Chapter 107 Fate of the Spider King
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(Note BSSS stand's for Black Silking Spider Society).

Finally it was 8.30am in the morning we were now in lower Chaiten City,Spider King Andy was on his last legs,as we had cornered him near the train station,as he stood there the EAS had him cornered with the BSSS.

Standing there on the furtherest platform from the Station,King Andy had finally given up before saying and predicting "the Dark Eye Corp is always watching" soon they will come for you young Kenso" before laughing as a speeding train came through as Spider King Andy yelled out "Aidos" before Jumping into the on coming train as his bloody body splattered everywhere.

And So ended the days of Spider King Andy the Black Spider Organisation had now been dissolved as alot of its members returned to the BSSS.

I was now the young Supreme leader of the Black Silking Spider Society combined with the Black Spider Organisation and had amassed a Elite fighting force of my own.

As we returned back to Hikimo City the War was about to begin,the Dark Kin Moon Clan had made contact as they were concerned I let Aunty June know that members of the BSSS will be assigned to protect them,she agreed,she had no idea Jung Kin Moon had been the Supreme leader of the BSSS,if they new they would have welcomed him back.

At home I had told Mum regarding Aunty June and Uncle Joon Woo plus Ji-ho,Mum was happy knowing that her Father's Family still cared.

Despite that the Dark Kin Moon clan were coming to Hikimo city in a few weeks,Mum was happy and excited,Master not so much.

Now that the Joint Mission was a success,Lucky had told me his Father had meet someone named Kylie,for some strange reason Lucky said she reminded him of his mother Tammy,Lucky missed her very much as he was happy for his father even though they had been with each other for not that long.

Kombu had called as he was currently back at Elking and would be back to visit again,him and Nigato had unfinished business to discuss.

School was ok,everything had settled for now,but the feeling of War was still lingering in the air for some reason.

And then it started, Huntsman gave out a Warning, "Warning War is immanent Count down is in 1 year 6 day's and 22 minutes".
