HTSCF CH 047 Just the usual nonsense
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By the time Jun woke up again, the sun had set and he had missed breakfast and lunch. His body still felt very weak and he regretted ever claiming he’d fight against the heat period—what else could his symptoms be?—with willpower.

|Heh, Host, you’re finally awake.|


|Nothing to say, dearest Host?|

System 00 decided to pity his Host and left him alone. Whatever preconceptions Jun had regarding omegas flew out the window. Or, was it because of those two that he couldn’t help but succumb to his pheromones and theirs? If it were any other alphas, Jun was certain he would have been able to overcome his heat with willpower.

“Ugh...” There was still a feeling of discomfort.

“You’re awake,” said Niall, who had been by Jun’s bedside the entire time.

“How are you feeling?” asked Cyrus, who was also still there.


The sound of both men’s low chuckles caused the pit of Jun’s belly to squirm, much like the feeling of falling, driving downhill, or riding a roller coaster.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I gave you a temporary mark,” Cyrus confessed after calming down.

“I did too.” Niall divulged. Jun sat up in his bed with the two men’s help and kneaded the sides of his neck, where there was some aching pain. What a strange sensation. Though his body still felt tired, the internal need had faded, leaving only a dull emptiness.

Cyrus’s eyes shone with passion. “It’s amazing, your entire neck is covered by the gland. It’s possible we can both be your lifemate…”

Alphas and omegas had glands located in the back of their necks, where pheromones were released. When marking, the alpha would bite down on the back of the omega’s neck where the gland was. If Jun’s entire neck was covered by the gland, then it was indeed conceivable for him to be marked by two alphas, maybe more. But, he only needed Azazel and Elior. 

“When did I agree to be lifemates?” 

“Baby, don’t you remember? You agreed before you passed out.” 

Jun smiled at the familiar term of endearment. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t.”

“… You did.” Niall maintained. Jun burst out laughing, sliding back down to lay on his bed. These two were too silly, attempting to lie to him so blatantly without any shame. 

Hearing him laugh, the two alphas were relieved. Though it was just Jun passing out after being overwhelmed by his first heat, the image of him losing consciousness made them feel a sort of familiar despair, one they didn’t want to ever experience again. Never mind their struggles to calm their alpha instincts earlier, something Jun didn’t need to be made aware of, or the door they broke while carrying him back to his room after he passed out, which the maintenance robot had already fixed. 

As for their fight over who would give the temporary mark, it was not worth mentioning. What was important was Jun was better. Though, should they have just marked him and tied his life to theirs? But they’d never do such a thing without his consent.

Jun watched the two men who were lost in their thoughts, and his voice brought them back to attention. “Well, first, I need to see if my withdrawal notice is accepted or not.”

“Do you want to withdraw?” Cyrus asked. 

“No. If I don’t have to, then I don’t want to but…”

“Then just become our lifemate,” Niall said. 

It was best if he became theirs and only theirs.

“Are you two alright with sharing?” Jun wondered with some doubt. This wasn’t like the previous worlds. Here they were controlled by something more instinctive, and alphas were notoriously possessive of their omegas.

“For you, it’s fine, as long as it’s just him,” Cyrus said while making eye contact with Niall. What did it matter as long as Jun was theirs and no one else’s? 

“You both are sure about being lifemates?”

“Yes.” The alphas responded at the same time.

“I won’t accept either of you having other omegas,” Jun warned. Though they wouldn’t be able to mark another omega, that didn’t prevent them from having sex with others. Having multiple omegas was very popular amongst the alpha nobility and military higher-ups, who desired alpha children to continue their family line. 

“I don’t want anyone else. As I said, you are my fated pair.” Cyrus was certain of it. Even before Jun exposed himself as an omega he knew it.

Niall grabbed Jun’s hand and held it tightly. “It can only be you. Don’t you know that?” Hidden behind his words, there was some remorse.

“I guess...” Sometimes Jun didn’t know how to react when their souls spoke to him. He still couldn’t remember much, but he was certain now that he knew them from his origin world. Then them being here with him—Did that mean they also almost died?

“So you agree?” Cyrus grinned.

“The next heat, the two of you can mark me. I just hope you don’t regret it…”

Holding onto Jun’s free hand, Cyrus looked him in the eyes. “I will never regret it.”

“Neither will I.” Niall squeezed Jun’s hand that was still in his.

With the help of the temporary marks left by Niall and Cyrus, Jun’s heat symptoms became something more akin to a light cold, and his heat was over in three days with little difficulty. Their pheromones within his body lasted another week, and it was comforting, giving him the feeling they were both by his side even when they weren’t, which was more than often the case. 

With the discovery of the new Zerg type Parasites, there was a rise of commotion in the Empire, and the number of mysterious, sudden deaths began to increase. If the military scientists couldn’t figure out a way to discern who was infected by the Parasite Zergs then the death toll would worsen. In arrived the recently disclosed omega, Skye Lennox, to save the day with his ability to identify those infected with his SSS grade spirituality. 

Why was he being held in higher regard than Rain Linden? Because he was an omega, a Colonel, and the legitimate son of Duke Lennox, one of the oldest ducal families. As for Rain Linden? He was just a beta, a cadet, and even if he was the Marshal’s son, he was an unrecognized and illegitimate one. How could he even compare despite his SSS+ grade spirituality? All he was useful for was as a soldier on the battlefield once he officially joined an army.

Despite this, Jun’s withdrawal request was rejected by the military academy per the Marshal’s instructions, and a week later he resumed classes. Other than theoretical classes, Jun had physical training and technical training using VR pods. Practical training like the mission he had fallen into when he first arrived in this world were rare instances that happened once every few months. 

As such, Jun was relatively safe from Death, if you didn’t take into consideration all the equipment malfunctions, mechas going out of control, and the mode in the training room being stuck on “hell” level at every instance. Though he wouldn’t die, there was a high possibility of being injured to the point of being hospitalized. No one understood what was happening, not the mecha mechanics, the training room operators, the instructors, or other cadets. 

If this unlucky person didn’t die before graduation in a year and a half, then he was lucky, but Jun only needed half a year. If he completed the Main Mission and Hidden Mission by then, he’d be able to enjoy a peaceful life even if he proceeded with his career in the military.

Skye Lennox on the other hand was still unhappy. Since the unveiling of his omega status, Niall Atlas and Cyrus Albert nevertheless hadn’t contacted him and remained indifferent to all his attempts to initiate contact. He didn’t understand what was wrong. Everyone else was praising him for being a kind-hearted and brave omega, willing to sacrifice himself for the people. Also, didn’t they need an omega to pass on their alpha genes? He was the only suitable one for them. 

Jun was too occupied trying to live without dying to care about the protagonist’s inability to adapt to an alternate reality of the plot.

A week later, a surprise training mission was announced and Jun was “randomly” selected to be one of the “lucky few” cadets to participate. For others, it was random luck, because training missions were a chance for cadets to shine and be preselected by army leaders before they graduated. But for a cannon fodder like Jun, it was just another death notice. That said, he still dutifully packed simple luggage.

‘Hello, my old friend. We meet again.’ Jun thought upon boarding the starship Stardust IV.

This mission occurred in the original plot, except Rain Linden was dead by then. Although Jun was aware of the dangers of this mission, he stayed cautious since his being there would change things. The mission this time was a protect and defend one, and they were headed for the mining planet, X44, which was clearly a death flag.

(A/N: Riding aboard “shi/four/death” and landing on planet “double death/44”...)

X44 was located in Zerg territory, although on the very edge. At present, each army had one battleship and five mechas, and both were made of the metal NE-09, which was very effective at defending against Zergs. Unfortunately, this metal could only be found within Zerg territory and although X44 was on the edge, it was plausible to be attacked by Zerg at any point if discovered that there were humans mining there.

To sum up, their mission was to protect and defend the mining company, their employees, and the NE-09 already mined and ready for shipment. But with Jun’s abilities to summon the unusual, it wasn't that unexpected when 10 minutes after Stardust IV’s landing, there was a large-scale Zerg attack, 5 hours ahead of schedule. 

During the battle, Jun wore a wry smile the entire time. As per standard training missions, it was being recorded and live broadcast for whoever wanted to view it. Many netizens and military officials watching found the bemused expression on Jun’s face as he effortlessly killed many Zergs, cute and funny!

[Sunrise&Sunset: Question, does anyone know who this cadet is?]

[Dancing in the Rain: I do! His name is Rain Linden, 18, and he’s Marshal Linden’s third son.]

[Marry Me General Atlas: You mean the illegitimate one?]

[Dancing in the Rain: He used to have C grade physique and C grade spirituality, but after the last training mission, his attributes rose to A grade physique and SSS+ grade spirituality!]

[empty pod 300:  SSS+ spirituality? What does that mean?]

[The Scientist: It means the machine broke and couldn’t properly measure his spiritual grade.]

[809125: I remember seeing the video of that last training mission! It was so badass!]

[Be Physical: Relax, everyone. He’s just a beta.]

[736029: A beta??? No way! I’d still marry him though…]

That last comment caused two dominant alphas to simultaneously crush whatever was in their hands.

As for Jun, he carried on combating the Zergs, completely unaware of his rising fame. The fight had been dragging on for 30 minutes now with no end in sight, much worse than what had been described in the original plot. Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse—he should have thought that way in the first place—the second wave of Zergs came down from above.

The captain made a choice then and there to save as many people and retreat. In terms of fighting power, Jun was the strongest one there and he was assigned the main duty of defending while everyone else commenced retreating. Amid all the chaos, he became surrounded by Zergs and he couldn't reach the starship to leave with everyone else.

“Just leave him.” The vice-captain said.


“He’s just one beta. Compared to the alphas, miners, and NE-09 we have onboard his worth doesn’t equate. Even if his attributes are high, it’s unlikely those abilities would pass onto the next generation. Captain, you must make the right decision.”

Everyone who heard these unpleasant words through the broadcast had mixed feelings. Sometimes, the right decision wasn’t always the most moral one.

When Jun saw the starship takeoff, he laughed and broke away from the circle of Zergs. These were just the basic types, and it was their numbers that overwhelmed his mission team. Searching for higher ground, he chose a plateau to climb up. When he reached the top, he used his spiritual powers to form hundreds of arrows and launched them at the Zergs. Though it used up a lot of energy, he was able to wipe out 90% of the remaining Zergs.

As long as there wasn’t a third wave, he’d be able to survive this ordeal and wait for rescue—


Once again, Jun had jinxed himself. At the appearance of the third wave of Zergs, he laughed and cried inside. 

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a little wordy 🤔 I struggled with writing/editing this chapter… 😬