Chapter 20 – Meeting Dionysus Again
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"T...Thor?? And.... Heracles?" both Dionysus and Pan gasped

They've both met Thor before with Matt, so they knew what kind of God he was. On the other hand. Dionysus and Heracles were half brothers, whom Hera, Zeus' principal and first wife hated, for they were both signs of Zeus' infidelity. They haven't met in person, but Dionysus knew him by reputation.

Days later, both of them returned with the herd of missing cattle, and Thor was carrying the head of 4 giants!

"What happened?" Matt asked, while sitting around drinking wine with Dionysus and Pan.

"Oh! We hunted around and killed 2 giants each. Thor killed these two, named Albion and Bergion, who claimed to be sons of Poseidon, while I killed this ones named Dercynus who also claimed to be the son of Poseidon and Cacus here, who was hiding all the cattle in his cave" Heracles said jubilantly. 

Matt wondered at always being enemies with the sons of Poseidon. Will this be a long term threat? But then again, they were all giants or evil demigods like the rulers of Atlantis. 

"Dionysus! Pan!" Thor exclaimed seeing his old friends which he met with Matt as Matt introduced them to Heracles.

"So... you're my half brother! I've heard about you" Heracles shook Dionysus' hand eagerly. 

They celebrated their meeting by drinking for 7 days and 7 nights, before Thor left, carrying the 4 giant heads back to Asgard as proof of his success on Midgard.

Heracles gave him the other two giant heads, because he had no need for it, and he had to accomplish his own mission with the cattle. 

As they were headed towards Greece anyway, Dionysus and Pan joined Heracles and Matt and helped with the cattle. 

Along the way, more troubles plagued them

A gadflies magically appeared and bit the cattle, scattering them all over, but Pan played his flute and managed to hypnotize the cattle to keep together while Heracles and Matt got rid of the flies. 

Later on, as they tried to cross a river, it suddenly swelled, making it impossible to cross with the cattle. 

"This is... unnatural" Pan said, looking at the rising river, forcing them to retreat.

"It's our step mother" Dionysus said, inferring to Hera, he and Heracles' stepmother.

"Raaaagh" Heracles yelled as he started throwing large boulders into the river

"What's he doing?" Pan asked

"Forming a rock bridge. He did the same from the Island of Erytheia to the mainland of Europe! We didn't have a ship, you know" Matt said, seeing Heracles use brute strength to solve the problem yet again.

Heracles was tireless, throwing rock after rock even after the river stopped overflowing, and he formed a stone bridge large enough to accommodate the large herd of cattle.  

After crossing the river with the cattle, they decided to part ways. 

Dionysus and Pan were heading to Mount Olympus, because Zeus had summoned him. 

Thus they bade their farewells as Heracles and Matt continued towards Tiryns to finish Heracles' 10th labor.


"What? This is not what was agreed!" Heracles yelled at the gate of the city. 

King Eurystheus had forbade Heracles to enter the city since he slayed the Namean lion as his first Labor, leaving Heracles to surrender his spoils of his labors at the city gates. 

This time, Eurystheus claimed that killing the Hydra during his second labor didn't count because Heracles received help and cleaning the Augean Stables was disqualified as his fifth labor because it was the river which he diverted that cleared the stables for him!

"If you do not fulfill these labors, your atonement for killing your wife and sons would not be accomplished" the spokesmen said loudly at the gates of Tiryns. 

Heracles stood silently, unable to reply as indeed King Eurystheus was given the authority to pardon him of his sins. 

As such, Heracles was given two more tasks!

Heracles cursed and left with Matt. 

"Matt.... I'm sorry but..." Heracles said to Matt

"I understand. You need to do these tasks by yourself" Matt responded, knowing what must be done. 

"Lets.... lets meet up again for an adventure after I fulfill these tasks" Heracles said

"Will do brother! I'll join you after you finish your labors" Matt said as they hugged goodbye. 

Heracles was eager to finish these tasks as soon as possible, and Matt didn't want to hold him back.

So they went their separate ways as Matt walked around aimlessly, not knowing what to do. 

At a distance, he saw a familiar face, looking serious for once.

"Dionysus! I didn't expect to see you so quickly" Matt said

"Oh Matt! Good to see you" Dionysus' face lit up.

"Where in Pan? I thought you guys were always together?" Matt asked

"Oh, he cannot join me on this quest. His... appearance might be counter productive to my mission" Dionysus said

"Oh? What's your mission? I've never seen you so serious before" Matt said

"It's my father Zeus. He... wants me to sort out an argument with the Fire and Water Gods of India named Agni and Varuna. If I succeed, my father promised me... godhood and a seat at the table of the Olympian Gods" Dionysus sighs, finding this task a bother.

"India? Can I come?" Matt asked, cheering him up

"Sure. Unlike Pan, your appearance won't cause misunderstandings. And having a drinking buddy coming along would brighten the journey for me" he said


Their journey to the east took many months, not helped by Dionysus and Matt stopping frequently and making friends while having drinking parties literally every chance they could. 

Six months later, they were only just passing by Sumer, halfway on their way to India, when the ground began shaking, and loud rumbling noises sounded from a distance!

"Can it be Thor and Heracles competing again?" Dionysus asked, steadying his feet on the loose ground.

"It can't be. They should be nowhere near here!" Matt said as they went to investigate. 

Over a large empty plain, not far from the city of Uruk, they saw two men wrestling, and their fight caused such a commotion that it was shaking the ground.

Both of them were large, over 7 feet tall, and one of them was bearded and curled his beard and hair in the style of the area, while the other looked like a wildman, perhaps half beast as they wrestled savagely, with them both being equal. 

Finally the bearded man barely defeated the wild man and decided to spare him after they battled evenly for so long.

"Well done! I would like to congratulate the both of you with a drink" Dionysus said, lifting a goblet and holding a pitcher. 

"Who are you?" the bearded man frowned. 

"I am Dionysus. Me and my friend were passing by and could not help but admire your skills" Dionysus said

"I am Matt. And I have wrestled a bit too, but I do not have the size or strength to match either of you" Matt said

"My name is Gilgamesh! And this.. foe of mine is Enkidu. If you impress me, I will drink with you!" the bearded man said to Matt. 

"You still want to wrestle? Alright then" Matt said

Matt was stunned, but he didn't back down. He had spent time wrestling Heracles, and had watched Heracles wrestle Thor to a standstill, so he was certain he had faced the best. But Gilgemesh was a legend too!

Matt squared off against Gilgamesh, who was nearly 2 feet taller than him as they engaged. 

"You're not afraid of me?" the beastly man Enkidu asked as Dionysus handed him a goblet of wine while watching Gilgamesh wrestle Matt. 

"Nah! My best friend is half man, half goat! He has the lower body and horns of a goat, but he plays heavenly music with his flute" Dionysus said as he clinked his goblet with Enkidu. 

They both drank and looked on. 

During the wrestle, as Matt expected, Gilgamesh was overbearingly strong, and he was surprised that he estimated his strength to be a match for Heracles!

But Gilgamesh was slippery from the sweat after wrestling Enkidu, and Matt managed to escape several times while using his own skills to threaten Gilgamesh. 

But every hold Matt got on, Gilgamesh simply broke out with raw strength. And every hold Gilgamesh put on, Matt squirmed out by either escaping early before the hold can be fully locked on, or slipping out with Gilgamesh's sweat.

At the end, Matt caught Gilgamesh in a foot lock, but could not force him to submit due to his strength and size. Instead Gilgamesh held on to Matt's leg in turn and broke it!


"Do you submit?" Gilgamesh asked

"Yes... I have no choice do I?" Matt said, his foot hanging loosely from his ankle. 

"If we were the same size, you would have won" Gilgamesh said

"I heal fast. Don't worry about it. By tomorrow I should be fine" Matt said as they shook hands.

They celebrated together with Dionysus providing the wine and Gilgamesh providing the food as they feasted together. 

Gilgamesh and Enkidu were surprisingly got on well together in what was the start of a legendary friendship between the two. 

Several days later, after non stop feasting, Dionysus and Matt stumbled on in their journey to India, saying goodbye to their new friends Gilgamesh, King of Uruk and his beastly friend Enkidu.