Prologue: The Void
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The deep, dark void rolled around the universe like ocean waves. Shifting and pulling into nothing as time slowly or quickly passed by.


A small orb of light found itself above the rolling void, looking around with helpless confusion And curiosity.


It looked around for a moment before realizing it was all alone and lost. 


The orb didn't know what to do, or to think.

So it just waited and waited for something to happen.

It stared into the void and wondered if anything was out there.



The orb quickly swiveled its body towards the sound and started to shake.

A sinister figure was floating towards it along with flaming book!

The orb shivered as the book quickly came in front of it!

A large yellow eye opened on the cover of the book, staring directly into the orb.

*Now wait a minute! That's why I can't get in?!*

The sounds of the cloaked figure interrupts the two as they both turned towards it.

*That was one time! That's not fair!*

The figure waved his free hand furiously in the air while the other kept a phone like object towards the side of his head.

*Ok, that was one war! It didn't end up that bad, did it?!*

The figure put his free hand on his hip in defiance, but it soon dropped to his side.

*It did?!*

The small orb turned to see the book's eye roll as it shook its cover.

*....Fine. I'll do you this solid one time. What do you mean I owe you several?! Can't we just put them in one?!*

The cloaked figure argued and debated with whoever was on the other line for a while longer before he finally sighed and seemed to agree with the other caller.

*You are so lucky I love this kind of work! If it was Order, you wouldn't have any say! I'll get it done.*

The figure hung up the phone and shook his head.

*Damn Arceus! Just cause you're a god, you think I can't get into your world and kick your ass anyway?!*

The figure argued with the void while shaking his fist.

The orb turned to the book as the book only shook its body in disappointment.

*Now then, where is the soul I'm-*

The figure turned around to see an orb looking right at him!

*Oh hey! Burner, I didn't know you found the soul already! Why didn't you tell me?*

The book shook its head and ignored him.

*Tch! Be that way! Anyway, Hello there! You must be the little soul I'm looking for.*

The little orb didn't know what was going on, so it just looked at him curiously.

*Ah! The strong silent type huh?! Well, we'll see what makes you so tough soon enough. Burner!*


The eye of the book became bright for a moment, startling the orb!

The entity came behind the book as it opened.

*Now then, let's see what we have-*

The entity suddenly stopped briefly before looking back at the orb, then back down at the page.


The orb just stared at the entity as it looked into the book and soon looked back at the orb once again.

The entity moved away from the book and came towards the orb.

A misty hand picked up the orb as another caressed the orb in a clumsy fashion.

*Ahem! You should forget what you saw earlier. That's not very good to imitate, okay?*

The entity calmly brought the orb along as Burner floated besides them.

*My name is Chaos. The burning book here is called Burner. We are the guides that bring souls like you to the afterlife and such.*

The entity chuckled a bit before continuing.

*Well, we don't always do as we're told. It just makes the job more fun.*

Burner nodded as the orb stared at the two in turns.

Chaos kept patting the orb as they soon came to a remote part of the void.

*Here is good enough. Now then.*


The orb watched as the void was ripped into pieces, forming a tear that was filled with stars.

A planet could be seen in the distance as they peer inside.

*This is the planet you'll go to. Let Uncle Chaos first find a good family for you to be in. You'll have a great start this time.*

Chaos looked over to Burner.

It nodded and focused its eye on the planet, scanning all possible couples and families.

As it focused, Burner opened up as lists of potential families appeared.

"Make sure they're combative, but in a safe environment. It at least needs a childhood."

Burner's gaze started to focus as it locked on to a couple of targets that fit the criteria.

*Hmmm... Oh! That one is perfect!*

Chaos pressed a name as the light from the book laser focused on a region.

*Galar, huh? It's safe enough. At least it's not Kanto. That place is a bloodbath.*

Chaos placed the orb gently on the book as it continued to look at him.

*Now I'm gonna send you down to your new family. Just one moment.*

Chaos brought out a strange phone made of starlight and put it towards his ear.

*Ring Ring Ring*

Chaos waited for a moment before he heard the phone connect.

*Arceus. I'm sending it now. Gonna be in Galar. Last name is gonna be....*

Chaos leaned over at the book for a moment before coming back to the phone.

*Feral. Yes, I'll make sure it's close enough to the others. What about the starter?*

Chaos listened for a moment and suddenly looked at the phone in his hand.

*You don't have one available! Aren't there a lot of them?! Just give one up! It needs to be unique for each person?!*


Chaos slapped his forehead as he couldn't believe this god.

*Fine, I'll handle it. I'll make it super special too since you're so useless!*

Chaos sighed and looked at the orb and noticed it was shivering again!

*Sorry! Sorry! No need to be scared! Uncle Chaos is a nice guy!*

After patting the orb a bit, it stopped shivering. Chaos sighed in relief as he placed the orb in his hand.

*Well, little one. This is it. I'll send you off. Good luck out there and knock their socks off!*

Chaos placed the orb in the light of the book and watched it shoot towards the planet!

The tear disappeared shortly after, leaving the void back in its lifeless state.

*Whew, Glad that's over.*


Chaos froze in place. He slowly turned around to find a white robed figure hovering behind him with a book bathed in light and dark.

*Order! Divide! How are you?!*


Order looked in the direction of the tear for a moment before looking back at Chaos.

{I will allow it this once. Since you are fixing your mistakes.}

Chaos let out his breath as he nodded his head.

He froze once again, however, when Order grabbed his shoulder.

{I still haven't forgotten about the last one. You will pay for that one now.}

*No! Please! Don't do it!*

{I remember there was a teletubby world you ran away from before. You can watch over it for a while.}


Burner watched Order drag Chaos away as it followed behind its owner with Divide.

They both shook their heads at their master's shenanigans. 

They had done it for eons, and will most likely do it for even more.