Chapter 22: Life’s Dance
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The way to the ballroom was easy enough. No obstacles stood in our way. However, once we were there, it was another ball game. Placing our mask on, Loki clasped my hand as we entered. The moment we came into the room.

It was filled with people I didn’t know. Though, the decorations were beautiful, keeping the same theme. From the moment we entered, all eyes were on us. Especially on me. One would think it was because I entered with the prince, but it wasn’t.

No, it was my beauty. I mean, I had death glares from the females that had come to woo my prince. But the majority were of the men that attended. Even Asher’s orbs were on me, from his fancy chair, upon the balcony that oversight the entire event.

By him were all the council members. There were two silver Lycans on top with him. Fenris, and his son, Aiden. He was another who was retiring soon. His wife, Lilith, though I couldn’t spot from where I was.

Though her familiar, Shade was on his shoulder. So, it meant she was probably there too. She was said to retire when he did. Fenris’s son was to take the helm for the Lycans. While Lilith’s seat would be taken by a witch, whose name was yet to be announced.

Rem and the rest of the family were probably on the floor where the party was held.

“By the gods if they even take a step towards you. I might…” Loki huffed, glaring at the males in the room.

It caused me to chuckle.

Such a stupid, silly vampire.

“Shouldn’t you be looking for a wife instead of chasing down useless men?” I asked, trying to not feel the feelings that wanted to burst out.

In reality, those words made me want to eliminate every girl in there. Something impossible. I had no right to feel like that. Especially after the morning, we had. Though what he said next reassured me.

“Oi, I don’t want a wife. Unless…” Loki grumbled, tightening his grip on me.

He really had no intention of allowing any males to get close to me tonight.

“Unless?” I mumbled, gazing at him.

Even though we had eyes on us. No one had approached us yet. Oswald, Emma, and Zoe were sticking near us, too. Eli was on Loki’s neck, although he wished nothing more than to be with me.

We didn’t know if today was the fated day, after all. But it would be something we would avoid at all costs.

“None of the women here are worthy of me,” Loki smirked, changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes at him. He did not notice he included me in there too. Not that I minded. After all, I could never be his wife.

“So full of yourself.” I huffed, trying to be tough.

But I crumbled the moment my stomach grumbled though. Reaching for it, my cheeks turned light pink. I had not eaten in a while. This was the first time I had a moment to relax, to even contemplate food.

The noise caused Loki to shake his head and chuckle. With a smile on his face, he led me towards the food table. And it was amazing. It was full of treats I probably had only dreamed of. Though, much to my annoyance, Loki wanted me to get an actual meal first.

“Treats aren’t food, Vivi.” Loki shook his head at me.

I would comply just to get him off my case, but even that was great. Though, it wasn’t long until I went for a treat or two. Emma and Zoe were with me when Loki was finally invaded by some female royals.

Oz stayed with the annoyed vampire, who wanted nothing more than to be with me. I thought it would be a moment of freedom, but that would be where I would meet my first hurdle of the night.

Of course, she would find us quicker than lightning. I was eating my very first macaroon when I notice her staring at me intently. It was almost as if I had been caught like a deer facing headlights.

Loki was too busy trying to get the girls off him to notice my impending doom. The twins were both attention-seeking missiles, though. That was when she took her strike at me. Probably had been eyeing me down since we got there.

Even though she wore a mask, I could see that silver hair with brown strips. The way her purple orbs gazed at me intently made me freeze.

Can she see my aura? No… Impossible.

Though that did not stop me from taking a step back away from her. Even though she was on the other side of the table. She wore a beautiful white dress and had an owl black mask. Behind her was a tall gentleman in a tux, with a small girl on his shoulders.

His crimson eyes were almost piercing, along with his black hair. Unlike her, he wore a simple silver mask. I quickly noticed he was a Lycan. It left me without a doubt he was Alijah. I felt my heart stop.

Do they know?

My eyes shifted to the small girl on his shoulders, Luna. I had never seen her before. Though of course, I would have never remembered her from my first day in Night city. She had her father’s black hair, but her eyes...

The moment her purple orbs met with mine. I felt a throb in my body. It was like a flair of survival rushed through me. I had to get away. Instinctively, I grabbed onto Loki, who was near to me.

Clinging to him, I used him as a shield from their eyes. They weren’t hostile. Though their curiosity was overwhelming to me. I was not stable enough to place the facade I usually did. Even though Emma and Zoe noticed they could not say a thing.

Any wrong move and it would be over. It would be up to my prince to deal with his family. My sudden motion caused Loki to grab onto me by my waist. The vampire females that were pestering him glared at me.

My sudden change in demeanor confused my vampire. It was not long before he finally met with what was distressing me. The instant he saw his family, he scowled.

“What the fuck, Ma? I told you to not be overbearing!” Loki growled at Rem.

She tilted her head, wanting a closer look at me. My heart was racing. This wasn’t good. If she suspected something, then…

“What? I haven’t done anything.” Rem assured him of her innocence.

After all, she was an entire table away from me. All she was doing was observing, yet to me. It was too much. I tried to push down all the thoughts that were begging to break free. Especially the day she defined me.

“You’re staring at her.” Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“What’s so wrong with that? Is she shy or something?” Rem asked, sounding a bit disappointed.

Me, shy?!? No… you stupid hybrid, I’m avoiding any issues! If only I could walk away from all of this without Loki making a scene.

A wish that would not happen easily. Not while we were in a room full of vampires. I tightened my grip on Loki. If it wrinkled his suit, I wouldn’t care. He needed to send her away. Oswald greeted Rem normally, but she only had eyes for me.

The new intruder in her family.

“Mom… Stop causing a scene because of your damn jealousy!” a girl I never heard declared from the side.

I hadn’t noticed when Thea approached us. She wore an eye patch on her right eye. It had to have been from the accident Loki caused when he lost control of his power. It had happened a year after meeting me.

Dad only had simple details, though. But from the way they gazed at each other, there seemed to be no ill feelings between them. She had the same appearance as Alijah, just female. Rem’s eldest daughter.

Leo was staring at Zoe, who simply smiled at him. She smote that pup where he stood.

“Don’t worry, Thea. I’m not going to let your Mom do anything too embarrassing today.” Alijah spoke softly.

The man he was today didn’t reflect how my dad described him. He was soft-spoken, and his eyes seemed tender whenever directed at his family. He was nothing like the man who used to want to destroy the world.

In fact, it appeared like little stars of happiness were coming out of him. The years had softened him up into a gentleman. Even though they fought those demons almost every day. Their bonds seemed stronger because of it.

I would’ve envied the way he gazed at his love. If she wasn’t intent on figuring me out. Emma and Zoe, though, were admiring Alijah’s appearance. A picture really didn’t do him justice. Though to me, he couldn’t hold a candle to my vampire.

“Not you too!” Rem pouted, shooting a soft glare at her husband.

It wouldn’t be long before her eyes returned to me. Though their eldest daughter did not seem amused. She knew better.

“Yes. Yes, you always keep her in check, Dad.” Thea rolled her eye, gazing towards.

I felt my heart stop again when our sight met. Though she quickly moved towards Alijah. Reaching out to little Luna, she smiled.

“Come, little one. Let’s go see grandpa and grandma! Oh, and Uncle Aiden!” Thea cooed to Luna, who was quickly claimed by her.

I followed the little toddler as she picked her up. Thanks to her, I felt a moment to relax. She had successfully taken their attention away from me. A short breather…

“Oh, Sophie didn’t come?” Rem asked, curious.

“No, Uncle Aiden said she stayed behind with Amelia looking after the kids,” Thea answered.

It appeared she had already spoken with them. Lilith, Fenris, and Aiden were all on top of the balcony with Asher. Probably the other council members, too. If the coven attacked, they were stupider than a rabid mutt.

Then again, if they wanted to do damage to Rem, then…

“What about Uncle Caden?” Leo questioned, snapping out of the trance Zoe had him in.

“He stayed behind on the ship. His wife didn’t want to dance. Well, not that I blame her. She’s six months into the new pregnancy. Their kids are out in the town rather than here though.” Rem informed, shaking her head.

She knew how heavy of a load a pregnancy was on the body.

“I see,” Leo mumbled.

He didn’t seem happy to have them miss the party. The little wolf loved his family, that much was for sure. But the fewer Silver Fangs in the building, the better it was for me.

“You two don’t want to see them?” Thea asked, turning towards the twins.

Oswald wouldn’t move away from Loki. And the vampire would not go anywhere without me. He also knew I would go nowhere near his family if I could.

A pain…

“Later.” Loki sighed.

He remained annoyed at Rem from earlier. Though it wasn’t like it was over. The moment Thea left; it would all begin again.

“Alright.” Thea shrugged, taking little Luna to see her grandparents.

At that moment, Rem’s attention came back to me. Thanks to the short breather, I had collected my thoughts a bit. My heart though still raced.

“So, Leo tells me you’re the maid that saved Loki in the videos. What’s your name?” Rem asked, placing her hands on her hips.

She had a friendly smile on her lips, but I did not trust it.

“Vivian,” I mumbled, not wanting to answer her.

“Oh, what a lovely name.” Rem smiled, though her eyes narrowed.

Even behind that mask, I could tell she was hostile and suspicious of me. If only Loki wasn’t there with us. She probably would’ve pounced on me for information. I didn’t blame her, though. No, she had every right to want to vet me out.

After all, I had the same eyes and hair as the young girl she met all those years ago. I was the same age, or around it. She had no way of knowing. Yet again, many other humans had the same eyes and hair like me. It could all be a coincidence.

One she didn’t like, but thanks to my necklace, it appeared like she was unaware of my truest self. Though, Oswald…

“It means life in witchcraft,” Oz commented, causing me to tighten my grip on my vampire.

Loki scowled at his brother, who just smirked at us. Another test or…

Does he know? Did he see my mark this morning? No… I would’ve been in chains by now.

I felt the hair in my back stand up straight, not knowing where the next blow would come. Rem’s eyes did not twitch or moved away from me upon hearing that, though. She was terrifying. Though I had to be strong.

I no longer was that helpless girl she held up by her hair strands. No, I was the monster she said I would be.

Cruel… Heartless and cunning…

A monster the world had never seen before.

Yes… that’s all I am. What I have to be.

My breathing was a bit unsteady, but it was just the nerves. Ones I would have to get over to face her.

“Oh, I know.” Rem assured Oswald.

The twin fiddled with his familiar, that laid on his shoulder, carefully watching my reactions. This was a test. The moment I realized that I…

Mother fucking Oswald. If you weren’t my link… I would…

I gripped tighter on my vampire. His clothes were getting the brunt of my anger. Not that he minded.

“Are you shy? Is that why you are hiding behind Loki?” Rem asked, wondering why I was using the poor vampire as a shield.

“Nervous,” I mumbled, trying to calm myself.

The rage that was within me couldn’t come out.

“Mom…” Loki started.

Rem was in the hunt though. His words wouldn’t matter. She had to eliminate the possibility that I was a threat.

“How so?” she followed up.

My hands twitched as I took a deep breath. There was no outrunning this. I had to face it head-on or risk it becoming my misery. No one would ever separate me from Loki, though. Not until he was safe.

I let go of my darling vampire. This would be hard, though. Facing the woman who had defined who I was would prove almost too much for my heart. I wanted to yell at her. Tell her how she ruined me by calling me a monster.

How I wished I never met her. Yet I couldn’t allow my hostility towards her to show. Not if I wanted to stay with my vampire. So instead, I would…

“Isn’t meeting the family always nerve-racking? Especially…” I trailed off, taking a step forward.

I had to close my heart and not allow myself to feel. Emotions were always the greatest threat when it came to me.

“Especially?” she echoed my last word.

Rem was formidable and dangerous. But also, beautiful. Even though we were enemies, I could admire the wife of the most handsome Lycan to walk the mortal plane. It was obvious we were divines.

Though for her, she was tainted by being a hybrid. Well, in the eyes of many. There was no reason for me to fear this luma. Unless she unlocked all of Fenrir’s memories. If she did, then she…

“When we aren’t in a relationship,” I answered straight on, swallowing my emotions.

Even then, it stung to say that. Especially after the moments, we both shared before coming to the ball. I still felt Loki’s warmth in my core. Even my breasts were still sensitive from the affection he showed me.

The soft way he spoke to me when I didn’t want to dress like this. All of it was for naught. Though I wouldn’t dare gaze at my vampire. He probably had a pained expression upon hearing that.

“Okay… That is enough. Ma, do you want to ruin my love life anymore?” Loki huffed, annoyed.

The pain in his voice, though, made me shiver. I didn’t want to look at him. After all, it had all been caused by me.

“So, this is casual?” Rem continued, ignoring Loki’s words.

In her eyes, I was a stranger and a danger.

“Mom…” Loki tried to separate us again, but there was no stopping it.

Rem and I were oil and water. We would never get along. There was only one way to shut this down.

“Yes. A physical relationship. It isn’t like your son’s bite left me a choice when I saved him.” I answered plainly, denying myself from feeling the emotions swelling within.

Loki grabbed onto my arm, causing me to gaze at him. His expression caused my heart to sting. I hurt him. Even though he knew it was a lie, it hurt to hear it come from me. Especially when it was directed at his family.

I knew full well that I fell for the vampire long before the bite even affected me. He knew it too or suspected it at least.

“Oi,” he breathed, feeling hurt.

At that moment, the music played as people danced around to its beat. For a moment, Loki clicked his tongue and yanked me away from his parents. It was the perfect opportunity to get away from them.

And he wouldn’t allow it to be missed.

“Come, let’s dance.” He huffed, dragging me into the dance floor.

There was only one problem with this plan. I didn’t know how to dance. It was never a skill I needed to develop.

“Wait, I don’t know how!” I squeaked; nervous.

I was about to make a fool of myself.

“I don’t care.” He huffed, hauling me into him.

Leading one of his hands up to his shoulder, he wrapped one around my waist. The other he held tightly.

“It’s the same as when we are in bed. Follow my lead.” He scoffed, annoyed.

Though in his eyes, there was pain. One that I had caused. I couldn’t allow it to influence me. After all, we could never be together. No matter how much I… No matter how much we wished it. It could never be.

He gave me no choice but to clumsily follow him along. It annoyed me though. It wouldn’t make me a fool of. It wasn’t his intention either. I knew that, yet I could never stop myself from opening my mouth. Not when it came to him.

“Ah… did my words hurt you, prince?” I smirked, dancing along as he led me.

The music was soft, and all eyes were on us. Well, most… Others were dancing around happily.

“Oi, don’t make me drag you out of here. And fuck you in one of the empty rooms.” Loki snapped.

I hadn’t seen him this bothered by my words. It wasn’t like I had said something I usually didn’t. Though if the coven was watching us. This would be the perfect time for them to see how much the vampire cared for me.

“Hm… is that a promise?” I hummed, gazing straight at him.

My words appeared to catch him off guard. His cheeks turned light pink, continuing to lead me through the dance. Though it didn’t take long until I took the rhythm down. It was a soft, slow-paced song.

I would even call it romantic.

“Vivi, you’re—” He stopped, biting his bottom lip.

There were probably a million words he wanted to say to me. A moment later, he dipped me down when the song ended. Pulling me up, he brought me close to him. My heart stopped when he pressed his lips against my ear.

“Don’t tempt me. I’ll damn this entire party and spend the night with you. Like I wanted to in the first place. I know you do too.” Loki whispered.

He was right. I wanted it more than anything, yet at the same time. It was impossible. If he went against Asher, it would create problems. And we didn’t need any more of those.

“Okay, my darling prince.” I rolled my eyes at him.

He scoffed, continuing to dance to the music. Though my eyes unwittingly scanned for my other target of the night. Yet I had failed to meet with her. Perhaps destiny had drawn her away from here. Maybe that was for the best.

Emma and Zoe danced with one another close to us. Though it wasn’t long until Leo took Zoe out for their own dance. It was almost as if he swept her off her feet. Another vampire asked Emma as Oz sipped on a cup from the sidelines.

His eyes traveled with Loki and Emma, though. I guess he wasn’t much of a dancer either. With each rhythm that played, the night carried on. Loki refused to have any other dance partners. He only wanted me, and that was enough.

Eli took every opportunity he could to rub me when his summoner was close to me. After a while, though, I couldn’t take my eyes off my prince, who kept me on my toes for most of the night.

A few more rounds of music passed before we were interrupted.

“May I have a dance with her, baby brother?” Alistair asked, in between a song.

It caused Loki to shake his head. He didn’t want to leave me, but he also had to set his family straight. The music wouldn’t last the entire night, and what had happened wasn’t acceptable in his eyes.

“Fine…” Loki sighed, gazing at me.

His eyes reflected conflict. He probably didn’t want to let me go. Instead of resisting it, he set his eyes on his mother. I guess he figured I would be safe with Alistair while he went for Rem. Hesitantly, he passed me to his brother as I watched him walk away.

My prince went over to her before talking to her about something that was out of my reach. Though, my eyes were quickly locked on Alistair, who was one of the most handsome men in the ball. His black hair and blue eyes matched his white tux.

It also had blue décor around it. He bowed to me as I responded in the same way.

“Don’t worry, little lamb, I’m sure he’ll come back soon enough. I just wanted you for one dance.” Alistair smirked.

I narrowed my eyes, smiling.

“Well, I don’t know about that,” I replied.

The music began as Alistair guided me. Besides me, Zoe danced with Leo. Emma had joined Oz, who was by Loki. My prince appeared to go off on Rem. The luma seemed to have an apologetic expression.

Though her husband was chuckling.

“Hm… He probably had to tell his mom off so bad. That he would dare leave you in the arms of another man. You’re beautiful today, Vi.” Alistair hummed, following my gaze before twirling me.

He quickly brought me back to him, though.

“So are you, Ali.” I smiled, gazing to the side to see Lucas sitting in a chair.

His red orbs were following us. Surely, he was wishing he could be with me.


These two could be together if they defied a simple mortal. It wasn’t like the gods were against their union. In fact, gods couldn’t care less about gender.

“Have you found anyone nice tonight?” I asked, getting close to Ali.

He sighed.

“I think you already know that isn’t possible.” He led me around the song.

It was a pleasant beat. I was getting better with each one, at least. And the princes were talented dancers too. Though they were better teachers.

“Hm… why not dance with him?” I pointed to Lucas with my gaze.

He followed my orbs. The moment his eyes laid on the blondie his cheeks turned pink. The poor vampire who sat on the table appeared bored out of his mind, too.

“You really want to get me into trouble, don’t you?” Alistair huffed, pulling me closer to the slow part of the song.

If he were another man, I would have minded. But from him, I didn’t care to have this proximity. After all, he had no interest in me. Throughout the week, we had become close friends. Well, as tight as one can be from knowing each other for a month.

Though, I was fond of all our talks. Another thing I would miss when this all ended.

“No, I want to free you. After all, you’re supposed to find a spouse tonight. Why not choose the one you want?” I smirked.

He narrowed his eyes, going for the kill.

“Hm… Have you?” he spun the question on me.

My face probably said it all, though thanks to the mask, I could hide it somewhat.

“W-what?” I mumbled, heart racing.

He gazed over to where Loki continued, giving Rem a piece of his mind.

“I kind of heard your talk with his part of the family.” Ali winced as to show how badly it had gone.

It was something I already know and didn’t need a reminder of.

“What?!” I scowled, annoyed he had been lurking.

Though it wasn’t his fault. We had been pretty loud. Though that didn’t stop it from causing me to become unstable.

“So… Why did you lie?” he continued.

This elder brother was dangerous for me, too.

Why are they trying so hard to get to know me?

To get me to fight for happiness that would not come.

Why can’t they mind their own business?

I guess I didn’t like the taste of my own medicine.

“I-I’m not lying.” I stuttered to say.

The tone in my voice went up, triggering him to chuckle.

“Hm… Perhaps that’s true. But Loki wouldn’t have been hurt by that. If he didn’t feel something for you.” Ali pointed out.

It caused my heart to throb. I knew that already. Yet I couldn’t allow it. This boy that led me around in this soft dance would never know. The real reason Loki and I couldn’t be. It wasn’t in the fates.

“I can’t decide what he wants. Or if he gets hurt.” I mumbled, trying to hold myself in place.

Don’t waver, Vivian.

He wouldn’t drop it, though. Not while he knew how happy his brother was when he was with me. He also knew I felt for him. And he would get it out of me even if it was the last thing he did.

“And what do you want? Didn’t you say I should value myself? Why fuck him if you don’t like him?” Alistair jabbed at me.

I felt a snap happen within me. He was using my words against me. I guess this was what friends did.

“I never said I…” I fumbled to collect my words.

The song stopped as we remained still.

“Thought so.” Alistair simpered, gazing at me with friendly affection.

One I couldn’t handle.

Why… No… Don’t waver!

My heart was becoming brittle. It was about to shatter. I couldn’t let him win. And I knew the right way to go about it.

“Enough about me. Unlike me, you’ve a shot with the person you like.” I pointed out, gazing at him straight on.

This prince wouldn’t get the best of me. No… I was…

“Uh me? No, I have to marry a girl. Loki will be free to marry whoever he wants, though.” Alistair answered, seemly tired of that.

All he had to do was fight. It wasn’t like Asher would live to witness their union. The man had a few months left in him at best. I drew away from him, frowning. Unlike me, he could have whatever he wished.

After all, the gods wouldn’t hunt him or his love.

“No, you don’t.” I declared, turning towards an unsuspecting Lucas.

Some females that were trying to get the blond up to dance had interrupted his gaze. Too bad he appeared disinterested in them. I grabbed onto Alistair’s hand just as the other song began, dragging him towards the table where his cousin was.

It was good that the dance floor was loud, as it wouldn’t allow other lurkers to listen to us. And if they did, I didn’t care.

“Vivian?” Alistair called out, confused by what I was trying to accomplish.

It was unfair how same-sex couples were dancing with each other. Yet these two would stand out because of their rank.

Pathetic, really.

I wouldn’t allow it to be the defining factor. Especially if it would curve the relationship the brothers had. If Alistair was happier than when I met him. Then perhaps the future could change. And for that, I would push them to the limit.

After all, what better way to come out than in a public area. It wasn’t like they were closet because they wanted to be. No, Alistair was forced, while Lucas could never move on from the prince.

No, I knew how much he loved Ali from the way he gazed at him during their sparring matches. They had always been short in nature, but Lucas gazed at the prince the same way I did to Loki. Releasing Alistair from my grip, I placed my hands on the table.

It caused the blond to gaze at me instead of the girls, who were trying to get him for the night.

“Lucas, can you come with me?” I smiled, ignoring the glares from the girls.

They were irrelevant. The blondie was wearing a white tux like Ali. Yet his had yellow decorations on it.

“Oi, Vivian, what are you doing?” Alistair asked, stepping closer to me.

I took the chance to grab both males by their hands. In response, Lucas’s cheeks turned pink when I placed them together.

A push, a shove, a free fall. Enough is enough!

They just needed to take the plunge. If only they knew, they had a goddess on their side.

“A favor. You aren’t small powerless children any longer, Ali.” I announced.

The girls next to us appeared bewildered. Though no one was more confused than Lucas, who seemed like a fish out of water.

“She knows?” the poor clueless vampire said.

“Uh…” Alistair mumbled, not knowing how to answer him.

Though both their cheeks were pink. Even though I held their hands like they were praying. Palm to palm. Another shove…

“She knows. And she gives you her blessing.” I smirked, letting their hands go.

They stayed like I had left them, though. A soft smile came upon the blond vampire’s lips.

“Lucas… I’m—” Ali fumbled, wanting to apologize.

The vampire in front of him wouldn’t allow it, though. In an instant, he intertwined his fingers with the prince. All these years he had regretted not doing anything to help the down whirl spiral Alistair went through.

Lucas's eyes appeared gentle as his smile became more defined. Alistair’s cheeks were the color of a tomato, though.

“I’m up for it. I mean, if you are, Ali.” He simpered, cheeks rosy pink.

As the scene played out in front of me, I gazed at my hands. It had all been a spur-of-the-moment thing. I hadn’t thought it through completely. Yet I never knew I could build something. If anything, I thought I would ruin this.

But somehow, what was happening was the complete opposite. Alistair seemed to be speechless for a moment. His blue orbs glossed a bit before the gentlest smile came across his lips. He clasped onto Lucas’s hand in return.

“I… Okay.” Alistair breathed.

His tone was one full of nerves. Even though he was unsure of everything. The vampire could not push away the chance I had given him. For the past weeks… No, for years, he probably wished for a moment like this.

A chance to move past what had happened. It appeared my words resonated within him. It was true. They were no longer two defenseless boys.

“Okay.” Lucas nodded; eyes full of an expression I denied labeling.

They both appeared to be in their own world for a moment. A chance I would take to sneak away from them two. With a glance at my prince, he seemed to still be with Rem. And his expression was one of exhaustion.

I couldn’t go for another round of that hybrid, so against better judgment, I stepped away from the main room and into the halls. Aimlessly, I walked around in search of the short breather I needed. But there was no such place here.

Eyes were on me since the moment I stepped away from the boys. Though it was mostly males. It was annoying and almost suffocating to experience. Unlike Loki's, I didn’t welcome their attention. 

Anyone that wasn’t my vampire made me feel off. Though his warmth brought me comfort. Especially all the marks he left on my body. This morning when he was leaving my chest tender with his affection, he left a trail of them.

Though, of course, he healed all those that would’ve been shown thanks to this dress. But if anyone moved the cloth for a centimeter, they would be met with those little bruises on my skin. They weren’t enough, though.

I wanted to escape their pungent glares. To do so, I hurried into a studio room that was near.  Little did I know that was where fates would collide again. The room I went into was a war chamber. It was where generals usually discussed their plans.

They ranged from our coven to other simpler things. Though, this would be where I would meet my destiny. In front of me was Tania, who was glancing at a document. She wore a beautiful red dress. Though parties were never her thing.

So instead of spending time outside with the guest, she came in here to drown herself in work. She was so focused on the paper she was reading to notice me come in. Even when the door closed, she didn’t move.

My heart stopped. If she turned, she would see me, and I…

“Shit! Why is this abomination so hard to find? I had her a week ago!” she snapped at the document, throwing it to the table.

She appeared frustrated by something. It didn’t matter, though. A wicked smirk rose on my lips as I removed my brooch. This was the perfect opportunity to exact my vengeance on her.

For Nene…

My body began to give off a hue. In that instant, she turned around, noticing the light. Though I robbed her sight through a hexing spell. I swiped my hand to the side before holding it there. The effects would only last for as long as I held it in place.

Without her vision, she was defenseless. Vampires needed to see their target for their blood control ability to work. It was why their night vision was so powerful. Though some could feel them, that was rare even among royals.

Loki was one of them. I also knew that with age, those senses dulled. The vampire in front of me was seventy-three. Though she didn’t look like it. No, it appeared like she was still in her fifties at most.

Her agility never left her, but I caught her off guard. Losing her sight, though, didn’t startle her. No, instead she reached for her eyes. I switched the sigil of the room on, locking the door behind me.

The vampire seemed impressed.

“To rob my sight so efficiently without uttering a word. You must be part of…” Tania trailed off.

Of course, she was a sharp vampire. She had been the one who located the coven when they lived near the howling forest. The same place Alijah was brought back into this world. Not only that, but she was one of the reasons we had to keep moving.

This vampire was an excellent tracker and the current Queen’s sister. It wasn’t like that would save Tania from her fate.

“I’m your death,” I stated, devoid of any emotion.

In response, she smiled warily.

“Seems like you are.” She turned to me, knowing where I was, thanks to her hearing.

Though with that alone, she couldn’t locate me completely.

“Are you part of the coven that dread elf serves under?” Tania asked.

It caused me to crackle.

Why did this vampire mention her? Is she trying to get information out of me?

It was hilarious.

“She isn’t important,” I informed stepping to the side.

I kept moving so she couldn’t tell where I was. Though with the lack of vision, I was relatively safe. This was why vampires feared us, witchcraft users. We could easily trample over them with our spells.

Well, if we caught them off guard. But thankfully, my power was on another level. And it caught her by surprise. After all, I didn’t need to mutter a word. Though I did gestures to help concentrate on what I wanted to happen.

“Oh, but she’s very important to me. Isn’t she the one who sent you after I got this close to finding her?” Tania asked.

Oh, how it tickled me.

She’s pathetic. Me being sent by Lilith. What a joke.

“Oh, you poor fool.” I traced my free hand on the wall, grabbing a sword that was nearby.

Vampires and their décor. The blade was heavier than I thought. Especially trying to carry it with one hand. I remember Loki telling me all the blisters he would get when he started sword mastery.

No wonder…

However, with a bit of magic, anything was carriable. Tapping my finger on it, it became lighter than a feather. A cheat, but it would still cut.

“You think the elf sent me? She works for me.” I smirked, feeling nothing but disgust at the vampire who robbed me of Nene.

No, she stole my child hood. Her eyes widened in surprise.

“You’re the girl Rem’s hunting for?!” she gasped, shocked that she was facing their target.

The girl…

It almost made me sound human. Something I wasn’t.

“You robbed something important from me,” I announced, dragging the sword on the floor.

The sudden sound of metal clashing with the ground causing her to startle. She followed the sound with her blind gaze.

“I did?” She asked, unaware of what she did.

Her words caused me to stab the sword into her leg in a burst of anger. A yelp of pain left her red lips. I drew away from her as she went to grab the blade embedded in her thigh.

“How dare you forget, Nene?!” I snarled, rabid in fury.


If only I could erase her in an instant.

No… that’ll be too good for her. She deserves a painful death.

Pulling the blade out of her leg, she winced in pain, grabbing into her bleeding wound. Her blood control had no effect on her. Thus, she couldn’t stop the bleeding. Though, I had been careful to not nick the artery there.

If I had, her death would’ve been too fast for my liking.

“Oh… I see you’re that little girl from that day.” Her voice trembled, struggling to handle a pain she rarely experienced.

Though she had scars near one of her eyes. I was glad she remembered, though. It would’ve been boring if she hadn’t.

“So, you should know, if you try to kill me. The twins will follow.” I informed, enjoying her pain.

Nene… suffered more.

Memories from that day rushed into my being. I remembered the feeling that was left within me when Nene lost the light in her eyes. It caused me to shake my head, feeling a shiver ran down my spine.

Live, Vivi… Wait… Is this what she wished for me?

In that instant, Loki’s face popped into my mind, triggering me to clasp onto my chest. It hurt. My hesitation was building, and I didn’t know how to stop it.

Why at a time like this? Is this doubt?

I tried to figure out my emotions, but they were in a sea of chaos.

“Rem informed me that day.” Tania breathed, clearly in pain.

No… I can’t doubt myself. But… If I do this? Will he reject me? Is this what I really want?

I had planned it ever since I saw her. Nene deserved vengeance. The way she went wasn’t right. She didn’t deserve that.

Yes… It is… Death is all you deserve bitch.

“Good…” I mumbled, raising my hand to the vampire.

With one gesture… No, with one thought, I could end her. Yet my hand was trembling. This was the perfect opportunity. But my mind was full of Loki and Elias. And it tormented me. The way Elias protected me, even though his body was being battered.

It was the same as when Loki threw himself against the beast to save everyone. This wasn’t good. I was wavering.

“So… You’ll be the one who finally sends me to him?” she asked, repositioning herself.

She faced me, with eyes not full of hate, but of peace. It surprised me. I never thought the person who forced death on Nene would gaze at me like that.

“What?” I mumbled.

“Will you send me to be with Ben?” she clarified, gazing at me like she was exhausted.

She clasped onto her chest tight.

“Lilith… took him from me. She’s the reason I was in that village. Though I won’t apologize for what happened. Lily was right, hate begets hate.” She added, pulling out a necklace from her dress.

It was a locket, one she opened. Even though she couldn’t see, she placed it close to her lips. My heart was absent. Ben was Fenris’s brother. He had died the day Rem killed Edna. Lilith didn’t want the family to leave unscathed.

My father reprimanded her the day Rem found me, too. It was why I remembered that.

Lilith, do you realize what your actions caused?! Father snarled at the elf.

We had just gotten back from the mess that defined me. My hand still bled while I clung to my dad. Tears still swelled out of my eyes.

Eh? So, a witch died. We’ll replace her. Lilith dismissed everything.

Dad was not having it, though. His partner was sore, and he would not allow her to wave this away.

It wasn’t just any witch! It was the one Edna chose to raise Vivian! Dad snapped at her.

I sobbed into his shirt. Lilith reached for me.

So, what, we’ll raise her now. She was never needed anyway. The elf huffed.

Dad hauled me away from her.

You’re… I still don’t get why you had to kill Ben those years ago. If he was still alive, Tania wouldn’t be breathing down our backs. And vampires are difficult to fucking kill when they know what to expect! Dad scowled at her, knowing full well she was a loose cannon.

I didn’t understand what they were arguing about. No, I wouldn’t get it until many years later.

I couldn’t allow them to kill my mother and walk away as nothing happened! Lilith argued, grabbing onto her chest.

Dad just cackled, holding me tightly against him. It was reassuring for him to know I was there. Especially after the scare he had endured.

Oh, don’t fucking act like you have a heart. It was what Edna wished! Sometimes I wonder why Edna even bothered to bring you back. You’re nothing but a soulless monster. Dad huffed, unhappy about the outcome.

Aw, thank you for the compliment. The elf smirked.

All this time I never pieced it together. Ben was Tania’s heart. And Lilith had ripped him out of her. She had tried to get her own vengeance after losing the love of her life. One that had been with her for thirty-five years before the elf took him away.

My hands trembled. This woman was already in a living nightmare.

Is it even worth it to kill her? To lose Loki.

I didn’t know anymore. My mind was going blank. My silence appeared to be an answer for her as she smiled at me.

“Ben… May I find you in the next life,” Tania whispered, closing her eyes.

Her words snapped me out of my chaotic thoughts. It came with clarity. I took a step away from her. Killing her would be a release from this living agony. She didn’t deserve the peace that death would give her.

I wasn’t sparing her because of my vampire. No, it was because it would be more wicked to leave her alive. Releasing the hex on her sight, I relaxed my hand. In an instant, she saw my face. Well, the one of my true form.

My skin was white as snow while my hair was golden as the sun. However, my eyes appearance were out of this world. It was like looking at the cosmos in the sky. Her eyes widened upon spotting me.

“Wow… You’re beautiful.” She mumbled, gazing at me in awe.

My heart stopped the moment those words left her. In her orbs, I was… It left me stunned, not knowing what to do anymore. Her words were surreal to me. Well, there was only one way out of this.

One that rushed into my mind before I worded it.

“Forget everything from the last half hour and sleep,” I muttered, waving my hand to the side.

A second later, the vampire fell to the floor, out cold. It was based on a more permanent hex, though I wouldn’t know until later if it worked. For the longest time, I stared at her. Somehow, I didn’t kill her.

Though her leg was bleeding onto the floor. It wouldn’t be long until it stopped.

What was concerning, though, was that I didn’t know what I was feeling.

Is it frustration or relief?

It almost felt like my legs were about to give out. I covered my face with my hands. Taking a deep breath, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Luckily, there was a sigil, making this room sound proof.

Why’s everything so hard? Why do I have to care?

My head felt like it was about to explode. It hurt, and I wanted it to stop. Nothing was making sense anymore. Though all I knew was that Loki’s affection was poison to me. If it was the old me, I would’ve killed her without caring.

Even if death would’ve been a blessing. Something was wrong with me. I wasn’t okay, ever since the memory of last night. However, my trance was interrupted when the lights flickered. Shaking away my emotions, I equipped my brooch again.

It was better this way. Tania would be tortured until the day she died. A fitting punishment for dragging me and Nene into her dilemma. Though this did nothing to teach my vampire what I was. I hesitated because of him.

He was a plague in my poor heart. Opening the door, I swiftly closed it behind me, hoping no one saw me come out. To my surprise, the hall seemed empty. And those who were there were staring at where the screams came from.

More shrieks of fear came from the main room. Before I could run towards them, though, I felt someone grab onto my dress. Startled by it, I gazed down to see Luna holding onto me. The lights flickered again as more screams erupted from the ball, followed by a roar.

A shadow demon?!

My eyes quickly raised from the girl that clung to me. There I saw Thea on the floor a couple of meters away from me. She was out cold, with a man on top of her as a portal opened under her. Slowly, they had sunk into it and out of sight.

Everything that happened next was so fast that I could barely keep up. In front of me was Gerta, who had rushed towards the hall to find aid. The moment our eyes locked, another portal opened next to me, too.

“Vivian!” she screamed, reaching for me.

At the same time, a hand reached out to me, grabbing me by my arm. A second later, it dragged me into the portal. I felt Gerta grab onto my other hand in an effort to save me. But it was no use, they yanked in her with me.

And at that moment, everything went dark when a blow came to my head.