5. Train me!
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I changed the beginning as you can probably tell. It makes more sense now and aligns better with the "superior's" character. I've made small changes throughout. Depending on the type of person you are it might be worth a reading the chapter again although I'd advise against reading 1700 words for finding 2 or 4 new sentences

[???]:”The boy seemed to be completely clueless regarding his own powers.”

The mysterious figure was speaking on the phone to a superior. It was night time and he stood in a dark alley, this is obviously how you avoid looking suspicious.

[????]:”I think I have an idea as to what it may be… HA! Our goal is so close, our research may finally bear fruits!”

The superior seemed relief, he’d finally be free. All these years of research, the dead ends and sleepless nights, it would soon be over! They just need, one boy, Roy. Roy has what they need.

[???]:”How should we go about capturing him?”

[????]:”Don’t Rush they’ll come to us eventually. That boy loves trouble, I can tell.”

[???]:”Are you sure? We should prepare measures…”

[????]:”I’m sure but you are not wrong… Let’s think for a bit…”

The conversation between the two continued for a while. A certain shadow left the scene once the man stopped his call.

[???]: sigh…”This is tiring…”

He left calmly walking the desolate streets.

That morning, Roy had just woke up with a bright smile on his face.

[Roy]:"Alright! Off to training!"

He was about to jump out of the window when he felt an overwhelming presence.

[Roy]:"Wow.... The air is so fresh! I just had to put my whole body out there!"

Roy said as he slowly turned around. His face was one filled with fear. His sister was standing outside his door. He wasn't sure if she could see him but why take chances?

[Roxanne]:"Roy! You better not be trying to skip school! Also brush your teeth and eat first! Mom will be here this afternoon, so there is no time for training! Got that?"

‘Tsk... My perfect day ruined... I even made a schedule…’




Power Endurance Training

All day



[Roxanne]:"By the way Roy, that isn't a schedule"

[Roy]:"Wait! How did you?!?!? I hid that piece of paper well!"

[Roxanne]:"I have my ways!" She said with a smug look as she left for the stairs.

[Roy]:"Wait! Are you stalking me all the time! That's beyond over-protective!"

Roy had no choice but to give in to her demands. And his perfect schedule would have to be used at another time.


When Roy and Roxanne were nearly inside the school. Roy got side-tracked again. Roxanne was even less worried than last time though. After seeing someone stalk Roy, she put a shadow to protect him from at least one hit. She would also be alerted to his position when it gets triggered. She is quite the prodigy. Not many can create such intricate instructions for their minions to follow from long distances.

[Roxanne]:"That Roy... I'm surprised he has lived this long..." Sigh…

Roxanne had gone ahead, Roy had some ‘business’ to take care of. Judging by his direction it was quite obvious where he was headed.

Roy was walking towards his bullies with confidence, they had been waiting for an opportunity to strike just like last time. Unfortunately Roy didn't leave Roxanne until now.

[Roy]:"Hey guys! I just want to say Thank you!" Roy's face was quite bright.

[Charles]:"Huh?!?" Charles said quickly. He was caught off guard.

[Roy]:"Thanks to you guys I met my favorite hero and inherited his powers!" Roy said with a serious expression


Wilco had joined Charles in his surprise. That's not possible! You can't inherit powers! Then again, no one is born without them on the island to begin with. Maybe it was a powerless specific trait?

Even Neo who was blowing a bubble with his gum had it burst.

[Charles]:"What nonsense are you speaking you fool?!?" Charles was really worked up.

[Roy]:"That's all I have to say, also try not to be late to class!"

Roy started walking away. He had no combat training so this was not a smart decision. He would likely be attacked.

[Charles]:"Hold it! Where are you going training dummy!"

Charles started firing at him relentlessly. None of them managed to hit Roy. He had another thing to thank them for, his reflexes and agility have become great. His added powers of wind made him untouchable.

[Wilco]:"What!" Wilco exclaimed.

He noticed the discrepancies in the natural flow of the wind. Someone else with wind powers was close by and helping. He hadn't used any attacks so it's the only explanation.

[Roy]:"With my new powers of wind you'll never land a hit! Don't be late!" He waved as he entered the school building. He was quite a distance away but made it to the door quite quickly. The others wouldn't be so fast. He had planned to stall them and force them to be late. He may not be the brightest but he can cook up a few schemes.

When Roy had entered the classroom with a smile, Neo was already sitting.

[Roy]:"Huh?" His expression changed to that of confusion

That guy... I really don't know what his powers are...

A few minutes later, Charles and Wilco arrived with detention slips. They were glaring at Roy.

Ms. Teacher, the teacher told them to stay after class ended. She intends to give them extra homework. It seems she doesn't believe detention alone is a good enough punishment.

When class ended and recess had begun, Roxanne approached him. This wasn't odd on its own but she seemed like she needed to tell him something.

[Roxanne]:"Roy, You need to be careful, someone was stalking you when you left the hospital yesterday"

[Roy]:"What? Why me, no one had ever taken an interest in me before..."

[Roxanne]:"Roy, I'd also advise you to stay away from any government related agencies. That hospital is included so please don't go around getting hurt!"

[Roy]:"Why the government? Plus, there is always heroes to help out if anything goes wrong! I can train and be safe, you worry too much."


Roxanne cares for her brother too much. It is quite logical if you consider her circumstances. They both don’t know their real parents and have spent most of their life together in school and at home. They share a birthday and both seem to lack friends.

[Roy]:"No need to raise your voice, I'll be careful."

[Roxanne]:"All you ever do is talk about heroes, it's about time you grow up."

‘Hold it! Why is she attacking me all of a sudden!’

[Roy]:"That's a rather rude thing to say sis! I don't insult your habits of staying locked up in your room full of shadows! I'm afraid I'll find a dead body in there if I ever go in!"

‘Not that I’d dare go in…’ He shuddered at the thought.

That was not a good idea... His sister was not happy... As expected.

[Roxanne]:"YOU!" She formed shadows around him confining him into a ball,"IDIOT PROTECT YOURSELF THEN!" she punched the ball without holding back.

The ball took off quickly and even went out of school grounds.


She had some impressive strength, Roy had landed at some nearby woods. The ball dispersed after landing leaving Roy injured from the crash

[Roy]:"Don't go to that hospital, ouch! Now I don't have a choice!" He slowly stood up.

Roy could barely walk but he had no intention of giving up and waiting for help. Unfortunately he would be needing it. A bear had appeared, it seems it heard something crash and came to check it out.

[Roy]:"Since when were there any bears in this island" Roy was trying his best to walk away.

The bear was watching curiously. It then prepared for an assault.

[Roy]:"No No No please! I just got my powers I can't die!"

As the bear steadily approached, Roy tried to activate his wind powers. He had no luck, the bear was right in front of him and all he conjured up was a breeze. 

A shadow attacked the bear when it was just about to hit Roy's arm. It was designed to block powers not physical attacks so the bear still got in a good strike.

[Roy]:"AAAAH!" Roy screamed at the top of his lungs.

Roy had fallen back and was suffering great pain. The bear had not given up, it wasn't much farther from Roy so it might as well try again.

The bear was ready to pounce on Roy when suddenly a blast of sound blew up the bear's ears.

A woman had appeared, Roy didn't know why she was in the forest but he wouldn't complain. The bear ran off dazed and scared from the attack. It was unfortunately already too late for it. It collapsed after taking a couple of steps.

[Roy]:"That was amazing miss..." Roy said with a pained expression.

[Woman]:"Kid, what are you doing in this forest, shouldn't you be in school."

[Roy]:"My stupid sister sent me flying over a simple argument"

Had she heard his non apologetic words he probably wouldn't be able to walk for a few days.

[Woman]:"Let me take a quick look at your wounds."

She hurried over to him and applied some first aid from a kit. She seemed quite prepared, does she just expect to find injured people in a forest?

[Roy]:"Miss, may I ask what that blast was?"

[Woman]:"Sound" she replied without much care.

[Roy]:"Huh? I didn't hear anything."

[Woman]:"I directed the sound waves in a single direction without allowing them to go anywhere else so it is to be expected"

Roy didn't know very well how sound works but that sounded like a hard task.

[Roy]:"You are so strong! I know, train me!"

[Woman]:"Huh? Why should I train a brat like you? If anything I should charge you for making me use this first aid kit on you."

[Roy]:"What?!? Why do you carry it if you won't use it! Nevermind that, please train me! Somebody is apparently chasing after me and I'll need to be stronger.”

‘Chasing him? What could possibly make this brat so special?’

[Woman]:"Why would someone be interested in you?"

[Roy]:"I got my powers recently. I don't think it was anything special but it seems I may be wrong, so please train me!"

‘How could he have gotten powers now? He looks at least 12, this kid is definitely not normal.’

[Woman]:"Very well, I'll train you under one condition."

[Roy]:"I'll do anything!" Roy was clearly elated after hearing that.

[Woman]:"You must do whatever I tell you no matter what it may be"

I get it! I'll be doing some irregular training!

[Roy]:"I accept! When can we start!"

[Woman]:"Brat I don't even know your name. My name is Sylvia Harmony."

[Roy]:"Sylvia? Don't you work at that radio company or something? I think I heard your name there once, Why are you so strong?"

[Sylvia]:"Yes I do but stop asking questions or the training is off."

[Roy]:"What! No way I want to start as soon as possible! I'm Roy"

[Sylvia]:"How about you heal up first, that leg and arm of yours won't let you do anything that I have in mind."

‘You can’t carry food and drinks with a broken arm and leg’

Sylvia has had a lot of stress lately, she'll use Roy to help her relax. Of course, he'll receive some proper training as well. Just not as much as he'd hope for.

[Roy]:"This leg and arm won't stop me!"

He stood up and quickly fell back down. Sylvia had brought him down.

[Sylvia]:"I'm not done yet, sit still."