A Deal with Rob
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 'Why can't I move?' Jeff looks around but he can't see anything it's just dark. He tries to move his body but he can't. 'What is happening, the last thing I remember is getting shot in the head.'  He finely realizes why he can't move. 'What happened to my body?' 

"You died so now you are just a soul so of course you can't move."???

"Who are you, Where am I?" Jeff asks while he is also trying to find the person who is speaking to him.

"I'm Rob well one of many, and you can stop trying to look for me because I don't have a human form." Rob 'Also why would I want a filthy mortal form.' Rob thinks to its self.

"So I am going to hell then?" Jeff 

'I am not very religious like the rest of my family, so I'm most likely going to go to hell for not believing.' Jeff thinks to himself.

"No I have an offer for you." Rob

"What does this offer entail?" Jeff

"Oh nothing much I just send you to a dangerous world and you must survive until you die of natural causes." Rob

"Wait, What!!!" Jeff

"Just like I said I will send you to a dangerous world and you have to survive until you die of natural causes, but don't worry I give you some wishes." Rob

"Why would anyone in there right mind agree to this?" Jeff

"Well it's either that or I can destroy your soul, so it's really up to you but before you decide if you can survive two of the worlds I send you too I will give you power." Rob

"I would like to know what world are you going to send me to first and how many wishes I get and why you are offering me this deal." Jeff

"Of course I can do that and to answer the last thing you wanted to know is because I'm bored and I want some entertainment, and as for the world it will The Walking Dead, as for how many wishes you have you will have four wishes." Rob

'Okay the walking dead I can do this I binged watched it last weekend so all the details are still fresh in my mind' Jeff thinks to himself

"Oh a few things you should know before you start making wishes one no super soldier serum or super hero powers, two no magic three no instant mastery of anything and I will wipe your mind about the world you are in so you can't cheat." Rob

"......" Jeff was thinking ' There goes all my plans.'

'Foolish mortal do you think I would let you ruin my entertainment' Rob thinks to himself.

"Okay I know what I want to wish for." Jeff

"Okay what do you want to wish for?" Rob says trying to hold back his smile thinking that this mortal is going to really entertaining.

"The first thing I wish for....................."

(Cliffhanger from the really bad author)