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"Lorem Ipsum" Dialogue

'Lorem Ipsum' Inner monologue

-----3rd POV--------

Right now Amish and Sophia are in carriage seated with their instructor Jhon. The carriage is traveling outside Mesopotamia's high walls.

Royal capital Mesopotamia is built on the banks of river Nile, all water Mesopotamia needs are supplied through an artificial channel. Mespotamia is a great metropolice. Due to it being a metropolis its been redesigned many times when the need arose, at first there was no sewage plant and swears, they were made later when Mesopotamia flooded due to the Nile. Sewage plant was made with the help of Elven tribe as they are very close to nature they know various magical ways of treating polluted water.

Mesopotamia has mainly three sectors. First is the imperial sector surrounded by 1st ring, where many government buildings along with palace, Second is Nobel sector surrounded by 2nd ring where many Nobel present in royal capital lives along with Government officials they have there, and last is a market sector where commoner have their residential area, commercial area, slums, and also hospitals and churches.

There was a time civil war occurred due to the church gaining too much power, due to when the imperial family won the war they pushed the church outside from the Nobel sector to the market sector also previously given privileges were taken away. Since churches have are the spiritual support of many people in the empire they can not be too heavy-handed otherwise another war would have broken out.

The carriage outside Mepotamia's high wall.

"Master Amish and master Sophia it's been three years I have been training you, today is the graduation test and you two will show me the results of three years of training, understood."

""Yes sir""

Both Amish and Sophia answered Jhon simultaneously.

"Your objective is destroying a scouting and destroying a camp of goblins."

As the carriage stopped in front of the forest entrance. Amish and Sophia got out of the carriage.

"This is a relatively safer area, still don,t underestimate your enemy, goblines are very good at ambushing newbies, and they use poisoned weapons with paralytic effects, and trust me they are nasty they are very quick to take effects if not treated soon they fester the wounds. So?"

""Do not underestimate goblines""

"I was going to say your opponent but that will do for now. And here take this whistle if a problem occurs blow this they are adventurer whistle they make the large sound"

After getting instructed by their instructor Jhon, both of them entered the forest. Since the forest was near Mesopotamia it

was not that dense, sunlight can pierce through the foliage of leaves lighting up the forest. There were signs of various small animals here and there as they enter.

"So, How are we gonna do this sis?"

"Why are you asking me, I am good at throwing punches you know, and acting all cute?"

"But you are a magician! and throwing punches is my job"

"So? It is discrimination you know."

Sophia was a little different from ordinary magicians Sophia likes fast-paced battles like warriors instead of staying away from the reach of warriors she likes to be close and personals with them and beat them up using polearm arts.

"Okok, I got it sis, for now, use a life-detection spell to search our periphery as we move forward, so how big is your range?"

"I think 5-10 meters" Sophia answered while thinking.

"Ok we when we find them I will the decoy you will finisher."


"I mean I will attract their attention you will finish them from behind"

"Why can't I have some action?"

"Don't be silly. I still have high physical power than you and you don't know how to cast chant-less"

"Fine then, let's go"

As Amish and Sophia were walking in the forest it was getting denser. Sophia was able to sense more life activities.

"Found it"


"At our 3'o clock," Sophia said pointing toward it.

"How many?"

"Wait a minute...around 1, 2, 3,  aha! got them, there are a total of 12 of them."

"Got it, so as we discussed before, I will be decoy you will be finisher ok, get ready I will be bringing them here."

After saying that Amish ran off in the direction shown by Sophia.

------Amish's POV-------

Amish was observing them from behind a tree.

"My swordsmanship is level 3. My hands are sweating, phu..... so here goes nothing."

"Tier 1 muscle strengthing"

'My body feels light I can move better.'

All goblins were surrounding a pot on the fire. Amish jumped from behind the tree and ran toward the goblins and swung his sword sideways. Before they realise what happened one goblin's neck was severed from the body.

'It is a good sword, as expected of Master Duran'

Once he swung his sword without losing the momentum he turned around and gave a roundhouse kick due to which the goblin being lightweight it flew a crashed on the pot and everything on the pot felled onto the goblins.

Now the goblins realized that someone crashed their lunch and they were furious due to hot soup of whatever ingredient they were cooking was over them burning them in the process."

"Khi khi khi khi!"

One of the Goblin picked up his makeshift weapons and charged toward the Amish.

Dogging the thrust from the spear Amish swung his sword downward breaking those hands of the goblin.

'Time to run'

Amish ran back the way he came with furious goblins behind him.

------3rd POV----------

After reaching the destination.


Just as Sophia's voice reached his ear Amish jumped and rolled over, and from above fire arrow rain down.

"Tier 2 Fire arrow."

After raining those fire arrows Sophia jumped from the tree with her pole in her hand and smacked one of the panicked goblins giving it a concussion.

"Tier 2 Air hammer."

And throwing that goblin toward other goblins.

On the other side,  Amish was attacking goblins when they were stunned due to Sophia.

Like this, both of them took cooperated with each other and finished all 12 goblins.

"huff huff, you ok their sis"

"Yeah, You?"

"Better, also I reached Level 20"

"Me Too"

"Let's go back now"

As Amish and Sophia were returning their carriage. They did not notice a 3rd person was with them at the all-time, Instructor Jhon.

He was holding a crystal in his hand which was transferring real-time video toward a second crystal which was in front Yukline couple.

"So how was it for their first time."

Amelia asked while there were signs of worry in her eyes.

"I almost got a heart attack when the goblin thrust its spear at him"

"Not bad for their first time, since I trained them for three years myself. They got the presence of the mind of an adventurer and acted with a plan beforehand. As the saying goes 'In preparing for a battle plan are always found to be useless, but planning is indispensable' many things could have gone wrong if they acted without a plan."