I’d said. You can take that promise to the bank. Enjoy your cute little date, but watch yourself when-”

Turning and keeping her eyes on me, I quickly come to realize that the documents weren’t the only thing she’d forgotten. Her stride is foiled as she kisses the shut doorway to her study with her face. The bump sounds off and she recoils to palm her nose.

Ah… Yeah, you’d closed that door. Are you alright?”

F-F-Fine! Just a little slip of the mind! No need to worry! I do the worrying, remember?” She lifts up her face to show me a shaky smile that doesn’t do well to inspire confidence in me. “G-Go on! I’m going to look for anything else I could use in my study, so I’d might be a bit slower than planned to leave today!”

That must sting a bit. Before I go, take this.”

I come close to her and give her a light peck on the cheek. No matter how many times it’d been, her face still begins to glow a sharp red.

Thank you… I suppose that does help a bit, doesn’t it?”

At the end of a little more chatting, Plutia returns to her study the correct way this time without attempting to phase through solid matter. My impressions of her were profound for her own class and elegance, but the first time I’d ever seen her stumble was another first impression entirely. Behind the refined, mysterious woman she is, a look at her true self.

That clumsiness of hers is a charming little trait I’d quickly grown to adore.


✩ ✩ ✩


On my way towards Neptanie’s room, I cross paths with two women that look deceptively similar. Though seeming as twins, the two of them are comprised of an elder and a younger sister. Noticing me, the lavender haired one of the two who bears a more feminine expression lights up and quickens her pace.

Khiron! I’ve heard that you’ll be leaving out with Juna soon. I hope you’ll both have a wonderful time together.” Venna chirps brightly. “But my, you’re looking so handsome today.”

Yo.” Her sister, Marcia, has a more casual hello. “Nice duds you got there.”

Is it really that noticeable?”

It’d be hard not to notice. I love how you dress. I just wish I could dress you up like a doll myself.”

Yeah, add another to the ever growing list of people you want to dress up like a doll.” Marcia sighs. “Don’t expect you’d be able to sneak anything by her. She’s always keeping track of you.”

I can tell that’s a half joke. But…” I say with a sheepish laugh. “It’s flattering, to say the least. I’m beginning to think that maybe I should have asked you for advice, Venna.”

Oh! I would love to help you! You did so well, but I’m sure I could add even more! Maybe when we go out together next, I can do a bit more than that.”

I’d might as well make a little wish come true then. We’ll see someday.”

Someday soon, I hope!”

You always were too sweet to her, you know. Ever since we were kids, always spoiling her.” Another little groan from Marcia.

Oh, come now. You always loved when he would pick you up and run with you. He used to spoil you just as much!”

N-No! Your memory must be turning to mush with all those flowers you have in your brain! Like hell!”

The two cutely argue back and forth with each other and their bickering gives me a little tickling of joy. Still like that after all these years. My two precious childhood friends.

After settling their sisterly dispute, they turn their attention back to me and I speak up.

Before I go out tonight, I’m going to be meeting with Neptanie. I hope to speak with her alone for a moment. I hope you understand.”

I get it. She’s been a little more rough for wear lately. It’s… worrying. Even for me.” Marcia roughs her hair up as she thinks of that sleepy maiden.

Take good care of her, okay? We’ll talk about our date soon.”

Venna takes my hands into her own and stands up to the tips of her toes to meet my lips with her own. When she breaks away, I see the exuberant, warm smile she wears.

Gross. I’ll be checking out here. See you around, Kh-”

Catching her arm before she can pass me by, I give her a little tug back into me and catch her with a kiss of her own. Despite how apathetic she’d seemed, she’s not so quick to leave me. But when she does return to herself, a harsh red nearly like her hair has come to flame on her cheeks.

After all this time and you’re still so shy. You really are cute, Marcia.” I speak to tease her.

Sh-Shut up.”


✩ ✩ ✩


Dim and gloomy with paler more drab colors for all of the possessions and decorations within, it’s a dreary sight. The curtains drawn shut block out the afternoon light with only a minute sliver managing to pierce through the veil and cross over the figure laying in the room’s bed.

Though it could be considered an ill habit, I’d come into her room without a single knock. It had become customary for me after she’d told me that it would be fine for me to enter at any time without warning. I was a bit beside myself at the start, but after enough times of doing just that, it had become the norm for me.

By her bed, I see her sleeping form. Her pale skin stands out with even just that solitary ray of light that visits her. And seeing her once again in such a state, I can’t help but kneel at her side and watch her as she rests. Fearful to disturb her, but desiring to see her condition. I watch her chest rise and fall and feel a manner of relief from that alone.

Since I’d met her, Neptanie had always been sickly and weak of constitution. How quickly she could lose her energy and collapse onto the floor was always frightening. The times when I would catch her before she would touch the ground.

In fact, during our very first meeting, she was asleep when I’d seen her.

There at a precious shrine, leaning against its pillar sound asleep. So at peace that myself, Juna and Vestil had at first thought she was in deep prayer. Still, that wasn’t enough to keep Vestil from giving her good, old college try to woo her. Though I had kept it silently to myself, at that very meeting I too was in awe of her beauty. The serenity she is and the peaceful aura she fills her surroundings with.

And then during our second meeting, she’d fallen into my arms as her body had found the end to its battle against its fatigue. I was still just a simple knight then and it was a shock to me as I’d caught her. I was afraid she’d suddenly died, but when I’d felt her breathing, I was so relieved beyond words.

Ever since that moment, even after we’d met on the terms of the Celestial Knight and Celestial Maiden, seeing her breathe has always been a peaceful thing to me.

Having seen her wellness for myself and had my time to admire the fact that she lives, I stand up to depart. Vowing once more to find an end to her sickness before it’s too late.

Yet as I meet the middle of her desolate, dreary room, I hear her voice.

Please… Khiron… Please… Don’t give up on yourself…”

Her words shock me to a still. Something about them is so sorrowful and I can feel it invoking an emotion that I didn’t know I had. A feeling of loss and deep sadness. Deeper than I’ve known, yet it fades away as a vapor in the blink of an eye.

I turn to look at her and find that she still sleeps where she lays. Her hands upon her, folded as if she were laying in a casket. A troubling sight that fills me with a foreboding grief.

Neptanie… what could you be dreaming of this time?” I ask her quietly so not to wake her. And I return to her side for a moment longer. “I won’t. I’ll stay strong and I’ll find the answer I’ve been seeking, even if I have to fight through hell for it. That dream of yours is just a dream, I’m right here with you.”

Delicately touching her hand hoping that I’ll transmit even a modicum of my presence into her dream, I kiss her cheek.


✩ ✩ ✩


I’d ended up spending more time than I’d originally intended with Neptanie. Even if it didn’t feel like it, time marched on even in that silent and still room. I’d left her behind but felt a reluctance to do just that. Something about the sight of her dreaming touched me deeply. And I continue hoping that when she would wake, I’d hear about her latest dream. Another one of her dreams as a story to wonder over.

Coming to our meeting place in the lounge, I sit and wait for Juna who, to my surprise, is running a bit late. So I simply stand and wonder to myself what she would choose to wear tonight. We’d been planning for this meeting since even before the defeat of Wrath, so it’s a wonder if she’s overthinking it.

Yet before my mind can wander off too far, I hear the clicking of heels and my ears perk up. I turn towards the entryway and see her there. As beautiful as a rose.

Her hair had grown marvelously since our adventures together as Celestial Knight and Maiden began. It now reaches past her shoulders and that bang of hers covers over her left eye as it falls.

Yet I find myself taken by her choice in clothes for our outing.

A red mantle and a long, sleeved red jacket with a central white, buttoned piece. In the collar, the cravat tie. The red skirt and black tights. Unmistakable, the uniform of a mage knight.

Even after all this time, the sight continues to make my heart sing. One of the greatest joys in my life; to see her dream alive.

I’m sorry for the wait. I couldn’t really choose anything to wear and time was counting down so… I’d ended up just coming out in the uniform I’ve been wearing all day. I should probably get something better, right?”

No… It’s perfect.” As I speak my heart, my chest grows light and the smile on my face stretches far.

It is? But you’re… you’re all nice and dressed up… I-”

You’re always perfect, Juna!”

I can’t help it. I can’t fight. I let it go free.

I pick her up into my arms and spin her around. Cherishing her, letting all my excitement be hers. I come down from twisting on my heel with her in my arms, held to my heart that beats for her.

“…It’s all perfect…”

Kh-Khiron? What’s gotten into you today?” She stutters and looks up to me with a flushed face.

I don’t know. It just feels like it’s been years since I’ve seen you like this. Seen your dream come true like this. I… I still can’t believe it’s true.”

You’re too sentimental sometimes.” Her expression warms up as she gives into my embrace and puts her own arms around me.

And we rest, basking in this perfect moment. A moment that I oddly feel nostalgic for. Reminiscent, like I’d been missing it despite that she wears that uniform so often.

But more than that… I feel like I’ve been missing her. Missing that smile on her face, her brand of confidence and pride.

And I love her. Every bit of who she is.

† † †

Hello, hello. 

Thank you for your patience. My hiatus and time away was more than necessary. My condition has improved and I'm back to writing. 

Though I hadn't gotten all I'd desired finished as I had to tend to my health, I'm back at it again and will be updated weekly once more. Likewise in time I'll continue the editing of this story's presentation. 

Much is to come from here forward. As always, thank you for your read and take good care of your health. 
