Siren Song
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The crimson haired beauty perched on boulders overlooking the ocean with her ossein comb weaving through her well maintained locs. She hummed with each slide of her comb as she watched the ships go by.

"I met a boy along the shore, he promised me today and forevermore. So one day I took him to the ocean floor."

Another ship bobbed for air as she slid the comb through her hair. She paused, licked her lips and smiled. She began humming again.

"I owe you my life. You shall be my wife! Marry me and become my queen. His marital bed lies by the ravine."

A horn blares in the distance and she rests the comb on the boulders. She stands; the wind as if worshipping its master blows in her direction. She raises her hand dismissively and as if patiently awaiting her command, both the wind and the ocean began lulling the ship towards her. The blue eyed man looked at her in awe as she sang:

"Swim with me in the deep blue sea where you'll always be free. Slide 'neath the waves, you're the one she craves."

The crimson haired beauty perched on boulders overlooking the ocean with her ossein comb weaving through her well maintained locs. She hummed with each slide of her comb as she watched the ships go by.

"Blue eyes forever roaming the oceans with me. Nestled within my arms for eternity
Our first kiss, your last breath."