Interlude Story: New Life in Sardonyia
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~Lanie POV~

Almost year has past since we've came to the Paganish Realm. 

The original plan was to head to the Colosseum to find Aiden, but with news of Rana's pregnancy, we've put our plan on hold for now.

Out team has adjusted well to live in Sardonyia. Rough and his clan has become our hosts, allowing us to take positions within the city. I gave Lost Fang assignments to the city guard, Louis decided to do research on any records of humans entering the Paganish Realm while coordinating an expedition to find Aiden while we stay back; and Eddy has begun work with the Droheck clan. 

Respected by the dwarves for my engineering skills, the Droheck clan asked me to take a position as an Engineering Assistant. I accepted gratefully.

Meanwhile, Rana had been carrying the baby for 6 months, and has been incubating the egg closely for the last four.

So far, I've enjoyed my work as an engineer. It's stimulating, challenging, and the fantastical things I see remind me of Aiden and his stories of Earth. On my walk to the Droheck family home, I pass under the florescent moss lampposts and see all the fey that live in the city. Most of them are dwarves, but they all seem to work well together.

Eventually, I returned home from work and joined everyone for dinner; with over 50 clan members, not including my group, every meal is a feast. The food is mostly mushrooms, tubers, and meat from prey on the surface or hunted underground.

After eating, I went to join Rana in our section of the clan house; it's a little small, but cozy. My sister wife was in the nursery; it was a beautiful room we both built, it had all wood finish with kiddie toys spread on the floor. Right now, Rana was holding the egg closely with her tail wrapped around it, staring at the mobile above the crib.

"How is it?" I asked about the egg, sitting down with the child between us.

"I think we should be seeing hatching any day now." Rana answered uncertain. "I'm not entirely sure how human/lizardfolk offspring work." A moment of silence passed were all we did was stare at the little one. "You know what worries me?"


"Depending how long it takes to find Aiden, he might miss so many important moments of our child's life." Her tone grew sadder. "Not being their for the first words; learning to stand, walk, run; playing catch; use a sword. All experiences they may never share together."

"I understand, I worry that I won't be a good mother. My father was a human, left us when I was still a small child. From then, Mother spent many days and nights working in the mill, I only had my sister Crystal as my support. I'm not sure I even know what it means to be a good parent."

Rana rubs my back. "I have concerns as well. After my parents died, I had to take a lot of responsibilities and look after my brother. I love them, but sometimes I find it hard to remember much about them. Also, our baby will be half-human. What if I fail had providing everything they'll need?"

Talking about this was good, it meant we both understood our weaknesses. "I don't know what will happen... but I feel more easy about the future." I try to comfort her. "We may not have Aiden, but we still have each other. As long as we give this child all the love and attention it needs, nothing can go wrong."

Reassuring each other, we gave the egg a hug as proof that they'll have their mothers' love.


Worried, we pulled away and looked at the egg, there was a small crack in the shell.

"Rana, what-"

"The baby's hatching." She said in a whisper. "THE BABY'S HATCHING!" This time she jumped up and ran out the door. "EVERYONE, EVERYONE, THE EGG IS HATCHING! THE BABY IS BEING BORN!"

While she went to inform everyone, I was alone with the egg, staring at the crocked line on the shell, trying to keep my breath. "I'm about to be a mother." The words left my mouth like a mantra. "I'm about to be a mother."

Rushing back, Rana sat in her previous spot as a crowd began to surround us. In the room was Ra'sh, Tuca, Cavalier, Louis, Eddy and his family making a semi-circle near the door. Watching from outside was Rough, Turf, and several other clan members were in attendance.

Fixated, we all watched as the egg wiggled, waiting for what will happen next.


A louder crack happened as a tiny foot popped out the egg.


Another foot appeared and spin the child like a top. Getting their bearings, both feet hit the floor and the egg begins to waddle around. Amazed, several people laugh at the situation; according to Rana, lizardfolk babies are born slightly stronger than human babies.

Like a dog in a paper bag, the baby begins to move around in circles until it crashed into a wall, smashing the rest of the egg shell. Concerned, me and Rana rush over to remove the pieces of shell and look at our child.

"It's a boy!" Rana removed the remaining shell to look at his face. His skin was sun kissed like his father but a shade lighter, like milk coffee; there was a few strands of curly black hair; but there was traces of Rana. He had his mother's amber eyes, button nose, and lizard features; he had no tail, and his nails were more human like, but he had orange scales that covered his arms, legs, and the back of his torso. Certainly, this was Aiden and Rana's son.

He began to crawl, heading towards Lost Fang as everyone, his parents included, fawned over how cute he is.

"Extraordinary!" Ra'sh picked up the child with one hand. "My benefactor's son! As my master's child, he is under my protection as well. In time, he will call me 'Uncle Ra'sh', and will look to me for guidance!"

"Any guidance from you would cause him to crawl backwards." Louis carefully removed the child from Ra'sh and checked for any physical concerns. "Astounding, parents of two different species and no sign of defects. I'm sure Aiden will be honored to know him." He places the boy back on the ground.

From the hallway, I hear dwarves converse about how interesting it will be to have new addition, and of a new race; because many fey have lower birth rates, a birth is treated as a momentous occasion, meaning they have a new friend to make. I think I heard whispers of a festival to celebrate.

Moving closure to Jillian, she picked him up and ticked his tummy as the children, Ander and Bree poked the infant back, while Tuca pinched his soft cheeks. After they all got a chance to see him, Eddy took the child from his wife and brought our baby back to us. As he handed the infant over, Eddy whispered something for only us to her.

"Miss Rana, Miss Lanie, I make a promise to you that I will never allow tragedy to befall this child, it is my atonement for robbing this boy of a father." He bowed and went back to his family.

Me and Rana snuggle close to our child, seeing the memories of Aiden in his eyes, and all the possibilities ahead. We then looked to our friends, and we both felt proud to know that our child will have a community to love him, and gave him a hug to make sure everything was okay.

"We'll get you to your father, little one." I promised my son, then turned to my sister. "Rana, have decided on a name?" By tradition, the birth mother bestows the name.

She looks at the baby's face. "I remember the story Aiden told me after our first dungeon, of a man who was cursed to become a monster until he found salvation from a great hero. I think I'll name him... Bastien. Bastien Ortega of the Ichth Tribe."

I smile at the little boy. "It's perfect. I think I'll call him 'Bash' for short."

"Bash... I love it." Together, we hold our little Bash in for a strong hug. We might not be the perfect parents, but we'll the perfect parents for him.