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Vithi was sitting in her chair, watching TV when it happened. She’s average looking, something which she strives to maintain. Too pretty and people get ideas…too ugly and they treat you like dirt. She’s had a long time to perfect the look. Right now, she was going for a comfort-over-fashion approach, the style she found most suited to this particular endeavor. Put on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and some sneakers and no one looked at you twice. She kept her red hair in a ponytail most of the time, although the length of it varied. It was shoulder length most of the time, but occasionally she’d make it longer or shorter if the mood took her. She rather liked the more casual trends of modern times; they allowed her to dress much more casually than they had a few thousand years ago. She hated that time, passed from cruel master to cruel master. Being a djinn wasn’t easy, but she had a kind master at the moment, one more interested in protecting her as a djinn than obtaining wishes.

Her current master, Tunem, was an ancient mage in the service of the Protectorate, a coalition of magic users dedicated to keeping the general populace of Earth from knowing of the existence of magic, and maybe more importantly, keeping powerful artifacts from falling into the wrong hands. Artifacts like djinn lamps. Tunem in particular specialized in time; predicting the future, seeing the past. It was a delicate art, one which Vithi didn’t have the patience for. She found that when you were immortal, it was easier to just let things happen when they happen. She could see the usefulness of knowing what was to come, but it didn’t really help her, confined to her lamp. She couldn’t control where it went or who took it, so why bother? Still, Tunem was kind, more than willing to provide for her needs, and even many of her wants. The TV was a particularly nice allowance; she got to see so much more of the world this way, even if it was from behind a screen.

Her reverie was interrupted Tunem’s voice, made echo-y by its transition to the inside of the lamp. “Vithi, are you decent? We need to talk.”

She frowned at this. He sounded far more serious than he did when he wanted a casual conversation. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a moment.” With that she began to transition out of her lamp. It felt similar to coming up from the bottom of a pool of water; a floating sensation and a relief of pressure as she turned gaseous and poured out from the lamp. “What’s up?” She asked

Tunem sighed a little and looked down. “The Protectorate is going through a tough time, Vithi. We’re stretched thin, and we’ve lost several key artifacts in recent decades.”

A knot formed in Vithi’s stomach at this. “Why are you telling me? It’s not like I can help, unless you want to use me for wishes.”

Tunem frowned at this. “I told you I wouldn’t be wishing for anything.”

“Doesn’t stop you from letting others make wishes for you.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that. No, this is something different. I’ve been looking into the future and…well, I…found someone.”

“What do you mean?”

Tunem grimaced, clearly uncomfortable. “It’s this man. I’ve looked deep into the timelines, and from what I’ve seen giving you to him would turn things down a better path for you, for me, and for him.”

“You would curtail my freedom, give me to another master, just to make things better for yourself? I thought you were better than that.” Vithi spat.

“No, I…look, I know I told you I wouldn’t do this-”

“So, you acknowledge that you’re breaking an oath? Might as well make your wishes if that’s what you’re doing.”

“Listen, I’ve spent weeks looking into the future. The vast majority of timelines this makes you happier. Can’t you trust me?” He pleaded

“And the ones where it doesn’t? That’s not a risk I’m willing to take.” Vithi was mad, yes, but more than that she was scared, scared of another cruel master, scared of being passed from one person to another, forced to do as they ask.

Tunem let out another sigh. “I was afraid you’d view it that way. You so often do. I’m sorry, but this is not a choice. I’ve been passive for too long, merely avoiding the worst of outcomes. No, it’s time I nudged things in the right direction.”

Vithi glared up at him, but the ferocity of the glare was weakened by the tears in her eyes. “Please…don’t make me.” She whispered.

“I’m sorry. Give him a chance.” He cleared his throat. “I, Tunem, of my own free will, officially renounce my position as master of the djinn Vithi.” With those words, the ties binding the two were severed, and Vithi found herself pulled into the lamp once again.

So, the prologue. Honestly, I don't have much to say about this. It's mainly there to give some reason as to why what happens in the next couple of chapters happens. We've introduced djinn and divination magic into the picture, and given a slight bit of exposition on the nature of the setting. Most importantly, the fact that magic is hidden from most people on Earth. Rest assured, there is a reason for this other than simply wanting to hoard it or something, but that's not going to come out for quite a while.