I unexpectedly became an Ability User
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In the modern world, one would find intriguing things that are called fantasy novels. Many youths would dream of having the kind of power that would excite them. There are even High School students who would act embarrassing like having the power of the darkness and such. These youths who made a dark past have been called in the world as Chuunibyou.

“Stepping in my domain of power, there will be no escape from me, the Demi-God of Shadows, Kurayami.” Here we see a very great example of one. My seatmate Watanabe Kurobe...well he actually calls himself the Demi-God of the Shadows or something.

Something I, who was just an ordinary person who wouldn’t understand just what it is about. He acts these embarrassing lines and poses that we, his classmates would always avoid as seeing how he acts just like now. Seeing him just doing it would make me writhe in agony.

To top it all off, I’ve been friends with this guy since elementary school. I don’t know what got into his head but all of this charade of his started back in Middle School. I wish I could’ve cut ties with him long ago...but I couldn’t. I can’t leave this guy when he is sick in the head.

Well thanks to him, I became something of an otaku myself. Unlike this guy who would idiotically act embarrassing in public, I hide my hobbies and the likes from the eyes of the judging society called School. 

“Hey look, the idiot is saying something again.”

“Shhh! Ignore him, man. You don’t wanna get involved with something like that.”

As if intentionally, I heard the murmurs of my classmates who were weirded out by the behavior of my friend, Kurobe. Though embarrassing as it is, this guy is still my friend. I still endure the pain in the ass behaviour that he does. 







*Ding* *dong*

Sounded the bell, prompting the end of the school. Today was also the last day of my first year in High School, the next time I go back here I will be in Second Year already. I will be using the vacation as a chance to go and have some fun. Luckily, Kurobe is an indoor kind of guy just like me. So I don’t have to worry about him going outside doing some embarrassing acts.

Making sure that he doesn’t do anything stupid, I walk home with him almost everyday. It was so bizarre to the other people that they started calling me “Guardian of the Idiot”. Somehow I earned the respect of my classmates for being able to put up with Kurobe’s painful antics. 

“Thanks for taking care of my idiotic brother as always, Kenji-niisan.” Kurobe’s little sister, Watanabe Shiina-chan said to me. She expresses her gratitude to me everytime I deal with Kurobe.

“It’s fine, no need to thank me. It’s my job as this idiot’s friend to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” I replied to her, casually dissing Kurobe.

“Can you two not diss the person himself in front of his face?” Kurobe tsukkomi’ed.

““No (Nah), shut up idiot.”” Shiina-chan and I said, at the same time.

With a look of understanding, both I and Shiina-chan did a high five to that agreement we had.

“Horrible!?” Kurobe shouted out.






Finally reaching my house, I went straight to my room and dived into my bed. Right now I live alone in the house as my Dad’s business trip takes him to many places. Mom went Dad saying she would go with him now as I could already take care of myself. I’m thankful as I could do whatever I want now that I’m alone in the house. I’m an only child too, which makes things more fun to myself.

Lying down in my bed, I contemplate on what I should do with my 3 months of summer vacation. Though there’s not really any need to contemplate as all I would do was just play video games or read my novels and manga. 

Thinking so, I went and changed my attire to my casual clothes that I normally use here in my house. Plain black shirt and brown shorts. Going down to the living room, I booted up my Pl*station 5 and started playing J*mp F*rce. Starting from noon, I played all day making me have my dinner late at night. 

Having had my fill of playing video games and eating dinner, I went back to my room and started to read the unfinished manga I was reading yesterday. Halfway into finishing it, I started to feel light-headed, it went on for a while but I ignored it. After a few more minutes, I stood up as I couldn’t take the annoying dizziness...but as I stood up...my mind went dark…







“Erk! Ugh!?” I groaned in pain, my head still feeling all the sharp pain I felt from a while ago. 

Touching my head with both my hands, I tried to think why I suddenly felt a very strong head-ache all of a sudden. Feeling irritated from the still lingering pain in my head, I twisted my hair using both my hands...but that feeling suddenly changed from a phantom head-ache into a burning feeling. I felt my hair suddenly feeling burnt, like a blow dryer on max.

“OW!? HOT!!” I let go of my head, but what surprised me now was that I could see  electric currents going through both of my hands.


I couldn’t feel anything in my hand...somehow they were just...numb. I could still feel the annoying head-ache, but my focus went on my hands. This sudden phenomenon that is happening to me, electricity is coursing through my arms and hands. 

Feeling surreal, I checked every corner of my body...but as I tried to look hard, I can’t deny the truth. Electricity is naturally flowing through my arms all while still feeling the annoying sharp pain in my head.

“Haha! I seriously became an Ability user...hehehe..he…” I said to no one, laughing at the situation before passing out from the exhaustion the sharp pain gave to my head.