Chapter 126 Unexpected Visitors
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I was now able to return to school after all the weired shit that was happening.

Walking past the second bridge a hooded guy could be seen walking towards me as a "Dark Demon spear"came at me as it flashed,my "Wrath Scythe" moved in a flash as we continued to clash,it was none other then Genja Toka.

We continued to exchange strikes as I summoned "Little Black sword"and swung as he blocked and used "Demon's Punishment" I then counter useing "Tigers Mountain" to block followed by "Dragon Pulse" as he used "rising Demon" to deflect the incoming "Dragon Pulse"

Suddenly out of the blue Genja was hit with a extremely sharp force "Ancient Black Turtle's Defiance x10" as Genja was blasted away as a voice shouted "Black demon Turtle's Destruction" which headed towards me, I then use "Talon Point of Destruction" as a Green sword came slicing at me as I used little Black to block while using "Dark moon silence" to slip away.

We then separate as Genja was knocked out cold,looking up at the assilant with his dark long black hair and red eye's it was none other then Honjero Tama,this fucker had returned.

He then smiled while speaking "hows it going Kenso you fucker"! You and me we got unfinished fucking business" as suddenly a loud voice could be heared as a red bloody aura flashed "Temple force" Booooooooooooom!

This time Honjero was smashed to the side as he barely blocked the blood red ragging Qi.

Reinforcements had arrived as Harry ,Sonny,Felton,Choi and Lucky had arrived just in time as Midnight V,Tenah,Eton and the Eye of fear and other members of the League of Chaos and Destruction had arrived behind Honjero, Honjero then activated his "Heart of Greed" 

I then Summon the Wrath eye Hexon as Harry Summoned his "Legs of Sloth",Midnight V his "Mouth Of Lust" was summoned at the same time.

It was a stalemate as "Celesto" arrived as did Sonny the "Pit Cerberus" as he transformed, Tenah then Summoned "6 armed Demon Oni" it looked fearsome .

Looking over Genja had escaped as we stood there eyeing each other out,look at these fuckers coming out of nowhere,even the Eye of fear had summoned his "Horde of fear ghost" 

Honjero then Said "remember Kenso where ever you go were still going to get you this I promise,Midnight V looked even more savage as he pointed at me saying that he will gut me soon enough as they retreated,fuck first day back and these fuckers had come to Hikimo.

Oh well back to School again lol.