Chapter 124 Planet Mideyez and Azari Amino
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After 1 hour of awkwardness the young women identified herself as Azari Amino,she was from a planet Called Mideyez east of the milky way,whatever that meant.

She is apparently a Princess of the Royal Alretonar Kingdom,currently there world was under attack from the Eye's of All seeing Darknesss and there people were being hunted down one by one and experimented on.

According to her,her guardian's were killed by the so called Eyes of All seeing Darkness as Professor Glasgow tried to send her through a transportation Portal through to our dimension.

As she ran out Crowley was the first face she saw that she felt safe around so she ran towards his direction and she desperately tried to escape from pursuit.

She looked human but with larger pointy ears and had 2 different coloured eyes which was unusual.

Iskeni had never heard of the planet Mideyez,he needed to consult with Government officials as Huntsman had started to relay information regarding the East Milky way.

Felica and Carla had become friendly after talking with Azari who started to slowly open up,Sonny walked over with Harry as Sonny started to bark as Azari patted his head.

Suddenly Sonny barked even louder as different coloured Ninja arrived covering the front and back gardens as black assilants came rushing through a Portal, Iskeni quickly erected a barrier whilst calling out "get ready".

Meanwhile at the Happy Cappy Hardware store something strange was happening there too as Master and Uncle Joon Woo went into battle mode as another force had landed near the house this time looking for the kids as they spotted both Elle and Togi playing in the garden,Ito was one of the first to react.

This was strange until Master sent through a telepathic message announcing to me that the Eyes of the All seeing Darkness is no other then the Dark Eye Corp,Huntsman had confirmed Masters hypothesis and even added that the seven kids were confirmed experiments between humans and people from the planet Mideyez.

DNA had confirmed as Azari's aura was similar to the kids as there eyes were similar in Nature too.

As fight's broke out in several location's the Immortal Clan made its move again as the League of Chaos and Destruction had attacked the Immortal clans branch in Tykiko city.

It felt more like they were testing out our capabilities as the Murim Alliance and Demon Clan moved too.

The EAS and Kwondo Industries in Chaiten were also attacked which wasnt surprising.

Huntsman kept me up to date as access to Spinster City was locked down,forces from the Black Silking Spider Society were deployed as Lord Tarantula had staged and attack,this was all planned.

Kim Joon Tie took direct command as we remained in contact through Huntsman.

The fight was going to be quiet troublesome as I Summoned "Hexon" to the Battlefield.

Felica and Felton had released "Celesto" and "Gabriel",Gabriel was Felica's "New Angel Moon Summon,both Angels were ready for action as heavy armoured black assilants came through the Portal.

Iskeni Summoned "5 telesmatic Heavenly Beast"from his Talisman collection,Harry Transformed into his beserk Mode 2.0.

Crowley and his father Gatoi Summond there Guardian deities which were "Dark Divine Wolves" as did the rest of the Extreme Shukati Ninja clan.

This battle was unavoidable bring it on Fuckers!