Chapter 10: Luna
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CW: Explicit language, ableist language, mentions of sexual acts, mentions of imprisonment.

The next few days pass slowly and peacefully. The summer heat is waning, so although the days are still dry and hot, the nights have become cold enough to keep the windows closed. The guest house lies empty and aside from Jun and Healer Wu, the Rat sees no-one else during his recovery. The nights are long and desolate. His thoughts keep him occupied and awake until they long exhaust him and sleep descends like an unstoppable boulder.

Despite his solitary existence, the visits from the Healer are none that he looks forward to. They usually entail a great amount of pain, and now that he is clear of feverish delirium, he is present enough to feel embarrassed by the way Jun has to comfort him. Silently though, he is grateful for the little lord's steady presence.

Seeing Rin awake and strengthening day by day, Jun has returned to resting in his room every night and eating his meals again, much to the relief of those around him. He still spends as much time as he can in the patient's room, keeping him company and making sure he stays comfortable. Outside of these peaceful bubbles of time he spends with Rin, the little lord is busy with his other responsibilities.

Teacher Hak fills his morning with political studies, history, mathematics, and philosophy. Midday meals are often taken in Rin's room after he assists the Healer change his bandages and clean his wound. Then, after a brief respite during which he converses lightly with his friend (for he has quickly come to consider the Rat as such), he rushes off to his afternoon duties. As he will be taking over his father's role as Governor of Hanjuyang in about a year's time, he has since been given much of Lord Hwan's administration and his day to day tasks. In the later afternoon during the few hours before sunset, he is Healer Wu's student, accompanying him as he visits his patients and assisting him with his work. His movements are generally limited to the High District, for no one else can truly afford his services, but every now and then they do venture down into the People's District.

And so, Jun is kept thusly occupied throughout the day, returning to Rin's side when the sun has long set to share a meal with him. Only then can the little lord truly relax and enjoy the Rat's company.

Rin can sit upright in bed now and he gingerly spoons the rice and fish porridge into his mouth. Every movement is a gamble and whenever he loses, he gives a little jolt and a wince. The spoon stays in his hand, as he is determined not be fed by Jun again.

The little lord eats quietly beside him, his own meal is more substantial with big chunks of fried fish and seasonal summer vegetables added to his porridge. Rin eyes his food enviously, but his stomach is still sensitive from all the medication he'd been given.

The windows are wide open to let out the accumulated heat of the day. The night time breeze is refreshingly cool. Within time it will turn into a chill and so the windows will need to be closed. Only the lamplights are on, casting a soft warm glow through the vast room. Outside, the pagoda trees rustle in the sleepy currents of air.

Forgetting his porridge, Rin stares at the swaying trees, drenched in Luna's silver light. He seems to be contemplating something, when he suddenly says, "Is there anyone else staying here?"

Jun cuts a big piece of fish in half with his chopsticks before placing it into his mouth. "No, you are our only guest." Seeing the odd look on the raven's face, he carefully sets down his chopsticks. "Rinnie? Is something the matter?"

"Hm." Vantablacks roam the room as if he were searching for something. They linger on the doorway leading into the main hall. "Someone is wandering about the halls at night. A man, I think. Doesn't look like a servant or a guard."

Jun's blood freezes. Somehow, the boy's words are even more chilling when he says them in such a casual manner. The lord sets his bowl aside and leans forward in his seat. The other's eyes are clear and focused with no signs of fever or delirium. "Do you an intruder? No-one should be disturbing you without my knowing, especially during the night."

A small grimace appears on the Rat's face. He sighs and stirs his porridge with his spoon, suddenly without appetite. "I thought as much. Have you ever noticed anything weird about this place? Anything in the main house?"

Jun stares blankly at his friend for a moment. Several seconds pass and the light of realisation glints in his eyes. An amused smile lifts the corners of his mouth. His relief, palpable. "We are not haunted, if that is what you're insinuating."

"That's exactly what I'm insinuating," Rin says, flatly.

Jun raises a brow. "Rinnie, spirits do not exist."

"Yeah, yeah, so everyone keeps telling me. But you know, you have one in this building at least. It might be worthwhile to bring in a witch to exorcise it."

"A witch?" The little lord wrinkles his brow, clear disdain upon his face. "Do you truly believe in those charlatans?"

"Not really," Rin says with a shrug, completely unconcerned by the other's scepticism. "Most of them are fake or full of shit. But I'm also neighbours with one and she seems to be genuine. Anyway, she knows how to exorcise spirits, which is all I care about."

The little lord stares at his friend for a long while, forehead creased in consternation. He knew that the lower classes were poorly educated, and thus prone to believing in superstitions and cultism. From what he's heard from Teacher Hak, the witches are both feared and revered by the common people, namely those in the Slums, and so while they are outcast, they are also incredibly vital to this microcosmic society. He had thought it baffling that anyone could ever be so irrational (delusional even), so it's jarring now to come face to face with said irrationality. Moreso that of his friend, one he had come to care for these past several days.

"Rinnie..." he begins uneasily, trying to smile. Unbeknownst to himself, it only comes across as condescending. The indulgent smile one might give to a young child. "I'm not quite sure what to tell you. Witches...spirits...none of these things are real. They are simply superstitions. Witches, they are either very sick people or swindlers. You do know this, don't you?"

"No," Rin snaps, irritated by the lord's tone. "Look, I'm just trying to do you a favour. Give you a heads up about the spirit you got lurking around here. Do you know what happens when you don't deal with a spirit? They get stronger. Start being able to influence things in our world. They stick to your back. Make you sick. They can even kill you if you don't do anything about it. But if you're just gonna be an asshole about it, then I won't even bother." He takes a big spoonful of the porridge and shoves it into his mouth, chewing furiously.

Why would I bother? I'm outta here in a couple of days anyway. But his heart is unsettled. He's reluctant to leave without dealing with this irritating spirit. So he thinks of it as a small token of gratitude. And perhaps an apology for robbing this naïve little lord blind.

An awkward silence falls between the two and they quietly finish their meals.

When the silence becomes unbearable, Jun finally speaks. This time with much care and tact. "I cannot in good faith hire a witch since I do not hold the same...beliefs as you do. However, I do appreciate your consideration and I am very grateful for the warning."

"Whatever," Rin scoffs, handing over his empty bowl for the lord to take. The latter does so and sets it down upon the bedside table. Seems like he'll have to do things alone. It's not exactly the first time he's tried to exorcise a spirit, but it's not very pleasant either.

"What does this spirit look like?" Jun asks, this time with some curiosity.

"Hm. I'm not quite sure. Whenever I try to get too close, it disappears."

The lord frowns, concern flaring despite not believing in the existence of this ostensible threat. "Have you always been able to see spirits?"

"Mn. Since I was a kid. Apparently it's what drove my old man away." Rin chuckles, free from any signs of bitterness.

Goldens widen a little in surprise. "You do not seem like..." He trails off, reluctant to finish his sentence.

"Seem like what? A crazy fool who believes in spirits? Look, I don't expect you to believe me, so you don't have to try so hard. You can relax, little lord." Rin's sardonic smile cuts into a cheek. "Anyway, you don't have to hire a witch if you don't want to. I can deal with it myself. When it makes an appearance, I'll just keep my distance. See what it does. And if it needs to be exorcised, then I'll exorcise it. Simple as that."

Jun frowns. He glances at the door and a chill runs down his spine. "There really is no need for that. Especially since you are still recovering. But...tell me. How do you exorcise it?"

"You give it what it wants," Rin sighs, leaning back gingerly against the pillows propped up on the headboard. "Spirits are souls of the dead who can't pass over to the underworld for whatever reason. Usually it's because they have unfinished business in this world. But if you fail to appease a spirit, then you just gotta force it into the underworld."

“Force it how?”

“It's a ritual song called Izayoma's Call. It seems simple but if you fuck up a single word or if a note is slightly off, you'll risk possession.”

Jun falls quiet for a moment, thoughts churning in his head. "You are quite knowledgeable about this topic."

“Eh.” Rin shrugs, trying not to appear too smug.

“You’ve done this before?”

"Only a few times. And only when I gotta. It's a lot of effort and I don't really wanna get possessed."

Jun sits quietly for a time, deep in thought. He gazes at Rin with distant eyes, a faint smile dancing upon his lips. Just when the raven thinks he can't bear to be looked at in such a way any longer, the lord finally opens his mouth and says: "I will assist you tonight. I wish to witness this spirit for myself."


By the time Jun returns from his rounds with Healer Wu, it is long past sunset. He comes to a scene of the Rat lightly dozing as he sits upright and leant against the headboard. His face is pale and small in the surrounding darkness, like a candlelight drenched in shadows and struggling to stay lit.

Heart clenching, Jun reaches over to gently brush sable locks from the boy's forehead. His fingers are calloused from the sword and the skin they brush over are incomparably soft, like silken tofu. The little lord can't help but lean close, wanting to inspect the inky fan of lashes quivering against those perfectly sculpted cheeks, lightly dusted with a rosy hue.

Goldens, darker than the shadows licking at his body, are oppressive and deep as they draw a line from eyes to lips. Lips like gentle pink flower petals, velveteen and seductive in their plumpness. Something unspeakable stirs in his lower belly and the subsequent thoughts are lewd enough to jolt him from his dark reverie.

Jun quickly retracts his hand as if burned, heart thundering in his chest.


Eyes like onyx gems pierce his chest and pin him to his chair. His heart skips and for a while he cannot speak. Guilt floods his veins with ice. Quickly pulling his tattered composure together, the noble clears his throat and offers his friend a smile. "My apologies. Did I wake you?"

Rin smiles in turn, innocent and free from worldly wiles as he's still trapped in the haze of sleep. "It's okay. I was waiting for you anyway. How'd it go with Wu? Anything interesting?"

"Hm. You know I cannot speak on other patients, Rinnie. Every consultation is confidential. That is the Third Tenet of the Healer's Oath." Calmer now, Jun relaxes a little and pours a cup of water for himself. He huffs amusedly at the wrinkled expression Rin gives him and he chides him gently before inevitably giving in. "While I cannot speak on the patient specifically...we did have a case where he had intentionally disturbed a beehive."

The squints at the lord, nose wrinkling. "Is he a moron or a masochist?"

"From our initial interview, it seems he does not believe in modern medicine. He told us he heard that the sting of a bee had some curative properties, so he inferred that an entire hive would cure his chronic gout."

"So he's a moron," Rin sniggers. "I can't believe the amount of bullshit Healers have to deal with. Are you sure this is what you wanna do?"

"Yes, without a doubt," Jun responds confidently, sipping on his water. "As ridiculous as this patient's actions - and indeed his opinions on medicine - may be, we cannot neglect him."

Rin huffs the last of his mirth from his lungs, smile curled into a smirk upon his flushed features. "Why do you want to be a Healer so bad? It seems like a pain in the ass to me. Why not just be a lord like the rest and just laze around all day?"

The Rat's question seems to have hit a nerve in the lord, who sits quietly for a moment, his gaze deepening with unknowable emotions. Rin shifts, nervously, realising his mistake. But soon, Jun pulls himself from his heavy thoughts and says, "Despite what you think, being a lord comes with vast responsibilities. If I simply laze around all day, I would not only be letting my family down, but also my people. The consequences of not fulfilling my duties as lord and Governor would be dire."

Rin grimaces, unsure what to make of this lord's sudden austerity. "Whatever you say, little lord. Sounds like shit either way if you ask me. What's the point of having all that money and power if you don't splurge once in a while?"

"It is not my money nor power to 'splurge'," Jun says, calmly.

"Then whose is it?"


Rin stares at him for a long moment before letting out a big scoff. "Then give me my share, little lord. I've paid my dues here, and I've seen nothing of this money and power I'm apparently owed."

That seems to shut Jun up, who silently lowers his eyes.

A twinge of guilt has Rin pursing his lips. He scratches the side of his nose before opening his mouth to speak -- when he suddenly feels a familiar chill settle deep into his bones.

He stiffens and glances at the door. As expected, there's the usual raised bumps across his arms. And then, the cold scent of stagnant water that always irritates his nose. He grasps Jun's wrist and gives him a squeeze, alerting him to the unearthly presence.

The lord frowns, seeing the sweat beading Rin's brow. He gently pats the boy's hand and gives a reassuring nod. I'm with you.

When they step outside, the first thing they see is the white moonlight, slicing through the gloom of night like polished blades of varying width. The dense hallway stretches out to either side, drenched in shadow. The maple tree outside with leaves the colour of blood and branches as black as ink, stroke against the window panes in a whispering touch. It's a sight that might be soothing during the day, but is deeply unsettling at night.

"Where is it?" Jun whispers, feeling his nerves prickle despite himself.

"There." Rin points at the end of the hall where the gloomy figure of a man stands watching them. His face is fractured and inhuman as if it had been shattered like hammer to glass. A black substance like smoke leaks from the cracks, obscuring any discernible features. But by the way the fine hairs rise on his nape, Rin knows that this spirit can see them just fine. The body is simply an illusion, a vessel in which the spirit generates to travel through the earthly realm. Their senses are beyond the corporeal.

The lord follows Rin's gaze and his brows knit in confusion. "I don't see anything."

"Figured as much," the raven scoffs, dropping his hand. "Just keep quiet and follow my lead, little lord."

"Very well." But that incredulous glint in his eyes betrays his disbelief.

Human and spirit stare at each other for an eon. And then, as if stirring from a deep slumber, the spirit shivers and gestures for them to follow before silently disappearing around the corner. Rin grabs Jun's sleeve and drags him along as he starts after it, cold sweat drenching his back.

The spirit leads them through the labyrinthine halls, its form fragile and diaphanous, on the cusp of blinking out of existence. The darkness crowds the youths as they cleave through the thick of it, the air around them thick and muggy. Aside from their breaths and padded footsteps, not a sound can be heard. Even when they step out onto the grounds, the night is still and nocturnal life seems all but absent.

Rin absently grabs the lord's hand, palm damp with sweat. They could be the last two humans left alive in this realm and he wouldn't even know it.

Jun smiles and squeezes gently, sensing the fear in the other boy. "Where are we going, Rinnie?"

"I dunno," the raven mutters, eyeing the spirit as it glides into a patch of moonlight.

It finally comes to a stop and seemingly basks in the boreal glow, head tilting up to stare at the moon. Its arms sweep out to the side. Slowly, the translucent form starts gaining presence, colour and life seeping into the spectral flesh until it appears near human. Like midnight hibiscus petals folding at sunset, the fractured shards of its face slowly come together. Charcoal smoke bubbles to the surface and seals up the myriad of cracks. Facial features take shape as if an invisible sculptor's taken a knife to its flesh.

The smoke dissipates like clouds disintegrating on the wind, revealing a youth with a stunning aura.

He appears to be the same age as Rin, with features that hold both a peerless elegance and indomitable strength that confuses the senses. Ones' gaze cannot help but wander this supernatural form, that is wrapped in a silvery-white light like a gossamer robe, caressing and rippling across his opal skin as if it were alive.

Rin stares at the spirit, shaken to his core. Behind him, he hears the crystalline ring of Jun's sword leaving its sheath.

"’s you…" Rin gasps, feeling his legs go weak beneath him. He grips Jun's hand tightly, using the lord's touch to ground himself.

"Rinnie..." Jun says shakily, staring wide eyed at the strange figure that seemingly appeared from thin air. "Who...who is this?"

The spirit smiles enigmatically at the two boys, his severe, hawkish eyes coming to rest on the raven with a soul shaking intensity. He says nothing yet, as if he were patiently waiting for Rin to respond to the lord's question.

"'s...he is...Luna," the raven says through numb lips.

"Luna...?" Jun glances between the spirit and his friend, feeling increasingly unsettled. "Do you mean to say, you have a prior relationship with this..." He's reluctant to say the word. But it needn't be said.

"I haven't seen him in years...not since I was..." His voice dries up in his throat.

"Since you were fifteen," the spirit finishes for him, his voice deep and gravelly yet still touched with the tenderness of youth. "When you were imprisoned by the Mar-"

"Yes," Rin snaps, heart shriveling. "Yes. Fifteen. But're different. You're older. And more real. What happened?"

Jun lowers his sword a little, his initial fear losing its edge. Clearly Rin is familiar with this spirit, and he seems more surprised than afraid.

The raven tears his eyes away from Luna to stare at the lord, his pupils dark and shivering with realisation. "You can see him."

Jun blinks at him, confusion colouring his features. " seems that I can."

Rin swallows, giving a short shake of his head to clear it. "He's...a spirit that's been haunting me since I was a child. He doesn't appear to me very often, but when he does he...he's usually of some help." The last he adds with some reluctance, and a faint smile appears on the spirit's face. He turns his gaze back to Luna, frowning. "Why are you here? How can Jun see you?"

"Fifth Lord Hwan Jun can see me because I have allowed him to," Luna replies, though neither boy misses the cold flash in the spirit's eyes when he glances briefly at Jun. After holding those startled goldens hostage for a moment, Luna sweeps his gaze back to the raven. The smile upon his face is injected with warmth, the frigidity in his eyes melted. "I feared that you would not allow me to speak with you."

"That's right...your face was all jacked up..."

The spirit smiles and gracefully waves a hand dismissively. "The Luna light has given me the strength to tether myself to this world."

"So what is it this time?" Rin narrows his eyes at Luna. "I don't need any rescuing, if you can't tell."

"But you have been wounded. Tell me, are you healing well?"

"Well enough," Rin mutters, squeezing the little lord's hand within his own. "Is that why you're here? If so, then sorry to disappoint, but I don't need you. So you can drag your ass back to the underworld."

Luna's smile thins. A cool expression descends upon that spectral face, his gaze heavy lidded. "On the contrary. I think this is evidence that you do indeed need me. So I have come to do what I should have done, many years ago."

"Oh? And what's that exactly?"

"I would like to possess you."


The two boys stare at the spirit, then stare at each other, both of their faces contorting in disbelief. Rin's the first to react, letting out a body shaking, "HAH!"

"How stupid do you think I am?" he sneers, his tone as ugly as his expression. "Go back to the underworld, Luna. Before I force you back there myself."

The spirit hums, his smile never wavering, and his gaze hardening. "Do you not wish to hear of the benefits of such a partnership?"

"Partnership?" Rin spits out in disbelief. "You'd be a parasite."

"Think about it, Rin. You would have a spiritual entity at your disposal. An entity that can naturally surpass human limitations, such as your six senses and corporeal form. I could protect you, stop you from becoming wounded in the first instance. Men like the Marquis, like Tiger, they will never touch you again."

"I warn thee, spirit." Jun's sharp voice cracks the air like a merciless whip. His goldens are as cold, if not colder than Luna's. His sword, pointed directly at the spirit's chest. "Leave from whence you came or you will force my hand."

Luna hums amusedly, his white immaterial robes shimmering as he hides his hands in his sleeves. "First Lord Hwan Sun has truly spawned an admirable son. A pleasant surprise, given his rotted personality."

Jun seethes, pulling his hand free to step forward with his sword raised.  "How dare you slander my father? Who are you to say such a thing?"

The spirit lazily sweeps a hand to the side. The sword rips from Jun's hand and lands several feet away, blade embedded deep into the soil. Jun stumbles back, clutching his stinging hand.

"I am Luna, Imperial God of the Night. And who are you to challenge me, boy?"  Pure venom drips from his words as he glares at the lord, pupils constricted to needlepoints.

Jun clenches his jaw and his fists, trying to hide the bad tremour in his hands.

"If you're an Imperial God, then I'm the fucking Mother," Rin snorts, not believing this spirit's claim to identity for one second. No god would ever care to interact with a Rat like him, let alone save him time and time again. He smoothly steps between Jun and the irate spirit with a bored expression. In truth, he's about to wet himself from fear, but if there's one thing Rin is good at - it's lying. "So I let you possess me and gain all this power. What's in it for you? Seems to me like you get the short end of the stick."

Luna's anger is doused when he realises that Rin is considering his offer. Even if hypothetically. "I have my own reasons. A mere mortal could not hope to understand the will of the gods."

"You are so full of shit." Rin sighs, glancing at the little lord. The latter meets his eyes, pale and grim. There's an understanding that passes between them, and the Rat has his answer. "Sorry, no can do." He grabs Jun and tugs him further away from the spirit, just in case they need to run. "Thanks for all your help over the years, but I don't need it anymore. I can handle myself just fine."

A small smile touches Jun's face, chasing the chills from Rin's body and injecting him with courage. The raven waves at the spirit dismissively, as if he were an insignificant fly.

Luna gives the Rat a chilling smile. He glides towards the boys, diaphanous robes dancing around his graceful form. "That is disappointing, Rin. I had hoped to receive your cooperation first. It seems as though I will have to do this without."

"I'd like to see you try," Rin sneers, eyes narrowed into twin flints. He quickly places himself in front of Jun, shielding him from the encroaching spirit.

Without hesitation, he opens his mouth and a clear voice rings out, weaving notes and ancient words into an eerie melody. He steps back for every beat and the spirit follows suit, the latter smiling calmly all throughout.

Jun listens enraptured, moving as the raven does, goosebumps raised along his arms. Evanescent scenes tumble through his mind, induced by Izayoma's Call. Lost civilisations and primal worship, the apocalypse of another world far vaster and stranger than their own, and the natural cycles of life and death eternal. Foreign wistfulness fills the lord's being, a longing for the home beyond the veil. One that he cannot yet return to.

And sure enough, the outer edges of Luna's form begins to blur and disintegrate. Delicate shards are slowly shed from his ephemeral form, until all that remains is a black wisp, lazily drifting through the air like smoke on a windless day.

A note hangs in the air, unfinished. Releasing a light breath, Rin reaches out to touch the wisp, brows knitted in perplexion. When a spirit is exorcised, it's not usual for it to leave anything behind. But this appears like an abandoned shred of a soul, a lingering echo of a living being.

Pale fingertips graze the black smoke and it eagerly sinks into his flesh. He jerks his hand back with a gasp, but it's too late. The wisp is gone, entirely absorbed by his body.


Jun's concerned voice snaps him back to earth and he reels his hand into his chest. His heart hammers beneath his palm and he tries to slow his breath. Calm down, he scolds himself silently, it's probably nothing.

He raises his face to Jun's golden gaze, quickly adopting his trademark smirk. "Spirits don't exist, huh?"

The little lord's tense expression eases a tad, a faint smile dancing on his lips. He gathers the raven's hand into his own, intertwining their fingers. His palm is as cold and clammy as the other's. "It seems as though I must reconsider my position." Mahogany lashes lower over his gaze, trembling ever so slightly. "That is to say, I apologise, Rinnie. I have been rather narrow minded."

"Hm. You can make it up to me by bringing me more sweetmeats," Rin murmurs, glancing down at their interlocked hands.

"...consider it done."

I...don't know why Jun suddenly went all Shakespearean. But uh...apparently that's what he does when he's trying to be threatening???