Chapter 12 – stopping the spar abruptly
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"I really hate how you underestimate me," Hong Lin shouted angrily and charged. Unlike before, where I only had to watch out for his kicks, now I have to watch out for qi attacks.

He who attacks first wins. I didn't stand idly and wait for him. I circulated my qi and charged. Hong Lin grimaced at my sudden move, and he stopped; I could tell he was desperately trying to release his qi, but it was too late. I transformed my qi to form a crescent moon slash. I didn't want to injure him, so I only lightly slashed him.

"J-Jiang Ming, what are you doing?" Hong Lin squatted with his hands tightly held at his chest. Did I injure him? I got worried and went closer to examine if it was anything serious, but he didn't have it. He turned and made a mad dash back to the house.


I was astonished at first and unconsciously went to where he had squatted. What's this? I picked a piece of fine red fabric and closely examined it. Did I tear his cloth? The piece of cloth has Hong Lin's scent on it, and the color too matches his robes. It's not that I walk around like a dog sniffing everyone's scent. It's just that his scent is distinguished and hard to miss once you get used to him.

"Young master, can I have a word," Feng Lin approached from the gate and said, I had long noticed his presence but chose to ignore him, hoping he would just disappear. Watching his respectful nature made me sigh.

"What is it?" I turned and impatiently asked. I thought we came to a mutual understanding when I nodded to him, but it seems he got a completely different idea.

"Young master, I have come to ask for guidance on how to proceed," he seems to have sensed my irritation as he averted his gaze and eyed the ground. He struggled to maintain his cupped fist from trembling. Honestly, I don't know what it is with the guy. He shouldn't be this scared of me as I have never done anything I consider ruthless, nor does he know of my connection with Jiang Yan. All he should know is that I live in a slightly better courtyard than his.

"Why are you trembling?" I genuinely wanted to know what his deal was.

"I-I'm.. not,"

"Forget it; you don't have to answer that. Feng Lin, let me tell you in case you didn't get it earlier. Our previous group is no longer functioning... no, let me rephrase; I'm no longer part of the group. If you guys want to continue, you are free to do so," The guy managed to awaken a high potential, so he shouldn't be this desperate for a thigh to lean on. In fact, according to his perspective, I should have nothing to offer him. Unless he isn't following me to gain any benefit or there is an advantage he will get by being close to me, honestly, I'm not sure, but his nagging is unnatural. No one can want to be a subordinate of the other this badly.


"Young Master, you don't mean... What did I do?... I can correct it if you give me a chance," Feng Lin actually  kneeled and started to beg with a miserable expression. His actions didn't draw pity out of me. Rather I became vigilant. The way he's acting is like without my presence his world will be shuttered,  I don't remember doing anything warranting such loyalty. Our days back then were mostly spent in silence. I had noticed him trying to copy my dressing style, but I ignored it, thinking he had the same likes as me.

"Feng Lin, what's your problem?" I adjusted my tone to show sternness. My message should be clear. 

"Y-Young master... you can't abandon me," Somehow, his stutter managed to make me shiver, which is weird as I don't think he can threaten me. I observed him and saw his lips continuously move. Even with my enhanced hearing, I could still not understand what he was saying.

"Feng Lin," I called him, and his eyes regained color. "If you want to be under me, then you have to prove your usefulness. If you can manage to bring back fifty stones without extorting from the others, then it will be a done deal," Even I have a hard time getting stones, so it should be hard for him too. It should be an impossible task for him. 

"Thank you, young master. I won't disappoint you," the previous depressing atmosphere on him disappeared. He got up and walked off with a determined look. I don't know what he's thinking, but I can only sigh if he thinks getting lol fifty spirit stones is easy. His best chance will be to try hunting, but that should be extremely dangerous considering we are all still in the first layer; anyone with a well-functioning brain should know the fact.

I can't believe that guy actually made me worry, walking back to the house. I remembered Feng Lin's reaction once I told him I didn't want to be a part of the group anymore hehe...what was he going to do? Stab me? I made a bad joke and chuckled to myself as I entered the main room.

"Why did you run off?" I met Hong Lin in new red robes. It was barely discernible, but for a moment, I saw his face flush. Is he sick? 

"I had something to do," he said. I took out the piece of cloth that I picked and handed it to him.

"Are you a girl or something? I know you ran because of your torn robes," I would be stupid if I didn't connect him, covering his chest and his torn robes. I know it is his persona to act as a female, but hiding his chest is a bit too much, or could he be an actual sissy? Now that I think about it, Hong Lin's vibe is almost the same as Feng Lin's. It's just that Feng Lin is always reserved to himself while Hong Lin makes sure his thoughts are heard. Hmmm... Hong Lin, Feng Lin. I don't know how famous the Lin name is, but two people are related to me and share the same given name.

"I know your secret," I inched closer to Hong Lin. The surprise on his face was priceless and confirmed he actually has a secret. I decided to try my luck even further. "I know who you actually are," I inched closer, causing him to shrink.

"S-So what if you know," he said in a soft, timid voice. Softer than how it usually is. It is so unlike his usual self.

"Feng Lin already told me everything," I fired blindly again, hoping to shoot something, but I didn't expect Hong Lin's face to turn from nervousness to confusion to smugness. Did I guess wrong?

"Hahaha... I almost believed you. You're just making things up, aren't you?" I felt embarrassed being caught in a lie. " I'll tell you my secret. I'm actually a female in disguise, "I dismissed his unfunny joke with a hand wave and started for my room.

"What, you don't believe me? Should I strip?" I didn't even turn to watch his shenanigans. Knowing him, he might actually strip, and I don't want to watch such a disgusting sight.

I walked to my room, and since the night is already creeping in and I have nothing better to do. I decided to sleep.


I woke up the following day feeling energized. The night was long, and so was my sleep. I did a few stretches on the compound as I smelt the fresh morning dew.

He's here, as I was doing my stretches. I saw a familiar figure approach filling me with anticipation and excitement.

"I have seen the young master," the guard I had sent to relay the books to the shopkeeper respectfully said.

"How did it go?" I stopped stretching and asked.

"He said he wants to discuss business with you soon," I almost jumped in excitement at his words. If the old shopkeeper said he wants to discuss business, that means the books sold and quite well at that. "He also said to give you this," the guard fished out a black bag about twice my outstretched hand from somewhere. Could it be?

I snatched the bag from him, spirit stones! The number of stones inside the bag shocked me. First of all, I didn't expect to gain any stones from selling the books. I planned to use the books to introduce myself to the market.

"Then I shall see you later," the guard cupped his fists and walked out, but he could have just walked off without talking as all my concentration was on the bag. I easily carried it and rushed to the main room so that I could count the quantity.

"Heavens, are all those spirit stones?" He rushed to inspect. His excitement wasn't less than mine.

"Five hundred!" I actually counted a total of five hundred stones. I didn't expect the books to sell this well. The amount should have been more than this as the old shopkeeper must have taken a share.


After some time, we managed to calm down and settle on how to distribute the stones. That was easy as we just split into half, [250] stones should be enough for me for a while.

I went to my room with my share. I should be able to break through with this much. Breaking through is something I have yet to experience, so my excitement shouldn't come as a surprise. I sat in a meditative lotus stance and started to circulate my qi, just like before. The qi went straight to the locket, but I wasn't bothered as it would eventually be given back to me.

Thirty stones later, I appeared into the small world. The vibrant stele greeted me with its majesty and grandeur. I approached it and reached out my hand towards it. Feeling the warmth, I relaxed my muscles and closed my eyes.


I felt my dantian crack, but I ignored it and let the pure energy be siphoned into my being.


I felt a small explosion occur in my body, my eyes shot open as I felt unlimited power course through my veins, so this is breaking through? I examined myself feeling excited, but I still didn't stop the siphoning process.

"Just that?" I pulled back my hand from the stele after all the energy was exhausted. I thought I would break through to the third layer, but the remaining energy was like a drop in a bucket. I wasn't worried as I had more stones back in my room.

The stele glowed as I was about to return, and a ray of light shot towards me...

So, Feng Lan shall be known as Feng Lin