Chapter 32: The Hunter’s Guild
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CW: Explicit language, violence, mentions of: alcohol abuse, physical/emotional abuse, mental illness, s*icide, self-harm, imprisonment.

Solaris bursts over the horizon like an overripe fruit. Rich inferno hues soak the primal firmament. Spring shows mercy this dawn with temperate climate and intoxicating tones of virgin flora that travel with the winds. A shoddy group of twenty figures straggle through the People’s District of Hanjuyang, worn of body and soul.

The streets here are paved and clean, a far cry from the dirt roads of the Slums. Buildings are well kept and spacious, all unique in design and characteristic of each household. Stores and artisans thrive in the Central Trading Quarter and the vast promenade teems with stalls every second day. The Imperial College sprawls across Scholar’s Avenue, and the Clinic is always bustling with Healers and patients. Both institutions perch along the drifting Hanjuyang River.

The Guild Halls are parsed throughout the District in sectors, of which the Guilds regard as their respective territories. This shoddy group enters the territory of the Hunter’s Guild and make their way towards one of the largest structures in the area.  It’s a vast compound that would be unrecognisable as a residence if not for the simple hanok build. Through the gate, the group would find themselves in a quadrangle with rugged basalt tiling. Around them is the house itself with sturdy red pine frames and giwa roofs that resemble face down bellflowers. A level of stereobate props up the main structure and it encloses the quad on all three sides. Doors plastered in hanji are flung wide open to let in the balmy spring air.

There are several Hunters lounging about on the toenmaru, the dark stained patios ringing the quad. Several animal carcasses are left to drain over a blood catcher, silver grates turned black. Amongst the night’s hunt is a royal deer, a blue eyed stag with opal fur and obsidian antlers. The pelt and antlers are priceless, since to hunt the deer is to commit treason against the crown. And yet, these Hunters drink and eat and play cards in the early hours of the morning with cavalier disregard.

Rin meets Iris as she approaches the group, the latter wearing nothing but loose tan bottoms, hunting boots, and cotton sarashi bound around her chest. Chiselled muscles and rich carnelian tones are exposed to their stares, as well as the woman’s impressive height. While she is clearly sturdy and robust, she still maintains a well-honed elegance that is rarely cultivated outside of the High District.

Standing beside Iris, Rin is nothing more than a fragile sapling. A putty doll that can be balled up and tossed aside without a thought. And yet, his brash and braggart mouth far transcends others’.

“Iris,” Rin lilts, arms sweeping out to the sides as if he were expecting an embrace. “It’s been far too long since our last meeting. How did it go with those tricks I shared with you? Did you fulfil your lifelong dream of finally making Daisy cu--”

Iris slams her iron fist across his cheek and his head snaps to the side, body staggering after. He's saved from a fall by Jun’s reflexive catch, the lord's strong arms looping under his armpits. Rin sags against his saviour, head spinning and cheek throbbing. A sweet, coppery taste fills his mouth.

“Rinnie!” Jun exclaims, steadying the raven in his arms. “Are you alright?”

“I told you to never come here again,” Iris says, coldly. She flexes her hand and pushes several tight curls from her face, the slate tresses falling well past her hips. “And after what you did to Small, you must think me a fool to dare step foot into my house.”

“Can’t you see that this goes beyond us?” Rin spits out a mouthful of blood and grins, baring bloodied teeth. When he straightens up, his legs are unsteady. The little lord watches on with a grave expression, goldens flitting between the large woman and his cocksure friend.

“Whatever complaints you have against me,” Rin continues, gingerly touching his aching jaw. “I need you to set it aside for the moment. Just for today. And then we can continue our date. Deal?”

Her eyes, almond in both shape and colour, flicker across the group. They linger on the catatonic Roses and worry grips her sharp features. A hard line digs between her brows. “Just for today,” she agrees, begrudgingly. “But I’m not dealing with you.” She casts her gaze over the group once more, before pointing at Lee. “You. I will deal with you.”

Rin rolls his eyes and leans his chin on Jun’s shoulder, wincing as his cheek gives a nasty throb. “We’ve known each other for five years and this is how she treats me…”

The lord slips his hand around Rin’s waist and pats his back, momentarily silencing his grumbles.

Lee gives a short, courteous bow. “My greetings to Guildmaster Iris,” he says, amicably. “I thank you for allowing us your time.”

“You know me.” Iris quirks her lips into a wry smile and nods in return. “How so?”

“I once considered joining the Hunter’s Guild before I became a Silversword.”

“Your name?”

“Lee, Guildmaster.”

“No family name, I’m guessing. Despite your flashy armour.”

“None, Guildmas--”

“Call me Iris.”

Rin groans, drooping dramatically in Jun’s arms. “Will you stop flirting already?”

The Roses are sent to the western hall to rest under the watchful eye of two nocturnal Hunters. The more urgently wounded, namely Bucky and the bullet riddled Rose, are first treated by Iris before being sent for rest.

Rin, Jun, and Lee wait for the Guildmaster’s return in the numaru, a reception space partitioned from the rest of the eastern hall by shin-high plinth and hanju doors. The interior, while humble, has a clean eloquence about it. They sit at a low paulownia table on embroidered artisanal zabutons. Everything has an elegant yet rustic feel. The guests are made to feel at home, even in unfamiliar surroundings.

“I didn’t know that Guildmaster Iris was a Healer,” Lee muses, sipping at his mugwort tea. “She is a very admirable woman. Perhaps I should have joined the Hunter’s Guild instead.”

“She has a wife,” Rin yawns, poking at his tea cup. “Anyway, you’re way out of her league, pet.”

Lee sputters and coughs, spraying tea all across the table. “I-I don’t wish to pursue her! I simply...I look up to her is all.” His ears burn as bright as his cheeks.

“The Guildmaster does have quite a presence,” Jun agrees, glancing around the open room with keen interest. “And she has rather particular tastes. The decor and furniture are all of fine quality. Do you know what House she comes from?”

“I don’t think she has a family name,” Rin monotones. “Pretty sure she’s a Slummer like me. Just got lucky, I suppose.”

“Hm. Something tells me that luck is not the sole reason for her success.” Jun gives the raven a sagacious smile, a brow raised ever so subtly.

“Luck and muscles, sure.”

Jun huffs a laugh and pours more tea for Lee. “Dare I ask how you angered the Guildmaster?”

“I dunno,” Rin hums, draining his cup and wiggling it for Jun to refill. “Her son’s infatuated with me and she thinks he can do better.”

“You both seem to be quite familiar with each other,” Lee raises, looking a tad incredulous at the raven’s response.

“I’ve known her since I moved to the Slums. So about five years or so? Da--my mother would often bring me here.”

“Wait -- you weren’t born in the Slums?” The guard raises his brows and blinks at the Rat, as if he were suddenly unable to fathom his existence. “You were originally from this District?”

Rin rolls his eyes. “I was born in the West. It's not that unheard of, is it?”

“Yes, of course,” Lee gruffs, scratching his cheek. “You just...seem like a natural-born Slummer.”

Teeth flash in a fleeting grin. Noncommittal. “Thanks, pet. That’s real sweet of you to say.”

“How do you discern if one is a Slummer?” Jun asks, eyes fixed on the celadon teapot.

Lee leans back and rubs his chin, brows furrowing in thought. “Hm. There’s a certain roughness, I think. Not so much in speech or appearance. Moreso like an aura. You can see the hardship in their faces.”

“You can see what in our faces?” Rin yelps, clapping his hands to his cheeks. “Don’t tell me it’s wrinkles.”

“That and more,” Lee growls, shoving his face into his tea cup. His ears burn bright as if they’d been roasted by the fire.

The boys exchange looks and laugh, lightening the mood in the room.

Within the hour, Iris returns in a sweeping skirt and a cropped jacket with long sleeves, all made from ramie cloth of a fine weave. The blushing pink of the top is accentuated with navy silken ties and the deep dawn hues of the floor length skirt. Her hair is tamed into an elegant bun, but rogue curls still manage to escape their confines, tickling her sharp cheekbones. At this moment, Iris appears more like a lady from the High District than the infamous Titan Bear Hunter.

Jun and Lee rise to their feet when she enters the numaru. She simply waves away their etiquette with an air of impatience. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” she says, gathering her skirts as she sits gracefully beside Lee. “Treatment took longer than expected.”

“Is everyone well?” the little lord asks, quickly pouring the Guildmaster her tea. “How is Bucky’s injury?”

“Everyone is as well as they can be,” Iris says, grimly. “They have many wounds which I do not have the ability to treat, so I will have to consult with the Clinic. As for Bucky will be fine after a few days of rest.” She brings the cup to her lips, holding it politely upon her palm. “I will allow the Roses to stay with us until they make full recovery. Whenever that may be.”

Jun puffs his relief, goldens glimmering with gratitude. “You have my thanks, Guildmaster Iris. I am sure my father will reward you handsomely for your generosity.”

Iris sips calmly before asking, “Who is your father that he should reward a stranger?”

“Ah,” Jun starts a little, remembering that his lineage isn’t stamped upon his face for all to see. “My apologies, Guildmaster. I am Fifth Lord Hwan Jun and my father is--”

“First Lord Hwan Sun,” Iris finishes for him, glancing at those golden eyes with interest. “I wonder why the Governor’s youngest son is helping the likes of us?”

This seems to affront the lad, who straightens his spine and sets his jaw. “Why wouldn’t I? If I am to be Governor one day, then I must take interest in my people. This is the very least I should do, is it not?”

A rare smile touches the woman’s face, though her gaze remains cold and distant. “It is.”

“What about Father Blossom?” Rin cuts into their conversation impatiently. “You Hunters could track him down, couldn’t you?”

“Yes, I have heard about the situation from Bucky.” Iris sets down her cup but keeps her hands wrapped around. “While I cannot condone what Father Blossom nor Madame Kahin have done, I cannot spare my people for this hunt.”

“Why not?” Rin scowls, slamming his palm down. The table judders, rattling cups and spilling tea. “What’s more important than catching that asshole?”

Iris shoots him a cold glare, sending a chill down his spine. He twists his lips and sits back on his legs, but he doesn’t let up his own glare. “Bucky mentioned that this Father Blossom may be associated with the Mother," Iris says, evenly. "I cannot risk having my people being associated with those who would work against her.” She picks up the celadon pot and refills everyone’s cups with an elegant hand. “That being said, I can have my people pose as independent hunters. As long as this hunt does not come back to me or my Guild.”

“Of course,” Lee says eagerly, picking up his cup and holding it out to Iris as she pours his tea. “We would never implicate you, Guildma--ah...Iris. I thank you for your assistance.”

“What do you plan on doing with Madame Kahin?” Iris turns her gaze to Rin, pausing to scrutinise his face. “I hear you were imprisoned at the Rose Palace for the past six months. I am sorry to hear of this, Rat.”

Rin blinks at the austere woman, surprised by her sympathy. He ducks his head and grimaces, lifting a shoulder in a half shrug. “It doesn’t matter,” he mutters, feeling his cheeks burn. “Wasn’t too bad. I got to have a lot of sex and drink high-class booze. Nothing like this shitty tea.”

Lee stiffens in anger, his mouth parting to chastise the boy. But Iris continues speaking, completely unfazed. “Your mother came to me almost everyday for those six months. She never stopped looking for you. None of us did.”

Rin’s hands curl into tight fists on his knees, nails digging deep into his palms. “Yeah, well. You didn't find me, so it was kinda pointless, wasn’t it?” he says in a scathing tone.

“Rin!” Lee exclaims, aghast. “You should apologise to the Guildmaster.”

The Rat clicks his tongue and bares his teeth, revving up to release a caustic barrage of words. A warm hand presses against his back. He glances at Jun and sees his small smile. Those worried honey eyes.

“ is she anyway?” Rin asks in a low mutter, avoiding the Guildmaster’s penetrating gaze.

“It has been several days since I last saw her. She’d been off the drink for a few months now, so she seemed to be doing well. Determined as always to find you.”

His heart lurches. "She stopped drinking?"

"I helped her through the sickness."

“But...why did she...?"

"Why do you think?" Iris asks, gazing steadily him.

"...the sickness. Was it-was it bad?"

“I didn’t think you cared,” Iris says coolly, raising a brow.

“I don’t!” Rin snaps, giving her a narrow look.

“Guildmaster,” Jun interjects quickly, lest the two come to blows again. “I think it might be wise to send the Silverswords to the Rose Palace. At least to keep Madame Kahin in custody until the the investigation is launched.”

“I sent a Hunter over to the Rose Palace to gauge the situation not one hour ago. It appears as though there is triple the amount of guards patrolling and all of them are on high alert. The palace is also closed to the public, at least for a few days.” She folds her hands demurely in her lap. “I don’t think it’s wise to make a move against her right now.”

“And there’s no real evidence that Kahin had any hand in Father Blossom’s ‘experiments’,” Lee sighs, rubbing his jaw frustratedly. “The Governor could launch an official investigation, couldn’t he, young master?”

Jun nods sharply, exuding an intense resolve. “I will speak with him when I return to the estate. I am certain that once he thoroughly investigates this matter, he will find the evidence we need to indict Madame Kahin.”

“That is good to hear,” Iris says, a hint of doubt in her voice. “I will have my Hunters keep an eye on the palace from afar. If Kahin makes a move, we will be first to know.”

With the arrangements made, the group continues on with idle conversation before Iris excuses herself to check on her patients. Jun offers to assist her, but she politely declines and invites him and the others to stay for breakfast instead. Feeling restless, Lee goes to chat with the Hunters outside and leaves the younger men alone in the room.

Rin yawns and stretches out on the pinewood floor like a lazy cat. He slithers on his belly towards the little lord. “What are you thinking about so deeply?”

Jun tilts his head as he taps the side of his cup, gazing intently over the lush gardens that thrive within the curtilage of the hanok. “I am pondering what Father Blossom’s experiments could have been. We never did receive a proper answer.”

“Hm. It’s probably similar to Kahin’s magic, right? He’s controlling the mind somehow. That’s probably how he made those Roses hurt themselves like that.” Rin rests his arms upon the lord’s lap and he perches his chin atop. When he gazes up at Jun with those depthless hellebores, Jun suddenly finds himself unable to think.

A gentle blush darkens the lord’s cheeks and he rests his hand upon Rin's head. The latter hums, happily.

“From what you have told me about her magic, it seems a likely scenario.” Jun smiles and winds his fingers through those fluffy midnight locks. “Given the time constraints, he could not achieve that level of control even with the use of pure alchemical techniques. It would not be so far-fetched to theorise that magic had been involved at a certain point. Although, magical methods and conventions are far beyond my purview.”

“I suppose we could always ask Nuwa,” Rin yawns, eyes drooping as drowsiness sets in. The lord’s touch is soothing and the night’s events are catching up with him.


“Mn. She’s the witch I told you about. My neighbour. We don’t really get along but she knows a lot more about magic than I do.”

“It would be worthwhile to speak with her then.” Jun pauses, gazing down at Rin with a complicated expression. “Rinnie, may I ask you a question?”

Rin's eyes flutter close, sable lashes stark upon his waterlines. Jun stares at them, entranced. “You realise that’s a question, right?”

“Ah. Yes, of course.” The lord huffs a laugh, brushing hair from Rin’s dirt smeared face. “I find myself rather curious about your mother. And...why you do not get along with her.”

The Rat grimaces but he keeps his eyes closed. “...she was always strange," he murmurs, hesitantly. Slowly. "Even when I was a kid. It was like she was obsessed with me, telling me that I was the only reason she was still alive. That’s not really a burden I wanted to take on, but I had no choice. I had to be there for her every single second." He pushes an irritated huff through his nose. "And then I'd do something, however random or small, and she’d blow up. Start screaming and beating me. She’s even tried to kill herself.”

Jun moves his hand to Rin's back, resting it lightly between his shoulder blades. He listens quietly with a furrowed brow. The creases deepen with every new revelation.

“It was better when she started getting into the drink," the Rat sighs, lolling his head idly on the lord's lap. "At least, she wasn’t obsessing over me anymore. But then the more she drank, the faster we ran out of coin. Anything I’d bring home for her, she’d spend it all on drink. Eventually, we ended up losing the house and moving to the Slums. She started switching between hating and loving me, calling me her world one moment then a monster the next.” Sable lashes rise to reveal a frosty sliver of pitch. “Lately, she’s been getting worse. Seeing things. She thinks she can predict the future. Apparently, I’m going to be a monster, vile beyond redemption.”

Pulling in a deep breath, Rin pulls himself upright and crosses his legs in the lotus position. He gives Jun a smirk. There is no light in his eyes. “You know. I believe her. I feel like...the more I see her madness in myself, the closer I get to becoming that monster.” The raven glances at a nearby Eastern cedar tree. The verdant leaves shiver in a passing breeze. “I just hope that I’m not beyond redemption.”

The look in Jun’s eyes is unfathomable. Calloused hands grasp at Rin’s, spreading heat through those cold fingers. “You are not beyond redemption, Rinnie,” he says, the baritone of his voice like rumbling thunder. “No-one is beyond redemption.”

Rin swallows, suddenly unable to meet those oppressive goldens. You don’t know what I’ve done, little lord. Would you still look at me with those same eyes if you did?


A small figure bumbles through the open doors to the numaru, flushed and panting with excitement. Soft brown eyes flash and shimmer when they land on the glum raven. “Rin! You’re safe! You’re here!”

The raven heaves a dramatic sigh and flops back into Jun’s lap, arms haphazardly flung over his legs. “As opposed to not here?” he huffs, languidly using the lord’s body as his pillow. “Shouldn’t you be at the Imperial College?”

“Y-yes, I should,” Small says, beaming as he plops himself down beside the two. “But when Daisy told me that you were here, I had to come see you right away!” He glances at Jun and gives a timid bow. “Ah...who is…?”

“He’s Jun,” Rin drawls, cutting off the lord’s greeting. “He’s a new Slummer and I’m just showing him the ins and the outs.”

Small frowns and puffs his cheeks. “What? You’ve never done that for me! And I was born in the Slums. This guy looks like he’s from the High District.”

“Hm. Good guess. He’s the Governor’s son.”

Oaken eyes bulge in shock and those pursed lips pop open to free a gasp. “G-Governor Hwan Sun…?

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” Jun says, courteously dipping his head in return.

The boy blinks at the lord and blushes, giving a jerky nod. “P-pleasure to meet you too,” he squeaks, “I’m Small. Why...why do you want to be a Slummer?”

“I suppose I find it more exciting than being a lord,” Jun smiles kindly at the timid lad.

“Did Daisy bake this morning?” Rin perks up, raising his head to stare wide eyed at Small. Anticipation crowds his face, drawing an amused look from Jun.

“Oh! She did, actually. Would you like to take some home with you?” Small shuffles a little closer to the raven.

“Do you have to ask?”

The smaller boy nods eagerly and twists the hem of his shirt. “Rin. What happened to you? Everyone was so worried.”

“Of course they were worried. The Slums are nothing without me. Let me guess, everything went to shit the moment I disappeared, right?” Rin smirks, clearly pleased by the other’s words.

“Kinda,” Small shrugs, casting shy glances at Jun. The latter quietly sips on his tea, content to simply listen. “It was your mother and Bellow who really kept the search going.”

“What's that moron doing these days?”

“Bellow?” Small shakes his head, frowning tightly. “I think there are problems with his gang...but that’s all I know. Every time he sees me, he threatens to beat me until I go home.”

“Good.” Seeing the lingering question on Small’s face, Rin sighs and adds, “I was off having a bit of fun. Decided to be a Rose for a while and see what the big fuss was about.”

Umbers turn round in shock. “You’re a Rose?”

“Was.” Rin sucks his teeth in irritation. “Why? Interested in buying me?”

“N-no! I just...I know you like...doing that stuff b-but...a Rose is…” Small tugs at his collar, sweat gleaming on his flushed face. “Ah. But you’re safe. A-and that’s all that matters.”

“Oh?” Rin smirks and pounces on the rotund boy, wrapping his arms around his neck. Pitch eyes glint, mischievously. “You mean you’ve never thought about it?”

“R-Rin!” Small squirms, trying to free himself from his dangerous bind. “M-my lord! Could you...please help?!” His voice rises a pitch or two when Rin starts waggling his brows suggestively, face dangerously close to the other’s.

Jun chuckles and pats the raven’s foot, trying to draw his attention. “Rinnie.”

Just one word is enough to make the Rat docile. He wrinkles his nose and releases his flustered prey. “Whatever. It’s not like you could afford me, anyway.”

Small sighs in relief and sits back on his haunches, wiping at his face. “W-well’re not really my type. And I like women! S-so…”

“I’m everyone’s type!” Rin says, aghast. He pounces Small again, this time landing on top of him and forcing him to the ground. Frightened yelps escape his wriggling prey. “You’re no Rose material either, Small. You’re fat and round like a squishy melon and your balls haven’t even dropped. What woman would ever look at you?”

“Maybe I like being a s-squishy melon! And-and my balls have dropped!’

“I don’t believe you!”

Spirited yells and laughter drift from the numaru, catching on the warm current as it travels through the garden. There’s the boundless bouquet of spring blossoms, unfolding under the rising sun.

The next chapter will be the last one of this arc! I can't believe how long (and how many words) it took to get here.

Thank you so much for sticking with this silly story! I appreciate your continued support ~  (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*