Chapter 59: The Governor’s Contract
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CW: Explicit language.

It’s bright outside.

Heat waves contort the landscape into writhing worms. An illusory echo hovers above. A second earth. He wonders if this is the underworld. If he steps into that second earth, would he be stepping into Izayoma’s domain? Heat makes him sluggish. Saps him of energy and focus. It seeps into his skin and turns his eye flush. There’s no edge to himself. No distinctive line between his body and the air.

It’s been two weeks since he brought his little lord back. And in return, he’d left a part of himself behind. The uneasiness sits in his chest like stone, dense and lifeless, weighing him down. He feels less of himself, like he’s floating an inch outside of his body. Just a bit more unstable, a bit more incorporeal than before.

Where are my edges? Where do I start? Where do I end? 

His cognition is scattered. It’s difficult to keep in control of all his faculties, physicality included.

“Are you listening to me?”

Rin blinks and glances away from the window. “I am.” A pause. “Just…repeat the last thing you said.”

The Governor sighs and steeples his hands. “I am enquiring after your training,” he says, coolly. “How do you think you fare?”

“Much better than you’d expect,” the raven says dryly, resting a hand upon his hip.

“Mira reports that you have taken to the wind style quite well. It seems as though you have many natural talents that have been underutilised and underappreciated.”

“And let me guess - you’re gonna utilise and appreciate them a whole lot yourself, right?”

“The servant you injured,” Sun raises suddenly, “Kemi, I think it was - he will be returning from the Clinic this evening.”

Rin purses his lips, on the defense. “Glad to hear it.”

“He has lost the ability to read and write,” Hwan Sun continues, flatly. “And I am yet to decide on your punishment.”

“It’s taking you almost an entire month to figure out my punishment?” Rin scoffs, trying to ignore the anxious leap of his heart. “What’s the hold up? Feeling torn? Sorry, but I’m already accounted for.”

“Quite,” Sun clips, narrowing his eyes. “By my son, no doubt.”

“Caught on have you?”

“I have a proposition for you, Rat.” The Governor slides a piece of parchment towards the mouthy youth. From this distance, the latter can see beautiful calligraphy and the Hwan seal near the bottom of the page. “You will use the training you have thus far received and work for me in an official capacity. In return, not only will you avoid punishment for all your cumulative transgressions, but I will also petition for you to receive a second name and a House. Do you understand what this means for you?”

The Rat gapes at the older man. Of course he knows what this means for him. It means–

“It means that you will become a person of station. A person of worth. You will wield wealth and power that you can only dream of with but a singular name.”

Rin licks his dry lips, nervously. His wariness is inevitable - how could he not when such promise of good fortune is waved before him? He can’t help but feel like a baited fish.

“I know transactions,” he starts, grabbing the parchment to run his eye over it. Clearly, it’s a contract, with vast yet simple stipulations. “And I know men like you. Who do you want me to kill?”

A brow twitches in amusement. “Why do you make such an assumption?”

“Because that’s the only way I see you getting anything out of this so-called proposition,” Rin says, dryly. “So? Who is it?” He pauses, head tilted. “Or…is it that you wanna fuck me? In which case, you’re selling yourself short. Fucking is as easy as breathing for me.”

“I will remind you that Jun can only be with those at his own station - or above,” the Governor says, giving the mouthy youth an even stare.

Rin sighs and tosses the contract back onto the desk. “What is it you want me to do?”

Sun strokes his own knuckles for a time, ruminating on something rather troublesome by the pinch in his brows. Just when the raven grows impatient, Sun finally opens his mouth and says, “What do you know about the Otsuki rebels?”

“The rebels?” Ah. Already he has a bad feeling about this. “The same as what everyone else knows, I suppose.”

“There are suspicions that the rebellion has begun to infiltrate the East. Namely, Hanjuyang.”

“So what does this have to do with me?”

“You once told me that a rat can get into places most cannot.”

Rin rocks back on his heels, disbelief rippling through his features. “What?” He barks a laugh. “Are you high? You have Silverswords at your disposal. You have Mira, who is clearly a trained assassin. And you’re about to become the Minister of Military Affairs with the entire Dragon Army at your beck and call–”

“And yet, none have the qualities you possess.” Hwan Sun smiles thinly, eyes glittering above his steepled hands. “You have something no-one else in this earthly realm has. Thus, you are the only one I can rely on.”

“You’re a sweet talker,” Rin huffs, pacing towards the window. He stands there, breathing heavily, letting the wind buff against his body and slip inside. Papers flutter upon Sun’s desk. The leather on his wingback seat creaks.

“I need you to infiltrate the Otsuki rebels and report to me on their movements. This concerns the security and future of the Eastern Empire, Rat. Without this intel, war would be inevitable. The rebels will attack and terrorise Hanjuyang at the cost of many lives. Jun’s life would be directly threatened.”

“That’s low,” Rin growls, spinning around to glare at the older man. “Using your son like that. You really don’t give a shit about him - or any of your children - do you?”

“Of course I do,” Sun says, frowning. “I care deeply for all my children–”

“Sure. Like how you cared for your wife?”

The man’s gaze freezes over. “Excuse me?”

“I know how well you treated Hwan Jina. How it sent her to the underworld. You know, a part of me thinks that you knew that the carriage would be attacked all along.” Rin smirks, folding his arms across his chest. “Your family are but pawns for you to use. And look at what’s happened. They’re either dead, gone, or despise you. So how would you view an insignificant Slummer like me? What’s less than a pawn? Cannon fodder?” He laughs, though the sound is strident and without mirth. “What makes you think that I’d ever work with you?”

“From where I sit, Rat,” Hwan Sun says, tone brittle and cold.  “You do not have a choice in the matter. It is either this or the gallows.” How this impetuous boy uncovered the circumstances around the late lady’s death is irksome - however, it does bode rather well for his proposed role.

“I have a choice. There’s the unseen third choice - try to fucking catch me.” Pitch flares a hazy red. A challenge.

The two men glare at each other, neither willing to bend.

“Tell me then. If you run, where would you go?”

A simple question posed and yet it startles Rin enough to lose his footing. “...Anywhere. Everywhere. Does it matter?”

“And you would leave everything behind? Including Jun?” The Governor dips his head, brows raised in incredulity.

“There you go again, using your son–”

“Whatever my intent matters not. Could you or could you not leave Jun behind?”

“...” Rin bites the insides of his cheeks. He averts his gaze, unable to bring himself to respond.

Sun reclines, smile flitting upon his pale lips. “Consider my proposition, Rat. Remember, you will receive a future in return. A second name. A House. With this, you would finally be of equal standing to my son. And I would have no qualms about allowing you and Jun to continue your…relationship.”

“And this is all in the contract, is it?” Rin wears a sneer as he stalks over to the desk and snatches up the parchment. He tries to hide his wavering heart, but the first lord’s keen eyes catch his desires. “What happens if you don’t deliver?”

“Then you would have legal precedence to demand reparations.”

“How could I when you’re the law?” Rin retorts, reading over each line with care.

“That is incorrect. The Mother is the law and such protocols are within the purview of the constitution. ‘A contract not honoured must henceforth be brought to the attention of the court and thusly indemnified with property or body–’”


“The wronged party may choose to take a hand or a foot.”

“What is it with you bluebloods and dismemberment?”

“It is all there in writing and notarised by the Hanjuyang Notary - an office that sits outside of my authority, might I add.”

The Rat reads through the contract two more times, trying to parse his way through the legal jargon until he thoroughly understands the document. From what he can see, the contract is binding and airtight – and above all, fair to both parties. He doubts that he would ever have any legal power to demand reparations from the Governor – but he reckons that if Hwan Sun fucks him over, he can just get rid of the guy one way or another.

What he can’t do on his own however, is give himself a second name or a House. No, for that, he would need Hwan Sun.

He needs Sun as much as Sun needs him.

Rin lowers the contract and glares at the lord with great scrutiny. “Exactly what do you expect me to do?”

By the way Sun perks up, it’s as if the Rat had agreed to his proposition. The fact that he’s asking about his side of the transaction could already be considered Rin’s assent. Both of them know this. And yet, Rin continues to act as if he were still negotiating.

“You will be ousted from the estate, under the guise of punishment for your attack upon Kemi.” The lord picks up a fountain pen and sets it down closer to Rin. “You will return to the Slums in disgrace and curse my name out. You will spread stories of your mistreatment within the High District. Spout pro-Otsuki sentiments. Within time, they will seek you out and invite you to join their movement. This is all but guaranteed.”

The raven narrows his eye at Sun, unsettled by the latter’s confidence. “How do you know that it’s guaranteed?”

“I told you that you possess something that no-one else in this realm does. Something that the Otsuki rebels desire.”

“And you’re not gonna tell me what this is?” Though he has a feeling he already knows. What else does he possess but magic? The magic of his mother. The magic of the Luna god. Somehow, Hwan Sun is aware of this and wishes for him to use it as bait.

It’s not a bad plan.

“You will come to know of it when the Otsukis find you.”

Rin rolls his eye and picks up the pen. He fiddles with it between his fingers and thumb, as if he were contemplating the signing. “So I join the rebels, spy on them, and feed you information.”

“Correct. That is all I require you to do.”

“If they find out that I’m a rat, they’re gonna kill me.”

“So do not let them find out."

Of course - why didn’t I think of that?”

“I will have Zev keep a close eye on you if you should like support–”

“No offence,” Rin interjects, “but that’s one way of getting me killed faster.” He sighs and leans a hand on the edge of the desk as he skims over the contract again. “How long do I have to do this?”

“Until the threat is neutralised.”

“And how long is that?”

“However long it takes.”

Rin clicks his tongue and gives the man the stink-eye.

Hwan Sun laughs and amends his response. “The more information you give me, the faster we can work to bring them down. That can take anywhere from a few months to years. It all depends on you.”

“I don’t understand why you can’t just wipe ‘em out. As long as I find out where they’re hiding, then you can just rush in and–”

“And lose the opportunity to quash the entire rebellion?” Sun says, raising a brow. “This is but one cell out of hundreds scattered across the four territories. If I wipe out the one in Hanjuyang, another will take its place - only this time they would have martyrs which gives them all the more reason to fight. We will be giving them ammunition. ‘To destroy an enemy completely, one must understand the enemy as intimately as one knows oneself.’”

No matter how he looks at it, Rin knows that the Governor’s right. The best way to eradicate the rebellion is to dismantle it from the inside out.

“And if I do this, then you’ll let me and Jun be together?” Rin asks, tentatively. While his instincts scream at him to put the pen down, his heart overrides all his good sense.

“Correct. You and Jun will be free to be together in whatever capacity as you wish.”

“You mean that?” Rin’s lips curl on the corners. “Even if I become your daughter-in-law?”

The Governor purses his lips, but he nods shortly. “Whatever capacity.”

Well, I can’t say no to that, can I?” Savouring the first lord’s sour expression, Rin signs the contract and its copy with his blotchy, scratchy signature.

He straightens up, folding and tucking his copy of the contract deep into his sleeve for safekeeping. “So when do I start?”

Hwan Sun reaches under his desk and the door to his study bursts open. Guards stream in and surround the raven on all sides, swords drawn. “You start now.”


He squeezes his fingers around the onyx ring. With the heat, comes the white symbols floating in the vantablack band. When he pulls his fingers away, the air cools the band and the symbols dissipate like wind-blown smoke.

Again, he squeezes his fist. The symbols return. And when he unfurls his hand, they disappear.

“Have you finished packing?” The dispassionate guard glares down at him and the one bag gripped tightly within his arms.

Rin gives Fitz a coy smile, sidling up to his side. The guard stiffens and steps away, but his path is obstructed by the bed post.

“You don’t gotta rush me, Fitz~” he lilts, batting his eye. The guard visibly cringes. “I only have the one bag.”

“Then let’s go. The lord wants you out within the hour.” Fitz’s burly hand lands upon Rin’s shoulder in a steely grip, pushing him towards the door.

The raven leans back, digging his heels in every step – just to make the guard’s job a tad harder. “Aren’t you gonna miss me, pet? All those months together…all the promises, hopes, and dreams we shared…we didn’t even get to have our cock sandwich–”

“The lord said nothing about keeping you intact,” Fitz growls in warning, flinging the door open.

“Where’s Yeri? I need to say goodbye to Yeri! The second slice of bread to our sand–” He chokes on his jest when Fitz knocks him into the frame.

“Rinnie? What is happening?”

Jun steps into view, glancing warily at the guards crowding the hallway outside Rin’s quarters.

“Young master,” Fitz growls, holding out a hand to prevent Jun from coming closer. “We have been ordered to accompany this criminal off the estate. I advise you to return to your quarters and–”

“Stand down, Fitz,” Jun says, sharply.

The guard clamps his mouth shut, eyes widening a tad.

Jun flicks his gaze worriedly at the raven. “Tell me exactly what you have been ordered to do.”

“...As punishment for the attack upon Kemi,” Fitz says, carefully, “the Lord has decreed that this man be expelled from the estate and barred from ever returning.”

“‘This man, this man’ - did you forget my name already?” Rin huffs, rubbing his aching shoulder. “It’s Rin by the way, just one syllable like yours. Not too hard to remember, is it? Then again, you don’t look very bright–”

“I will speak with him in private,” Jun says, stepping forward and taking said man by the hand. “You and the others will wait in the hallway until we are done. Do you understand?”

Fitz releases his charge with a modicum of uncertainty. “But, young master Jun, the Lord has ordered us to–”

“Yes, and you will do as he ordered unimpeded. I simply wish to speak with this…criminal. Now if you would excuse us…” With flint in his eyes, the little lord tugs Rin back into his quarters and slams the door shut on Fitz’s startled face.

Rin chuckles, tickled by his lover’s firm demeanour. “I like this side of you, little lord. Such a strong grasp. Did you wanna have a bit of fun before they kick me out? I think we might have a good few minutes. Although I wouldn’t mind if Fitz joined us - would you? He's probably quite girthy–”

Jun’s hand tightens around his wrist.

The rest of Rin’s words scatter under the lord’s hard glare. His heart palpitates.

“What is happening, Rinnie?” Jun says, his voice low and hushed. “Is my father truly ousting you? Why is he choosing to move now, after waiting near a month?”

Rin manages a weak smirk and he gives the lord a pat on the chest. “There’s more to it than that,” he admits, softly. “But this is way better than the gallows, don’t you think? All in all, this is really the best outcome.”

“The best outcome?” Jun’s anger flares. He tugs on Rin’s wrist without thinking, forcing the latter close. Their bodies bump and Jun’s back hits the door. His grip is unrelenting. “You think that this is the best outcome? We have only just entered courtship and you wish to be separated so soon?”

“Courtship?” Rin’s lips twitch. “Jun, it’s fine. Even if I don’t live here, I’ll still come and see you. We can still have our fun.”

“Rinnie, do you believe that we can progress our relationship if it has been built upon a foundation of subterfuge and lies?” Frustration mars the lord’s features. He exhales and loosens his grip, the sharp edge of his anger worn down. “Whatever future we want to build together will be gone. We must not allow my father to enforce his will upon us. This is a critical moment, Rinnie.”

“And what about Kemi?” Rin challenges, though he seems more pleased than contrarian. “Don’t you think I should be punished for what I did to him? Apparently he can’t read or write anymore. I did that to him, you know. I practically ruined his life.”

It’s strange. Jun almost thinks that there’s a hint of pride or amusement in the raven’s voice as he says his piece. The lord feels a sense of disturbance. A flickering realisation that there is an unknown side to the one he loves.

“...I do think you should be punished for this, yes. However, there is punishment other than exile or death. Punishment need not be violent. It need not shed more blood.”

Rin sighs and slips his hands around Jun’s waist. He presses his cheek against his broad chest, listening for the steady thrum of his heart. The sound is strong and resonant. Much like his little lord.

“It only looks like punishment,” he says, quietly. “In reality, your father and I have a contract in place. I’m working for him now, I suppose.”

Jun stiffens in his arms. “You are working for him? In what capacity?” He can’t hide the urgency in his tone.

“Oh, nothing too difficult. I’m to be his eyes and ears in the Slums. He says he wants to learn more about how the other half live.”

“Has he no-one else to fulfil this role?” Jun growls, hackles raised. “Why must it be you?”

“A rat can get into places no-one else can.” Rin hums and continues patting the irascible man’s chest, trying to keep him calm. “In return, he’s giving me a second name and a House. You know what this means, right?”

“If that is what you want, then allow me to petition for you when I become Governor!”

Rin purses his lips, keeping his head low. He doesn’t want to tell Jun that the likelihood of him receiving a second name and a House is already low even with Sun’s efforts. Hwan Sun, who has the Mother’s direct ear. So what hope does Jun have?

“I’ve already agreed to the job,” Rin says, pushing his face into Jun’s chest. Every breath he pulls is accompanied by the heady scent of spiced chestnut oil and the man’s natural musk. His mouth fills with saliva.

“An agreement can be nullified.”

“Not this one. And anyway, I want to do this.” Rin raises his head to meet those roiling goldens. He offers a sweet smile of comfort. “I want to do this for us, Jun. By my own will. My own power.”

Jun tightens his jaw. “I can petition for you, Rinnie,” he urges, pressing his warm palm against the back of the raven’s head. “I will ensure that we can be together.”

“Don’t you hear me? I want to do this.”

The lord furrows his brows. “Do you not trust me?”

“Do you not trust me?”

There’s a long silence as both men attempt to maintain their stance. But it’s the lord who falters first as he gazes down upon that beautiful, scarred face. The big pitch eye that peers up at him. The hard set of his delicate jaw. Those plump lips pursed in a near pout. A scattered flush like the gentle hues of azaleas.

“...” Jun sighs and presses their foreheads together. Their breaths mingle and condense upon their cheeks. “I do,” he husks, “I trust you.”

“This isn’t forever, little lord,” Rin hums, tilting his head to give Jun a chaste kiss. “A few months at most. And I’ll come see you everyday. I promise.”

“You must be careful, Rinnie,” Jun says, worn down further by the kiss. “Not only in the Slums, but also with my father. I have a feeling that there is more to this agreement.”

“I know.” The raven slings his arms around Jun’s neck. “And you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m a genius, remember? Hwan Sun isn’t the only snake I’ve had to deal with. I know my way around.”

“If you do not keep your promise, I will come looking for you,” Jun rumbles, voice like rolling thunder in his chest. “We may be separated but I will not allow you to be alone. And I do not wish to be so either.”

“I won’t ever leave your side, little lord.” Rin brings his lips to the other’s and the kiss is deeper and sweeter. His scalp tingles as he disappears into his lover’s heat, losing his periphery.

“If you leave me, I will come after you. I will chase you, from the four territories to the ends of the Unknown Lands.” Jun snaps his arms tight around the smaller body. Rin whines and struggles, but one look at the lord’s darkened expression kills his fight.

This threat is not idle.

And somehow, inexplicably, the sense of doom it brings is also accompanied with a euphoria that is rare and infinitely precious.



This is the first chapter of the new arc. Thank you so much for sticking with me ^3^ 

I am running low on chapters so I have decided to go back down to one chapter/week releases until I have replenished my stock. The next release will be on 25 February (one week from today). 

I usually like to be 20 chapters ahead, so when I reach that target, we will be back to 2 chapters/week! ^_^

I know this is a very slow release pace - so I do apologise in advance. Hopefully we will be back to regular pace in no time!

Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience <3