The Davis Family
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 The Davis Family was a farming family in Georgia. The had a hundred and fifty heads of cattle, pigs and chickens and four acres of field planted every year.

 Samantha Davis is the mother of Jeff Davis or also known as little Jeff and she is married to Jack Davis. Samantha works as the towns librarian. She is highly intelligent and she is also very skilled in archery.

Jack Davis is the father of Jeff Davis or also known as little Jeff and he is also married to Samantha Davis. Jack works with his father on the Davis Family Farm. He is also a quiet good mechanic knowing how to work tractors and older vehicles.

Jeff Davis (aka Old Jeff) is the grandfather of little Jeff and father to Jack Davis. He works with his son on the family farm. He is also a skilled blacksmith knowing how to make armor and swords. In his younger days he was a leather worker and now in his free time he still works with leather learning how to make armor and other useful things.

(AN: Hey guys I know this was a short chapter but I only created this chapter to give you some information about the MC's family so you can see where he learns the skills he wished for.)