3. No worries!
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Nothing Noteworthy

In a hospital room the next morning, Roy was yet to wake up, his sister had skipped school to remain by his side.


Roy was slowly opening his eyes, he seemed to have temporarily forgotten the events that had occurred the previous night.

[Roxanne]:"Roy what were you doing lying unconscious in the woods!? Are yo-"

Before Roxanne could continue her rant, Roy's memory seems to have returned.

[Roy]:"WIND TURBINE! no... I... Couldn't help..."

Roxanne was completely unaware of the events that transpired near their home, she would have to be more vigilant from now on. She decided to ask.

[Roxanne]:"Roy? What happened"

Roy seemed to have a lot of emotions flowing in at once. Anger, sadness, frustration.


He exclaimed as he slammed his fist against the soft hospital bed. Suddenly the room's window bust open.

Roy looked at the open window with confusion. It had opened up from the inside. That can't be though right?

Roxanne seemed to just stare at Roy. She was perplexed, ‘did he? Did he do it?’ She had felt a strong gust of wind coming from his direction. He had never shown affinity with the wind attribute?

[Roxanne]:"Roy... How did you?"

The mysterious powers of the people of this island have been observed to have links to one's soul. Hereditary links have also been found. Powers are categorized with their respective elements. However, Roxanne's power was in the void category. A category which people knew little about. If they were truly related his power would be dark or of unknown origin. Wind? That shouldn't be!

[Roy]:"Wait! Did I do that?!?"

Roy wiped the tears from his eyes and quickly attempted to replicate the effect. Weaker gusts of wind could be felt throughout the room.

[Roy]:"I... Got... A POWER!!!"

Roy immediately gets up from bed and runs around the room.


[Roxanne]:"are you sure you should be out of bed? Also weren't you crying?"

[Roy]:"I am afraid I cannot remain bedridden, Wind Turbine entrusted his life and powers onto me!"

Sigh... "I highly doubt that..."

‘Still, how did Wind Turbine pass his powers onto him? WAIT HIS LIFE?!?’


[Roy]:"Ummm... I'd... Rather forget that... The feeling of helplessness and the sight of death..."

Roy said with a solemn expression while holding back his tears. Roy doesn't mean to sound so heartless, it's true that he wishes to forget. He knows that he won't be able to move on and make the best of his new powers if he is held back by his feeling of sorrow.

He has always been a happy and curious boy. He has always been kind to those around him. He felt as though it is the least he can do to be of use. But now, he can do more and he will do more. He hurriedly exits the room and heads for the building's exit.


The doctors and nurses tried to hold him back but he was simply too fast and he had caught them off guard.

‘Thanks Wind Turbine... I'll do my best to fulfil your expectations…’

Roy had not thought of the consequences of this action. Roxanne was not in the slightest bit happy about being left in the dark.


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