Ominous morning
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Ominous morning

The mud brimmed over.  A grasp like iron as the beast raised itself.  A grunt, a snarl.  A muted echo as distant mountains fell.  They counted the seconds, digit by digit.  Rising over the limb as though it were little more than a spare tether, even as torsion shredded the dirt between their claws.

The clouds were thick with pale swaths.  Cast in fire sooner than daylight.  Flickers like lasso’s thrown to capture the faux dawn.  Darkness swept them all regardless.  The canopy shuddered as water fell.  A breeze knocking loose all that watched from above.  The crash drowned out the silence, which had become absolute.  Not a glance could sooner stir the land awake.  Those who remained could only stand by patiently.

And their patience was awarded with an anomaly.  The overcast burned.  A crimson blanket warming the land like the height of springtime, and evoked all the memories that came with it.

Despite seeming as though the land were bathed in blood.  Absently and begrudgingly, The creatures stirred.  Taking the opportunity.  Taking stock of themself.  Taking their bearings.  The march onto the next chapter began.

Oh how the trees would wail and the crops would wither, but it came as no surprise.  The wilderness claimed as much as it offered, and it offered much even as it ransacked the world.  Beneath the guise of terror was a source of strength made pure.  For those who could stand, could stomach.

A waltz of monsters prowling.  The truly formidable, brave and demanding.  They would claim the tales that backed the softer sunrise.  They would bear the scars and they would present the rock that suffered no fool.