Chapter 25: Finally, I have them all
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Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

It was dull. Really dull. Lilith had decided against sleep for the time being, figuring that it would add another layer to her fast and speed things up. So, she waited. She had taken up meditating as Kali had suggested, but it was still a monotonous experience. She wished she could –

No. She was getting distracted. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been meditating. Eyes closed, focused only on her breath. Something had been at the edge of her awareness for the past…while, but she paid it no mind. Best to keep on with the meditation.

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

The thing at the edge of her awareness had been increasing in intensity from time to time. Not a slow, gradual change, but one that came in bursts. Each burst added an imperceptible amount to the thing, but it wasn’t to the level where she couldn’t handle it.

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

An indeterminate amount of time later, the pressure to pay attention to the thing became much, much larger. The sudden spike of sensation snapped her out of her trance, and she refocused, now paying attention to the windows in front of her.

Congratulations, you have obtained the Meditation Skill!

Level 1: 0/100 EXP (Gain EXP by meditating)
Rank: Common
Enter a meditative state, increasing all regeneration by 1% while active.
Breathe in, breathe out.

Congratulations, Meditation has leveled up! (x9)

Congratulations, Meditation has reached maximum level! Please inspect the Skill to see evolution options!

For abandoning all worldly desires and focusing on meditation and self-reflection for a night, you have obtained the Title Acolyte of Abstinence. As you are the first to gain this title, you gain the Achievement Original Virtue: Abstinence and the Title Original Virtue: Abstinence. Because you have the Title Original Virtue: Abstinence, and there is no one currently holding Virtue: Abstinence, you gain the Title Virtue: Abstinence. Because you have the Title Virtue: Abstinence, you gain the Titles Disciple of Abstinence and Embodiment of Abstinence while ignoring the usual requirements.

For holding both Sin: Gluttony and Virtue: Abstinence, you have obtained the Title Arbiter of Gluttony and Abstinence!

Congratulations, you have obtained the Skill Absent Alarm!

Absent Alarm
Level 1: 0/100 EXP (Gain EXP by partaking in fasts)
Rank: Exclusive
As the holder of Virtue: Abstinence, you are able to temporarily spread your presence on this plane so thin that you are unable to be noticed by any form of perception. You may hold this state for up to 1 minutes, and after doing so cannot do so for a period of 1 hour.
Your connection -kzzt- breaking -kzzt- up

Lilith happily left the room and found Kali and Siph playing cards. Lilith raised an eyebrow as she watched the two. “Mom, I thought you weren’t very fond of Kali after the whole “losing me” thing.”

Siph smiled. “Well, when she was talking to me about coming here, she explained everything. Now that I know that she knew where you were the whole time and only let you out of her sight so you could meet me, I’m fine with it. Anyway, now that you’re done with your fast, would you like something to eat? I’m sure you must be starving.”

“Sure.” Lilith said, taking a seat at the small table they had set up.

“Alright, give me one minute to go grab that!” Siph said, hurriedly standing up and leaving via a door Lilith swore wasn’t there last night. Sneaking a peak at Siph’s cards, Lilith found that she was losing. Badly.

“I swear I’m not using magic.” Kali said. “She’s just really bad. Hasn’t played a game in her life.”

“I didn’t say you were.” Lilith replied, hiding a smile. “By the way, about the flavor text, do you write all of it?”

Kali grinned. “Only for Exclusive and Unique things. Most of the other text is auto-generated, but I’ll write it for things that catch my eye. For now, that means basically whatever you have, so I guess for your purposes, yes, I write all of it.”

“I figured as much. So, what’s the plan?”

“I had Siph gather a group of animals weak enough that you could wipe them all out with a single breath attack. We’ll have you go there and take them out, and you’ll be set.”

Lilith frowned. “Why not like, a bunch of ants or something? Surely that’d count.”

Kali shook her head. “Ants would count as a swarm kill for you. At least the little ones. If you were a bug, maybe they wouldn’t, but you’re out of their league right now. Well, until some of them start to evolve. Then it’s different.”

“So, animals and monsters can evolve?”

“Yup! They just level up their Racial Class enough and it can evolve, just like your Skills. And no, you can’t evolve your racial classes. You already have those evolutions. I guess, unless it’s something that’s not in the system yet. Huh. Didn’t think of that. Oh well, you probably don’t need to worry about it for now. That’s going to be at the end of some pretty high-level stuff…although…we might be able to work towards that while training. I’ll have to give it some thought.”

“But that’s later. While we’re on the subject, you haven’t evolved your Skills yet, right? Look over them, but aside from Meditation I would advise you don’t evolve them until after you get Wrath. I designed them to have compatibility with the Title you’ll get after you have all the Sins and Virtues, which should increase their power by a large margin. Probably should have let you know before everything, but as you weren’t going to do it anyway it just slipped my mind. Besides, once you max out the evolved Skill, you’ll be able to get the other one anyway, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Take a look and think about what you’ll want to do over breakfast, alright? ”

Lilith went ahead and opened her menu to locate the skills that were waiting to be evolved. Fortunately, a menu explicitly for evolving skills came up, saving having to dig through her whole Status to find them.

Alpha and Omega
First and Foremost
First Come, First Serve
Journey of 1000 Miles
The Early Bird Gets the Worm.

Deciding to start at the top and work her way down, Lilith peeked at Alpha and Omega.

Alpha and Omega
Level Max: 881 EXP (Stored) (Gain EXP by leveling up Unique Skills or Classes, as well as by obtaining Unique Achievements, Titles, Skills, and Classes.)
Rank: Unique
All effects of Unique Achievements, Titles, and Skills are increased by 50%. Unique Rank Achievements, Titles, Skills, and Classes cannot be stolen from you by any means.
You were the first, and you will be the last. I’ll make sure no one can ever take that from you.
Available Evolutions:
Judge, Jury, Executioner (Locked)
First and Last

Judge, Jury, Executioner
Level 1: 0/1000 EXP (Gain EXP by passing judgement on a person)
Rank: Unique
Warning: Title “High Arbiter” required!
Once per day you can place a geas on a target that can understand you, compelling them to follow a command or suffer penalty. When using this ability, you sacrifice as much HP, Mana, and Stamina as you wish. If the target breaks the geas, they instantly lose that much HP, Mana, and Stamina. If they would die from this ability, you can instead choose to leave them at one HP. If the target dies from this ability, you choose what happens to their soul. A geas may be removed by fulfilling conditions you choose or whenever you please. A geas may activate once before being dispelled. All effects of Alpha and Omega are retained.

First and Last
Level 1: 0/1000 EXP (Gain EXP by leveling up Unique Skills or Classes, as well as by obtaining Unique Achievements, Titles, Skills, and Classes)
Rank: Unique
All effects of Unique Achievements, Titles, and Skills are increased by 60%. Unique Rank Achievements, Titles, Skills, and Classes cannot be stolen from you by any means.
You were the first, and you will be the last. I’ll make sure no one can ever take that from you.

Lilith gulped. That first Skill was…ominous. Would the rest be like that?

First and Foremost
Level Max: 2,013 EXP (Stored)  (Gain EXP by leveling up Racial Classes)
Rank: Unique
If you were the first to possess your Racial Class, experience gained towards leveling that Class up is increased by 50%
The oldest is the one most skilled at staying alive. You’re only technically the oldest, but technicalities work anyway.
Available Evolutions:
Fall from Grace (Locked)
The Original

Fall from Grace
Level 1: 0/1000 EXP (Gain EXP by passing judgment on a person)
Rank: Unique
Warning: Title “High Arbiter” required!
Once a day, you may spend mana to lock levels of a target’s Racial Class, at the rate of 1,000 mana/level. If the target has multiple Racial Classes, levels are locked equally across all Racial Classes with no extra cost to you. Levels may be unlocked by fulfilling conditions you choose, whenever you please, or by earning the EXP needed to gain that level. This ability may be used as punishment for a geas, in which case the mana costs are reduced by 50%. All effects of First and Foremost are retained.
Those who falter and those who fall must pay the price.

The Original
Level 1: 0/1,000 EXP (Gain EXP by leveling up Racial Classes)
Rank: Unique
If you were the first to possess your Racial Class, experience gained towards leveling that Class up is increased by 60%
The oldest is the one most skilled at staying alive. You’re only technically the oldest, but technicalities work anyway.

Well, Lilith thought, I suppose that answers that question. I’m willing to bet the other Skills will be similar. Siph walked up to Lilith, offering a piece of toast. Lilith accepted absentmindedly, opening the remaining Skills from Progenitor. She ignored the second evolution of each, looking only at the one she would gain after receiving the High Arbiter title.

From First Come, First Serve came Smite.

Level 1: 0/1000 EXP (Gain EXP by passing judgement on a person)
Rank: Unique
Warning: Title “High Arbiter” required!
Once per day you may smite a target’s, sealing a portion of their stats. For every 100 mana spent in using this Skill, 1 point is sealed in each of the main six stats, and 10 points are sealed in HP, Mana, and Stamina. Sealed may be lifted by fulfilling conditions you choose, leveling up 100 times, or whenever you please. Stats reduced in this way may not fall below 1. This ability may be used as punishment for a geas, in which case the mana costs are reduced by 50%. All effects of First Come, First Serve are retained.
Prayer won’t help you here.

Journey of 1000 Miles gave Arbiter’s Manacles.

Arbiter’s Manacles
Level 1: 0/1000 EXP (Gain EXP by passing judgement on a person. You may also gain EXP by obtaining new Skills, but experience gained in this fashion is reduced.)
Rank: Unique
Warning: Title “High Arbiter” required!
Once a day, you may spend mana to lock a target’s Skills. Every 500 mana spent will lock 1 level of a Skill. Levels may be unlocked by fulfilling conditions you choose, whenever you please, or by earning the EXP needed to gain that level. If a Skill would hit 0 this way, you may spend an extra 1000 mana to devolve the Skill if it has been evolved. Devolution cannot be undone. This ability may be used as punishment for a geas, in which case the mana costs are reduced by 50%. All effects of Journey of 1000 Miles are retained.
Ordinary manacles shackle the body. Yours shackle the soul.

And, finally, The Early Bird Gets the Worm would turn into Wipe the Slate.

Wipe the Slate
Level 1: 0/1000 EXP (Gain EXP by passing judgement on a person)
Rank: Unique
Warning: Title “High Arbiter” required!
Once per day you may spend mana to lock levels of a target’s Class, at the rate of 250 mana per level. If you would reduce their Class level to 0 in this way, you may choose to reset their Class manually by spending an extra 1000 mana. Levels may be unlocked by fulfilling conditions you choose, whenever you please, or by earning the EXP needed to gain that level. Resets cannot be undone. This ability may be used as punishment for a geas, in which case mana costs are reduced by 50%. All effects of The Early Bird Gets the Worm are retained.
Make better choices next time.

Having finished looking those over, Lilith went to check out Meditation.

Level Max: 397 EXP (Stored) (Gain EXP by meditating)
Rank: Common
Enter a meditative state, increasing all regeneration by 1% while active.
Breathe in, breathe out.

Background Meditation
Level 1: 0/200 EXP (Gain EXP by meditating while otherwise focused)
Rank: Uncommon
It is now easier to maintain your meditative state while performing other activities.
A clear head is always useful.

Restorative Meditation
Level 1: 0/200 EXP (Gain EXP by recovering from conditions while meditating)
Rank: Uncommon
Your meditative state allows you to slowly purge conditions affecting your body.
Wholeness of mind, wholeness of body.

Lilith puzzled over this one for a while and decided to take a look down the list of abilities these meditations would eventually unlock. Unfortunately, all she was able to see was “data not found” under possible evolutions.

“Hey, Kali, why is the display telling me that data isn’t found when I’m trying to look down Meditation’s possible evolutions?”

Kali blushed. “Ah, right. So. That’s…sort of my fault? King’s Knowledge should tell you everything, but that’s only everything that exists at the moment. For Skills, that’s pretty limited because…well, the only ones that currently exist are ones you have and those they can evolve into. When I send the system out into the world, it’ll take stock of everyone’s abilities, even do a deep dive into history and see what people would have had, but it can’t do that until live release. I have a pretty good idea of what’ll happen, but not specifics. For Meditation in particular, Background Meditation will lead you down a path that lets you meditate in combat and will probably give some sort of buff while you’re meditating, and Restorative Meditation will focus on increasing the regeneration and health bonuses Meditation gives.”

“What would you two suggest?” Lilith asked.

“I, for one, think aiming for combat use is the right way to go.” Siph said immediately. “If you have time to take that break, you’ll have access to a healer or something. It’s best to have that edge.”

Kali thought about it for a moment. “She brings a valid point. However, I disagree with the availability of a healer. If you happen to be raiding a particularly nasty dungeon, are in the middle of a war or infiltration or something, there’s a chance you won’t have access to that healer, or they’ll be out of mana. It’s good to be self-sufficient. There are some other ways to go about this, though. While the evolution path branches, you can go back and pick up the other branches and have both at the same time instead of doubling up on the evolution you want. Or, you could try and manually figure out the Skill like you did with Meditation, but that’s a lot harder and has a chance to give a Skill that is inferior to what you would otherwise get. Or superior, but that’s all up to how you do it.”

“Once you become able to evolve the Skill after that, you would likely end up with three branching paths, the old two, and a new one for the variant you made. The new one might end up intersecting the old ones at some point, though.” She paused. “Well, that’s how it would normally work. For you, I’m not exactly sure. King’s Knowledge throws what I know completely out of the window, since, as far as I’m aware, you’re the only non-admin to have something like this, and it works differently than stuff the admins have.”

“I think I get it. Kind of.” Lilith said. “I can get Skill evolutions, or something close to them, by figuring out how to do it myself.”

“Right. But it’s harder. A lot harder. You have to really ingrain what you’re training yourself to do, you can’t just chance on the solution and get the Skill.” Kali paused again, thinking. “Ok, I can’t actually rule that out for you in particular, but I find it pretty unlikely. Fortunately, for this Skill in particular, you’ve got a shortcut. Well, will have a shortcut.” She winked. “We’ll get to that later, but I think I’ve got a way to get around the whole ‘hard to use while doing something else’ aspect of meditation, so if you’re going that route do it because you want the buffs, not because you want to meditate while doing other things.”

Lilith nodded. To her, it was becoming increasingly clear that Restorative Meditation was the better choice. Figuring out how to do Background Meditation on her own seemed easier – just practice meditating and doing other things – but she wouldn’t even know where to start on Restorative Meditation, and having reliable self-healing was attractive. So, she went ahead and got that skill, watching as the messages rolled in.

Congratulations, Meditation has evolved into Restorative Meditation!

Congratulations, Restorative Meditation has leveled up!

Lilith nodded in satisfaction. “Alright, I picked Restorative Meditation. I think that’ll come in handy in the future. But, more importantly, what’s up with the evolutions to Progenitor’s Skills? They seem…” She paused, struggling for the right word.

“Intense?” Kali offered.

“Yeah. The flavor text you put in makes them almost seem like something a villain would have.”

“I…might have gotten carried away.” Kali admitted sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. “Still, I think those will go a long way towards keeping the peace.”

“We’re going to have to raise my mana if we want me to be able to get any significant effects from this.”

Kali looked away. “Right. All the more important we get you that last Sin, then. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes, I’ve got the teleports ready to go.” A glowing circle materialized where she was looking, and Lilith put down her half-finished piece of toast. The circle closed. “No. Finish eating. Remember that from now on, no matter where you are, things move according to your schedule. The only exception is if I directly tell you otherwise. You’re the most important person in the room, understood?”

“Fine. Then, as the most important person in the room, I want to leave now. If it’ll only take a couple of minutes I can come back and look over what I get over breakfast.”

Kali smirked. “I’ll let it slide this once. But, in the future, you’re going to take your time, got it? You’re going to have to get used to this. A certain amount of posturing is needed if you want people to take you seriously.” The circle reopened, and Lilith stepped through. There was a moment of disorientation, and then she was suddenly in the middle of rocky, barren ground. Directly in front of her was a hole filled with animals, all standing stock still and looking vacantly forward.

You should be able to get them all in one fire breath. Torch them and then be on your way back.

Obediently, Lilith drew back and exhaled a stream of fire into the hole, watching her stamina and mana deplete as she did. A few seconds later she stopped and confirmed that she had received the Title. She turned around and walked back through another magic circle, appearing back in the room. “See, faster than taking a trip to the bathroom.” She said, sitting back down and grabbing the toast while she looked over the messages.

You have killed 50 assorted animals! Due to the proximity in time of the kills, the EXP has been merged and a bonus given. After all relevant effects are applied, you gain 103 EXP!

For killing 50 living creatures within 10 minutes, you have gained the Title Acolyte of Wrath. As you are the first to gain this Title, you gain the Achievement Original Sin: Wrath and the Title Original Sin: Wrath. Because you have the Title Original Sin: Wrath and there is no one currently holding Sin: Wrath, you gain the Title Sin: Wrath. Because you have the Title Sin: Wrath, you gain the Titles Disciple of Wrath and Embodiment of Wrath while ignoring the usual requirements. As you currently hold both Sin: Wrath and Virtue: Patience, you gain the Title Arbiter of Wrath and Patience!

You are eligible for the Title High Arbiter! Once the administrator has approved you, you will automatically gain the Title!

Congratulations, you have obtained the Skill Wrath’s Will!

Wrath’s Will
Level 1: EXP 0/100 (Gain EXP by killing many enemies in a short period of time)
Rank: Exclusive
After killing an enemy, gain a 20% bonus to all stats for ten minutes. Killing another enemy will add another 20% to your stats and refresh the timer. There is no maximum status increase.
You won’t like me when I’m angry.

Lilith looked to Kali, swallowing her bite of toast. “So, I need your approval or something?”

Kali nodded. “Yes. Before we go any further, though, I need to make sure you understand what you’re getting into. As a wise man once said, with great power comes great responsibility. Yours will be ensuring the transition is as smooth as possible. No one group will be allowed to rule over the others, and if it comes to it, you’ll be the only thing stopping them. You’ll have to make hard choices, possibly even fight those you’ve come to call friends in your short time at Tunem’s academy. You may have to kill one to save ten others. You will be a target of hatred, fear, gratitude, and perhaps even worship. After accepting this, your life will forever change. This is your last chance to turn back.”

Siph gently squeezed Lilith’s shoulder. “No matter what happens, I won’t treat you any different. I love you.”

Lilith turned to Siph, smiling. “Thanks, mom.” Turning back to Kali, she nodded. “In for a penny, in for a pound. I’ll do it.”

Congratulations, you have obtained the Title High Arbiter!

Due to the presence of the Title High Arbiter, all Acolyte, Disciple, Embodiment, Sin, Virtue, and Arbiter Titles have been removed! All Sin and Virtue Skills have merged into “Arbiter’s Arsenal”! You have temporarily regained the Sin, Virtue, and Arbiter series of Titles until someone more fitting for their position comes along! You have gained access to the Class High Arbiter!

Massive soul restructuring in progress! For your safety, you will lose consciousness until the process finishes!

EDIT: I realized that I forgot to add a very important detail of Parallel Processing in the bonus chapter. I've since fixed that, but here's the addition so you don't have to go looking: "Parallels have separate Classes and Class levels from the main consciousness and each other but share Racial Class levels, Titles, Achievements, and Skills. Skills gained from Classes are not shared unless the Skill is Unique or Exclusive. Only one Parallel can earn experience from a victory. Parallels can take levels in Unique and Exclusive Classes that are already in use by other Parallels or the main consciousness."

Alright, this is more what I wanted Chapter 24 to look like. That being said, I did upload a bonus chapter right before this, so check that out if you're interested in looking at the specifics of Lilith's unexplained Skills! I corrected quite a few errors to Status that I realized existed previously, as well as changed the style of Skill presentation to look a little cleaner (putting level on the line with EXP instead of the Skill name). Don't feel obligated to reread it, though. It was really just some stat increases that I forgot to apply and a level that I realized should have been obtained but wasn't.

Also, if you haven't already, go back and vote on the poll in chapter 23! Regardless of the outcome to that, though, next chapter will be Carmen. I don't want to have three relatively info box heavy chapters in a row, so I'll be splitting it up with Carmen. Sorry, people who want to know details on High Arbiter, you'll have to wait ;).

Last bit of bookkeeping before we talk about the chapter, I used a different style of boxing this chapter, choosing to merge all info boxes next to each other into one box, instead of breaking it up whenever a new Skill was looked at, so let me know which style you prefer!

Alright, so, first thing I really want to talk about is the 'league' Kali mentions. Because that made me struggle for a bit. Because, see, the most efficient way I thought of to gain a lot of kills or a lot of followers really quick for Wrath and Pride was ants. But, at the same time, that just sounded stupid for something as big as a Sin Title. So, I tentatively came up with this 'league'. The boundaries between 'leagues' are fuzzy, but you a rough divide would be microscopic organisms/insect-size organisms/larger organisms. Exceptions are made for particularly dangerous species of insect, mostly very poisonous ones, which are moved up a 'league' for when something kills them, but remain in their league for them killing other things, if that makes sense. Basically it's just to have a reason why some random exterminator doesn't hold Wrath.

That being said, if you're wondering about a Perfect Chimera's league, it remains the same as whatever their league was before they became a Perfect Chimera.

As for Racial Class evolution, don't expect to see that for a long time yet. Lilith's nowhere near that level, and once everything else gets the system, most easy evolutions will be taken straight away and thus be granted to Lilith automatically.

Skill Evolution should...hopefully be straightforward? Just think of it like a skill tree in an RPG. You can invest points in abilities later down the tree, but can always come back for earlier ones you skipped. And for learning the Skill on your own, I think that just makes sense. Skill evolution is more a fasttrack to the knowledge of how to do something than anything, and it's perfectly possible to obtain a Skill on your own if you have the required knowledge, so I see no reason you couldn't obtain the evolution of a Skill you already have with proper knowledge. It's more of a gamble for people who don't have King's Knowledge, but with that there's a lot less chance to get something worse than the evolution, and a lot greater chance to get something better.

And then we have the continuation of Kali trying to teach Lilith how to be a good enforcer. The only reason Kali allowed Lilith's little 'and I said I want to do it now' stunt is because Lilith actually "stood up" to her to do something Kali just said she didn't want. I look forward to developing Lilith a little more and getting her caught in the need to act arrogant and the deep-seated desire to not do so.

Then there's High Arbiter and the High Arbiter Skills.

Three guesses as to what's going to be similar between High Arbiter and Progenitor (The answer is that they're both incredibly broken Classes, by the way). There's no real reason Kali wouldn't make it busted, but it'll be busted in a different way compared to Progenitor's experience scaling. The Skills are gonna be just about as intense as the ones she'll get from evolving Progenitor's Skills, though.

Speaking of those Skills, you'll notice they seem quite inefficient. If you look at it from the angle of an enforcer being able to take away large amounts of a person's power as punishment, then Lilith isn't anywhere near the level that would be threatening to someone decently prepared. She just doesn't have the mana. I mean, a properly used geas would do the trick, but that'd also deal that same amount of damage to Lilith, which isn't ideal.

So, what gives? Well, Kali was withholding quite a bit of information on High Arbiter from Lilith. Not maliciously, she just didn't want to turn Lilith away from it because of a couple of...minor hangups that information would have caused. This won't negatively affect Lilith in any way, and Siph actually knows exactly what's going down right now and is totally on board with it. Carmen would also be totally on board with it, it's mostly just Lilith who would have those...concerns.

Anyway, I...think that's all? See you next week! Unless you leave a comment, that is. I do read all the comments, so if you leave one I guess that means I'll be seeing you a little bit sooner!