haha somehow i still alive…
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hey guys i'm back! hopely i keep can stay like this... but somehow the world isn't right because something happened...


about me? i lost my hope because my sickness... after the doctor said something... i isolating myself... i even block my boyfriend contact... i'm not gay! i'm girl legite! well put that aside... i don't know... should i continue the story or i write another? the concept still the same but in modern world not fantasy world... not some chinese novel young master... but yeah like koreans dungeon and bla bla blah


ah enough just comment "No" for continue this story or "Yes" for new novel. 


we will vote this now and closing 3 days after... i will improve my health first so i don't die hehe :3

New Novel or Continue this Novel
  • Yes Votes: 11 27.5%
  • No Votes: 29 72.5%
Total voters: 40 · This poll was closed on Apr 8, 2020 01:14 PM.