THE ORIGIN (c2part1)
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It is true that there are heavens beyond heavens.

And also there are abyss beyond abyss.

Somewhere in the mortal realm, deep in the sea there is a huge deep unmeasurable trench..

There are no sea creatures 1000 meters around that area...

Only thick blackness...

And endless salty colourless water...

From above, the pit looked like ferocious black monster.

Deep in that abyss, the king of the sea is cultivating...

Yi Lan Wei sat there with closed eyes.

His heavenly beauty lightened the suffocating black environment.

His shiny long blue hair floated in the water. He wore a twinkling pearl crown on his forehead. His eyes were tightly closed. His high end nose and not too thin full lips are seductive to the point of one cannot take back thier eyes from him.. He has a slender white neck and a broad shoulder with tough muscles. And that white long powerful hands, like a beautifully carved statue.. In his chest two pearly light rose petals shone bewitchingly. 

His not too thin waist is covered with a layer of dark blue fish scales. His tail.......

Ya! His tail is 86 meters long!!! His long fish body is covered with shiny ocean blue colour fish scales. One can assume maybe those fish scales are the hardest thing in the world.

If one look closely he can find those fish scales resembled more like dragon scales.They emitted his strong kingly aura. The surrounding water didn't even moved a little,  like it is holding breath. Overall, he is what people call 'perfect'...

Perfect to the core!!!

"Inorder to gain human true body i need to understand its origin. "

His sexy voice suddenly sounded. The water moved a little like it got tinkled.

Suddenly, He opened his eyes. There is no pupil as one expected. 

In the completely blue eyes, Primal Ice Fire burned... 

The moment his eyes opened the surrounding blackness vanished like it was not even there in first place. 

"Judging from the timeline, it will take over millions of years to cultivate the human body..Yin Xing's soul will be partially cured during this time."

'I hope everything will go well'

Yi Lan Wei again closed his eyes. It will take so many years for that eyes to open again..

The blackness came back.

It seemed to sigh!? 


'The true mysteries behind all these things are unknown. 

Where is the origin point of this life source? When did it all started?  

Naturally, we will link this unanswered questions to an invisible person. He is the creator of the world and the one who ultimately balances everything in the world.

He is the Great God.

Right and wrongs are from him. Black and white are from him. Food and water are from him. Blessings and curse are from him. Everything is from him.

But that may not be the case!!!




Long long time ago, when there was only  nothingness in the space...

The abundant spiritual power in the whole area somehow got disrupted. Although it was only for a moment, the higher realm's some of the solid power got spilled into the lower realms.

There is actually nothing much in it. But, something bizarre occured.

The power from the unknown origin quickly merged with the lower realms. These combined power formed consciousness of the space.

It was called nature.

The consciousness was split countless times and thus was formed as little specks of lights..

Hundreds of Thousands of years passed.

Many changes occured during this time.

The light specks moved realms from realms.Some were descended because of spiritual pressure.

While some of them ascended to high realm after gaining certain level of consciousness.

They came to be known as stars...!!

The lowest realm can be considered as middle space. Here is where spiritual power is stable. The lights which absorbed different types of spiritual power formed here as groups. Thus creating elemental powers. Some elemental powers got together and formed planets. The planets in which elements are well proportioned emitted the Aura Of Life. 

The groups dominated and also depended on each other. They became known as galaxies and novas.

Later, the connection of spiritual power from the universes got disrupted. Each and every creations strived to find a power source for themselves. 

And at last everything got into the order and the universe was finally stabilized.


Is it the end!? 

Let me tell you, 


Absolutely No!!

I will continue it in next chapter.

Written by_


       Blogger address:

@Frozen Heart

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Happy reading😍😍😍😍


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